FLASH FICTION - Last Call For Valhalla

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

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This is my entry for @aschatria short story competition.
A 150 word story based on the above photo prompt.

Last Call For Valhalla

The ominous frozen figure appeared on the horizon, its forbidding magnitude obvious, even from the vast distance at which they now stood. It appeared exactly where she said it would be. But will it do exactly what she said it should?

The party marched across the frozen wasteland, inching their way closer to the emerging effigy. Aleksis thought he could hear his name being called. Perhaps it was just the bitter chill winds that snaked themselves around him. The fierce weather had been teasing and tormenting them all for days. And was it still trying to mask the truth? A truth which Aleksis had seen with his own eyes. A truth that grew steadily larger, towering now as it was, with each laboured step they took towards it.

He quietly thanked the gods. This was the place. He knew it. His heart knew it.

Could they finally be going home?

Thanks to @authorofthings at the @isleofwrite's discord group for editorial assistance.

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Image Source Pixabay (via the contest post linked above).

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Links to earlier works
Who is Naquoya

- Fiction
My Fiction Writing Collection
Writing Myself Out of Existence
When the Levee Breaks
Reality Fading

- Blog Posts
Notes #1 - #39 - Notes From An Amateur Writer Collection
Notes #40 - Read, Write, and Face the Future
Notes #41 - What Are Some Of Your Favourite Books?
Notes #42 - Website Review: Fiction University
Notes #43 - Seeking a Community Of Writers
Notes #44 - What Are Some of Your Favourite Characters?
Notes #45 - When Madness Came Knocking
Notes #46 - Why Do I Write?
Notes #47 - Books vs Movies: Who Wore it Better?
Notes #48 - Google Seems to Know Me too Well
Notes #49 - Conversation With My Multiple Selves
Notes #50 - Revisiting Childhood With Storm Boy and Mr Percival
Notes #51 - Some Of The Books That I Am Reading

-Ramble On (Humour based fictional travel blog)
#1 - Introducing My New Travel Blog
#2 - Making a Deal With the Devil
#3 - Getting Arrested, For Resisting Arrest

Altered Carbon - Richard Morgan
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - Stieg Larrson
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep - Philip K. Dick
American Gods - Neil Gaiman

My Poetry Collection


I'm honestly embarrassed to bother you with this, because when I look at your 66 Rep and all the awards and competitions you're winning, it's clear you don't need to hear from me. But anyway ... I'm here today to let you know your post Notes from an Amateur Writer -- Conversation with My Multiple Selves was included in my new curation project The Inbox Runneth Over.

You can find your featured post this link. Stop by when you have a minute and see what else I found along the trail. Your companions here are all interesting in their own way.

I know I'm late notifying you of all this, although I do note the people I include in Inbox in our Discord group for The STEEM Engine when I announce a new issue. Look for future acknowledgements to appear with you tagged in the publication announcement in the railway post office channel. (Running behind in getting comments written on actual blogs is pretty much standard for me, it seems. There are just not enough hours in the day.)

You'll see a vote for about $.80 done by betbuddha in your voters list here on this post. That's from me -- for the post mentioned above. That is well above what I could give you in a simple upvote myself ... and I want inclusion in Inbox to be known as a "rewarding experience." Also, I figure better you should have the $$$ than some spammer.

I know it's odd to get a vote on a post that should have gone on another post, but blame that on Steemit's 7-day payout policy. Also, there is an individual in Steemit who has made my ability to do this work and reward it this way much more difficult lately, but we work with what we have. (He's part of the reason for this strange arrangement.) Keep putting out quality posts, and I'll keep finding creative ways to encourage it. As I tell my husband when he yells at our pets, "It helps if you're smarter than the cat."


Never feel embarrassed to acknowledge another. Certainly not me. I am very happy to read this comment, and the efforts you go to to help disseminate other people's work. It is appreciated. I try to follow up every Discord notification, but not sure if I noticed that one or not (not sure why I wouldn't have, though). I will take a look now, especially to follow up with your other selections.

I did see that vote you mentioned, so thank you for that - very generous.

The path of no return. I feel it's a fate that they have resigned to, no matter the outcome. Such a wonderful flash fiction entry, mate! I feel like this doesn't need a prequel, sequel or even an expanded explanation. It's already amazing the way it is.

Truly glad that you like it. I worked hard on this, despite it's limited word count. I wanted it to stand alone just as it is. Thanks for your feedback.

I do hope you get the win for this one! I wanted to make an entry, but I couldn't think of anything I was happy with.

I tend to stay away from contests these days. But this story came to me after viewing the image, so decided to go for it. Contests are funny things - the quality of writing is what is being judged, yet often the quality of judging leaves me a little confused.

That's why a clear criteria is helpful. Subjectivity almost always ends up with disagreements. It's either a quorum of judges is required or objective rules.

I agree, and that's why I tend to avoid them here. Professionally run competitions I would consider, as they can be great avenues for exposure.

Ditto! I've avoided them to save myself from anxiety.

And annoyance.

The title immediately catches your attention

That's good to know. It started as just Valhalla, but felt too cliche. Hopefully it's not all downhill after that?

Defintely not, Aleksis (loved the name) organically grows on you in one paragraph

Thanks for the feedback. I don't do well choosing names normally, so I was determined to stay away from the normal selection. Glad it has appeal to you.

Anything Valhalla themed I am drawn to. I love flash fiction works but sometimes it's like teh last dry biscuit of ration for a starving man. You just want more.

I agree, generally flash fiction leaves me undernourished - even if it's written well. And I tried to give a complete experience here, despite the word restrictions. Normally, I prefer in the order of 1000-1500 word stories for Steemit.

Glad I could lure you in with the Valhalla reference :)

I was drawn in by the picture 😛

That's the Steemit motto - "Come for the picture. Stay for the story."

Yeah indeed I liked the story too, well I hope you win the contest 😉

Well than you sir :)

Another great write @naquoya :).

I couldn't do this like you do. You're really taking me to your world. ^^

Thank you, so glad you could feel this world that I wrote. Not easy in so few words, but I think I got there in the end :)

YOu got it really well. :)

Thank you.

This is just begging to be continued!

There could be a bigger story here. It's an interesting concept to consider. If only i could fit into my writing schedule :)

I like it (have I said this before?!). The story immediately stimulates the imagination.

Thank you :)
Stimulating a readers imagination is a writer's mission, so that makes me happy.

Oh lovely! I couldn't think of anything meaningful to fit in just 150 words, but you just did the impossible for me. haha. Loved how you infused so much meaning in just 150 words.

It's not easy to do a story justice with such a limited word count. But it teaches good writing discipline. Thank you for your great feedback.

I love how well you use questions to draw us further into the story. Glad you chose to participate in this contest, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to read this wonderful story.

I'm glad that style worked for you. It's a lot to try to get a full story into so few words, but I felt like the questions could help lure a reader in quickly. I liked how it turned out, even though it's not my usual style.

Sometimes breaking from our usual style produces something that surprises even us. And yep, the questions sure lured me in quickly.

Mixing it up can be a great exercise for creative writers. I agree.

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