Fiction - Silent Water - Chapter 14 - Supernatural Manifestations ( original story)

in #busy7 years ago

A man turned me around holding his lips and nose. I guess I smacked him really well. Luckily he was strong enough to pull me up before I have killed myself trying to jump from the attic on my head.

Previous chapters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

What is wrong with you!- he yelled at me while I was coming to my breath -Why are you running away from me?

Aw, crap! - he finally said seeing what I did to his face - Look what you did!

Please don’t say to dad. - I said regretfully but he twitched at my words.

But... his face turned from painful to enraged - I am your father!

I was looking at his face confused, then I grabbed my arm that was soaring and he instinctively went to see what is wrong with it.

Aw, dear! - he yelled out watching my arm - You broke your arm!

Something bit me…- I said

That is not bitten, your arm is broken - he dragged me to my mother.

My mother welcomed us at the garden door with her usual agitated pasture.

I told you to fetch water. - she frowned at us - But, not to sail to the village well to do it hahaha...

She is not well. - my father said lifting my swollen painful arm - I think she maybe broke her arm.

What!! - my mother shrieked grabbing my arm in the panic- How! Quickly, take her to the doctor!

Mother wrapped me in a thick blanket and father took me to the village to see a doctor immediately.

It doesn’t look like a broken arm at all. - a doctor said - More like a bruise...

I am so sorry... - my father was apologizing to the doctor for taking his time -- An arm looked like it was broken...

Just put some ice on it - doctor pinched my cheek - she is perfectly ok...

We went to the village center, my father went to the tavern, and sat me with our shopping basket to wait for him in the corner.

Give her a bag of ice for that! - my father said to the girl who was working at the bar. She turned around and took some ice from the ice box in the small bag.

How may I help you, little Lady!- an owner of the tavern popped up next to me while a waitress was serving my father.

I have ice. - I showed him my arm and the bag.

Ew! - he said cringing - That was a really big mosquito….

Yes! - I replied.

What would you like to have…? - he asked me.

Can I have an ice cream...? - I asked but an owner already informed me what my father had ordered for me.

Your father told me to get you a nice piece of a pie and some milk.. - he said smiling - Would you like that?

I nodded and he said to my father passing next to him. - Hmmm, what a wonderful pretty girl you have.

My father nodded at him and leaned onto a counter, facing his back to me, and obviously merely chirping with the girl.

An owner brought milk and a pie and left to his business. I turned into a chair watching my father who was flirting with that girl. He combed a few times though his hair and making faster motions than usual.

I was so busy spying at him behind the back of a chair that I didn't feel that somebody sat opposite to me.

Well, isn't he a flirty bastard - a voice said and I quickly turned facing a weird man sitting at my table.

His eyes were wide but deeply sat and the whole appearance gave a look of a rough sailor.

I resurfaced from my thoughts and in wonder looked at the man who was just preparing to fill his pipe.

May I join you? - he said with an utmost deep growl.

Next chapter coming soon...

Previous chapters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

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