Fiction - Silent Water - Chapter Ten - Supernatural Manifestations ( original story)

in #busy6 years ago


My father needed some help to clear all the mess and rubble. Our island was devastated by the storm. The windmill was entirely gone and it seemed like the whole metal construction was pulled away into the sea. There was no trace of it.

Previous chapters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

My father asked one of his friends to come to our little island to help him. A man came and he was a very nice decent person.

After a lunch, that friend came to see what I am drawing, and after a few moments asked me if he can show some of the papers to my mother. I told him yes and he went to her. He told her she has some nice drawings and paintings and how her daughter must inherit that talent, but my mother answered she never draws with me.

A man took a few papers to show to her - Madam - he said - these are not the paintings of the small child.

Yes but - my mother laughed at him - she draws all the time. Her entire room is covered in paintings. They are all like that. - she took a man in my room and show to him the painted papers that were covering an every inch of the walls.

Yes… When you have time... We were little bored.

Half of the paintings and drawings were clearly made by a child, but another half were not. A man exchanged a few words with my mother but I could hear a feeling of uncertainty in his voice, and then he returned to me at the table. I was still drawing.

He was showing a great interest to what I was doing.

Tell, - he said - did you draw this - he showed me a drawing and I answered yes, - What about this? And this? - Did he continue asking me for the drawings - No? Didn’t you draw this one? Who draw it? Your mom? No? Your dad? No.

A man who lives with us. - I said without any hesitation.
You mean, he comes to visit you. What is his name?

I watched at the shadow sitting across to me at the table. A shadow nodded and pointed towards the friend who was expecting an answer. - His name is Nobody and… - I continued as I was told - and he is invisible. You can’t see him.

Can Mom see him? - a man asked.
No. Just me.
So, where is he now? - dad’s friend continues asking.
Sitting at the table with me. - I said.
What is he doing? Does he draw with you?
No. He is smiling at you.
Smiling? At me? Why?
Maybe he thinks you are funny? - I said smiling at him.

Is this him? - dad’s friend asked showing me the one drawing which was clearly drawn by a child. - Did you draw this?
No. That one drew Nobody. - I said
And this one you drew? - He returned to one that was drawn by someone much older than me.
No. - I said - That was also him.

So, he draws .. all this? - dad’s friend was confused.
No, - I explained. - Sometimes he draws like me, and sometimes really nice. Depends on what mood he is.

Does he get angry at you? Does he yell?
Do your parents argue?
Yes, they do.
About what?
Food? Is food no good?
Yes, that too.
What else?
Food missing. They argue.
How is the food missing? Not enough food?
Nobody eats food they argue. - I said shortly.

My mother wasn’t feeling well being final stage pregnant so my father asked his friend to stay an afternoon with me till he escorts her to the dry land to see a doctor.

As soon they were out of the sight dad’s friend started to interrogate me again.

You can tell them - I told him - but they will never believe you. They will tell you, you crazy. You know. They will.

I was searching a sign of the recognition on his face, and his face was so familiar.

Fine. Tell me about the food. There is not enough fish, I see. But, you have chickens and you have the garden.
Garden is no good. Water was inside. - I said.
Yes. A storm brought salt in the soil. - a friend was telling me he knows about the trouble, but he had no idea about it.
No. Water climbed… - I left my pencil for a moment trying to explained to him what it was like.
Yes. I know. Seawater goes in the garden. No good anymore. - he was over simplifying. No point explaining. - What about the chickens?
Chickens are no good either. - I was thinking of what he said.
What do you mean? - he was confused with me in the same way I was confused by what he was telling to me.
Hens get a cat killed. - I said shortly.
Did they eat a cat?
No, my father drowned a cat. - I said – he was angry, cat cut my sister...
What?- a man snapped - Killing a cat is a bad luck! - he said and his breathing then changed – What sister?
Yes, he did. He even showed me how my arm broke.
Yes. With hand.
Did he show you anything else?
He killed a dolphin. Once…
You mean a big fish? A shark? - I think that killing dolphins was even bigger bad luck
It was a baby dolphin, it was breathing…
Nah… Now you are making it up, your father would never...

I was clearly remembering that day. A dark body was lain over the unfinished pier and my father smashing its skull with an ax almost vertically landing down. It was definitely breathing and squealing before him killing it…

Did you father… done anything else? Said anything else?
There was a fire. -I said also cutting his sentence short. - I remember. Flame up to there. - I pointed at the roof.
A fire? - his face suddenly changed.

Sweet Lord! - Father’s friend turned pale like a chalk. - Did something terrible happen here? - he was looking at my paintings and drawings - These are all ... - he looked better at the paintings - What are these things here? - he showed me one drawing.

Aw, those are the bones of those people.- I said and a man was visibly disturbed.

I don’t want even to start to explain what father’s friend thought about the things I just told him. And how many different conclusions he could make about it. He was staring at me with the eyes of a man who is too shocked to say anything.

‘Nobody’ was sitting at the table and for some reason, unknown to me, he took one of the cookies and started to crunch them in his mouth.

Father’s friend stepped away from the table turning his ear towards the direction of a sound.

What are you doing…? - he asked in disbelief and visibly afraid. He took a look at the table to see if I was maybe making a fool of him with funny noises. He stopped for a moment seeing another pair of the legs under the table and then slowly moved his face above the table. He came face to face with ‘Nobody’ who was staring at him with the blunt expression on the face.

Next chapter coming soon...

Previous chapters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9


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