Fiction - Silent Water - Chapter Three - Supernatural Manifestations ( original story)

in #busy6 years ago (edited)


After three long seconds of the silence, our guest stood up placing me on the floor next to him.

I think your mommy and daddy are sleepy, - he said with a voice that was everything but human - Let's put them to the bed. - He repeated with weird and less laud intonation. - Can you help me?

Previous chapters

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

He picked both of my parents like they are made of straw and placed them on the bed in the bedroom one next to another like they were sleeping. I even held the door for him.

They will be fine, they just need to sleep a bit. - he sat next to me on the floor - I will stay here with you and play, what do you like to play... he was talking and I was thinking what just happened was not normal. But, for the five-year-old child, pretty much the whole world looks that way.

Well, I said, I have my toys, I can show it to you - I brought my toys and the weird man kept me busy with that and then he asked if I have anybody to play with?-

I play with my toys… - I answered.

Don't you have any .. pets? Don't you have a dog?

A dog?

Yeah. I didn’t see that you have one when I came. That’s why I am asking.

No. - I said thinking what do all these questions mean - We don’t have any dogs.

Do you have any other brothers and sisters?

No, - I said - I have no brothers or sisters, just my cousins but they come in summer.

Aw, so you are alone then? - he asked - Would you like to come with me? I have children and you could play with them.

Children? - I asked and the bare mention of the other children’s company made my eyes shine like the little stars - How many? What are their names? Are they little like me?

You can't imagine the loneliness of a child doomed to a confinement of a small island for the next 10 months at the time. An eternity in nothingness. A small death. I would give anything to have a company.

Here I will show you pictures - and he opened a small book with lots of photos of a few children and their mother. - See, we have a dog. I can get you one. A small puppy. Just for you.

I watched the photos carefully, the whole range of possibilities was dancing in front of my eyes, but then … somehow… I noticed one little details and then I asked him - Why are you not in the pictures? -

He was just looking at me for a … maybe a minute, deadly serious.

You are not, in the pictures. - I repeated noticing that I just maybe said something I shouldn’t.

Aw, well, I took pictures - he said smiling - I can't be on them.

But, your wife could take one....- I said.


Listen...- he said - These people are not your parents, you can't stay with them - He tried to be convincing - You are not like them. They will find out. They will never love you. Please, you have to come with me. We can go now. My boat is on another side of the island on a beach, we can go with it.

I just came from that beach, there was no boat there. There was no place he could tie his boat either, so … How did he come?

But… -I said - My mom will miss me.

Aw, they will be fine. If you worry - he stopped for a while - I can even make sure they will be happy and not sad when you go away.

Why don’t you just… I stuttered - make your own family. And children. - I nodded at him - I will play with your children. I promise.

It is an overstatement to say how afraid I was at that moment.

I can’t have my own family. - he said deadly serious - I can’t have children. You can be my child. My daughter. I will never yell at you. I will never hit you. I will give you anything...

I said nothing but leaped towards the door, but I barely opened it to escape when he grabbed me.

In commotion to escape, I slipped and spread myself across the steps. Avoiding not to step on me he tripped and fell down hitting with his head at the yard fence.

I stood up and ran away not looking back. I ran on the shore and found one deep hole there. I crawled inside of it and shrunk into a fetal position hoping desperately he will not find me.

And then I heard my mother calling me. I was about to crawl out, but then I heard her voice changing into almost an animal growl. It was him. I pushed myself deeper into the hole, pushing my back as further I could until the dirt and rocks started falling on me and covering my whole. I buried myself alive.

I could hear angry growls and howl. I covered my head with both of my arms and tried to breathe as silently as possible, trying not to choke under the dirt.

I could hear the thumps on the ground, but those were not the human steps. More like an animal. He was running on all fours like a dog…

I hugged my head so hard that my brain started to ... burn.

Outrageous howls turned into high pitched shrieks and painful cries, something was happening outside.

It was menacing to listen that terror not knowing what is going on.

I just kept on squeezing my head with my arms and elbows. Fire inside of my skull. Fire and flames, and then it was silence.

Everywhere. Inside and outside. No sound. No motion. Nothing.

I was in that hole for an entire night, frozen to death by fear, dirt filled my mouth, my ears, and nose. Still, I was breathing slowly, trying so hard to be silent as a mouse, not to move, not to make a single sound.

Then I heard my mother calling me. My real mother. I dug myself out and ran to her. She was oblivious to anything asking me why I was out so early.

I couldn't say much but when I asked where is a visitor, she was confused and told me nobody came today. Or yesterday.

There was nothing to prove he was there. No blood where he smashed his face. My mother was on her best behavior giving me breakfast. Maybe I dreamed all that?

Next chapter coming soon...
Previous chapters

Chapter 1
Chapter 2


chapter-3 is so i interested in previous chapter ..
your story writing skill is so good..
follow you..

Yeah, a skilled author with a way of manipulating the plot to keep us asking, "What happened next?" Reminds me of Stephen King.
Following the story too.

the post is so awesome, I wish you a great day :-)

I have voted on your post on the behalf of @moneymatchgaming

Thanks for sharing your post on the MMG Discord

@ukuleletutorials an invite is expired, but thanks anyways.

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