UNGRIP - The Book (in progress)

in #book7 years ago (edited)

If you liked the film, you are going to love the book.  Prepare for a journey towards truth.  

(image used with permission from Ben Stewart)

 If you are not familiar with my work, then perhaps watching the Youtube documentary "UNGRIP" will be a wonderful introduction to what you are going to see within this book.  

In an effort to share over 15 years of research and experience, I've written three books.  The first is called 'Graduating Life with Honours' and is, in my opinion, the only information one needs in order to be free from the grips of the slave masters.  However, in an effort to expand on that art work, I've created two more pieces to help explain the concepts within my first book.  

'Soap Box in the Forest' is an examination of how to return to the land, build a relationship with Creator and Mother Earth, and learn how to be 100% responsible and accountable for ones life.  By providing for all the basic necessities of life, we are independent.  No longer in need of a parent, whether that be physical or fictional.  This book includes a 6 hour video workshop to help those who struggle reading and instead learn through visual or auditory modalities.

In my view, the treatise in these two books are an integral component before tackling what you will read in UNGRIP - The Book.  I am only about half done, but decided to compile the work in this post so that I can gather my own thoughts, figure out what else I need to write about and give you, the reader, a good overview of what this book is all about.  If you find there are topics you would like me to cover, please comment on this blog so that I can ensure those topics make it into the book.  Enjoy!  Remember, this is not a book to teach you how the system works or how to be an obedient citizen.  This is about self-governance and learning how the system works so that one can recognize the slave system for what it is.  It is about having the eyes to see and the ears to hear.  I am not providing legal or financial advice, but rather sharing with you the journey we are on to UNGRIP!

UNGRIP - The Book (in progress)


Our whole journey started with our son's vaccine reaction
I will add more into this intro.

Chapter One - Who Are You?

Graduating Life with Honours - Conscious Self-Governance in God's Kingdom
Who are you?
So, you want to change the world?
The struggle between the flesh and spirit
What is 'THE GRID'?
Slavery: One who is excessively dependent upon or controlled by something (Oxford dictionary)
Freedom is not free

Chapter Two - What is Canada?

Colonization started long before Turtle Island
What is CANADA? - Part 1
What is CANADA? - Part 2
Introduction to Modern Feudalism
An introduction to the Treaty issues on Turtle Island
English - the language of the modern slave
The mystery called 'Birth Certificate'
The body of the corporation

Chapter Three - Money and Banks

What is Money?
Dealing with Debt Collectors
So where does the value for Steem or bitcoin come from? What is the point of all this?
I will write more on commercial remedies, bonds, UCC, A4V and all that other 'stuff' and why we chose NOT to engage in all of it.

Chapter Four - Police & Courts

Don't Talk to the Police - Part One
Don't Talk to the Police - Part Two
'Battered Citizen Syndrome' is a condition that we need to take seriously
Learn how to speak Parseltongue aka legalize
An introduction to 'rights' and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - Search and Seizure
I have many more sections of the Charter yet to cover.
Court taught me about peace!
Deconstructing Meads v. Meads, 2012 ABQB 571
I may also write about searchable database on court cases

Chapter Five - Confronting the State

Ideas on how to keep the state out of your off-grid project
Confronting Alberta Child Protective Services
Exploring the hidden violence behind the ballot box
Confronting the Canadian Military for their violent incursion
I'll write about my three and only court cases (parking ticket, drivers license (DL) and DL & insurance case)

Chapter Six - Freedom from the State

The 5 pillars of freedom, independence and sovereignty ... that I've found so far!
What part of 'NO' did you not comprehend?
If we were to have another son or daughter, we would raise them VERY differently.
How current decision making is constrained, which leads to harmful decisions being made.
Figuring out what belongs to Creator and what belongs to Caesar
Where to draw the line
I still need to write about refusing service, declaration of peace, establishing law form and setting boundaries with the state.
I will also share some processes for supporting independence, such as proof of claim, return of process and other strategies that I've used.
In the spirit of full disclosure, I have yet to remove the land from the feudal demesne of the Crown.  That is what I am currently working on.  When I figure this step out, I will be adding it to this book.

Chapter Seven - Self-Governance

Why is self-governance so important?
Confronting the Barriers To Peace
Defining violence 

Chapter Seven - In the end, it always comes down to relationships

A two thousand+ year old war continues to rage on. Can we stop it?
Disclosure continues to unfold and it has consequences for those who engage in violence
Black Friday is black for a reason
Studying the Art of War so that we can practice the Art of Peace 

Chapter Eight - Additional reading material

Recommended Read: The Inconvenient Indian
Recommended Read: The Starfish and the Spider - The unstoppable power of leaderless organizations
There are many online documents that I want to share that will bring insight into the work that I have done here.  I will include these materials within this text when I have it all compiled so that people can educate themselves further.

Again, if you have any subject mater that you want to see in this book, please let me know.  I can also be contacted via steemit.chat, userid: @wwf if you want to have a private conversation with me.


good publication
thank you for sharing
New Year will enter tonight with midnight
We hope that it will be better than 2017 and that there will be more progress and prosperity
Happy year to all and we wish all the struggle and diligence in this year to realize your dreams
Let us make this year a beautiful and happy year for all

what you are doing it's worth a lot of respect... We are happy to have you with us because you give us 15 years of experience in a few words. And that's good for everyone ...One of my most important goals in the near future is to read all this.. I'm sure it's handy for me... I want to be part of your project, but I don't know how. . Thank you my brother @wwf
As a side note : I hope your son is okay.

My son is doing fine. He is walking around on his foot to some degree. He is healing quickly. The info is there in the blockchain now, so it is there for as long as the blockchain exists. Take your time. It is a journey and it must be processed not only intellectually, but also physically, emotionally and spiritually. The process takes a lot of time.

I asked you about your son because you don't write too much. I'm glad to hear that from you. I know it takes a lot of time.. That's why I have to start now..
thank you my brother @wwf

Just watched your movie UNGRIP. i watched this four or five years ago when i was at the start of my journey to self awareness. It was instrumental in my learning process. i didnt realise who @wwf is. it's like i'm talking to Bill Thornton or Robert Menard. LOL. Big thank you for the inspiration all those years ago.

lol. You are very welcome my spiritual brother. I've changed a lot since the film was made. I am grateful you found inspiration in the work. Sounds like you did a lot of study since then. I look forward to exchanging ideas and sharing!

I can't wait!
Your film changed my life. Before that, I was miserable most of the time thinking "is this it? This can't be it. Work some meaningless job, for pieces of paper, every day, just to survive? There must be more to life than this."
Your film made my eyes open to a beautiful new world, a new era in my life. It's put me at peace. Now I know that real life and freedom is possible, and have made it my life goal to "ungrip". Slowly but surely!!
Thank you for sharing it all with us!

@mommanatural, my heart warms hearing your reaction to the film. May I suggest that you may really enjoy my book 'Graduating Life with Honours', which I've published here on steemit.


I feel blessed that you reached out to me in such a beautiful way. When did you see the film?

May Creator bless you with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love.

Oh yes I've been meaning to read that! I actually have it downloaded from your website :)
I first saw your film in 2013, and since then our family has been researching and putting many off-grid alternatives to practice while we still live in the city. Your film basically re-wired my brain, in a great way, and I'm so lucky that my entire immediate family is following suit.
I'm gonna start reading that one tonight actually, thanks for the reminder!

You are so blessed @wwf. I can only hope that one day our efforts will bless and take us where we need to be!

Enjoy the read! I pray Creator blesses you with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love. Let me know your thoughts when you are done the book!

I have a feeling that i should start from chapter one to follow this story. But something that im sure even before starting to read from begining is that you put a lot of effort in it and thats what make it worthy of reading.
Will review the story when im done.

My friend, there is 15+ years of work with thousands upon thousands of hours of research in these pages. Enjoy!

Thats what make it worthy. Exprience isnt something that we find easily, thats what exactly withing these pages as you say. Thank you by the way

One can survive without parents as God has given the capabilities to His Creature this thing is making me more curious to read this book. On the other hand Chapter Seven seems wroth reading how can art of Peace be prmoted in a violent society to develop a meaningful society.

I would also like to understand the concept of self-governance in more practical way through your book @wwf

Pacem Arts (The art of Peace) is practiced DESPITE the violence in society who lives by the Martial Arts (The art of war). It just takes courage and will of spirit to walk that path. I hope you enjoy the books my friend. Peace to you.

you're an amazing Person@wwf

yu know what i will not write something long but still i will not write something short too .. i will just say this is amazing you should take it to the next lavel we are with you

When you wrote letters to people in "government" who were abusing you before you got your spirit name, how did you refer to your spirit?

When I first started the process I did not see myself as a spiritual being. Due to my own ignorance I started as a person, then moved to 'natural person'. Realizing that was not true either I then called myself human and quickly realized that was not who I AM. 'Man' was getting closer but I felt I was still missing something. About 4-5 years ago I had a run in with the police which got me thinking,

Am I a man looking for spiritual enlightenment or am I a spiritual being having a physical experience?

That put me on the path where I now recognize that I am more than I think I am. No word or term can define who I am as I am just starting to explore it all. So 'I AM that I AM' best describes who I am and is what I now use with my correspondence. With that said, I did open an email account with my spirit name just so that I can interact with the fictional constructs through that tool. That has served me well.

This post has been upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs

That's interesting, I will find time to read and digest it before making input(s) (if any). In the meantime, more ink to your pen ✒

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