What is Canada - Part 2

in #ungrip7 years ago

“In politics, nothing happens by accident.  If it happens, you can bet  it was planned that way.” - FDR

If you missed my first post "What is Canada?", you can catch up by reading it here.  

As I continue to explore this question, my next stop is to explore Prime Minister W. L. Mackenzie King as I found out he did a lot of shit to hoodwink the people in favor of the Rothschild's and their banking cartel.  

Most people don't realize that prior to being Prime Minister of Canada, King was a friend of John D. Rockefeller Jr.  This relationship should send chills down your spine as most of us now realize what the Rockefeller's did in the US as puppets of the Rothschild's in the UK.  King was a lawyer and worked for the Rockefeller Foundation prior to being PM as well.  So the relationship was tight between King and Rockefeller.  It is this relationship that I suggest was used to get the Rockefeller's and Rothschild's control over Canada.  

There was a whole bunch of things going on back then, so lets step through it.  Between 1887 and 1937, leaders from the colonies and dominions of the British Empire would meet at meetings called the Imperial Conferences.  King attended the 1926 conference, which is significant as these conferences started the negotiations with King George V for autonomy from the British Legislature.  These imperial conferences resulted in the British legislation most people call the 'Statute of Westminster, 1931'.  

This document is important as it broke the authority of the British Legislature over the legislatures in the colonies or dominions of the realm.  Specifically:

4. No Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom passed after the commencement of this Act shall extend or be deemed to extend, to a Dominion as part of the law of that Dominion, unless it is expressly declared in that Act that that Dominion has requested, and consented to, the enactment thereof. 

What that means is that the UK parliament could no longer pass legislation that would impact the Dominion of Canada.  As a result of this legislation, King George V had to re-issue a letters patent to create a new office of Governor General in 1931 as the legislation essentially dismantled the link between the Dominion of Canada and King George V.  As a result of that link being broken, it is proposed that the Statute of Westminster 1931 made the colonies sovereign! 

In 1945, Alberta MP Walter F. Kuhl stood up in parliament and gave a speech. In that speech he concluded:

  1. The provinces of Canada desired a federal union. 
  2. The Quebec resolutions provided for a federal union. 
  3. The bill drafted by the Canadian delegates at the London conference, also provided for a federal union, 
  4. The colonial office was not disposed to grant the provinces of Canada their request for a federal union. 
  5. The British North America Act, enacted by the Imperial Parliament, carried out neither the spirit nor the terms of the Quebec resolutions. 
  6. Canada did not become a federal union under the British North America Act, but rather a united colony. The privilege of federating, therefore, was still a future privilege. 
  7. The Parliament of Canada did not become the government of Canada, much less a federal government. It became merely the central legislature of a united colony, a legislative body whose only power was that of aiding and advising the Governor General as agent of the Imperial Parliament. 
  8. The British North America Act, as enacted by the Imperial Parliament, was not a constitution, but merely an Act of the Imperial Parliament which united four colonies in Canada into one colony with the supreme authority still remaining in the hands of the British government. 

If you want to read more about Walter F. Kuhl's work and the full text of his speech, there is a good document that was created and can be found here for download.  I would also recommend that you look up R. Rogers Smith as it is his research that influenced Walter F. Kuhl and Alberta's Premier Aberheart to exercise Alberta's sovereignty.  Part of that attempt at sovereignty was the issuance of Alberta's own currency, the 'Prosperity Certificate'. 

Mackenzie King fought long and hard to prevent Alberta's Premier from exercising sovereignty and Premier Aberhart did eventually give up on the idea.  The idea of sovereignty came as a result of the Statute of Westminster 1931 and proves the idea had merit.  

Mackenzie King then went on to nationalize the Bank of Canada in 1938 and was the signatory to Canada joining the UN in 1945.  This is significant as the UN came about as a result of World War II and the UN building was built on prime real-estate that was donated by the Rockefeller's in New York, partners in crime with the Rothschild in UK.  Because King was good friends, it was easy to bind 'Canada' into their idea of a global government by Canada being a signatory to the UN.

But more importantly, I wonder if Kuhl's 1945 speech in Parliament was a threat to the King/Rockefeller/Rothschild plans which resulted in a very unusual event.  In 1947, King signed a letters patent to create the office of Governor General.  This document over wrote the letters patent that King George V wrote in 1931 just after the Statute of Westminster was passed.  This 1947 document concerns me greatly as a letters patent is usually signed by a sovereign.  

When a sovereign issues a letters patent, it is signed “under the Royal Sign Manual and Signet” (formal name given to the autograph signature of the sovereign).  If the sovereign him/herself does not sign the document, then a warrant is issued by the sovereign, authorizing another individual to sign the document on the sovereigns behalf.  If the warrant was issued, then the letters patent would read "By warrant under the Royal Sign Manual".

However, this 1947 letters patent (link found here)  was signed:

Prime Minister of Canada 

For me this is highly unusual as a Prime Minister does not have the authority to issue a letters patent and this document does not contain the text to highlight the authority came from the sovereign.  It is usually the sovereign or governor general by warrant under the Royal Sign Manual that issues letters patents.  To have a Prime Minister over ride the Kings letters patent and issue his own is, in my opinion, a coup d'etat!  King George VI did not sign nor authorize anybody else to sign that letters patent!

Because there was no dejure (legitimate) government as a result of the Statute of Westminster 1931, King decided to create his own.  He had to, otherwise the ideas that R. Rogers Smith, Walter F. Kuhl and Premier Aberheart were exercising could have grown and would derail his plans and the world governance plans of his friend Rockefeller and Rothschild.  As a result, the office of Governor General is a defacto (illegitimate but in effect) and the current government of Canada knows it!

This problem was attempted to be resolved with Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau reversed the Statute of Westminster 1931 when he re-repatriated the Constitution Act 1982.  In that act, section 4 of the Statute of Westminster was repealed, meaning that British legislation again applies to the Dominion of Canada and sovereignty is now off the table again.  But it still results in a defacto government and the coup continues to be hidden from the people.  

All that is required now is a dejure government to step in and take over.  But who would that be?  Either the people need to hold a constitutional referendum to create a constitution OR the indigenous peoples need to re-assert their sovereignty and re-install their land based, ancient custom of natural governance or each individual take up the duty and responsibility to self-govern and wait for this whole mess to sort itself out.  


thank you so much for your informative blog

Golden, well researched! It seems like an ocean of monotonous legal writing to dig through. Do they write it so boring and odd on purpose so that no one wants to read it?

It is hidden in plain sight. The problem is that you need to dig through a mountain of shit to find the gems. Many have gone before me. I've spent thousands of hours over the last 13 years doing research, reading, visiting law libraries, etc to figure out for myself. I'm sure there is still lots hidden. Not for everyone.

Well I thank you for sorting through all the mountains of shit. I hope I will also in the future, though at this point I have a better time with ancient history then law. Law and math are similar for me, in that they don't make a tiny bit of sense with the wording lol. Common sense helps me figure out some of the redic shit!

I am grateful that my IT training in programming in the 80's helped me to deconstruct legislation and regulations as they are created in similar ways. It is not for everyone and they did that on purpose!

hmm indeed, that is one of the main problems with government I think. It is entirely disconected from the people it supposedly serves, and if you want to get anything done it takes way too long. The real world works faster then passing bills that take years and all that jazz. I think I prefer talking to people who know about it, and even talking to people in the government, helps me understand it and the bullshit better.

My community is coining the idea of making out own ID, I wonder if we could even use it? Any thoughts on that?

There are lots of groups that are doing that already. The only problem is that the state does not 'recognize' those documents. You could use it within your community, but the government won't accept it.

But with blockchain technology people could authenticate themselves with others with a decentralized 'authority'. But in the end, I AM that I AM. Any document, process or certificate we use is still a fictional construct. I AM my own authority. Let my yes be yes and my no be no.

good points, if only we did not need ID to buy certain things and go places, its kinda of redic honestly. Being ones own authority is the only thing that makes sense. I do not think everyone is mature enough for that though

Sadly I agree. So we have a lot of work to do!

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