'Battered Citizen Syndrome' is a condition that we need to take seriously

in #ungrip7 years ago (edited)

It may seem odd to compare our relationship with the state in the same breath as a domestic relationship with a spouse who is abusive, violent, controlling and manipulative.  But when we take a look at the symptoms, a stark reality sinks in.  'Battered Citizen Syndrome' (BCS) is something that we need to explore if we want to find freedom.

BWS is dangerous primarily because it can lead to what some scholars say is "learned helplessness"  – or psychological paralysis – where the victim becomes so depressed,  defeated, and passive that she believes she is incapable of leaving the abusive situation. - family.findlaw.com

You can read all about 'Battered Spouse Syndrome' on line if you wish.  What I want to focus on is the 'learned helplessness' that is associated with BCS.  Every state in the world depends on the coercive power of the courts and physical violence of their military and police in order to maintain control and order.  A hint of this agenda can be found in the Letters Patent that formed the Office of Governor General of Canada where it stated: 

 IX. And We do hereby require and command all Our Officers and Ministers, Civil and Military, and all the other inhabitants of Canada, to be obedient, aiding, and assisting unto Our Governor General 

Obedience does not make a healthy relationship.  Agent 'X' said it best in the film 'JFK' when he said:

 The organizing principle of any society, Mr. Garrison, is for war. The  authority of the state over its people resides in its war powers. - 'X' (JFK film)
 Well, they've been doing it all through history. Kings are killed, Mr. Garrison. Politics is power, nothing more! - 'X' (JFK film)

If we are to be blunt with ourselves in regards to our relationship with the state, we must recognize that the state depends on coercion and violence to govern.  As a result, the citizens are terrified to leave the relationship.  People complain about crippling taxes, crushing debt, police brutality, war crimes, poverty, etc but seem blind in recognizing that these are actually the symptoms of a physical, emotional, mental and spiritually abusive relationship.  NOBODY deserves to be treated this way and we are all a party to the violence because the people that wear the masks that engage in this level of violence, do so with our own consent and authority.  

In the past 100 years, there has been a deliberate and concerted effort to make the citizens so dependent upon the state and their corporate minions that most people cannot live without some form of benefit or privilege granted to them by their violent master.  If anybody does manage to escape the control and intimidation, then physical harm comes to bear on them.

This 'learned helplessness' has been a deliberate act against the freedom, independence and sovereignty of the individuals on this planet.  However, life does not have to be this way and getting out is challenging ... but not impossible.

@larkenrose writes here too if you are interested in his work as well.  

The examination of this relationship shows just how tenuous the state's control over the people really is.  The state engages in false flag operations to scare the shit out of the people just to maintain control.  This is no different than an abusive spouse beating the shit out of their partner or even killing them.  

It does not matter how many times they apologize, the behaviour always continues.  Remember the apology to the Japanese for being interned during the world wars?  How about the apology for the Chinese head tax or the residential schools?  Yet reserves are nothing more than internment camps for the indigenous, Child Protective Services is residential school version 2.0, legislation contains punishments and benefit withdraws for non-compliance, jails run for profit in the US are full of millions.  These are all examples of an abusive relationship that must end if we are to find peace and prosperity.  

My blog examines these issues with our relationships as life here on this planet is ALL about relationships.  We are in a spiritual kindergarten, learning how to get along.  I'm not advocating killing the king.  I'm advocating walking away from the king and learning to self-govern.  As this idea spreads, the king will have no choice but to abdicate.  He/She will pout, throw a temper tantrum and do all kinds of nasty things to threaten, intimidate or even physically prevent this from happening.  But there is nothing they can do to stop it.  

But just like Battered Spouse Syndrome, BCS requires a strategy to allow people to exit safely so that they can then find the courage to make the move.  My wife and I are almost finished extracting ourselves from the abuse and it has been a relatively safe process.  I really do believe that taking a highly spiritual path through this gauntlet is what protected us from retribution.  As we are spiritual beings, standing in that authority, power and jurisdiction has served us well.  

In the end, the power rests in the hands of the individual.  We try to give it away, but it always results in corruption, war, poverty, pain, violence and coercion.  The power of the individual should only be governed by the individual.  


This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes.

Funds are being raised so that in the future we can help families fight the system and stay together. Your UPVOTE of this comment will support this cause.

I have upvoted and resteemed you from the @familyprotection account.

Next time that you talk about CPS or the issue of governments stealing/kidnapping our children, you could add our tag #familyprotection so that we can find your post quickly.

Just this morning I was discussing with my friend who went through hell and back with Social Services, how she suffers from something like PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) still today even though the events of her child kidnapping happened over a decade ago.

She and I are composing her story to share here on Steemit. As she tells me her story, she relives it in front of me and I feel like I am living with her right in the moment.

These governments have to STOP traumatizing their citizens in such ways.
Thanks for talking about this here on Steemit.

Thank you for letting me know. I've actually talked about this subject many times already. I will endeavor to add the tag. I agree with you and support your effort through awareness and educating people to stand up and confront the state. I look forward to reading the post about your friend. Please send my thoughts and prayers as I pray her healing is gentle and that her story helps others who are experiencing the same things.

Thank you for the work you are doing!

We wrote the post. The first story is not about her own family, but about a friend.
It is heart-wrenching.


Wow...alway nuggets in your sharing @wwf. Thank-you kindly for this golden morsel. You've helped me understand what I went through for many years. And, what i am now untangleing and healing. BSS. I had no idea it had a name. The psychological paralysis is so real. I knew it was happening. Despite knowing it was not my true nature. I could not break away from it for 15 years. But, my prayers were answered and divine intervention manifested and I am free. I will check out the comments. I see there are many. Good blessings @wwf. Much gratitude. My stomach feels hallow. Just wow.

I am grateful you found a way out of the abuse and are on a path of healing. It takes a lot of courage to do that. Bravo to you. May Creator bless you with further healing so that you find prosperity in your life with plenty of peace, freedom, joy and love! <3

An interesting view on the political system. Love Agent X's description myself... no one can find flaw in it.

On the other hand, politics is power, and power comes from money. Because once again people seem to think money is the root of everything worth it, and their culture of scarcity - cultivated by our overlords - tends to format their thinking.

Having said this, this means we are in this abused relationship not because of despair, but because we fail to think for ourselves.

Cheers, good post.

I agree with most of what you said. I'm not sure if I agree about power coming from money. Money is merely a representation that we give it through our value or desire for it. In my view, power comes from spirit and our willingness to surrender that power and authority to others because we lack the will or ability to govern it ourselves. Money seems to hoodwink people with the allure of the acquisition of physical things and to get people to do our bidding as our slaves. It is too easy to manipulate people when they value that which one has possession of.

Now here's the thing, I mean power comes from money because the masses believe it does. It's like money having value, it has value because the masses believe it has.

Now, as long as people believe that power comes from money and that is the panacea to heal all things, it will be a source of power and greed. Hence why the way we see money has to change.

I AGREE!!! Thank you for clarifying the intent of your post. That is why it is so important to help people work through where our true source of power and authority comes from. <3

Great post! I was thinking that technology is the "instrument" that can help us to become self-govern, I mean the Internet gave us the possibility (one of many) of instant communication over long distances and the block-chain a new monetary system (of course that the block-chain technology can be used for other aspects also). We tend to forget that knowledge (be it medicine, engineering, etc.) gave us a better life and that the ones in power are not the most knowledgeable persons (e.g. they're not scientists... I know it's not the best argument...).
Another thing that we forget is that we are the ones that create value in this world, be it through manual or intellectual labor.
Currently, we have the technological capacity for self-governing.

I agree, we have amazing creative force at our disposal and the authority leverages it for their own gain. The tools that we see unfolding will assist with the journey, but in the end it still requires that we do the work and find that capacity for self-governance within our own hearts. As with any tool, it only reflects the intent of the individual using it. As you said so well, the internet has opened up instant communication, so now we can share ideas with one another without constraint. Ideas are bullet proof and that is what the powers that be fear the most ... and most individuals fear it too.

It will be a journey and I am grateful that you are excited about it! Peace to you @razzek

You will find the templates identical, yes. Excellent point and I've come to this conclusion also along the way of this path of discovery.

And this relation really is an obligation by State.

The adult/parent and child/parent problems change over time.

Compelling kids to remain with abusive parents is akin to relation with abusive States.

States fail to realize that victims don't leave to serve justice. They need to act.

excellent post

that jfk scene reminds me of scenes from snowden...

the united states is a lot like the saviors in the walking dead, you have to say you are negan when asked. on about 20 topics that are very real ongoing disasters for our country, you are expected to ignore them in polite conversation and any actual rage is considered low class or an actual physical problem with your brain.

the ability to get decent information for discussion and have the time and inclination to come to any conclusions, is just something that doesn't happen for most people. ive met a lot of people i tried to increase my trust relationship with, and they just demonsrated they couldn't handle even the basic stuff. ive lost a lot of friends this way. i think ive encountered government agents in very personal ways also, check my blog.

the i am negan thing plus the surveillance thing plus the media thing plus the payiing rent thing yes, depoliticizes most people and so many of the ones who remain politicized are so poorly informed they are simply chaotic elements that can be focused easily by fascists.

i am warning everyone about google, reddit, facebark, apple and microsoft in particular. like conde naste gobbled the print magazine industry, facebkrkr and gorgle have eaten most of what we once knew to be silicon valley. i worked at a very well funded net security firm with offices in the SF financial district and they relied on gorgle completely for their communications. and slack. and were going to get some windows 10 system.

i interviewed at a military base, they took things seriously, cell phones locked and in metal boxes outside the room. that's a start, i can at least believe you're being serious.

i think the first thing and best thing i can contribute to is advising people on how to regain their own privacy, because nothing is going to change when the government can use dirty tricks to destroy every citizen movement in its infancy. we need groups of friends that are resistant to infiltration and all manner of crap that the government now thinks its legal to do to their citizens. captives are locked without trial in coast guard vessels for months at a time, there is a secret police torture center in chicago and who knows where else.

if there is some sort of pseudo government operating according to byzantine extra-constitutional legalese, often referred to as Continuity of Government, we need to take it down. The state governments are the continuity of government, not some shadowy spy network of secret bunkers.

your post got me going, thanks for that lol

keep it upt

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