Don't talk to the police

in #ungrip7 years ago

Before I get into my commentary, I think it is important that we are all familiar with a few concepts.  Keep in mind that these videos were made in the US.  Other jurisdictions may be different and you need to know what those differences are.  Under no circumstances should anybody take this post as legal advice.  I AM not a lawyer.  If you want, you are always welcome to contact a licensed lawyer to obtain legal advice.  I am sharing this information for educational purpose only.  In the end, you are always 100% responsible and accountable for your own actions or inaction.  

Observations from the films

Anything you say may be used against you but never for you in a court.  Police are not there to serve and protect you, they are there to collect information and lay charges.  That is their job.  To expect 'justice' or anything else is putting expectations on them that they cannot fulfill and will always result in your disappointment with them.    

They are allowed to lie except on the stand.  However, lying is such a big part of their job, they end up being professionals at it and I've heard many stories of police lying on the stand too.  They make mistakes and because of that, the people are supposed to be the checks and balances for the police.  As such, it is each citizen that is responsible to ensure that the police are acting in honour and fulfilling their duty, not some police ethics commission.  When the citizens fail in their duty, the police go rogue and that is exactly what we see happening today.  

Police think people are stupid.  Because of this bias, their attitudes towards people can be condescending and even belligerent.  To be fair, they are also under a tremendous amount of pressure, especially over the last 10 - 20 years.  Many municipalities have come to see their police force as a revenue generator and profit center.  As such, they are putting tremendous pressure on their police forces to issue as many tickets as possible so that the politicians can pad their budgets in order to accommodate the demands of the populations that they govern.  As a result, they struggle to fulfill their other duties as well.

My friend got robbed a few years back.  He was talking to the RCMP officer and found out that he was going to work a bunch of overtime off the clock when he was finished investigating the robbery.  He had to meet his quota of tickets.  They do indeed have quotas of tickets and arrests.  As a result, the spirit of the 'law' gets corrupted.

If you noticed in the last film, how the lady kept the police out of her home, the one thing not covered is how the police even got to the door to knock.  There is a principle called 'implied consent to knock', which gives the public the right to enter onto somebodies land to be able to knock on your door.  This consent can be removed by putting a gate at the property line.  I spoke of this idea in more detail in an earlier post.  

But what are the police really?

Years ago, during the feudal days of Europe, the king would issues specific tenures.  Knight Tenure:

Knight-service was a form of Feudal land tenure under which a knight held a fief or estate of land termed a knight's  fee (fee being synonymous with fief) from an overlord conditional on  him as tenant performing military service for his overlord. - Wikipedia

The term is no longer used, but the idea still remains.  Knights are still around and you can identify them by the 'Sir' before their name.  That is why, when people call me 'sir', 'mister' or any other title, I correct them.  Because I removed myself from being a serf of the Queen, I have no titles.  A title is something granted to a serf from his / her sovereign master.  The title of Constable, Sargent, Detective, Inspector or even Chief are the modern day terms used for the Knight Service of old.

An individual wanting to be a police officer will still swear an oath of fealty to their master, much like what the knights of old did.  Upon this oath, they swear to 'serve' the Queen (look up the word 'serve' in my last post) and keep her secrets as well.  Police DO NOT swear to serve and protect you, they swear to serve and protect the Queen and her interests.  The people are, in fact, viewed as being a threat to her interests and as such the state is at war against the people.  

Police Act of Alberta

Police are a para-military force occupying the land

For thousands upon thousands of years there has been no police here on Turtle Island.  However, in 1873, the North West Mounted Police (NWMP) was created to establish law and order.  The Kings law and order!  In my view, the Crown viewed the treaties as succession treaties, where the indigenous viewed them as peace treaties.  But with succession, the Crown needed to move in their military to 'occupy' the land with force.  This occupational force is still here and peace is not their mandate, law, order, occupation and the obedience of the serfs is their mandate.  

Any threat to their ability to occupy the land is viewed as a threat to the Crown and is dealt with violence.  These people carry weapons where ever they go, so they are not being peaceful at all.  Great caution must be taken when dealing with these individuals as their duty is to resort to violence in order to lay charges and collect service dues, taxes, etc.  

Real Peace Keepers

If an individual is truly interested in keeping the peace, he / she would not engage in violence.  It requires a great deal of courage to confront others who are at war as the vast majority of the people on this planet are, as subjects / citizens of the state.  Peace keepers recognize that to make peace requires strong inter-personal skills, communication and abilities to help people resolve disputes in a peaceful way.  A peace keeper is dedicated to the principles of spirit, which is love, peace, freedom, prosperity, etc.  To engage in violence to prevent violence is not peaceful.  

Yes, there are many people out there that have a real hard time with this.  Their view is that violence must be met with violence, but I do not share this view.  I will write a more detailed blog entry about this.  Until then, I let the contents of my blog, from start to finish, be my testimony against violence and that peaceful co-existence and non-participation with violence is the only way we are going to work through the violence in our lives.  

When we report our neighbour, all we are doing is resorting to violence against our neighbour.  We all recognize that the police have authority to use violence and by tattling on our neighbour we too then are resorting to violence through a proxy like a police officer.  It is not peaceful and prevents us from learning how to resolve our own disputes.  It also prevents us from engaging in forgiveness as well.  

We are the source of violence we see in our lives.  I rebuke the monopoly on violence that the state uses to maintain control over the people, land and resources.  I condemn the occupation of this land and advocate the withdraw of forces so that the people can learn to govern in peace and freedom.  I encourage peace keeping at all levels, a long lasting peace, not the type of order that the state works towards.  

I don't trust anybody that would resort to violence as it makes them lazy and blind to how healthy relationships are formed.  I am proud to say that through 18 years of effort, I have been confronted with police on a few occasions and have resolved the incidences peacefully and without violence on my part.  My efforts have curtailed their capacity to engage in violence, which limited their actions significantly.  I've never been arrested or in jail despite my activism for peace.  

Having the military do a withdraw has also demonstrated the power of my position as well.  It requires spiritual fortitude and a burning desire for peace.  It requires a lot of work to find the peace within, so that it can be expressed outwards towards others.  

Peace is valuable to obtain but is a very chaotic process.  That chaos is what scares people and they turn back for authority and order.  But if we can have the courage to move past the chaos and avoid the temptation for authority and order, we will find peace!  Requires a leap of faith!

As I am no longer a citizen, owner, resident or any other 'term' they use, I let spirit guide me should I encounter police as jurisdiction is very important to them and me!  If you read my book, you would know what I mean by that statement.  


I work everyday to try and look inside and work on my own peace, and I try my best to help others around me at least see their violence for what it is. Peace and Liberty are chaotic, Dionysus is called Liber for a reason. Though, maybe he is not the best example of peace, that is for sure. lol.

greek mythology is not incredibly peaceful

I agree, peace and liberty is chaotic and that scares people. They want order, not chaos. But with order comes control and coercion. It is a catch 22 situation. But I find comfort in the chaos within my own life. It can be done!

I as well enjoy the chaotic side of things. Have you ever learnt about Nitsche and the Apollo/Dionysian thing? I find it interesting to say the least, especially his philosophies and his view of humanity.

No, actually I've never heard of them. I'll look them up. thank you. more reading! lol I need a thousand life times to absorb all the books and reading that I'm interested in!

I agree on that, my need for more knowledge is never sated. He is a super cool and sorta rebelious philosopher of the past.

thats a great post.

keep it up

thank you

Thank you I have seen the full video of your post. You always share exceptional videos with us.And while your posts are always educational topics, I will always remember that you will always share learning with us. @wwf

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