The mystery called 'Birth Certificate'

in #ungrip7 years ago

We were all taught that the 'Birth Certificate' (BC) is our proof of identity and it is often required when we interact with the state or when getting other forms of identification (ID).  Without it, we cannot receive any benefits or privileges from the state.  

When my dad passed away, I got his BC.  The way names are written makes a huge difference to the state and helps them identify their property.  That red number on the bottom also has significance too!

I have found over the years that the truth of this document is clouded in mystery.  Many researchers over the years have worked hard to reverse engineer the system to get to the truth.  I include myself in that list.  So what is it really about?

I don't know for sure.

But I can make an educated guess based on what I've found and my own experiences with the document.  In my book 'Graduating Life with Honours' I wrote about modern feudalism and how the modern state functions on these old principles.  The only difference is that the terminology has been changed to hide what is really going on.  When our parents got married it was a 'legal' marriage.  What that means is that it is a three party contract between husband, wife and the state.  The state grants a feudal tenure to the couple and in return it gets any proceeds from the union, also known as their off spring.  When the baby is born, the father and mother sign a document and send it into be 'registered'.  The regis (king) then claims legal title of the property.  The registry is a 'book of record' and in feudal terms is the scroll upon which the court is responsible for maintaining the records. This scroll was founded in 1066 when the Domesday Book was created to inventory all the property in the kings demesne (domain).  The courts are responsible for maintaining these records.  The parents have a duty to inform the king and turn over title when the baby is born as part of the terms and conditions of the feudal tenure granted to them when they got married.

Ever heard of the saying that possession is 9/10 the law?  The 9/10 is the equitable title in a thing and the 1/10 is the legal title.  The state holds the legal title within their modern Domesday Book when ever we turn over that title through the process of registration.  We then hold the other 9/10 equitable title.  That is why we can sell houses and cars without getting permission from the state, but if anything legal transpires, the state will take them away from us, with force if necessary.  They do that by exercising their authority and power of the 1/10 legal title!  They take babies with the same methods and is the foundation of the legal authority that Child Protective Services (CPS) functions!

I know of a fellow and his spiritual wife (no legal, 3 party marriage) in California that did not register their baby.  Police raided their camp located on public land.  He was charged with child endangerment and a bunch of other charges.  But they returned the baby to his mother in 30 minutes.  Why?  Because it was not theirs.  They did not have legal title to seize their property.  He got off on all charges easily by refusing to identify as a person but rather as a spiritual being.  A more detailed story for another day.  If that baby was registered property, they would have taken the baby on the spot!

There are people out there that are suggesting that this certificate also has a bond created and attached to it.  The intent of which is to raise money for the state on the premise that they can collect taxes through the life time of the individual who uses the BC, to take advantage of the future energy the individual will produce.  After all, you need a BC to get a SIN/SSN card.  This bond is then capitalized, turning a debt instrument into an asset, issued a CUSIP number and traded on the open market.  You can do your own research on all this stuff.  I don't believe this to be true.

What I know to be true for me is that these documents are not mine.  I did not create them.  The state and other parties created them and as such they hold the copy write and ownership on these documents.  Any attempt by me to claim what is not mine is fraud.  There are many people out there engaged in processes to gain access to the 'value' of these accounts.  I urge great caution when engaged in these kinds of activities as I believe taking what is not ours is theft!

Many people have gone to jail when engaged in these highly complex commercial processes to get their bills paid for through these secret accounts.  I refuse to participate in these processes as they are 100% fictional constructs and are not founded on spiritual principles!

I have also heard people suggest that the BC only records the 'event' rather than being tied to the actual vessel (body) of the baby.  These individuals then apply for the 'Registration of Live Birth' to then use it as a tool for other processes.  Again, I did not do any of this stuff.  For me, I recognize the BC as a feudal tenure and a link to the regis / king.  

I have one master, Creator of the heavens and the Earth.  As such, I refused to have any tie to the king and I returned all the documents back to the rightful owner.  Many of the documents I once held even said that they were the 'Property of the Government of Canada' or 'Property of the Government of Alberta'.  So why would I hold onto stuff that is not mine?  

There is a movement to not register the events of babies being born and I fully support those that do this.  In my view, the parents are freeing their babies from being the property of the king and instead raising them as free individuals.  That will require that anybody who refuses to be subjects are responsible for looking after themselves.  No benefits, no privileges.  That means the parents have a duty to teach these young spiritual beings how to be 100% off the grid and completely self sufficient.  Returning to the land is paramount in these cases as it was with mine when I sent all the paper documents back to the state.

I know that our free will choice to claim the BC and identify ourselves with it is enslaving us to the state.  Like I shared in my last blog post, the judge did not have jurisdiction without a BC!  He could not hear the case unless I joined myself to the name on the BC.  That is why names and birth dates are so important to the courts, police and bureaucrats.  They need a name and a birth date, both pieces of information found on the BC.  I refuse to join myself to it and have been successful for nearly 10 years!  I was not birthed like some sort of ship coming into port.  I AM a spiritual being in command of this physical vessel that was born of a divine feminine being.  Words are very important and we really need to study them in detail to unwind ourselves from the feudal slave system.  

So what is a BC?  I believe it is a feudal document that allows the king to claim people as property and hold them as feudal serfs (subjects) and govern them as legally dead children who need lawyers to speak for them.  But they can only do this with their free will consent.  However, when we grow up and become adults and provide for our own needs, we can detach ourselves from that tenure, refuse to provide service to the king and free ourselves to live our own lives in freedom.  To do this requires a great deal of knowledge and the ability to take care of ones own needs as the benefits and privileges of the state are no longer available to us.  

That is why living off-grid is so important for those who want freedom.  I see so many people claiming freedom and are still completely dependent upon the state and it's corporate empires for their very survival.  This does not make sense and is no wonder that people get into trouble when they try to stand up for freedom.  If we want freedom, then we have to take 100% responsibility for our lives and provide for ourselves and no longer be dependent.  Freedom is hard work, no excuses, no blaming others and most importantly requires peace!  

Off-grid living is a key and foundational principle of freedom.  It requires we remove all our dependencies from the state and it's corporate empires.  Most people miss this step and get into all kinds of trouble.  

I am not a lawyer and as such I cannot provide legal advice.  I share this for entertainment and educational purposes only and leave you, the reader, completely responsible for your own life, choices, actions and inaction!


I have a question, because we're going through this right now. @hendrix22 (Brendan) is trying to get his BC (he lost it a while ago) and he wants it because he wants to get a medical card. He had a bad injury this summer, and couldn't get treatment at the hospital (they were gonna charge full price for his treatment) because he didn't have a card.

So my question is (and I know you've probably been asked this a LOT but sorry, I never saw the response yet) what would happen to you if you had a life threatening injury that your Wife couldn't treat?

I have a choice: go to the hospital and pay them for the service or have a good death. I am not afraid of death as I know that it is only my vessel that will die. I will not as I AM a spiritual being. As such, I will be free to move onto my next adventure. With that said, I do lots to mitigate risk so that I can have a long life here. But I'm not going to surrender my freedom because I'm afraid of getting sick or hurt or dead. Health insurance is a benefit from the state and is based on our fear of death. If I work on my fear and confront it, I will find that I can come to terms with my decision. The cost to my spirit was just too high to justify protecting the body that I command at this moment. This is a spiritual decision, not a physical one. Besides, the medical mafia is not interested in health but profit! So it is my responsibility to look after myself and maintain good health through our own methods.

My wife and I have had this discussion many times and we both agreed we would rather have a good death than go through the medical system. That is not a good death. I watched my dad go through that process when he had cancer and it was absolutely horrible. I will never put my body through that.

Does that make sense to you?

Yes, makes tonnes of sense. Thank you for replying.

I would also add that Carey could probably help with his injury. She is good at healing trauma, stitching broken bones and that sort of thing.

Thank you for sharing this information-- I have upvoted and following you---

Thank you for posting this write up on Steemit!
I have done a bit of research on the birth event and the strawman accounts (Treasury Direct Accounts for those in the USSA). It is all very confusing and hard to see the truth. Your write up is straightforward and honest.

"Words are very important and we really need to study them in detail"
That is what Mark Passio harps on ! 👍

Excellent post. I would love to see more discussions of this nature on steemit. I've had some very interesting experiences of my own when trying to deal with government in unconventional ways. There is more to their operation behind the scenes than meets the eye. This much is obvious. I wish there were more truly curious people willing to ask questions and not just bow before the 'law'. Looking forward to more of your posts!

Though this is very much a pick your battles kind of thing. Especially in the context of being a person of peace. It would seem trying to fly under the radar would be easier in most cases. Though I do admit that if the state comes after you then everything you say applies and that you'd need to have been curious and educate yourself way bore that to have a sporting chance. Just my $0.02

Good to see talk on this subject. I'm now a follower ;)

Off grid can mean off the literal grid with homesteading, and also off their network so to speak. Will be interested in things like having a bank account w/o a ssn or living w/o a bank account and how you hold title to your land. Do you claim a land patent? Did they have those in Canada?

Look forward to seeing your blogs

Thank you. Lots of deeply complex issues there. I will tackle them, one at a time. I don't have any bank accounts and working to dissolve the land patent and title due to fraud of the Crown. Again, topics for another post. Peace to you.

we are all Gods children and our souls do not belong to anyone. Governments never learn this only until it is too late. The human experience continues the same loop.. perhaps one day we will learn; after we are close to obliterating ourselves and the planet. - only to forgot again :)

You will enjoy my book! <3

So much I don't know! Thank you. I have gone through the ringer with ID so many times for so many reasons. Myself and dh have both not had medical coverage at times. Right now i do not even have a bank acct....

I don't have a bank account either. My wife has one, but she does not keep anything in it. We have no mortgage, line of credit, credit cards or accounts for utilities, water, gas, etc. The only 'bill' we get is for the phone so that we can communicate with people. She is now seriously contemplating getting out of the system just as I have. Will be challenging but we are up for it! I've not seen a doctor in over 16 years. No medications, just homeopathy, good food and wild medicine that we can forage from the bush.

Isn't it interesting how many things that free people allow the government to claim. You have to have a license to drive, you have to have a marriage license, you have to building permits, even though you own the land.

You don't really own the land. Try not paying the taxes and see what happens.

Agreed. You are a feudal serf who was granted permission to possess the land, the Crown / State having ultimate allodial title to the land and as land lord charges rent each year.

I was thinking that the birth certificate was just a registry of birth, but that social security number is what is "bad." Are you in the U.S. or another country? I am assuming it is different other places. Many of our friends are getting birth certificates for their babies, but not social security numbers.

It's the same in the US or very similar. Each country has a variation of the same thing. It's insidious.

Registry is to turn over title to the regis / king. In my opinion they are all evidence of our feudal oath of fealty to the lord of the manor. That is why I sent the ALL back. I've lived life just fine without any of those documents for 10 years. Just sharing my experiences. In the end, the choice is always yours to make. As for the country, I used to be a subject of the Queen residing in Canada. However I revoked citizenship so now I am not a part of any 'country'. Rather I stand in a spiritual jurisdiction instead of any fictional one. My book explains all of that really well.

What about getting a driver's license? You have to have a birth certificate to get a driver's license, correct? That's the only caveat I see.

Yes, you need a BC to get a drivers license. However, I sent that document back too. I travel rather than drive now.

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