The struggle between the flesh and spirit

in #ungrip7 years ago (edited)

In my book 'Graduating Life with Honours' I speak to the conflict between our meat suit (person/human) and our true spiritual being.  Our human bodies that we possess have instincts, desires and urges and if left unchecked our human body would act on them.  However, it is up to us spiritual beings to find ways to bring a balance and learn how to govern the human body.  Sadly, many don't realize that we are spiritual beings and as a result, they can only relate to the flesh.  They engage in the works of the flesh and end up hurting others and themselves.

As disclosure continues to unfold, there is plenty of reports lately regarding pedophilia, sexual molestation, child porn and other deviant behaviours from all kinds of rich, powerful and/or famous people.   Many of them have found ways to justify this sort of behaviour in order to come to terms with the violence that they engage in while others just don't care as the psychopaths fail to connect or empathize with others in any significant way.  I would also suggest that many have sold their soul in order to further enhance their physical wealth and experiences.  This justification process must take place in order to deal with the feelings we all experience as our spiritual being cries out in pain when we engage in such behaviour.  Our spirit is communicating with the body at all times, but it is up to us to acknowledge spirit, listen to the message of spirit and govern ourselves based on the higher power and authority of spirit.  If we fail to do that, then we experience a human body out of control.

That is why the fictional realm is so dangerous.  By wearing the masks, we start to fool ourselves into thinking we are something that we are not.  This self-delusion takes us even farther away from spirit and in turn we must find even more ways to justify our behaviours so that we can drown out our spiritual voices.   It is very easy to justify behaviours through the fictional realm as we can engage in intellectual exercises like politics, economics or financial constructs.  But that is not what is going on.  The harm is being done to the physical body but also to the SPIRIT!!!

There are forces on this planet that wants to tempt us into surrendering our power and authority for the more earthly pleasures.  Porn, pedophilia, rape, greed, lust, authority and other deviant behaviours are all  part of that plot.  By justifying our involvement with these behaviours we must find ways to justify them.  But despite the justification, it still means people are getting hurt.

There are several aspects of this that people seem to ignore or miss.  If anybody had the ability to truly empathize with the people on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level, especially those who are being raped, beat, killed or filmed, they would find great pain, fear, shame, guilt and a whole host of other feelings associated with the treatment by the spiritually inept individuals.

How would I feel if somebody sexually molested me when I was a child, filmed the whole thing and now is being viewed by hundreds or even thousands of individuals?  I suspect, scared, shamed, angry, worthless, sorrow and perhaps even depressed and suicidal.  If any of us had a sense of empathy for how other people feel, why would we force our will on others in such overt and covert ways?  

The majority of individuals would publicly rebuke such behaviours, yet still engage in the activity in private.  I for one struggled with porn and sex addictions for a good part of my life.  I often engaged in the behaviour because I was feeling anxious, sad or some other very uncomfortable feeling and I just wanted to feel a few minutes of pleasure.  But that is not a good reason to engage in covert violence against another.  

We all must find ways to end this behaviour and rebuke those who engage in it.  People are getting hurt, capitalized on, raped, molested, enslaved or even killed.  As the disclosure continues to unfold, those in the public eye are being exposed, but so to our the rest of us.  If it is happening in their homes and businesses, it is happening in ours.  So how about we be honest with ourselves and confront the 'Man in the Mirror' and let's make a concerted effort to reject these violent actions and work on the message that spirit is desperately trying to send to our human bodies.  

In the end, any violence we engage in jeopardizes others of their opportunity to find spiritual harmony with their human body.


Youre message hits home with me. I am working thru the very same issues you have gone thru. Would you make a post and go into detail about disclosure? I am assuming you mean other beings in the universe and/ or the hoax behind it? I would love to hear your point of view

I would be more than happy to write about disclosure. Thank you for asking the question. I pray that you are able to work through the struggle between your human body and spirit! I also pray that your spirit will find a way to find the balance and bring peace to your heart. <3

Thank You. And thanks to @lyndsaybowes, she is how I found you here. I think I watched the doc ungrip and remember you in it. Im gonna watch again to get caught up. Your spiritual messages have really hit me in the gut lately and its just what I need. I never thought of my wrongdoing as being a form of violence but you are so right! Thank you again @wwf

You are welcome my friend. I am grateful that you are open to being confronted on such a deep level. Not many people are capable of that type of work. Bravo to you. <3

Thank you for this raw and very vulnerable post. I pray for all to find the empathy needed to make the 'turn around', and begin valuing, honouring and respecting each other on this Earth.

I appreciate you constantly reiterating the vast chasm between the body and the Spirit.

We can overcome!

I felt moved to write about it with all the debates going on about pedophilia etc. While some people claim that possession of the material does no harm, they forget to contemplate the emotional, mental or spiritual harm. They are only looking at the physical, financial or economic harm. But harm goes much deeper than most are willing to contemplate. The legal system is not equipped to deal with this level of harm, mainly because it is nothing but an intellectual construct built to control, not govern morality and ethical behaviours. It will always catastrophically fail at that process. So it is up to us to set the standard for how we govern ourselves and treat each other in the process. I am no saint and I have a lot of work to do myself. So I share my journey because it helps me and others!


None of us are Saints that's for sure, like you always say, we're in school here, learning how to be responsible spiritual beings. When you share your journey, and your past, you show us all that it's possible to change, to honour others and to have boundaries...yes, Spiritual Boundaries. That even thinking sexual thoughts about others whom we don't have consent to think about that way, is a violation.

Every sinner has a future. Every saint has a past. That quote came to mind.

Exactly! <3 Thank you for seeing that!

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