Third times a charm – This plankton’s giving back! YOU can TOO!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

You don’t need to be a whale, this plankton’s giving back!

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Do you know what day you are on steemit? Check out how: Can't Adult Contest #2 Win and Learn: What's your Steemit No.?

So it’s my 87th day on steemit, I have probably been active about 80 of those days, the first week went by before I knew a comment counted as a post, and a month before I figured out that that I had voting power (VP) let alone it was connected to my upvoting habits.

That wait for 74 hours before my VP came back to a reasonable percentage was the most painful on Steemit. If you don’t know about VP, check out the post linked at the bottom, it’s important.

I have posted 1701 times, this includes comments which would count for 90-95%.


I aim to reply to everyone that comments on my posts, I am human so even with the awesome @ginabot telling me what’s going on I do miss the odd one. I do reserve the right to respond or not as I wish to spammers.

Find out more about @ginabot HERE, I really can’t recommend her high enough, my husband @shai-hulud had been resistent and now he is in love.

I also spend time running through my feed, which consists of writers that feature posts that align with my interests. If I don’t follow you, please do not think it a slight on you. This by no means you do not have great quality as I am sure you do and I am also sure that many readers would love to read them. Unfortunately I just have limited time. If you believe your work curable and would like to be part of a great community keep reading as Giveback No. 4 wil apply to you.


I upvote all comments of value on my posts, I do this to encourage you to come back to my posts and engage with me again. Who doesn’t love an upvote? In the last seven days I have upvoted 204 times across 105 accounts, self-votes only representing 3.53%, I generaly only upvote posts, comments are left un voted on unless I think it needs to be seen in a barrage of others. How much you upvote is your choice, I rarely give 100% on comments preferring to share my limited VP with many Steemian’s.

Note I try to never upvote below 0.01 Steem movements can mess with this , I understand in the beginning this can be impossible, in that case I always recommend upvoting at 100%.

Found on Steemworld

How can I do this as a plankton you may ask?

To maintain VP at a reasonable percentage if you don’t know already, you can only upvote at 100% 10 times in a 24 hours period, so it takes 2.4 hours to recharge one 100% vote. Staying close to 100% ensures your votes have the most value to you and your followers.

A quick call out to @taskmaster4450 as without him, both @shai-hulud and I would still be upvoting like this was Faceblank or Instagoon with a VP at 50% or lower, “Pissing away my VP” and not helping as much as I could be.

You don’t know what you don’t know, it’s a steep learning curve but one worth climbing!

Third times a charm!

Back to how I can do this, this is now because of not one, but three delegations received from two awesome Steemian’s, @erodedthoughts recently threw a delegation contest out there for anyone stupid enough to play which was fun and landed me with at 170SP delegation.

This is a delegation contest open to anyone with the ability to make a stupid comment

This delegation was on top of the two 100SP delegations that @hitmeasap had generously given me that gave way to the formation of the @asapers. These three delegations combined with my own efforts in Powering UP pushed me past that magic 500SP Steemit slider barrier. This is super exciting as it gives me the ability to Steemit more effectively from all platforms.

Way more impressive than it looks!

Not at 500SP yet?

So I said this is how I do things now, but how about pre 500SP, at 400SP your 100% upvote is still worth 0.09 STU and 200SP, 0.04 STU. I prefer using steemit so my secret @steem-plus extension created by @stoodkev, it’s a bit fiddly to figure out but once I got it, Need help, ask below I could change my percentage to ensure I could upvote more quality work and encourage more people to preserve through the steep learning curve. Another option is to use You have a slider option from day one and if you have a steemit account you have a busy account, it uses the same username and passwords.

0.02 STU upvote may be nothing to you but it can be the difference between a fresh plankton swimming or sinking.

If you haven’t been living under a rock and don't know who @fulltimegeek is then you would know that his #stewardsofgondor (SOG) program for better or worse got suspended until further notice. I wish him all the best in his endeavours but as a plankton, I would get swallowed up in the first round. This does not mean we can’t do anything, the suspension of SOG has hit many minnow projects hard. So while he is out there fighting the good fight, I along with the @asapers will continue to do as we are doing and build the platform up.

Giveback No. 3 Extraordinary circumstances

@hitmeasap is part of the SOG and as such had his delegation revoked. Following in his mentor’s footsteps he had paid it forward and delegated 100% of his personal SP to myself along with five other Steemians leaving him with none. We offered all our delegated SP back but even after suffering bandwidth issues he refused, so I found a workaround and paid it backwards and delegated him 100SP so he could continue to engage with his followers.

Giveback No. 4 This takes work and dedication but anyone can do it.

The birth of the @asapers, this was not a plan of the original delegations but it’s what fell out of it. My husband @shai-hulud and I have been working determinedly in the background to set up a foundation for newbies, something to help them A.S.A.P.

To date, we have started a curation post running that not only highlights undervalued newbies but *shares the profit with them. Yes, you heard right, we share the profits with our curated posts, 10% of each post by way of a benefactor payment in SP directly into their wallet. So not only do they see their post getting more upvotes from us and our team, seven days later their vote is worth more than it was due to increased steempower from our curation post.


This does have its drawbacks as we grow very slowly due to sharing our SP from day one, which also reduces the SBD we receive as this is converted into SP to be split amongst our curated posts as part of the benefactor payments.

We are extremely thankful for our current delegator’s @hitmeasap (150SP) and @wdougwatson (50SP) but would love to put a call out for anyone with some SP to delegate, we would appreciate it and promise to use it for the betterment of Steem as a whole. It doesn’t have to be much, 100 times 20SP delegations is the same as one 2000SP delegation.

Giveback No. 5 This takes work and dedication but anyone can do it.

We have a brand new post promotion channel on our Discord community, this is set up to showcase new @sooners (soon to be an @asapers), to post they are required to upvote and comment on a fellow @sooners work. No dump and run allowed, again another easy way to give and get back.

Plankton can give back.

I’m a plankton, but I am not invisible in this sea and neither are you. Together we can make a difference. I encourage you to learn from your fellow plankton, and if you learnt something good and you can expand on it and tell why it’s helped you then why not write your own post promoting the person you learnt from. Use your upvote for good and share the love around the blockchain, you never know who you could save from a Steemit Death.

Other amazing plankton’s giving back…


Although this guy is officially a minnow and not a plankton he has an initiative that I can’t go past in today’s giving back post. It called the The Deadpost Initiative. It gives those unloved posts a chance at a comeback.

Did you know that after seven day’s you post pays out and any further upvotes will be lost into the abyss?
Another thing I didn’t grasp for my first month. I know I am a slow learner. I think it was @arbitrarykitten’s posts that had a “If you found this post after day 7 please consider upvoting a recent article.” Which of course made me ask why and then proceed to research the subject, the list really is endless.


This guy really is a plankton but he won’t be for long as his #newbieresteemday has been a huge hit and recently starting off @newbiegames as well. If you haven’t heard of these projects and you are a newbie I suggest you check them out now. We look forward to working with him and his awesome team in the future to develop more initiatives for newbies.

Now I put a challenge to you!

Who do you know that has a great initiative for newbies, plankton, redfish? Share them in the comments below, get their projects known to everyone reading this, plankton and dolphins alike.

If you’re a plankton, you now know you can make a difference, if you are a dolphin or a whale or even a minnow, what can you do to help these initiatives? Do you have one of your own that you would like to share?

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Want to WIN or some inspiration or a maybe a laugh, I'm pretty funny I have been told. CHECK out these posts, all brought to you by @insideoutlet!

Paradise or Death III - Where Sci-Fi Collides
Can't Adult Contest #2 Win and Learn: What's your Steemit No.?
"The Woman Who Moved" - Story Writing Collaboration - Part 2
FCK Cancer! COME ON STEEMIT! Don't Let Facebook WIN!

My hubby is also a great steemian worth a follow, check him out @shai-hulud. Below are some of his:

Steemit Day One #2: Why lock an Empty House
Welcome to Steemit. Day one: Get ready for the learning curve.
Myths of Man... Medusa

Don't forget to follow us so you don't miss a thing!

Shai & I.jpg

What to know more about @shai-hulud and I Check out these posts: If you like it please consider upvoting a more recent post as this one has now paid out.

Butt naked with 2500 other cruise line passengers! Featured in @qurator & @asapers
Love isn’t always shit free. Featured in @thesteemengine and #themagnificentseven from @catweasel & @enchantedspirit
How I got flipped Inside Out... For REAL! Featured in @thesteemengine

Did YOU know that your upvote needs time to recharge? If not check out this post below, if you like it please consider upvoting a more recent post as this one has now paid out.
Steem & Voting Power, how not to waste it!

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One last thing! @asapers a new curation team has started a profit-sharing curation post promotion, follow @asapers to check it and more out!

The STEEM Engine

Team Australia Banner - @insideoutlet.png

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Team Australia Banner @bearone, @asapers by @shai-hulud, Images are all my own or pixabays 1,2.


Great post. Very soon you will get more reward because if your hard work.

Hard work over time generally pays off. Thank you 😊

This is an awesome post. I just found it today. I think you are on to something. You will be one of the ones who does really well on here, and when you're a dolphin, you'll be doing the same thing, and it will mean even more. Keep it up!

I have a similar comment challenge if you want to participate and network a little. Just a minnow trying to make a difference like you. Feel free to come check it out on my blog. I offer free SBD. I'm always looking for new people to reward! Not a huge pool. More like a pond, really. But reward nonetheless. Red Rewards Comment Challenge

I agree giving back makes sense..

Giving back through upvoting does not cost you. It does show community spirit tho. Upvoting others also benefits you as the higher the voting power another has the more value you get from their upvote.
My own vote is holds a small value at the moment and would not be missed. The people who follow you, read your post and upvote them. these people you should want to grow in voting power.

Found you through @Davemccoy who I have just started to follow, and him resteeming your post.

Followed your hubby too, not read any post yet. but he looks a cool guy, bit of luck his mind will be just as cool.

Welcome and thanks for taking the time to go through my post. @davemccoy is doing great things for newbies and I with the @asapers hope to help him. My hubby is pretty cool in his own right. Has sone great series too.

The pleasure is mine. I am sure I will have more comment on your blogs in future times.

What are you doing to help @davemccoy? Maybe I can help too?

Thanks for the great information. Attempted to get on but would not open. Very slow. Will try later. Question: what if I upvote at 90% do I still only get that degree of upvote for 10 votes over a 24 hr. period. Oh, there is so much to learn! Doing the best I can. Thanks again. resteemed.

Hey great question! If you upvoted at a lower % you get more votes. As in twenty 50% votes in 24 hours instead of ten. I just try to ensure I don't drop my upvote below where it will make a difference seven if that's only 0.01 STU.

Also try if steemd is down.


I really empathize.

It seems that my VP can easily dwindle because I'm "upvote prone".

You convinced me that I need to curb my upvoting appetite.

Thanks a lot for the great info (I didn't know a 100% upvote takes 2.5 hours to replenish!).



Great work, its hard but worth it, I can see that your vote is consistently worth more than 0.01 now which is great! Keep Steeming up and on!

Hey @insideoutlet, this was great information, especially about the VP, I had no clue there was another option. I've come across but didn't know what it was, so I stayed away. And I would also like to thank you for all of your generosity, without @asapers and other initiatives some of us may not have a chance on this growing platform. And I would like to give a shout out to @dreemsteem and her Treasure Hunt. It was a lot of fun and she gave a lot of treasures. That certainly helps newbies like me.

Thanks @monchhichi @dreemsteem is awesome. She's currently cruising around the Caribbean. Together we can do great things. Just keep swimming

Great post with thought for growth and assisting others at the same time, keep up the good momentum @insideoutlet

Thanks @joanstewart I will. It's tough somedays but preserve I will 😁

There’s a lot of info you share here, and I really like your overall message: you don’t have to be a whale or dolphin to make a difference. That’s something I learned from my precious fellow members of the #newbieresteemday initiative.

If you allow me to add a little extra about the voting slider: I currently listed 4 ways to be able to use the slider, even if you have only 1SP. You can find more knfo here.

Speaking about making a difference: have you heard of the #minnowvotesproject? @marktmorrisjr is conducting an experiment to see if it is possible to get a post on the trending page without paying for the bots. For this, he needs numbers: loads of plankton and minnows working together to win the battle of humans and bots.
You can read more about it in his post What if We Could Put a Post to the Top of Trending WITHOUT Buying Votes? Here's How I Think We Could Do it! and his project update

Hi @simplymike thanks for reading through. I have heard of marks plans, I was part of his original dolphinschool group. I know it's on hold until he can get more numbers.

Also thanks for the extra info on the slider bar. I didn't know there was an app for Steem so that's a win. I like the idea of sliders but I think using a slider with 1SP is ridiculous and somewhat annoying. It turns steemit into FB where you can like away with zero thought. I really think there should be a limit on when you can use a slider I just think that 500SP is too high. I think its important to teach newbies that although you can use a slider doesn't mean you should.

IT’s true. Using the slider when yout VP is low brings a lot of responsibility. People should be using it wisely. Maybe that’s a good idea for a post :0)

To be honest, I’m a worried that mark won’t be able to get the numbers he needs to make this work. It’s s great initiative of which all of us can learn a lot, but like he says himself: he’s kinda grumpy somtimes, which scares people off. Also, his motivation for doing this is questionable. Still, I hope he manages to pull it off!

(I’m so jealous you got into dolphinschool 🙃 I only found out about it when theh were at day 7. I really hope I can get in in the next edition. It was such a great tutorial.)

It was hard work and the resteeming and tagging requirements were excessive. But I think what put me off Mark is that at the start he said he would follow all that completed his course, which he didn't and doesn't and then he started a new account and followed us with that and now wants everyone to help him get his post on trending. How does that help minnows or plankton? Sorry for rant.

I’ve got the same feeling. I’m doubting his motivation. IMHO he’s not doing it for us, but for himself. Still I think it can be a valuable learning experience. I want to see how he handles things, I’m pretty sure he has some tricks up his sleeve. I want to see where this is going, and pick up some of those tricks so I can use them myself for the good cause, helping the community.
Also, I’m not afraid to tell him when he crosses a line - this may sound awful, but I kind of enjoy to put him in his place when necessary. 🙃
I’m going to give this a chance, trying to pick up as much useful information as possible.

I’ve been in internet mmarketing for 15 years, and
have dozens of ideas on how to recruit more people. But I suck at organizing. If he manages to pull it off, I’m going to learn a lot about just that. Even if he doesn’t succeed, I’ll be learning some valuable lessons: I’ll learn what won’t work, without having to make those mistakes myself :0)

Learning from each other is good. I suck at conflict so don't enjoy putting anyone not here place but glad you can. I'll watch for now and see where it goes.

It’s not a conflict when you’re right - lol.
He even apologized ;0)

Hi @insideoutlet, I saw @whatamidoing's post before I saw yours, so I have to go find another example later. I really love how you are getting involved on Steemit and looking forward to your post about meeting other Australian Steemians (I am having a bad run with dates at the moment).

I did promise to do something with those list of couples but no one noticed (or wanted to play), but there will be more so watch this space :)

Awesome I still have some up my sleeve just in case lol. It was fun meeting other steemians, it was a family affair which was also nice and a change from the ones at the pubs I have seen. :)

You can also use the steemplus browser extension to adjust your voting percentage as a minnow without having to get SP delegated to you. That is another great way to get started. This is a great program you have going. It is cool to see so many initiatives being implemented.

Thanks @bozz. Steem-plus is great it's the one i mentioned above. Are there any other extensions you recommend?

Oh gosh. Sorry I must have missed that. I keep telling myself to slow down. There are quite a few extensions for Steemit but SteemPlus is the only one I have covered in my series so far. I plan to get to some of the other ones soon.

@insideoutlet. This is a lovely post you churned out.

So it’s my 87th day on steemit, I have probably been active about 80 of those days

My brain must have interpreted this as 87yrs and 80 yrs respectively. Thank God i went back to read again.

I must congratulate you for the 80 days of active service on steemit. I can see you have already done exploits in your previous posts.

I #asper to be like you lol.

I’m a plankton, but I am not invisible in this sea and neither are you. Together we can make a difference. I encourage you to learn from your fellow plankton, and if you learnt something good and you can expand on it and tell why it’s helped you then why not write your own post promoting the person you learnt from

This really caught my attention. If only every plankton could give back what they have freely. Steemit would be a paradise.

I have started giving back to the community in my own little way. I know i am not a whale yet. But i am a whale in my heart.

@asper has become my new family. thank you for accepting me as your adopted #steemit son.

It means so much to me

Thanks @antigenx. I'm glad you are enjoying our platform the @asapers. If everyone helped each other this platform could be unstoppable. 😁


. If everyone helped each other this platform could be unstoppable

You took those words straight from my mouth.
Asper has come to stay for me. I dont know about others

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