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RE: Third times a charm – This plankton’s giving back! YOU can TOO!

in #steemit6 years ago

There’s a lot of info you share here, and I really like your overall message: you don’t have to be a whale or dolphin to make a difference. That’s something I learned from my precious fellow members of the #newbieresteemday initiative.

If you allow me to add a little extra about the voting slider: I currently listed 4 ways to be able to use the slider, even if you have only 1SP. You can find more knfo here.

Speaking about making a difference: have you heard of the #minnowvotesproject? @marktmorrisjr is conducting an experiment to see if it is possible to get a post on the trending page without paying for the bots. For this, he needs numbers: loads of plankton and minnows working together to win the battle of humans and bots.
You can read more about it in his post What if We Could Put a Post to the Top of Trending WITHOUT Buying Votes? Here's How I Think We Could Do it! and his project update


Hi @simplymike thanks for reading through. I have heard of marks plans, I was part of his original dolphinschool group. I know it's on hold until he can get more numbers.

Also thanks for the extra info on the slider bar. I didn't know there was an app for Steem so that's a win. I like the idea of sliders but I think using a slider with 1SP is ridiculous and somewhat annoying. It turns steemit into FB where you can like away with zero thought. I really think there should be a limit on when you can use a slider I just think that 500SP is too high. I think its important to teach newbies that although you can use a slider doesn't mean you should.

IT’s true. Using the slider when yout VP is low brings a lot of responsibility. People should be using it wisely. Maybe that’s a good idea for a post :0)

To be honest, I’m a worried that mark won’t be able to get the numbers he needs to make this work. It’s s great initiative of which all of us can learn a lot, but like he says himself: he’s kinda grumpy somtimes, which scares people off. Also, his motivation for doing this is questionable. Still, I hope he manages to pull it off!

(I’m so jealous you got into dolphinschool 🙃 I only found out about it when theh were at day 7. I really hope I can get in in the next edition. It was such a great tutorial.)

It was hard work and the resteeming and tagging requirements were excessive. But I think what put me off Mark is that at the start he said he would follow all that completed his course, which he didn't and doesn't and then he started a new account and followed us with that and now wants everyone to help him get his post on trending. How does that help minnows or plankton? Sorry for rant.

I’ve got the same feeling. I’m doubting his motivation. IMHO he’s not doing it for us, but for himself. Still I think it can be a valuable learning experience. I want to see how he handles things, I’m pretty sure he has some tricks up his sleeve. I want to see where this is going, and pick up some of those tricks so I can use them myself for the good cause, helping the community.
Also, I’m not afraid to tell him when he crosses a line - this may sound awful, but I kind of enjoy to put him in his place when necessary. 🙃
I’m going to give this a chance, trying to pick up as much useful information as possible.

I’ve been in internet mmarketing for 15 years, and
have dozens of ideas on how to recruit more people. But I suck at organizing. If he manages to pull it off, I’m going to learn a lot about just that. Even if he doesn’t succeed, I’ll be learning some valuable lessons: I’ll learn what won’t work, without having to make those mistakes myself :0)

Learning from each other is good. I suck at conflict so don't enjoy putting anyone not here place but glad you can. I'll watch for now and see where it goes.

It’s not a conflict when you’re right - lol.
He even apologized ;0)

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