Love isn’t always shit free. The complications of dating with an ostomy!

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Happy Valentine's Day!

Love rarely goes smoothly, chuck in chronic illness and an ostomy bag and you have this story of how I met my amazeballs husband @shai-hulud.

Although I wasn’t looking for love in the beginning, since receiving my ostomy at 26 it’s something that played on my mind. My delightful ex had wished me dead on the eve of my first surgery so my faith in the opposite sex was at an all-time low. That and I couldn’t even look at myself let alone love myself, so how could I expect anyone else too. The fear that I would never find someone who could love me like this was real.

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My mum tried to keep me optimistic, even to the point of buying me a wedding dress and a crib, all with that best intent but it reminded me of everything I assumed I would never have.

First surgery 2007, for the gap in between and to read my full story click HERE

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Fast forward a few years...

My sister’s work function that year was at the races and she needed a plus one. I had been hibernating for months and she wasn’t taking no for an answer. So I frocked up and went off to the races. I couldn’t drink and didn’t gamble but it was nice to be out of pyjamas and the confines of the house.

My sis and I just before meeting @shai-hulud

Late in the day my sister and I were people watching the merrier patrons when one peaked her interest due to his amazingly tight ringlet curls, me finding a pinch of my old confidence walked right up to him and tell him they were just that “Awesome”.

He was moderately drunk by this time, so the best he could muster initially was a smile and “thanks” before having to catch up with his mates. Given I wasn’t looking his lack of attentiveness didn’t upset me, but it didn’t last long anyway as he soon turned back walking straight up to me stating.

“You have nice hair too” followed by “Can I have your number” and then “Sorry I used all my good pick-up lines on the other girls…”

I still wasn’t feeling it so I may have knowingly got a number wrong when giving him my number, my sister so nicely corrected it for him before he left. She must have known back then he was a keeper as I didn’t but he didn’t even make it home that night before he called me and asked us all to come to a party at his mate’s house. I was still chronically ill at this stage so partying on was not an option, all my spoons had been used just going to the races so we said no and I didn’t imagine I’d hear from him again.

However, it was only a matter of days before he sent me a text asking me out on a date, I wasn’t in the right place so I told him so and instead of writing me off he told me to keep his number in case anything changed. While I hadn’t changed my mind something did happen and I was in need of a date to the governor’s ball. I thought what the hell and texted him one sentence.

‘Do you look good in a suit?’ to which @shai-hulud replied ‘I make great arm candy’.

Spunky couple nowadays aren't we.

Days later we were dressed to the nines getting to know each other on the way to what turned out to be the dullest event either of us had ever been too. It wasn’t a ball but an assembly of accountants and executives listening to the governor talk over canapés and champagne. We left two hours later to find a coffee house so we could actually talk.

The more we talked the less suited we seemed, we were total opposites, so friends it was. He knew I was sick but nothing of the particulars of what was going on in my life so we shared a few texts and our friendship grew. One night while at a costume party we were texting and I got to ask what he went as, he told me a Wraith, now I don’t know if you know what that is (Stargate geek here) but right then I decided that I may have friends listed him too quickly.

Lucky it was close to new years and he had previously invited me to his mate’s NYE party so I rocked up just before midnight to see if he could kiss. Lucky for both of us he could, I only stayed half an hour but he walked me to the car where I checked again if he could indeed kiss before telling him an additional particular I left out of our first conversation.

I have an ileostomy bag due to ulcerative colitis, if that’s cool with you I’ll hear from you soon. If not, that’s cool too…

I give you me, will you accept?

It was now up to him, he would either take me for who I was or not. I didn’t have to wait long until I had my answer. He was on my doorstep the next evening with more answers than questions and things progressed steadily from there, making our relationship Facebook official Valentine’s Day 2010, eight years this year.

We spent our time split between my house and his mum’s as his house was still getting built. A month after making everything official while staying at his mum’s my ostomy leaked while sleeping, It was all over the bed, the floor and me. This is not the first time it had transpired and I had no choice but to jump in the shower and leave the mess until I got out as I the more I tried to clean it the more mess I was making.

When I materialized, he had stripped the bed and was in the process of cleaning the floor. I was embarrassed but he wasn’t fazed. I still took over as he made the bed for us, waking the next day as though nothing had happened.

Years later after we married that he told me that I also pooped a little on him….

Lucky I never knew that or I could have made the worst decision of my life packing my bags and disappearing permanently. He didn’t and I didn’t and our relationship developed until he I was finally well enough to look after myself and my sister found a house with her family opening the door for him to move in.

That Christmas he proposed to me with a lolly he got out of his stocking, I said yes and then ate my ring thinking he was teasing. With no proof of his proposal he told me I would have to wait and a year to the day he surprised me with a real ring on in front of our joint families.

We married April 12th 2013 in Koh Samui Thailand, given there was never any energy for pretences before marriage due to chronic illness, he knew the good the bad and the ugly from day one so nothing changed bar our use of Husband and Wife as terms of endearment. It’s been coming up to five years and my health still has its ups and downs the biggest of which is we have been unable to fall pregnant and consequentially my mental health has suffered.

Not to despair, we are currently on the waiting list for an adoptee child from Thailand and have hit the halfway mark with the confidence for some good news in the next two years. However, even if this doesn’t come to fulfillment our family will be whole as is and there is enough love there to endure any shit storm that may come our way.

Our pre-wedding hand fasting, as my parents couldn't fly

Christmas day three years ago, one of my fav photos of us! Yes he always carries the bags, he's a gentleman like that

Thanks for taking the time to read our story, I can't tell you enough how awesome my hubby is and I appreciate him everyday! He is my rock and my countre balance and I love him dearly. Thanks for being you and making me a better person xx


Here is our wedding highlights! Enjoy!

Huge thank you to @byn & @serapium for putting the #howwemet contest out there for fellow steemians to take part.

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Want some inspiration? CHECK out these posts, all brought to you by @insideoutlet and #dolphinschool, if you haven't heard of #dolphinschool yet check it out!

How I got flipped Inside Out... For REAL! - SEE Told you my puppy was strong like ME!
5 things I learned from posting daily in 5 minutes!
Kenny the koala gets ripped! - a good laugh - only a couple of min's read.
My OFFER to YOU! TWO Months a STEEMIAN! - Great tip in here too.

My hubby is also a great steemian worth a follow, check him out @shai-hulud. Below are some of his:

The 7 Secret to Steemit fundraising plus bonus tip - Fck Cancer
FCK Cancer
Pawn Broking – Sometimes my job is fun!
Myths of Man: Bodhisattva.

Don't forget to follow us so you don't miss a thing!

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I recently started a blog called Insideout Ostomy Life to raise awareness around chronic illness and ostomy’s, it won WEGO Health’s Rookie of the Year Award in 2017. @insideoutlet gives me the opportunity to reach more readers while exploring all aspects of my creativity.

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Oh never knew this about you. Now I can see why you are so happy. With all the struggles you able to share with someone who accepts you for you are. Very moving. Steem on girl! Thanks.

Thank you and I will keep on steeming on. Getting to live does give a different perspective lol.

I joke around alot but I'm actually a pretty sensitive guy.

You almost made me cry with this, dammit!

Real love like this is hard to find.

Hold on to each other tight.

haha that is awesome, I cry everything I think about it all too lol. I should add our wedding video link now, that always makes me cry lol! I forgot to do that, check it out its pretty awesome! :-)

Steem needs to add a cry button cause I did too :) This is my favorite story since.. well I cannot remember. Thank you @insideoutlet you really know how to write as well. Gio6

owww that's very sweet, thank you, it will be nice to meet you at the @teamaustralia Perth meet up. We really need to get that sorted lol.

haha I know.. omg, I just figured out what you meant in the title.. after like 8 hours. Will be awesome if we can get the meet happening soon :)

Lmao that's awesome well at least you got it. Lol

I'm a tough guy. I'm a tough guy. Tough guys don't cry. Fight the tears.

Haha lol I'm glad I could bring some emotion out even in the toughest of guys. 😁

@insideoutlet you have the most romantic love story that I've know. I like how you and your husband @shai-hulud accepted you whatever your situation is.

You are both lucky with each other. I won't say one is lucky with the other . This relationship lasted this Long because of your love for each other. :) Super happy for ya.

Thank you, yes we are both as lucky ad each other to have found our counterpart. Neither of us are perfect but we are perfect for each other.

Exactly :) I wish you both the best. :)

What a sweet story 🖤😭💛😭
That's true love! It's so great that you have someone who accepts you just as you are. Reminds me a lot of my relationship with my husband. He's my best friend, without a doubt. Happy early Valentines Day!💘

Im very lucky to have found him. I'm glad you found your someone special too. X

This is such a sweet story, you two are definitely a fantastic couple! Good on your sister for catching that he was worth it, lol ;)

This hits close to home for us too, as my husband also has UC. Very early in our relationship, I went to Germany for a semester to study and he stayed in Toronto - where he was just getting sicker and sicker. At the time we didn't know what was going on, he had always had bouts of pain and bleeding but defaulted to thinking he was just really susceptible to flu or that he ate something that didn't agree with him.

When I got back, he had lost so much weight, and was just a mess. He was terrified to do almost anything. Finally it got to a point where he had lost so much weight and was in so much pain, that I was convinced that he would be dead within a month... and after a bit of back and forth with the hospital to actually get him admitted (that's a story for a different day) they finally took him in and did some testing. A week later they diagnosed him with Ulcerative Colitis, and finally everything made sense!

He refused to have the operation, but after another month of arguing with the doctors they finally offered him a non-surgical treatment which thankfully worked out. But that almost two months of me thinking he was going to die in the hospital was the biggest test of our relationship. We learned more about each other at that point than I think we ever would have in a "normal" situation, and it's definitely made us stronger as a couple.

It's been a long road towards remission and finding equilibrium for him (and us) , but we've stuck together and worked through it as a team and 10 years later we're still strong.

Sorry for the novel - your story just really brought up a lot of memories in my own marriage :3

Happy Valentines day to you both and I hope you get word of the adoption soon! That kid will be so lucky to have parents who are clearly an awesome team :D

Thank you so much for sharing your story with me. I know that one well. I was well and then within a year 35 kg lighter and had a perforated bowel. I'm so glad they found a solution that worked for your hubby.

I know that the surgery option is not something we want but do tell you hubby that if it ever gets to that point. The products are amazing. The accessories people have made to help ostomates is amazing and a life is a life. I'm sure if push come to shove he would realise that living with you with a bag is better than dead and you having to live without him xx

oh yeah, I think we both know that there will likely be some point where he'll need to go the surgery route. He's been very lucky in that he's managed to "manage" (for lack of a better word) it down to a nice remission for about 3 years now - but it took a long time to get to a place where he felt even close to normal (and still struggles sometimes).

But yeah, even in the last 5 years the technology has really grown by leaps and bounds! It's all only going to get better and easier and new studies keep popping up :D

What an amazing story and a testament to a beautiful love :) (did i see another link where you call your hubby "puppy"? hehehe i do too!

I'm glad he waited to tell you that you pooped a little on him! ;) I'm pretty sure mine has secrets too. (we are 5 years from our 24th anniversary.... no telling when he'll let those secrets out) hehehe

Haha some secrets are best taken to the grave lol.
Lmao puppy hubby... I can see how you got that looking back up lol. My puppy was I surgery shes 15 and I was saying she strong like me so she will survive. My puppy and hubby have very similar names so he often thinks I'm calling him when I say puppy lol.

Thank you for reading.

hahahahaha got it :) yes i didn't open the link - was just scrolling to the bottom hehehee and saw "my puppy is strong like me!" hahahaha

i DO call my hubby "puppy" ... lol it's a nickname that we both call each other :) but he is 6'8"... so i tell him that he is a Great Dane puppy ;)

Haha that's awesome. My real puppy is the complete opposite shes a lowered sausage dog haha.we use husband and wife ad pet names lol

a weiner doggie!!!!! hehehehe

and that's crazy - my puppy just started calling me WIFE too!!! I'm actually in his phone that way! hahahaha


Congratulations on your first prize from @byn & @serapium for this post. And for your inclusion in The Daily Whistle Stops.

Here is another reward you can put on your trophy shelf. Let @shai-hulud see it, but not touch. He'll probably leave grubby fingerprints all over it just like @enchantedspirit says I would.

This excellent post was included in our new curation effort The Magnificent Seven -- a collaborative work by @enchantedspirit and @catweasel. You have received a 100% upvote from each of us to show our appreciation for your post. To see your creation showcased here ... and the fine company you keep ... please visit this link.

The Magnificent Seven # 25

We appreciate your support both for our work on this project and for the other creators of exceptional content who make it all possible. (Follow @catweasel to catch our future Magnificent Seven posts. @enchantedspirit says I'm really not as annoying as you might think, but she doesn't mean it.)


Lol, thank you so much, I am very honored to be chosen for your curation post. Its been an exciting week for extra love on my posts. I appreciate what you @catweasel & @enchantedspirit do for the community!

Keep rocking it!

This is the most beautiful love story! You're a beautiful girl and from what I can tell you have a big heart. What a lucky man you have and you are lucky to have him. By the way, I am jealous of your wedding 😄

thank you very much.

Haha which one lol, the handfasting was interesting, but you are correct the one in Thailand was pretty awesome!

What an amazing love story and I am so happy you found the one! Thank you for blessing us with your story and to your deep abiding love!

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