Steeped Tea Bag

in #writing6 years ago



A steaming cup between friends is not peace
Share a cup with your enemy this is peace


The spice of life dried and shriveled up
Silently sitting in a tea bag sealed for later use

The aphrodisiac of spies cannot be aroused enclosed
A mixed bag of herbs waiting for that moment to arise


Psychedelic kick in the pouch
Potential fireworks ready to flare

Sizzling sensations to the mouth
Sit in a tea bag waiting in despair


Search for a sachet in the dark
Stumbling through kitchen cabinets

To quench an inkling of the throat
Knocking over spices and coffee racks
Getting to where it is at


The contents released in the air
A potpourri of fantasy
Aromatic flavors dance
From packaged sachets
To warmed mug cups


Immersed in hot water
Hyper-tonic solutions swell

Olfactory aromas leak into the cup
Released as steam in the air

The bag does not complain
But releases tension held too long

Olfactory Sensation

Teetotalers’ noses awake with delight
Parched membranes soothed with steam

Stimulating axons synapse ganglion ring
Olfactory senses bring sight to the brain

Steeped and Sipped

First the lips and then the tongue
Swallow the parchment of cinnamon tea
Although bitter at first the aftertaste is sweet

Best when swallowed
Refreshing to the throat,
heart and


Don’t drink it alone
Share some with a friend
But if it is peace you want
Give a cup to your enemy as well












On one hand there is nothing metaphysical about this poem.

I actually wrote this poem while enjoying a cup of steaming tea on a dry cool evening.

On the other hand the tea speaks to me.

The potential of the spies stored up have a specific purpose and are released at the tea drinker’s request.

There is a magical power in the steam of tea that brings people together.

From the streets of London to Chennai to the tea houses of the orient tea invites fellowship.

There was a quote written on the tea bag I opened.

It says:

“If you want to make peace, you don’t talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies.”

Moshe Dayan (1915-1981)


Moshe Dayan was born in the first kibbutz and lived for peace.

His influence still shines almost forty years after he left this world. His quote just hangs on my tea bag giving me a lesson on history and philosophy while I enjoy the steam of my tea.

Img 1 Source Img 2 Source Img 3 Source
This is my poem for day 61 in the Steemitschool poetry competition @d-pend.(Steemschool Discord)

Verse of the Day/ John 10:36-37

'Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?’ The expert in the law replied, ‘The one who had mercy on him.’ Jesus told him, ‘Go and do likewise.’

Mineopoly Quote:


Check out my recent posts @mineopoly

Bukhansan National Park
Palindrome Lullabies Audio
Beyond Labels
Good idea/ Bad idea
Thirst Street
You are not Funny
Sound Waves
Mineopoly Haiku


I like Good Earth Tea. What is your favorite cup of tea?

I love you all.

For amazing adventure in English please follow @mineopoly mining the heart.


i love tea. my only problem is i can't tell the subtle differences. i know green tea and red tea. but that's about it.. 😐
nevertheless i love how they can calm your mind.

Enjoy your afternoon. I do need to buy you at least a cup of tea.

Oh... on another hand... you can let your SP take a little nap. Mine is running down now too.

we can continue our talks on discord. can't wait to meet you!

You never cease to amaze me with your ideas and poetry. I drink white tea.
When I saw the mention of cinnamon it reminded me of a conversation with my sister on the phone.
She said she bought a small bottle of cinnamon at the grocery store and it was almost $12.00. Then she went to another store and found a pkg of it for $1.49. I said perhaps the more expensive one is the Ceylon cinnamon and is the best one for your health. She didn’t know there were two kinds -Cassia and Ceylon cinnamon.

Cinnamon has a wonderful power and Ceylon enhances. Add some to your coffee and you will notice the difference. Honey is another. I won't get into detail but it has been applied to dry areas producing vibrance.

My purpose in sharing this cup of tea is a prayer for Israel.

The aroma of your tea reaches me, friend @mineopoly. Thank you for sharing your knowledge about spices and wisdom of life. Beautiful job!

Thank you. I am lifted up by your comment and we all share a cup of tea through poetry.

This just reminded me that I haven’t had my evening tea yet. Good poem. Love all the tea anaologies and inference poosibilities on such a simple but delightful beverage.

Enjoy your tea and reflections. I'm glad I met you @firststeps.

The wise man takes the first step. Attracts your enemy and has him close by sharing tea

I pray for Israel and I know violence is not the answer.

With violence everyone loses. We have to pray for God to open his heart and conscience.

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