Community (Comedy Open Mic 12)

in #funny6 years ago (edited)

Comedy open mic is a world wide community reaching out to people from all nations.

Every nationality and culture are welcomed to enter the contest. All kinds of comedy are accepted not only slapstick or giffys and oil changes. Culture is shared through people who tell a good story and tell a good joke. If you think it is funny then it is good enough to post as long as it is original you follow the rules in the contest. Everyone has a shot and they are all awarded for their entries. This is the great thing about comedy open mic. It brings the whole world together.


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There is even a contest given for Spanish speaking people. @comdeyopenmic is really the international comedy lounge. They are not only Americans or only Brits. They are minnows, plankton, dolphins, whales from all over the world and they bring in their jokes and the heart of their own ethnicity and culture.

Comedy crosses over language barriers, economic and social barriers. Comedy open mic even helps some to put some bread on the table. If it is done right comedy unites and brings us all together. Every once and a while someone is offended but in the end she understands even if I tell a joke like this:

I was at the park and a kid came up to me saying:

"Mister, why do you let your dog keep you on such a short leash."


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I answered,

"That's not my dog. That's my wife."

You can post anything you think might be funny. Just don't get the tags #comedyopenmic and #communityopenmic confused. Comedy and community look and sound alike but they're actually two different words. Remember if you enter something in #comedyopenmic please follow the rules of the contest... keep it original content, nominate two friends, add the words "comedy open mic round # _ _" in the title and don't use upvote bots for the contest post. Then you will find great support and community.

The power @comedyopenmic comunity will inspire you when you follow the rules.

homer 1.gif

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And the power of @comedyopenmic comunity will enlighten you when you don't follow the rules.

Homer 2.gif

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Just follow the rules and you can't lose. Don't be afraid of getting zapped. Give it a try. You can even use Zappl @zappl.


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I'm sure you will do better than I. My nomination goes to @moderndayhippie and @monchhichi23.

YOLO Street
Bukhansan National Park
Palindrome Lullabies
Letter to Mother Nature
Charlie and the Cheese
Beyond Labels
Good idea/ Bad idea
Thirst Street
You are not Funny
Sound Waves

I am @mineopoly

mining the heart


Haha thanks for nominating me @mineopoly... I will try my best to be funny... you're putting me on the spot here lol... the pressure to be funny might take the funnyness out of me hahaha... I love that batman gif!!! Where does he get those wonderful toys?? Lol I will give this a shot.

Go for it. Gentle bot is behind you. I'm never funny when I try to be. Just keep trying and something funny will come out. Check out @comedyopenmic. There is a tutorial about how to be funny. I have a lot to learn.

Lol... my dear sir, you are funny, you know it...

There is a tutorial about how to be funny. I have a lot to learn.

This made me either have it or you don't, you definitely have it!! Lol Thank you @mineopoly

I read the rules, but I just want to check, is there a time limit? I'm afraid I won't be able to sit and write this till after Monday, but I already know what I'm writing, I think you may get a chuckle @mineopoly

A new round starts every Friday. I think we are round 13 now so if you submit it by Friday you should be fine. I can't write much over the weekend either.

Thanks for your enlightenment, may everyone support #comedyopenmic

Thank you @armiaaceh. It is not easy to be the first person to comment. You maybe afraid I will zap you too but I will just power you up.

Thank you @mineopoly for your kindness to me

i thought open mic referred to standup comedy. but seems like #comedyopenmic is mostly skits or anything funny? i'm a little confused.

Comedy Open Mic, refers to many different "Open Mic" hosted in comedy clubs around the world where people can walk in and try making the audience laugh for 5 mins. We do the same thing, but because we're online we allow the entries to be in any format. We want everyone to just have a go at making us laugh. If you don't think you're good enough, doesn't matter. Try it. Only through effort do we become more skillful. To that end we've also started the #comedyschool to help people become funnier if they want to.

Why not join in. I promise it's fun to be funny.

I haven't seen many stand up acts. Skits on dtube seem to be the biggest supported posts where @hendrikdegrote will throw in a big upvote and they get a court jester award and video prize. Pretty good score.

Actually if you post anything funny comedyopenmic are nice and support everyone. The problem is there have been people who put the tag up and don't post anything even near funny about a completely different topic and then after getting an upvote they change the tag. That is abuse of this cool community. So in the end they will be zapped.

On the other hand those who use openmic like it should be they find some rewards.

Thanks for the informative post. You rock. Maybe you roll as well, I'm not sure.

Welcome on board @profanereviews. Do you have a comedyopenmic post I can check out?

There's a few. Feel free, my friend.

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