Some Day

in #writing6 years ago


The last time I wrote a love poem it was about an ape.

Now I’ve been challenged by @kiwideb to write a love poem. I never let her down before and I don’t intent to let her down today.

This challenged originated from @andysantics48 with her love poem challenge inspired by a poem she read from


There is Love

If you wake up sick and afraid at 2 AM
And feel the world is going to end
But someone stays with you
There is love

If you wake up at 2 AM to the sound of a cry
And wish everything would just go away
But stay up all night in the hospital
There is love

If you have to speak the truth
And know they may never understand
But you say it hoping they will
There is love

If you know you are wrong
And don’t want to admit it
But listen and learn
There is love

If you just don’t understand anything you just heard
And feel like screaming at the top of your lungs
But take a deep breath and listen once more
There is love

If you spend two hours teaching long division
And hear again, “I don’t understand”
But teach it once more
There is love

If you cook for two hours
And ruin everything
But everyone says it is okay
There is love

If you get a warm home cooked meal
And it tastes strange
But you smile
Everyone knows
there is love

If you know you should put the toilet seat down
And can never remember to do it
But try and say “I’m sorry” every time
There is love

If you find the toilet seat open every time
And don’t explode in vain
But keep your cool and explain
There is love and he will change

some day


This is my poem for day 62 in the Steemitschool poetry competition @d-pend.(Steemschool Discord) Img 1 Source img 2 Source Img 3 Source

Verse of the Day/ 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."

Mineopoly Quote:

"So, that's what love is?"

Check out my recent posts @mineopoly

Fish Tales
Steeped Tea Bag
Bukhansan National Park
Palindrome Lullabies Audio
Beyond Labels
Good idea/ Bad idea
Thirst Street
You are not Funny
Sound Waves


How many innings are we playing?


I love you all.

For amazing adventure in English please follow @mineopoly mining the heart.

Oh, and I should nominate some people to write a love poem. I'd like to challenge @zeleiracordero, @corderosiete, @dailymusings, @prydefoltz to write a poem about love. No rules just your heart.


Love it @mineopoly - Everyones take on love is slightly different - I knew this challenge would be interesting :)

I think it was William Carlos Williams who said, "so much depends upon a toilet seat being up or down" - haha, just kidding. A real slice of life you've got here, though. The seemingly trivial stuff is often what matters most in the end, as its what we live through every single day we spend with a person we love. Great write mate!

I really love it.
"If you get a warm home cooked meal
And it tastes strange
But you smile
Everyone knows
there is love"
Very beautiful indeed, and the verse of 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 fascinates me, totally describes what love is.
Regards friend

after reading this poem i think i have a little bit of love.
but not a lot! 😆

When there is love, even the look consoles us

Loved it Christopher. The toilet seat can be a big issue. 😀

Lovely write, Mineopoly:) Love is the answer, for sure:)

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