*Righteous* - Word of the Day

in #ulog6 years ago

righteous living.jpg


  • (of a person or conduct) morally right or justifiable; virtuous.
    "he is a good, righteous man, I am sure"

  • good, virtuous, upright, upstanding, decent; ethical, principled, moral, high-minded, law-abiding, honest, honorable, blameless, irreproachable, noble; saintly, angelic, pure
    "righteous living"

  • very good; excellent.

What comes up for me in regards to "Righteous Living" is a 'princpled' way of living. The laws of our being so much so enable our righteousness. Our laws for better or for worse support this. When the laws are not based in the principle of what is best for all life from the starting point of equality and oneneness - imbalance is the balance so to speak and there's a separation....a dissonance.

The "laws" don't start as something outside of ourselves and separate - no - the laws originate inside of our cells...inside of ourselves here as our words and the impressions we've formed in relationships to our words. In investigating the formation of our words - we beging to see the complexity of our own laws....our own 'moral code' so to speak based on the knowledge and information of 'good' and 'bad' and our mind as our lens of interpretation. The "lens of interpreation"...our mind is a tool to reveal...to show our 'biases and blocks'...these are the 'laws'/'impressions' formed within our body/mmind connection that are kind of hard wired...it takes a concerted effort to change our hardwiring.

The changing of our own hardwiring is a righteous act in and of itself. I mean it's taking responsibility for your own programming. It's kind of radical for sure - it's a self-willed...self-determined thing....it's not really a choice so much as it is an eventual process of doing the math on our acceptances and allowances and fine tuning the 'law of our being' to the principles of what is best for all life is always/also best for Me.

There's a point of "worthiness and also inadequacy" to look at within "righteousness" - the bait is to get sided on the rights of the righteous...it's not a debate - your worth is self-actualized - it is freely given and freely received.

The irony about receiving is that it's free to receive insight and introspection...the experience is at times costly because it challenges our limitations..our security.and there's a tendency for this to flesh out...bring out any and all inadequacies.

How do I best live Righteously?

  • By learning from the mistakes of others

  • Living by principles - creating a foundation of core principles which i self-authorize/actualize/substantiate...as i walk my life journey.

  • Looking and see wholistically...multidimensionally....the 'good' and the 'bad'

  • Investigate all things and keep which is good.

It's challenging at times to look at things that do not support our confirmation biases...in fact it's quite stupendous when we are willing and able to to question our very own confirmation biases! @research-mind from, "Stupendous"

Reflection/Instrospection coming to mind:

  • I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to get lost within righteousness where in fact i seperate myself from everything else - not realizing my equality and oneness here.

  • I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to get conflicted within myself when and as I judge "Righteousness" - and within this - I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to judge my actions/participations/communications/engagements. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing the tragic comedy of judging righteousness - not realizing and understanding the mirror reflection.

  • I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to get caught up in my own self-righteousness where the self of me is separate from the self as all as one and equal here.

  • I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how righteousness isn't about separation and division where i'm proving someone wrong at the expense of proving myself right....that really living righteous is a point of self-mastery in living a principle based lifestyle. I realize and understand that when I can see a point in another that has also existed in me...that my ability to support is simply to give the best i can to support the individual with reeleasing themselves from their own point of contention. I realize sometimes the giving of support unconditionally to myself and others can at times be regarded as 'contentious'...as change/growth/maturity blossoms as a result of the work/labor/play that is done.

  • I realize in living Righteously there's an unconditional stand within that is without waver - despite experiencing momentary turbulence. This inner standing is the labored result of living principles that are grown from the depth of who we are in thought/word/deed.

  • I commit myself to practicing perfect Righteousness. I realize what's best for all includes me too.

Previous Post in this Series of "Word of the Day"






























Decentralized Media Broadcasting is the Future - Sharing Because You Want to

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  • What I like about this social experiment, is the fact that it's success is directly dependent on ordinary people everywhere - where there's a willingness to say,

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"Righteous" is an interesting word for me; it brings a certain sense of duality:

When "righteousness" is shouted loudly from the rooftops, it becomes almost self-negating; a sort of rude and crude form of braggishness... but when it is softly spoken and simply *practiced" (through introspection, as you allude to) it becomes very powerful and good.

Just sharing what popped into my head!

Fairness is a fundamental human right, justice is based on the very character of God. He loves justice and the heavens declare it, because God is the judge.
The love of God gives rise to his justice for the world. He loves people, and because of this, there are good ways to treat each other, and also bad ways to do it and destroy the dignity of someone whom God created in his image and whom he loves deeply.
Therefore I have to act on the straight path, which the Lord presents to me.

Every human being bases his version of righteousness or justness on his beliefs, both personal and family and social. What is fair for one will not be the same for the other. Beliefs can be limiting or empowering and wisdom of every human being should be in recognizing the other as his or her partner instead of seeing it as something contrary to the understanding that the other person is seeing and judging and acting according to a pattern of beliefs that you consider correct. The problem is that they believe that beliefs can not change and it is throughout our lives when we realize that we must modernize or change our beliefs in order to continue evolving.

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