*Great* - Word of the Day

in #ulog6 years ago


Each morning upon waking up - I ask myself - What is the word I will give myself today as an added support and point of expansion in my best living of Today?


  • of an extent, amount, or intensity considerably above the normal or average

  • considerable, substantial, significant, appreciable, special, serious; exceptional, extraordinary

  • large, big, extensive, expansive, broad, wide, sizable, ample; vast, immense, huge, enormous, massive;

  • of ability, quality, or eminence considerably above the normal or average.

  • prominent, eminent, important, distinguished, illustrious, celebrated, honored, acclaimed, admired, esteemed, revered, renowned, notable, famous, famed, well

These words so much so exemplify "Life" itself. There's many more words to encapsulate "life" in words....most definitely....as "Life" is the "Living of Words". Words are so much so "Alive". See the "All I've" of "Alive".

Living the word "Great" is a point of self-regard. It's a dignity and integrity for ourselves here. It's very ordinary in terms of living a balanced 'equality and oneness'....it's what makes/creates..."extraordinary".

  • Great is mastery of the ordinary which is extraordinary.

In tuning inward to the word "great" - I had moments in my day where I asked myself, what would be best...what would be the greatest decision i can make for myself in the moment. Tuning into "great" made it more clear for me to see what I was accepting and allowing that is great and what I've been accepting and allowing that has been less than great.

It's interesting because in tuning into great I was almost expecting to focus and narrow in on the positive side of things...but actually the word "great" supported me so much more in exploring the dark side...the negative side....the not so comfortable less than great parts of myself......my weaknesses in behavior and personality that are like bits of character I tend to hide and distract myself from directing and or cultivating great change.

So - in living the word "great" I actually got some clarity on some points of my character that have been less than "great" and this supported me to make some small adjustements/changes within myself...and I am grateful for that.

  • One such example: - Is this person I know whom i've had a relationship history with for sometime...

"This person would pop up in my mind and it would make me sad and disappointed...like quite defeated inside myself....depressed like even....and I realized that my relationship with this person in my mind is not great at all....like it's completely brutal and harsh and i've been pushing this on myself on a daily basis...like a reminded and sort of self-bullying and regret kind of thing."

"So I realized I had to 'flip the script here' - I had to forgive...i had to become grateful....there was a definitive lack of gratitude in my attitude and thinking about this particular individual. This relationships had become a bothersome burden that was simply being unattended to and just kind of festering in the background of my mind in an unkempt fashion."

"I realized this individual has actually been one of the greatest teacher's and inspirations for me in my life - some harsh lessons learned along the way...and some very gracious lessons learned....and a whole consortium of life lessons learned inadvertently through this individual."

"It's fascinating that depsite all this greatness in relationship to this individual...there was a sort of sour grapes attitude in my mind....judgement...stemming from myself...that i was projecting out onto the other....and this being an outflow of reality not matching my expectations and projections...things not going exactly my way....having faced a number of miss takes....getting caught for a moment in what once was...and what could have been."

"I realized for me and my best future - the only practical relationship for me to have with this individual in mind - is that of "greatness".....that of "gratitude"...I realized anything less would be a real disservice to myself and the individual."

"Making this adjustment within myself about the definition of my relationship with this individual is life changing for me. When this individual randomly came to mind - it was now more as a stepping stone of support...a moment of smile....a moment of gratitude and regard in remembering the processes/challenges walked and the man i've become today and just how much appreciation and thanks I have for this individual....who quite literally supported me in assisting me to disrupt so much of what I was accepting and allowing wthin myself....internally......that was less than great....less than stellar."

  • In changing a relationship inside myself...this totally changed my ability to participate and communicate effectively with this individual. It really is in fact so - that as we change and challenge ourselves....we equally do the world. Our internal so much so - shapes our external.

  • The ways in which it is possible to "Learn" are extraordinary

  • "To Learn" is who and how we are here :)

  • Play often.

  • Learning and Playing is Always Great!

Cheers to Learning Everyday!

Previous Post in this Series of "Word of the Day"




























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  • What I like about this social experiment, is the fact that it's success is directly dependent on ordinary people everywhere - where there's a willingness to say,

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Great and good are separated by a huge chasm.

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