in #ulog6 years ago (edited)


Add Tension. Take a look and see what the resistance is. See how things go when you press on them by adding tension. Attention.

It's also your focus in taking a look and really examining what we have here. To give attention to - is to "pay" in a way to "see" for real without bias....because you are willing to "pay" for it. This "pay" I speak of is not necessairly monetary in nature but more of a willigness to look for real without bias and to simply read the situation for what it is.

"Pay Attention".

Look and See what we got here.

Our life is a matter of paying attention. The regard we gift to ourselves in looking at what we got here. I mean, we got it to give/gift - might as well 'pay attention' and tune in to what we got going on here.


  • Awareness

  • Importance

  • Self-Care.....Care Taking

  • Responsibility

  • Regard

  • Assistance

  • Treatment

  • Relief

  • Scrutiny

  • Consideration

  • Contemplation

  • Deliberation

  • Study

  • Heed

There's so many powerful words that are synonymous with Attention, I figured it was most definitely - Indubitably so, worth making note of here :)

How I came about Attention as my Word of the Day - is as follows: I wake up and it's the first thing I ask myself - What is the word I am giving and gifting myself today? The word Attention effortlessly popped up within me. So here we are.

I'm just finishing breakfast and I got my word regards in tow - "ATTENTION" is my anchor play for today - I mean it's my awareness puzzle piece I gift special focus to - To support my very best living of "today."

Enjoy Today as the best day of your life for there's ever only here "Today". When tomorrow gets here...if we make it that far, we'll call it "Today". haha - Cheers to the Best Day of our lives...And then Some.

A day is in-deed a lifetime and then some!

Live words for Realllllz.

attention fun.jpeg

Previous Post in this Series of "Word of the Day"





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  • What I like about this social experiment, is the fact that it's success is directly dependent on ordinary people everywhere - where there's a willingness to say,

"Yes - I accept a weekly payment for being a human being to cover my basic costs of Existing Here."





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