Was the New Yorker Hotel something Other than a hotel? You decide! What all goes on underground right UNDER people's noses? What Lies Beneath? Can Space Time Continuum be twisted? Can you Travel Time?

On this side of the New Yorker it says this,
**Manufacturers Trust Company"

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On the side of the building is the TickTock Cafe.

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It's on both sides of the New Yorker as this is what you see when you turn the corner.

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Here is a photos of some of their menu items

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They also have super salads and wraps.

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Some say they are a bit pricey
They also have 7 day brunch and all day breakfast sandwiches

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The avocado toast looks pretty good! ; )

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The hotel spans quite a distance, it goes up to right before the Manhattan Center

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Plaque on side of New Yorker before Manhattan Center

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Done by the Yugoslav-American Bicentennial Committee on January 7, 1977
So a 1.7.1977 also 17 and 17 and 7

Is it possible to twist space and get loops of time?
You decide!

Could a device like these parallel and perpendicular lasers twist the space time continuum?

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What if. . .

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eventually that space time twisting could loop us back in time?

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This professor has been working on it for some time now!
Dr. Ronald Mallett is a professor emeritus of physics at the University of Connecticut and one of the first African Americans to be hired for the science department.

His journey to the field of physics started at a very young age following the passing of his father.

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After years of research, Ronald Mallett, Professor Emeritus of Physics at the University of Connecticut, has claimed to have developed the equation for time travel, Earth.com reported. Notably, the astrophysicist's obsession with time travel and its equation is rooted in his childhood. Mr Mallett was aged 10 when his father died suddenly, of a heart attack, an event that the scientist says changed the track of his life forever.
He then made it his life's mission to see if time travel was possible. He found solace in reading - including H.G. Wells' sci-fi classic 'The Time Machine.'

"The book changed my life. It's the first paragraph that changed my life. I still remember the quote 'Scientific people know very well that Time is only a kind of Space. And why cannot we move in Time as we move about in the other dimensions of Space?'' he said.

'It turns out that black holes can create a gravitational field that could lead to the creation of time loops that could allow us to go back in time,'' he explained.

His vision for a time machine centres on what he calls “an intense and continuous rotating beam of light” to manipulate gravity. His device would use a ring of lasers to mimic the spacetime-distorting effects of a black hole.

''Let's say you have a cup of coffee in front of you right now. Start stirring the coffee with the spoon. It started swirling around, right? That's what a rotating black hole does. In Einstein's theory, space and time are related to each other. That's why it's called space-time. So when the black hole spins, it will cause time to shift,'' he explained.

However, he said he would need "galactic amounts of energy" and didn't know how big this "time machine" would have to be to make it work. He is also not sure when or if it will be done, but added: "I figured out how to do it. In theory, it is possible."

Now let's go back to Tesla and what he needed for his inventions.
He would have required vast amounts of cash for his on site labs and manufacturing as much of what he created did not exist before Nikola invented it.
He needed to produce all parts that he would be using in his equipment and he needed a place to experiment.

Remember when some claim. . .
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What if the experimentation was underground where people couldn't see it?

Some believe the additional funding Tesla would have required for these immense experiments and projects came from U.S. Military Intelligence. Did they?

Anything is possible as much has been kept hidden due to the literal fight between good and evil.

Was the actual time machine contained under ground and the New Yorker hotel itself a magnifying transmitter as it costs Millions to construct back in the day?

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Do you find it interesting the location of the New Yorker in conjunction with Trump Tower?

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Interesting? You decide!

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Was someone needed or Someone's needed to go back in time and retrieve either a younger or in some cases to stay one step ahead of #TheGame several versions of themself?

Consider what this complex is used for and how Trump secured it from both domestic and international forces during a certain "pandemic!" Was the pandemic used to secure a plan? You decide!


Did JFK play a role in paving the way during his time? You decide!

Is this much Bigger and Much Greater than people realize? You decide!
Consider. . . Trump was asked DECADES ago to run for president.

Check out the footage from inside of her documented from mainstream media on #LarryKingLive

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How is it Trump is involved AND the bible speaks about The Last Trump?
What's going on?
1 Corinthians 15:52
King James Version
52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

Is there an electromagnetic device that can cause changes in vibration and energy to do this?
Is this part of WHY Nikola stated. . .

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Is this WHY Nikola and Uncle John Trump were working on various energy wave projects and technology when they both lived in New York?

Check it out. . .


WHY was Uncle John Trump studying Particle Acceleration?

WHY did CERN close down for a period of time, then open back up?
Did the forces of CONTROL change hands? You decide!

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Interesting CERN started back up around this time after a BREAK!

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CERN expects the particle accelerator to restart sometime between April 22 and April 24, a CERN representative told Space.com in an email. Run 3 will follow the successful Run 1 (2009-2013) and Run 2 (2015-2018).

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Scoggins was in disbelief when she went to cover the scene of the half-demolished monument. The paper put out a special section about the stones just days later, complete with personal letters and memories and righteous anger at their destruction.


Was there FAR more to this than humanity realizes?

Do any Ley Lines come into play? You decide!

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Uncle John Trump once again

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From my article found here from several years ago,

From my above steemit article [I am @artistiquejewels]

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And They KNOW!
The medical industry and those controlled by their handlers KNOW!

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Remember when Earth Rang like a bell for 20 minutes on 11.11.2018 as the seismic wave traveled it was picked up 11,000 miles away in Hawaii. No rumbles, Scientists picked up a scientists picked up a cleaner, almost musical frequency!


Is his magnifying transmitter able to effect change in the Schumann Resonance?

Was Tesla trying to effect the Future and humanity still in this realm with his transmitter?

If my memory serves me right, it was in November, 1890, that I performed a laboratory experiment which was one of the most extraordinary and spectacular ever recorded in the annals of science. In investigating the behaviour of high frequency currents I had satisfied myself that an electric field of sufficient intensity could be produced in a room to light up electrodeless vacuum tubes. Accordingly, a transformer was built to test the theory and the first trial proved a marvelous success.

a little reflection led me to the conclusion that the electrical energy involved in the precipitation of the water was inconsiderable, the function of lightning being much like that of a sensitive trigger. Here was a stupendous possibility of achievement. If we could produce electric effects of the required quality, this whole planet and the conditions of existence on it could be transformed.

If it were in our power to upset it when and wherever desired, this mighty life-sustaining stream could be at will controlled. We could irrigate arid deserts, create lakes and rivers and provide motive power in unlimited amounts. This would be the most efficient way of harnessing the sun to the uses of man.

The consummation depended on our ability to develop electric forces of the order of those in nature. It seemed a hopeless undertaking, but I made up my mind to try it and immediately on my return to the United States, in the Summer of 1892, work was begun which was to me all the more attractive, because a means of the same kind was necessary for the successful transmission of energy without wires.

Did the powers that be [cabal, controllers, 13 controlling families, illuminati. . .whatever you wish to call them] steal Tesla's ideas meant for good and try to use them against humanity and to their advantage to control and profit? HAARP for instance? You decide!

The Truth about Geo Engineering, Climate Change, What has Already been admitted by the government, Haarp, a Physicist and even MSM! Evidence and Proof!


See more in here,

Nikola Tesla, who was he Really and what else did he do? The Tesla Papers. Where he really heralded from. The Physics of it all!


Some feel that Tesla had 2 methods in mind and they both used the same apparatus.

One was electrical current flowing through the earth, with the return path going through the upper atmosphere.

The other one was what Tesla referred to as an Earth Resonance System.
A single wire transmission line in which the earth itself would become part of the circuit and resonating like when a bell rings when you strike it with a clapper.

Was there an acoustic property or aspect to the operation of the Wardenclyff Tower.

Does it utilize both surface and underwater resonance?

Is this Why earth rang like a bell on 11.11.2018?

Is Tesla's magnifying transmitter able to direct a a standing resonate wave up to an area in the ionosphere?

See more in the replies of the Andrews Airship!

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PLACE IN NEW article

Cathode-Ray Tube Uses
CRTs have many uses other than serving as TV screens. Many oscilloscopes and some camcorders use or used CRTs as displays, with the deflection coils controlling the electron beam resulting in the signal displays on the oscilloscope. By using the three-dot phosphor system, color CRT screens can be produced, or by using a single phosphor black-and-white screens can be made.

Cathode-ray tubes are also surprisingly easy for a hobbyist to make - you just need a vacuum pump to make your own, or you can use an existing tube with your own high voltage supply. I previously wrote about turning a microwave oven light bulb into an XRay tube - what I was effectively doing here was making the bulb into a crude CRT, with XRays being the byproduct. It even had the green glow!

Perhaps surprisingly, cathode-ray tubes can actually be used as computer memory. The Williams Tube did just that, using a CRT to produce a matrix of dots that could be read by a computer. Invented in the 1940s (!), this tube was used for some of the first computers as a form of random-access memory.

Of course, as anyone who has seen RAM modules knows, this tube is no longer used in computers and has been obsolete for decades. But it's still pretty cool.

CRTs are rapidly becoming obsolete as well, in favor of LCDs and other displays. Imagine having a CRT in your phone - it would be ridiculously large for even the smallest screen. However, many people still use CRT TVs, making the cathode-ray tube the second most common consumer vacuum tube after the ubiquitous microwave oven Cavity Magnetron.

For color televisions, a special cathode-ray tube is used which incorporates three different types of phosphors, evenly distributed in discrete specks on the screen, which produce the three colors: Red, Green, and Blue. In color TVs, three electron beams are produced in the CRT electron gun which are deposited onto the screen to produce a glowing color image.

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More Sources,



















Are we all on 2 different timelines now?
After seeing this one. . . a little shocked, a found another that had a Totally different story!
This one was 11 months ago according to YouTube

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At Dwight Yoakam's tragic funeral! Our condolences to Dwight Yoakam's family, goodbye Dwight Yoakam.

This one 5 months ago, his wife expecting a baby and Dwight 63 years old!
The Real Reason DWIGHT YOAKAM Quit Music

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Besides being a singer AND actor [played in Slingblade and other productions]
he is an entrepreneur with Bakersfield Biscuits, a nationwide chain!

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GOOG doesn't have him dead!
They have the 3 cities he has lived in listed.
Too rock n roll for Nashville and too hillbilly for Los Angeles some said!

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What's Going On?
Twilight Zone anyone?

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Who Is Melania Trump? History of her family
[from Slovenia]


I will be back in when or if I get a chance!
Godspeed everyone!

#NikolaTesla, #Tesla, #Space, #Time, #SpaceTimeContinuum, #NewYorker, #TheNewYorker, #WardenclyffeTower, #Electricity, #Physics, #RonaldMallett, #RonaldHowardMallett, #Yugoslavia, #Slovenia, #BaronTrump, #UndergroundAdventures, #TimeTravel, #TickTock, #TrumpTower, #JohnTrump, #UncleJohn, #ParticleAcceleration, #GeorgiaGuidestones, #LargeHadronCollider, #LHC, #CERN, #Actinium, #Vibration, #Frequency

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