Are there Wrinkles in Space Time? What is the Devil's Graveyard? Why were they called Vile Vortices? The ancients knowledge of the net and the Jewel of Netra Indra!

in #sacredgeometry11 months ago (edited)

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It is important to remember what I have taught you before,
Waves can collapse into Particles!

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The mainstream understanding has been restricted and limited to that of which they
can see with their physical eyes.

Each day a body of evidence has been growing which suggests there is a way
to understand the foundation of existence in a completely new way!

By this understanding can humanity become free to live in balance and harmony?
You decide!

Do you sense a pattern behind everything in your life?
built on either

  • pain or pleasure
  • happiness or misery
  • success or failure?

Is the hidden key the knowledge of these patterns,
which direct life?

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Does sacred geometry show the master patterns which create
the world you live in
and those that are the true secret
behind all manisfestation?

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What IF you had the veils of previously hidden knowledge Removed?

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What IF you could learn key subtle energy patterns
when activated regularly in your own energy field
can Change your life?

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You can explore and research the hidden patterns yourself
which manifest Everything in physical form and existence
in the 3d realm.

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You can consider if you wish to Know
this as a journey of Empowerment.
The choice to Know is Your's
only you alone can make it!

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By learning how to work with subtle energy patterns
known to ancient traditions
you can initiate an alchemical transformation
within yourself.

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This power can transform
your individual evolution of self consciousness.
Which can then assist the raising of our consciousness on our planet!

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There is a hidden lineage of initiates
known in ancient Egypt as the Masters of the Net!

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These initiates knew a great secret,
that by everything physical in nature
there is an invisible Great Matrix of Energy.

Which is the source
of all physical manifestation.

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It is this invisible Matrix of Energy
which materializes everything in the physical world
through the patterns we call sacred geometry.

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The term Sacred Geometry
is comprised of Geo which means earth
and -metry which is measurement.

Sacred Geometry literally means
the sacred measure of the earth.

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In a larger sense Sacred Geometry
is the divine blueprints
of consciousness and energy.

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In the ancient world
all of the temples, monuments and political power centers
were built on the larger power spots of the earth's energy grid.

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The energy grid for all of these structures were used for
the exact placement
of the central axis of the building
the walls, the alters
and all of the other features in sacred buildings.

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Check out the evidence of where the original entrance used to be in the Great Pyramid here,

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The ancients knew that many of these large scale earth grids
are connected to these sacred geometry patterns
we know today as the Platonic Solids.

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They appeared in the writings of Plato 2500 years ago.
These solids were already known by the ancient Temple sciences long before Plato's time.

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Do some of these remind you of some of the images I have shown you from the Voynich Manuscript?
Found inside of here if you scroll down about halfway. Mind blowing!

The Platonic Solids are the geometric forms which correspond
to the four elements of

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There is also a Fifth element
the Universal Life Force
which the Greeks called Ether
also known as
this life force may be known as other names in ancient traditions.

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This 5th element is the final Platonic Solid

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This 5th element form is the 12 sided dodecahedron.

It was considered sacred and sometimes secret
in the Greek tradition.

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Plato hints at it when he describes the earth as looking from above
like a 12 sided ball.

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In ancient traditions
both the earth and the entire universe
were considered to have the form
of a dodecahedron.

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It was said that over Plato's Initiation School
there was a sign that read
"No one ignorant of geometry may enter!"

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In the 1970's Ivan Sanderson wrote an article on
the geophysical locations of physical anomalies on earth.

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The most famous of these geo locations is the Devil's Triangle

Here is an approximated map of Ivan Sanderson's 12 Vile Vortices or "Devil's Graveyards," brought to you by Stranger Dimensions.

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The 12 Devil's Graveyards: The World's Most Mysterious Places

Sanderson attributed these phenomena to "the wrinkles in Space Time!"

Most famous the Devil's Triangle around Bermuda?

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Sanderson found that there was a geometric pattern of similar sites all around the globe.

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Sanderson also found that these geometric patterns were at
the nodal points of the solid known as the Icosahedron.

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The Icosahedron is not only the energy shape for this part of the earth,
but is also known in science today as a
key biological form which appears for example in
the geometric form of viruses, the most basic form of life.

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Researchers discovered, that to make these earth grid maps
align properly to these sacred geometry patterns,
point number one of the grid
needed to be aligned to one of the world's great, large scale power spots.

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This was the Giza Plateau in Egypt

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So it is in the civilization of ancient Egypt
as it is built on this primary spot of the earth grid
where humanity will find evidence of an ancient initiation system
based on the invisible energy grids often referred to as nets
or even The Net!

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In India, the Jewel of Netaindra is described as a net extending indefinitely
in all directions with jewels which glittered like stars at every nodal point
of the net.

Every jewel reflects all the other jewels in itself.

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Plato hinted about the 12 sided dodecahedron sacred, many times considered secret in ancient times, element of the ether.
Also known as

Plato made reference to the ether when he talked about looking at it From Above like a 12 sided ball.
In ancient traditions both the earth and the entire universe were thought to have the shape of a dodecahedron.

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There was said to be a sign above Platos school for learning and discovery that stated,
No one ignorant of geometry may enter!

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Remember Sanderson's article on the geophysical locations of anomalies found around the earth?
Those like the Bermuda Triangle?

Sanderson found that these locations were at the nodal points of the Icosohedron.
The largest platonic solid having 20 faces.
Check it out.

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The Icosahedron is not only the sacred geometry shape for this part of the energy grid for the earth,
but is also known in science as a key biological form
which appears also in the geometric form of viruses.
Check it out!

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You will remember where I told you that viruses are the most Basic form of life!

Researchers discovered that to make these earth grid maps align properly to sacred geometry patterns,
point number one needed to be aligned to one of the world's great large scale power spots which is the Giza Plateau in Egypt.
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So is this is why there is evidence there of the earth's energy system
in ancient Egypt?
Was it built on this primary spot of the earth grid?
Net, Nettr?
Is there vast evidence of an ancient initiation system built on energy grids?

You decide!

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In ancient texts often referred to as nets or The Net?

Let's go back to what it is called in India,
The Jewel of Netra Indra is described as a net with jewels extending infinitely in all directions,
spread out and glittering like stars at every nodal point of the net!

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Every jewel reflects all the other jewels in itself.

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Other interpretations are that every bright jewel at the nodal points of the net is an atmon
which is the spirit core within human beings and all spiritual beings!

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Each atmon spirit core has the same divine essence of all others,
but with their own unique qualities
based on the karma they have generated while acting within the physical world.

Remember, 3d Height, Depth, Width even mentioned in the bible,
Romans 8:38-39 [It HAD to be an 8!]

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, [39] Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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Fast forward to modern times,
In the highest levels of physics,

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it is understood that physical matter is based on both
physical particles
in different states of vibration
and on waves!

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It is important to remember what I and others have pointed to many times,
Waves can collapse into Particles,

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Then particles can disintegrate back into waves.

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There is evidence of this as it has been proven many times!

This is called Wave Particle Duality!

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Most will admit that we live in a realm of duality, but then get wonky about wave particle duality.
Why do you suppose that is?

It is known that ancient traditions based their understanding
both of natural forces and their healing methods!

Ancient Texts show -
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Based on dynamic vital energy and Not
on the physical matter!

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So NOT on the matter itself,
which is known to be a lower, denser manifestation
of the Underlying Energy Patterns!

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Thus known as

Did not ancient traditions understand that
energy in different states is the Core of all existence?

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Stay with me here as no one is denying Creator Source.
Who created that energy and LIGHT?
Genesis 1:3
“And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.”

Is not sound also light?
John 1
King James Version
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2 The same was in the beginning with God.

3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

According to Science Explorer,

Under some circumstances, sound can actually form light!
It might come as a surprising fact that it is possible to turn sound into light. The phenomena are called “sonoluminescence” whereby a loud sound generates an emission of light.

The best example to explain this phenomena the mantis shrimp (Odontodactylus scyllarus) which uses a sonic shock wave to help catch its prey.
The shrimp squeezes out jets of water from its claws which travel at such a fast speeds that the water “cavitates” inwards. In other words, the negative pressure causes the liquid water to be pulled apart into bubbles of water vapor.
When these water bubbles collapse into themselves, this remarkable event emits a flash of light.
The light flashes that are produced are extremely short, lasting only 100 picoseconds, and they are surprisingly high energy, at almost ten times hotter than the temperature on the sun.

How sonoluminescence generates light is not fully understood yet. In this video by MinutePhysics they cover some potential theories to explain this phenomena upfront.

A Secret of Sacred Geometry?
Whenever you see a physical form
including the forms of sacred geometry

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don't think of it as a solid, inert structure

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Always keep in mind that what stands behind this structure or physical form
is the net
the vibrational matrix of energy
that this form crystallized out of.

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Remember that the physical form can change Immediately

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when the background energy matrix changes!

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Everything is energy,
so Sacred Geometry Patterns
are crystalized forms
showing us the invisible, vibrational matrix
which IS the higher reality!

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This Vibrational Matrix is
The Net
which ancient traditions learned to master!

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Understanding that the solidity of physical matter

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That it can change
based on changing the vibrational matrix BEHIND matter
is the secret to all advanced energy healing.

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It is also what is referred to in modern times as
Vibrational Medicine.

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It is also the secret of all
advanced spiritual activation of the human being.

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These nets or energy grids
work on Higher Plane Levels.

In addition to the energy work in the physical
to create physical form

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modern physics has allowed materialism
to restrict it's understanding of a larger reality!

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This means Modern Materialism only sees energy manifesting at two different levels.
The electromagnetic spectrum and
the physical levels.

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One of the most popular models of these higher planes today
is the Seven Planes Model from the
Theosophical Society

This model of the Seven Planes of Nature
is derived from the system of Biogeometry

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Developed by Dr. Ibrahim Karim in Cairo, Egypt.

Dr. Karim found the geometric shapes which connect in resonance to each plane,
which makes possible very advanced work in testing or directing energy to these planes.

Working in higher planes along with the Net of the vibrational matrix is a key secret of spiritual initiation.
This makes Advanced applications Possible in manifestations including healing
It makes possible the materialization of energy thought forms into physical form.

Another sacred geometry shape to consider is the cubeoctahedron, a polyhedron with 8 triangular faces and 6 square faces. A cuboctahedron has 12 identical vertices, with 2 triangles and 2 squares meeting at each, and 24 identical edges, each separating a triangle from a square.

The cuboctahedron was probably known to Plato: Heron's Definitiones quotes Archimedes as saying that Plato knew of a solid made of 8 triangles and 6 squares.

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Robert J.Gilbert, a former nuclear biological chemical defense marine corp instructor,
his work helps people understand the underlying matrix
that affects everything in the physical realm.

For over 40 years Robert has intensely researched the patterns behind human life.
This includes scientific studies from his time as a US Marine Corp Instructor
in the field of Nuclear Biological Chemical Warefare Defense
and studies of spiritual traditions around the world
which led him to complete his Ph.d in international studies.

#SacredGeometry, #PlatonicSolids, #Matrix, #EarthGrid, #VoynichManuscript, #TheNet, #JewelofNetraIndra, #WrinkleInTime, #Earendel, #SoundWaves, #Sonoluminescence, #PistolShrimp, #MantisShrimp, #cubeoctahedron


Plato said, the world of Forms is a Reflection of Ideas!

Should you live as if it has Already Happened?

It's interesting what can be seen from a Bird's Eye View or shall I say a Drone Camera?

If They Hadn’t Shot This Video With a Drone, No One Would Have Believed It
Please note I do Not endorse the views of the narrator.
Sharing this footage for the visuals and especially the Ooparts seen!

#AntlerShedding, #Moose, #OOpart, #OutOfPlaceArtifact


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