The Power of Tesla! A History of Tesla, his experiments and the Adams Power Plant at Niagara Falls! Check out the Nikola Tesla Statue on the American side! Hydroelectric!

in #tesla2 years ago (edited)

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Nikola Tesla, was born in Smiljan Croatia, which was a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire at that time. Ironically, the time of his birth was at the stroke of midnight between July 9th and 10th while a fierce electrical storm raged that very night in 1856.

Born the 4th out of 5 children, Nikola’s family lived on a farm and his father, Milutin Tesla, was a priest in the Serbian Orthodox Church. Tesla's older brother, Danilo, was killed in a riding accident when Nikola was only 7 years old.

After this tragedy, Tesla began to see visions and developed other quirks. For example, he was obsessed with the number 3, doing odd things such as circling a building 3 times before going in and insisting on 3 napkins next to his plate at every meal.

It was said he would only stay in a hotel room divisible by 3.

The house where Nikola Tesla was born in Smiljan, Croatia, which was then part of Austria-Hungary.

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The induction motor Benjamin Lamme created came from Nikola Tesla's patents.

Lamme went on to design the giant Niagara Falls generators and motors and the power plant of the Manhattan Elevated Railway in New York City.

Among his eight US patents were inventions on induction motors, electrical ship propulsion, and Gyroscopic stabilizer systems. He designed the single-reduction motor for street railways (replacing the double-reduction motors), the Rotary Converter, railroad electrification systems, the Westinghouse Type C Induction Motor, and the first 5000 kW generators for the giant hydroelectric generators in the Adams Power Plant at Niagara Falls, for many years the largest power station in the world. Bertha Lamme Feicht worked alongside her brother in the design of the turbogenerator at Niagara Falls. Operation began locally in 1895 and power was transmitted to Buffalo, New York, in 1896.

As stated by Tesla University,

In 1877 Tesla studied mathematics and physics at the Graz University of Technology in Austria. He also studied natural philosophy at the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic.

In 1882 Tesla was walking and admiring a sunset. Suddenly, he saw a vision of a motor that used a rotating magnetic field to produce what we now know as alternating current (AC).

Alternating electrical current changes directions 50 to 60 times per second. Tesla drew this motor in the ground while a friend watched and wondered at the strange diagram. According to the experts of the time, the motor Tesla had seen in his vision was impossible and would not work. Fortunately, Tesla did not forget his motor.

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On June 6th, 1884, at the age of 28, Nikola arrived in New York City (later becoming a naturalized American citizen) in search of people who would believe in his unusual ideas about electricity. He became an engineer working on improving dynamos for Thomas Edison. Edison and Tesla did not get along well, though. One thing they disagreed about was the use of DC or AC power. Edison wanted the nation powered by DC, while Tesla recognized that AC could provide more power, better power, and cheaper power. AC eventually won, but Edison put up a fight.

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According to,

George Westinghouse and Nikola Tesla were highly intelligent inventors who together were responsible for a major turning point in the Industrial Revolution, a period of fast-paced economic change that began in Great Britain in the middle of the eighteenth century. Tesla developed a generator, a machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy, which made it possible to power motors using alternating current (AC). Westinghouse, having already made a fortune by inventing the air brake, bought the patent Tesla had obtained for his AC motor and then hired him to work at his Pennsylvania manufacturing plant.

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"George Westinghouse was a man with tremendous potential energy of which only part had taken kinetic (moving) form.... When others would give up in despair, he triumphed."

—Nikola Tesla on George Westinghouse.

Tesla was undoubtedly one of the greatest inventive geniuses of the Industrial Revolution. Besides championing AC and developing the generator, he invented an early speedometer and radio-controlled devices. And it can be argued that he invented the radio. Before his death in 1943, Tesla had acquired more than one hundred patents. His famous Tesla coil and other inventions have since become integral to modern technology.

George Westinghouse

George Westinghouse was the son of a modestly successful manufacturer of agricultural machinery. As a boy, George greatly preferred working in his father's shop to going to school. At age ten, his family moved to Schenectady, New York, where George established his own workshop in the attic of the family home.

The story is told that his father agreed to pay George fifty cents a day to cut pipe into specified lengths. Young George agreed, and within just a few hours he invented a machine to do the cutting. It was only the first of many useful George Westinghouse inventions. At age fifteen, he developed a form of rotary steam-engine (one that made a circular motion, rather than the established up-and-down motion of pistons).

During the U.S. Civil War (1861–65), Westinghouse served first in the Union (that of the Northern states) cavalry, then in the U.S. Navy as an assistant engineer. Later, he enrolled in Union College, but dropped out after a year to work on his inventions. In 1865 he patented a device to get derailed railroad cars back onto the rails.

Westinghouse was twenty-three years old when he developed the device that would earn him his first fortune: railroad air brakes, which he patented in 1869.

Westinghouse's invention enabled the locomotive engineer to apply powerful brakes along the length of the train, which made trains safer and more manageable, and it also allowed them to run at higher speeds.

It was in 1893 that Westinghouse Electric company lights the Columbian Exposition (Fair) in Chicago.

For more information see

#ChicagoWorldsFair, #ColumbianExposition, #Chicago, #Burnham, #Holmes, #BurnhamVsHolmes

Chicago World's Fair Near the Turn of the Century. The Columbian Exposition. Daniel Burnham, John Root and a close friend Millet who was on the Titanic and the other on the Sister Ship the Olympia. Juxtaposition of Burnham and Holmes the serial killer!

#TheDevilInTheWhiteCity, #HHHolmes, #SerialKillers, #HolmesSerialKiller, #WhiteCity

H.H. Holmes Serial Killer History, Murder Castle with secret passages, tunnels and a cadaver workshop basement. Would Daniel Burnham the considered Hero architect of the Chicago World's Fair and Devil in the White City have known Holmes?

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May 1888: Tesla Files His Patents for the Electric Motor Electric motors came into their own only after the Serbian-born inventor came up with a marketable design based on alternating current

According to Spectrum

Electrical devices advanced by leaps and bounds in the 1880s, which saw the first commercial generation in centralized power plants, the first durable lightbulbs, the first transformers, and the first (limited) urban grids. But for most of the decade, advances in electric motors lagged behind.

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Sources and Connecting Articles

By 1895 the first big power plant at Niagara Falls had been built.

See more here,

26th August 1895: Niagara Falls became the world's first large-scale electricity producer

Power had been used since 1757, the hydraulic canal could provide more due to the benefits of long distance AC transmission.

The intake canal channeled water from the deep river into upper pits.
They extended 180 feet beneath the ground and contained the generators.

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Above these the buildings of the Transformer house was built.

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To direct the tail water from the generators to the lower river, a 7.5 thousand foot race tunnel was constructed beneath the city from 16 million bricks.

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Electricity was first generated on August 26, 1895
This made the Niagara Plant the first large scale alternating current plant in the world!

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The electricity was initially only delivered to the nearby Pittsburg Reduction Company.

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Long distance transmission lines were installed over the course of the next year.

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This extended Niagara's electricity supply to Buffalo 22 miles away by the year 1896.

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By 1902 a series of expansions and improvements meant the power plant at Niagara was generating 1/5 of all the electricity in the entire United States.

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This comment makes an apt observation and it Does make you wonder why so much of mainstream society leaves out giving credit to whom it is due. Is there a Key reason for that? You decide!

Thank you to
Vic NTEC, who states. . .
1 year ago
This is a sad report. The Adams Generating Station used 9 of the 13 patents were from Nikola Tesla. I would urge you to do your due diligent and if you wish to publish something them make if factual. Westinghouse would not have anything to do with this station if it was not for the fact that Nikola Tesla sold him the patents and then to make it all possible, Tesla walked away from his royalty right to make this plant possible. Tesla Gave it all to society and here you do not have enough understanding to at least acknowledge Tesla. Why do you think there are statues of Tesla on both the USA and Canadian side and recently one was added in Buffalo.

I do find it interesting when you look at All of the history surrounding that time period.
Take a look at an interesting writer during that time whose family had a very fascinating Revolutionary History.
Consider he also wrote the book The Last President.

A recent post which includes some of the Niagara Falls photos

I don't often share personal and family photos due to the harassers and those who have threatened.
Yes, I don't let them steal my peace and I know they're all talk because they KNOW I don't call in the FBI or FIB as we all know those at the top of that org to be. My hater's know they will have a "come to Jesus moment" if they attempt to make good on their threats as I and my Father are my First line of protection!

You all know they don't bother me.

When it comes to my family. . .I simply rarely share photos and you Stalwarts and Soldiers know why!

Life is what you want it to be.
Yes there are pitfalls, yes there are those who stand against what you stand for.
Keep getting out there and manifesting what you want in the world.
Rather than allowing the hateful, spiteful and bullying lot to dictate. . .
I choose Beauty in Nature
Walking with God and Nature
Creating as a co creator
Working with people who have Soul mission rather than stocking up treasures on earth and consumerism.
I choose Independence and manifesting because we do not have to be victims of our circumstances nor abused by the haters and bullies who try to Force their way on us, then get vindictive when we won't comply. #haterswillbehaters

Yes. . .this is an imperfect realm filled with people who either do not know their power or choose to use it for the negative, tossed to and fro by what is said on the Tell a Vision Box and a society they Think is trendy. It's all a lie just as the Fear they push is a lie! #fearisaliar

Those using their God given power to show others we are in #Kingdom, #kingdomminded

So here is my #LittleKingdom
Feel free to share your's!
We are ushering it in whether #theothers like it or not.
Let them stay in their cloaked, dark kingdom if they wish as we don't force as they do, we believe in #freechoice and #sovereignty

I know many of you do this and it is #inspiring Keep it UP and Carry On as Jesus clearly stated,
Luke 17:20-21
20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:

21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

There is no perfect YET, but are those of us with #2ndSight going to achieve it? Just stay tuned. . .we are Already in the process of #theflip. #theothers Do Not Determine who we are and they Will Not keep us #enslaved as they are. We are #sovereign and do not require a #System or #ruler to be over us!

Have done projects for former fam members in the past who couldn't care a less because they treat us as if we are Less Than simply because we don't believe as they do and because we work outside of the system. We don't support elitists' agendas as they do, therefore we are treated sub par. I know all you Great #warriors, #Guardians and #patriots know Exactly what I am talking about and #resonate

Notice how they only yell Free Choice as long as we choose Their Choice. Think about that!
In spite of their feeding into the #enslavement. . .
#thebestisyettocome and in Our Kingdom #wewillprevail

This year in between my small business, family, training and writing I still had the chance to work on projects for others as many of you have done, but this time #timefreedom it was for those dedicated to #truth, #justice and the good of all rather than just the goal of the elitists. Here are some of my #extracurricularactivities

Love to all, that includes the haters as I pray for them often.
See link with photos, projects and instructions inside of here,

#Tesla, #NikolaTesla, #NiagaraFalls, #HydroelectricPlant, #HydroelectricPlantNiagara

See further info here,

Ingersoll Lockwood

See more info on #NilolaTesla in here,

Time is a curious thing!

What's up or is it down with time and gravity? You decide!

Check this out if not familiar as it covers the magnetics surrounding #EdwardLeedskalnin!
Nine Inch Nails Why is this child in the middle of a video for adults? NIN-Sim NIN Lacks Deal

More Sources and Connecting Information

The Forgotten Secrets of the New Yorker Hotel, Nikola Tesla's rooms 3327 and purported lab 3328. The tunnel, vault and power plant underneath that could have powered a small city!

Nikola Tesla Greatest Inventor and Gift Giver to humanity! Why did it behoove the controllers to stifle his gift of Free Energy? Why did the profiteers credit others with his tech inventions? Follow the Money!

Nikola Tesla, who was he Really and what else did he do? The Tesla Papers. Where he really heralded from. The Physics of it all!

Vortex Mathematics! What's the Big Secret? Secret of the Universe? You decide!

The Truth about Tesla, the Trumps, Thomas Edison and the Cabal's Clamps on Free Energy. A clip of Trump from 1980 speaking Just as he speaks Today!

Uncle John Trump who was friends with Tesla history inside of here,

What's in a Trump all it encompasses. How it has connections to the Battle Hymn of the Republic played for Independence Day 2019 and a very Historical Inauguration

The Searl Effect Generator Anti-Gravity and Perpetual Motion Device, Project Looking Glass, Keely's Etheric Generator-Liberator, Boyd Bushman's Quantum Antigravity



#Tesla, #NikolaTesla, #Westinghouse
Almost immediately, George Westinghouse bought Tesla's patent rights to motors and transformers that used AC. Westinghouse offered Tesla a job in the Westinghouse laboratories as well as future royalties (a percentage of revenue or profits earned in the future) for the use of his ideas.

Westinghouse and his new employee launched a huge struggle with Edison over the issue of whether DC or AC would dominate. Eventually, alternating current won out, principally for two reasons: using alternating current, it was possible to send electric power over wires for many miles, whereas direct current could travel for only about two miles. Second, alternating current, unlike direct current, could be sent in a great concentration and then powered down at the far end.

Westinghouse and Edison fought bitterly over the issue of AC versus DC. Edison tried to convince government authorities that alternating current was dangerous and should be banned. (At one point, opponents of alternating current used a Westinghouse AC generator to electrocute a condemned prisoner in New York State to demonstrate its danger.) But the greater practicality of alternating current, especially the ability to distribute it over long distances from a centralized generator, became more important. AC remains the worldwide standard into the twenty-first century. The symbolic end of the struggle came in 1917, when Tesla won the highest honor awarded by the American Institute of Electric Engineers. Ironically, it is called the Edison Medal.


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