Nanotech, climate control, the dawn of creating black matter and what is really going on

in #illuminati6 years ago (edited)

What is really going on with climate control and what is in the atmosphere, what are we being exposed to every day? How do we know what we are inhaling isn't harmful?

Some answers you may get include,

It's classified because it involves tampering with the human genome.

It's a way to force transhumanism, forcing humans to meld with tech.

The particles we are breathing in are so small, most don't even know they are there.

You are asking valid questions. . .they are very involved and go way back.

Way back to Niels Bohr, who was a physicist who studied the structure of the atom and quantum theory. He is credited with developing the principle of complementarity: that items could be separately analyzed in terms of contradictory properties, like behaving as a wave or a stream of particles. Sort of the yin and yang of particle theory.

Bohr let the U.S. know the German's had figured out how to split the atom around 1939. So with the threat of the Nazi's developing powerful weapons, President Roosevelt established the Manhattan Project in 1941.

Research was already being done at Universities, but Oppenheimer was appointed director of the Project in 1942, and he set up a new research facility in the mountains in New Mexico, now known as Los Alamos, but back in the day, it was a secret city. The best physicists were brought there to work on the creation of the atomic bomb.

First explosion 1945 out in the New Mexico desert, known as Trinity Test Site. It's about 35 minutes from Socorro, NM and was on what used to be known as the Alamogordo Bombing and Gunnery Range and now part of White Sands Missile Range.

This is where his famous quote came from, "We knew the world would not be the same," he said. Within a month, two atomic bombs were dropped on Japanese cities. Japan surrendered on August 10, 1945.

Oppenheimer later became chairman of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. When Truman wanted to build a more powerful hydrogen bomb, Oppenheimer was reluctant. They accused him of being a commi, but I wonder. When you look at what was orchestrated and used as FUD during Operation Gladios, it was the same CIA mentality even when they were under Other names of labeling people fascists if they didn't agree with the narrative being pushed.

There were others who questioned the Deep State and secretive agencies justifying their spending and projects. Many holes in what these instigators claimed to be true. But you know what they do if anyone Dares question.

So the powers that be now knew how to break down matter, now they needed to learn how to turn matter into energy. MIT, SRI and NEC corporation and Sun Microsystems the second key has to do with silicon.

  • MIT involved in Wartime contracting, MIT has kept pace with and helped to advance the digital age. In addition to developing the predecessors to modern computing and networking technologies, students, staff, and faculty members at Project MAC, the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.

  • SRI, they are Considered the headquarters of Silicon Valley, they call this a little known lab in Menlo Park, CA, but they have been part of CIA funded experiments and DARPA backing for the Mother of all Demos. Did a few articles on this

Qanon Background History for those connected to Sergey Brin in Industries, Academia and Government agencies that would have an interest in furthering a globalist agenda .
Stanford and it's research institute key in being the forerunner of the mainframe, arpanet and what later became known as the end user friendlier internet

This connects to the background of Stanford Research Institute (as it used to be called) it's history and connections to cabal programs, figure heads and funding.

  • NEC corporation started out as Bell and other telecoms did here in the U.S., but was the Japanese version formerly under a different name. provides IT and network solutions to business enterprises, communications services providers and to government agencies, and has also been the biggest PC vendor in Japan since the 1980s.

NEC created the first digital signal processor.

In 1986, NEC delivered its SX-2 super computer to the Houston Advanced Research Center, The Woodlands, Texas. In the same year, the NEAX61 digital switching system went into service. In 1987, NEC Technologies (UK) Ltd. was established in the United Kingdom to manufacture VCRs, printers and computer monitors and mobile telephones for Europe. Also that year, NEC licensed technology from Hudson Soft, a video game manufacturer, to create a video game console called the PC-Engine.

I tell you all of this because it all links together. All works together as it has been set up to follow a certain course that directly involves man and technology.

  • Sun Microsystems, The Sun name is derived from the initials of the Stanford University Network

Around 1999 Sun filed a suit against Microsoft for copyright infringement as JAVA, was a programing language developed by them, but Microsoft had made improvements. They had rushed to license.

The initial design of their first UNIX workstation was done by a graduate student at Stanford.

Andy Bechtolsheim the Stanford University Network communications project as a personal CAD workstation. He built an advanced memory management unit (MMU) to support the Unix operating system with virtual memory support. He actually built the first ones out of spare parts obtained from Stanford's Department of Computer Science and Silicon Valley supply houses.

A former American manufacturer of computer workstations, servers, and software. In 2010 the company was purchased by Oracle Corporation, a leading provider of database management systems.

Interesting thing is all founders from Stanford and another member jumped on board from Berkley who was one of the developers of Berkley's Software Distribution.

Once again, just as we have found when researching the heritage of founders like Sergey Brin and other influencers in technology, the parents are associated with Stanford and Berkley.

Clearly it isn't a coincidence that Silicon Valley and access to research facilities abound for technology there in the California region.

So let's take a closer look at silicon,

Over 90% of the Earth's crust is composed of silicate minerals, making silicon the second most abundant element in the Earth's crust (about 28% by mass) after oxygen.

Most silicon is used commercially without being separated, and often with little processing of the natural minerals. Such use includes industrial construction with clays, silica sand, and stone. Silicates are used in Portland cement for mortar and stucco, and mixed with silica sand and gravel to make concrete for walkways, foundations, and roads. They are also used in whiteware ceramics such as porcelain, and in traditional quartz-based soda-lime glass and many other specialty glasses.

Silicon (Si) 4xxx – The addition of silicon to aluminum reduces melting temperature and improves fluidity. Silicon alone in aluminum produces a nonheat-treatable alloy; however, in combination with magnesium it produces a precipitation hardening heat-treatable alloy.

From Activist Post,
The New Manhattan Project utilizes aluminum oxide particles to modify the weather. When these tiny particles are dispersed and subsequently hit with the appropriate electromagnetic energy, they heat up. Electromagnetic perturbation of atmospheric particles for the purpose of weather modification distinguishes the New Manhattan Project. When large lower-atmospheric volumes of particles are heated, a high pressure zone is created. If one can create a high pressure zone, one can push low pressure systems around. In combination with ionospheric heaters’ documented ability to redirect the jet stream and many other techniques, this is how they modify the weather.

Barium is used not for modifying the weather, but rather as a tracer for gathering atmospheric data. Barium performs in this capacity because barium can be radioactive. It shows up on radar well. The literature pertaining to weather modification and the atmospheric sciences is full of references to radioactive materials such as barium being used as atmospheric tracers.

Atomic Energy Commission research in precipitation scavenging by convective storms requires knowledge of both the storm and cloud dynamics and the microphysics of the precipitation processes. Atomic Energy Commission laboratories and contractors have developed considerable expertise in the use of selective chemical tracers which can be introduced into the storm or cloud as a function of time, altitude or position. Subsequent analysis of the tracers in the resulting precipitation provides details of dynamical features of the storm, hydrometer growth rates and mechanisms and the spatial and temporal distribution of precipitation.

The chemical tracers are introduced into the storm as aerosols via aircraft and/or surface generators.

Although it is largely unclear at this time why strontium is showing up in the samples, strontium may be used as a photosensitive catalyst. It could be used to free associated aluminum from the oxide form when exposed to UV and visible light. Free aluminum is much more conductive than aluminum oxide and therefore allows for better propagation of the New Manhattan Project’s electromagnetic waves.

In 1958, Norihiko Fukuta (1931-2010) of Nagoya University in Japan published a paper titled “Experimental Investigations on the Ice-Forming Ability of Various Chemical Substances” which appeared in the Journal of Meteorology.
Asada, T., H. Saito, T. Sawai, and S. Matsumoto discovered the usefulness of aluminum oxide as a nucleant.

Fukuta’s 1958 paper also details his research utilizing Al2O3 (aluminum oxide) as an experimental nucleant.

The 1962 U.S. patent #3,274,035 “Metallic Composition for Production of Hygroscopic Smoke” by Lohr A. Burkardt and William G. Finnegan describes how aluminum, barium and strontium may be used as ingredients in, “…a composition which produces hygroscopic smoke for use in influencing the weather.”

The 1964 U.S. patent #3,140,207 “Pyrotechnic Composition” by Mary M. Williams and Lohr A. Burkardt describes how aluminum can be used in compositions which have, “…use in cloud seeding.”

1964 was a busy year. This was also when the National Science Foundation (NSF) presented the work of a Dr. A.C. Zettlemoyer (1915-1991). Albert Zettlemoyer was an important figure in this development. Zettlemoyer discovered that small particles with both hydrophilic (water attracting) and hydrophobic (water resisting) sites were able to hold more water than uniformly hydrophilic particles. The NSF’s sixth annual weather modification report explains:

A new series of artificial nucleating agents for possible use as cloud seeders in cloud modification work can now be produced. Now that the surface chemistry of the most effective nucleating agent (silver iodide) has been recognized, it’s possible to seek out other materials which nucleate or promote crystallization in gaseous and liquid media such as water clouds, according to Dr. A. C. Zettlemoyer of the surface chemistry laboratory of Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa.

New and cheap cloud seeders (or nucleating agents), inorganic materials are used as substrates. Silicas, usually of colloidal size, are very desirable inorganic substrates, the Lehigh chemist finds. Other substrates can be used, but it is difficult to find cheaper ones than silicas, he says. These include carbon black, magnesite, limestone, dolomite, clay, bauxite, alumina, magnesia, and lime.

In 1991 United States patent #5,003,186 “Stratospheric Welsbach Seeding for Reduction of Global Warming” was assigned to the Hughes Aircraft Corporation. The patent describes a method for dispersing particulates into the upper atmosphere in order to save us from global warming. The author David B. Chang suggests that aluminum oxide be used for this purpose.

“One proposed solution to the problem of global warming,” it reads, “involves the seeding of the atmosphere with metallic particles. One technique proposed to seed the metallic particles was to add the tiny particles to the fuel of jet airliners, so that the particles would be emitted from the jet engine exhaust while the airliner was at its cruising altitude.”

The first mention of aluminum occurs in this passage, “The method comprises the step of seeding the greenhouse gas layer with a quantity of tiny particles of materials characterized by wavelength-dependent emissivity or reflectivity, in that said materials have high emissivities in the visible and far infrared wavelength region. Such materials can include the class of materials known as Welsbach materials. The oxides of metal, e.g., aluminum oxide, are also suitable for the purpose.”

In the mid-nineties, Lawrence Livermore Laboratories scientists Edward Teller, Lowell Wood and Roderick Hyde wrote a series of papers calling for the spraying of megatons of aluminum to save us from global warming. The mid-nineties was when reports of chemtrail spraying in American skies began pouring in.

In their 1997 paper “Global Warming and Ice Ages,” the Livermore Labs trio wrote, “It has been suggested that alumina injected into the stratosphere by the exhaust of solid-rocket motors might scatter non-negligible amounts of sunlight. We expect that introduction of scattering-optimized alumina particles into the stratosphere may well be overall competitive with use of sulfur oxides; alumina particles offer a distinctly different environmental impact profile.”

In his 2010 paper “Photophoretic Levitation of Engineered Aerosols for Geoengineering,” top geoengineer David Keith suggests particles consisting of both aluminum and barium be used for the purpose of weather modification. Dr. Keith’s proposed aluminum and barium particle sandwiches suggest that one chemtrail spray material may simultaneously serve the dual purposes of weather modification (aluminum) and atmospheric tracing (barium). Keith notes that these particles can be engineered to employ a layer of aluminum oxide to protect internal free aluminum from oxidation. Also in 2010, in the feature documentary What in the World Are They Spraying?, David Keith says,

…on the environmental consequences of alumina in the stratosphere. There’s a bunch of papers going back to the seventies that look at the radiative and ozone destroying properties of alumina in the stratosphere and those make you think it might be useful. Do this in just a jet in a very simple way. Make high quality alumina particles just by spraying alumina vapor out which oxidizes. So it’s certainly in principle possible to do that.

David Keith is a professor at Harvard University who is heavily invested in geoengineering. According to his Harvard bio, “David divides his time between Cambridge where he is Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and Professor of Public Policy in the Harvard Kennedy School; and Calgary, where he helps lead Carbon Engineering a company developing technology to capture of CO2 from ambient air.”

Dr. Keith has received geoengineering grants from the Fund for Innovative Climate and Energy Research. According to the Stanford website, “Grants for research are provided to Harvard University from gifts made by Mr. Bill Gates from his personal funds.”

This investigation has found that the aluminum particles dispersed as part of today’s New Manhattan Project may or may not be in the nano-sized range. Many have feared that these particles are nano-sized because when nano-sized aluminum particles are inhaled, they are so small that they go directly into the blood stream and right into the brain causing a host of neurological disorders. In recent years, there have been massive spikes in the number of cases of diseases that have been found to be caused by aluminum toxicity. This has provided support for the notion that these particles are nano-sized. As we will see, the literature pertaining to weather modification and the atmospheric sciences shows nano-sized aluminum particles only as a possibility, not a certainty. Particle size here means the particle’s diameter.

By 1947 scientists had figured out that the best nucleating weather modification sprays consist of nano-sized particles. In an award-winning 1998 documentary film titled Langmuir’s World pioneering weather modifier Bernard Vonnegut (1914-1997) said he found that the best silver iodide particle size for nucleation is about, “a hundredth of a micron.” 1 micron equals 1000 nanometers, so .01 microns converts to 10 nanometers. This is probably what we see today in the conventional, regulated weather modification industry where airplanes spray silver iodide under regulatory supervision. Bernie Vonnegut should know. He was the guy who discovered silver iodide’s usefulness as a nucleant, thus spawning the commercial cloud seeding industry. He was also a scientist who contributed greatly to the foundation of the New Manhattan Project.

Different materials used as nucleants have different optimum sizes.

  • The optimum size has historically been the most water absorbing size.

  • The most water absorbing size is known as the most **‘hygroscopic’ size.

  • The most hygroscopic particles of many different materials have been found to be nano-sized.

Although the particles used today as part of the New Manhattan Project may not be tailored to be the most hygroscopic size, this is what chemists producing nucleants for weather modification have historically sought. Today’s New Manhattan Project may not be shooting for optimum nucleation. Rather, today’s New Manhattan Project may be shooting for particles that are more receptive to this Project’s electromagnetic energy.

The nucleation capabilities of said particles may be a secondary or nonexistent objective. But, in order to determine the particle size of today’s New Manhattan Project main chemtrail substance, it is important that we look at some historical examples of aluminum particles used in weather modification and the atmospheric sciences.

By 1963 the aforementioned Dr. A. C. Zettlemoyer concluded that, “…particle size of the substrates should range from 0.01 to 10 microns, and preferably between 0.3 and 1 micron…” That translates to 10 to 10,000 nanometers and preferably 300 to 1000 nanometers. His nucleation substrates included aluminum.

So they do want them to be nano sized.

NOAA’s previously mentioned 1970 report “Proceedings of the Twelfth Interagency Conference on Weather Modification” noted that they had found effectively sized aluminum and silver particles in the .05 to 1 micron size range. A range of .05 to 1 micron translates to a range of 50 to 1000 nanometers.

In his aforementioned 2010 paper “Photophoretic Levitation of Engineered Aerosols for Geoengineering,” top geoengineer David Keith proposes use of particles consisting of aluminum and barium sized at about 20 microns (20,000 nanometers).

So once again nano range.

We see from this investigation that aluminum particles ranging in size anywhere from 10 to 20,000 nanometers have been formulated or proposed. As discussed earlier, although this size range from 10 to 20,000 nanometers is documented as preferable for hygroscopicity, hygroscopicity may not be what today’s geoengineers are shooting for. They may be largely or entirely shooting for electromagnetic manipulation and in that case, the particles would be sized to be most receptive to the applied microwaves. This is why the results of this investigation into particle size are largely inconclusive. At this time, we are unsure of the exact electromagnetic energy frequencies being used. This fact, coupled with a lack of any known particle measurements, means that we cannot be sure of the particle sizes.

It is also important to note that the particle sizes listed here are the initial dispersion sizes. Due to the fact that these dispersed particles may, as they float down to Earth, attach themselves to other ambient atmospheric particles and/or each other, the particle sizes of these dispersed substances, upon reaching the ground, may be significantly larger. Conversely, relatively large particles may be dispersed which are designed to break up upon exposure to sunlight. The relatively large particles proposed by David Keith (20 microns), may be designed to break into nano-sized fragments.

They continue to espouse the virtues of stratospheric alumina in the footnotes writing, “Alumina, like sulfate, is ubiquitous in the terrestrial biosphere, and its stratospheric injection seemingly poses no significant environment issues.”

Resonance frequency / the Welsbach effect

In order for the chemtrail sprays of the New Manhattan Project to be effective, the dispersed particles need to interact with the applied electromagnetic energy appropriately. As previously mentioned, when the aluminum particles of the New Manhattan Project are hit with the right electromagnetic energy frequency, they heat up. The most effective heating frequency is known as a particle’s ‘resonant frequency.’ Different materials have different resonance frequencies.

When large masses of atmospheric alumina particles are heated by specifically applied electromagnetic energy, they behave as something akin to a plasma.

More specifically, heated aluminum particles make the aluminum particles around them heat up (or resonate) as well. This is known as the “Welsbach effect.” It is demonstrated in the mantle of a gas lantern. Applied energy makes the entire mantle light up not because the mantle is soaked with fuel, but because the particles comprising the mantle are resonating together.

What do you suppose they require to "resonate together?"

What might orchestrate this or aide in all particles resonating together or drawing together?

The 1988 U.S. patent #4,755,673 “Selective Thermal Radiators” by Slava A. Pollack and David B. Chang describes how small particles may be energized in this fashion.

David B. Chang is one of the inventors listed on the “Selective Thermal Radiators” patent and Mr. Chang is also the sole inventor noted on the infamous “Stratospheric Welsbach Seeding for the Reduction of Global Warming” patent. Hughes Aircraft is listed as the assignee on both.

Hughes Aircraft was one of many aerospace and defense companies which flourished in Southern California during and after World War II and was at one time the largest employer in the area.

Do you trust them on this?

The wide range of science and technology developed by Hughes Aircraft never included medical applications because the company was owned by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI). This restriction was imposed to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest.

However the money provided to HHMI by Hughes Aircraft led to major improvements to the medical field from genetics, cancer research, to producing doctors who provide care to millions of people. It is important to note that Hughes developed the modern medical bed as a direct result of his hospital internment.

Although aluminum, along with barium and strontium are shown here to be the usual New Manhattan Project chemtrail sprays, evidence exists describing the possible utilization of other, more curious materials.

The seminal 1996 Air Force document “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather 2025” mentions using smart materials for the purpose of weather modification. On page 17 it reads,

With regard to seeding techniques, improvements in the materials and delivery methods are not only plausible but likely. Smart materials based on nanotechnology are currently being developed with gigaops computer capability at their core. They could adjust their size to optimal dimensions for a given fog seeding situation and even make adjustments throughout the process.

They might also enhance their dispersal qualities by adjusting their buoyancy, by communicating with each other, and by steering themselves within the fog.

Now what or who can help them do that?

Now if you combine this research these people were doing from the 50's and beyond. . .then go back to where it went after the first phase of understanding how to break down matter, then think about where it all went during the upstarts for silicon valley.

What was needed?


Silicon dioxide, also known as silica, is an oxide of silicon.

Inhaling finely divided crystalline silica is toxic and can lead to severe inflammation of the lung tissue, silicosis, bronchitis, lung cancer, and systemic autoimmune diseases, such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

Molten silica exhibits several peculiar physical characteristics that are similar to those observed in liquid water.

The current consensus is that it certainly seems important in the growth, strength, and management of many connective tissues. This is true not only for hard connective tissues such as bone and tooth but possibly in the biochemistry of the subcellular enzyme-containing structures as well.

Silica is the primary ingredient in the production of most glass. The glass transition temperature of pure SiO2 is about 1475 K.[22] When molten silicon dioxide SiO2 is rapidly cooled, it does not crystallize, but solidifies as a glass.

The structural geometry of silicon and oxygen in glass is similar to that in quartz and most other crystalline forms of silicon

It is used as a thermal enhancement[further explanation needed] compound in the ground source heat pump industry.[citation needed]

Silica is used in the extraction of DNA and RNA due to its ability to bind to the nucleic acids under the presence of chaotropes.

Thin films of silica grow spontaneously on silicon wafers via thermal oxidation

The native oxide layer is beneficial in microelectronics, where it acts as electric insulator with high chemical stability. It can protect the silicon, store charge, block current, and even act as a controlled pathway to limit current flow.

Can help with control.

The chemical vapor deposition of silicon dioxide onto crystal surface from silane had been used using nitrogen as a carrier gas at 200-500oC

Inhaling finely divided crystalline silica dust can lead to silicosis, bronchitis, or lung cancer, as the dust becomes lodged in the lungs and continuously irritates the tissue, reducing lung capacities.[38] When fine silica particles are inhaled in large enough quantities (such as through occupational exposure), it increases the risk of systemic autoimmune diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis compared to expected rates in the general population.

the relatively small portion of very highly purified elemental silicon used in semiconductor electronics (< 10%) is essential to integrated circuits — most computers, cell phones, and modern technology depend on it.

Because silicon is an important element in high-technology semiconductor devices, many places in the world bear its name. For example, Santa Clara Valley in California acquired the nickname Silicon Valley, as the element is the base material in the semiconductor industry there. Since then, many other places have been dubbed similarly, including Silicon Forest in Oregon, Silicon Hills in Austin, Texas, Silicon Slopes in Salt Lake City, Utah, Silicon Saxony in Germany, Silicon Valley in India, Silicon Border in Mexicali, Mexico, Silicon Fen in Cambridge, England, Silicon Roundabout in London, Silicon Glen in Scotland, and Silicon Gorge in Bristol, England.

A silicon atom has fourteen electrons. In the ground state.

Extrinsic semiconductors are components of many common electrical devices.

Other devices implementing the extrinsic semiconductor:

Solar cells
Light-emitting diodes

Silicon is one proton heavier than aluminum and one proton lighter than phosphorous.

  • 2nd most abundant element in the earth's crust

  • ilicon is almost never found in a pure state in nature, and virtually always comes as a compound with other elements. It’s most commonly found as a silicate and silica.

Silica, in a rough and highly contaminated form, is the primary component of sand. Feldspar, granite, quartz, and more are all based on silicon-oxygen compounds.

Silicon compounds can bind other atoms very tightly, and in complex arrangements.

For example, calcium silicate is the main binder in concrete, mortar, and even stucco. Some silicate-rich materials can be heated to produce hardened ceramics like porcelain, while others will fuse to form the world’s primary form of glass, soda-lime glass.

silicon is also the major structural component of the synthetic material silicone.

Conductors have low resistance, and pass along electric current very easily, while insulators have (predictably) high resistance, and slow or block the flow of electrons.

A transistor is needed that can switch on and off at will.

A substance that has resistance between a conductor and an insulator.

Silicon is not even the best semiconductor on earth, but it is the most abundant.

It's easy to work with and scientists can grow it into ordered crystals.

Think of how carbon produces diamond. . .silicon produces crystals.

These crystals that are grown are sliced into thin wafers. Then they are engraved, processed, then treated in hundreds of ways prior to being diced into an individual die, then packaged into a commercial processors.

Superior transistors can be made from carbon and germanium.

the Periodic Table is organized, we know that elements in a vertical column have similar chemical properties — and right below carbon, is silicon. This is why science fiction authors have spent so much time and ink of the idea of silicon-based life; being tetravalent itself, silicon is the most plausible alternate structural element in totally novel forms of life. Silicon is also happy to bond powerfully to other silicon atoms (just like carbon to carbon) and can thus double-lock certain conformations into place. Both are presumed to be crucial to allowing the development of life.

silicon is physically larger and heavier than carbon, making it less well-suited to super-fine tasks like, for instance, recombinant DNA.

The fact that all life on Earth is organic, despite that the planet’s silicon atoms outnumber the carbon atoms almost a thousand to one, could be an indication of how likely that is to occur elsewhere in the universe. There are plenty of species here that use silicon to one extent or another, but none that use it as the structural element of DNA. Silicon-based life is certainly possible, but if it does exist there’s a good chance it would never be able to progress to the level of complexity carbon has allowed right here at home.

if we want to continue the exponential historical trend in computing power, silicon remains the substance of choice in many fields. Will we find new and exciting ways to control its treatment of electrons? Perhaps. Will we find that it underlies all life in the universe, except that which evolved on Earth? Probably not, though it’s possible. At the very least, we are not anywhere near abandoning its use as a building supply, since silicon compounds are the basis for the rock that makes up the vast majority of the Earth’s crust.

In all likelihood, it will continue to be one of the most important substances to the progression of human mastery of the physical world.

Researchers working at the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics at Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) in South Korea, led in part by Director Young Hee Lee, have created a high performance transistor using black phosphorus (BP) which has revealed some fascinating results.

Transistors are made up of materials with semiconducting properties, which come in two varieties: n-type (excess electrons) and p-type (excess holes). With the BP crystal, researchers have discovered that they can change its thickness and/or the contact metals and that will determine if it is high performance n-type, p-type, or ambipolar (function as both n- or p-type) material.

What does this mean?

Silicon has to be extrinsically doped (inserting another element into its crystal structure) to make it n-type or p-type in order for it to work in a semiconductor chip. The BP crystals can operate as both n-type and p-type or something in between, but don't require extrinsic doping. This means that instead of having to fabricate a silicon-arsenic crystal sandwiched between silicon-boron crystals, a transistor can have a single, lightweight, pure black phosphorus logic chip -- no doping required.

Additionally, changing the metals used to connect the chip to the circuit has an influence on whether BP will be n- or p-type. Instead of doping to make an n- and p-type material, both n- and p-type BP can be put all together on one chip just by changing its thickness and the contact metal used.

Why is this important?

Technology manufacturers are in an arms race to make their devices lighter, smaller and more efficient. By using BP that is only several atomic layers thick, transistors can be made smaller and more energy efficient than what exists now.

Silicon chips exist in all of our electronic devices, and as manufacturers make devices smaller and more energy efficient, they begin to approach the threshold for just how small components can be. BP may provide a thinner, more efficient alternative to silicon chips in electrical devices.

A major constraint from preventing IoT from taking off immediately is the inability to scale down the component size and the lack of a long-term power solution. 2 dimensional layered materials (such as black phosphorus) are interesting in this aspect, since both the electrical and mechanical properties are often enhanced compared to their bulk (3 dimensional) counterparts.

Is BP a good alternative to current semiconductor materials?

It is a great material for transistors since it has a high carrier mobility (how quickly an electron can move through it). This gives BP the ability to operate at lower voltages while also increasing performance, which translates to greatly reduced power consumption.

With aluminum as a contact, thicker BP flakes (13 nanometer) show ambipolar properties similar to graphene while thin 3 nm flakes are unipolar n-type with switching on/off ratios greater than 105. The thinner they can make the material, the better the switching performance.

A major constraint from preventing IoT from taking off immediately is the inability to scale down the component size and the lack of a long-term power solution. 2 dimensional layered materials (such as black phosphorus) are interesting in this aspect, since both the electrical and mechanical properties are often enhanced compared to their bulk (3 dimensional) counterparts.

Is BP a good alternative to current semiconductor materials?

It is a great material for transistors since it has a high carrier mobility (how quickly an electron can move through it). This gives BP the ability to operate at lower voltages while also increasing performance, which translates to greatly reduced power consumption.

With aluminum as a contact, thicker BP flakes (13 nanometer) show ambipolar properties similar to graphene while thin 3 nm flakes are unipolar n-type with switching on/off ratios greater than 105. The thinner they can make the material, the better the switching performance.

"The driving force in back phosphorus is the carrier mobility. Everything centers around that. The fact that the band gap changes with thickness also gives us flexibility in circuit design.

For a while they considered graphene for a semiconductor. But the problem is. wouldn't Stop conducting.

graphene is a sheet of a single layer (monolayer) of carbon atoms, tightly bound in a hexagonal honeycomb lattice. In more complex terms, graphene is an allotrope of carbon in the form of a plane of sp2-bonded atoms with a molecular bond length of 0.142 nanometres. Layers of graphene stacked on top of each other form graphite, with an interplanar spacing of 0.335 nanometres. The separate layers of graphene in graphite are held together by van der Waals forces.

Graphene is the thinnest compound known to man at one atom thick, the lightest material known (with 1 square meter weighing around 0.77 milligrams), the strongest compound discovered (between 100-300 times stronger than steel and with a tensile stiffness of 150,000,000 psi), the best conductor of heat at room temperature (at (4.84±0.44) × 10^3 to (5.30±0.48) × 10^3 W·m−1·K−1) and also the best conductor of electricity known (studies have shown electron mobility at values of more than 200,000 cm2·V−1·s−1). Other notable properties of graphene are its uniform absorption of light across the visible and near-infrared parts of the spectrum (πα ≈ 2.3%), and its potential suitability for use in spin transport.

Bearing this in mind, one might be surprised to know that carbon is the second most abundant mass within the human body and the fourth most abundant element in the universe (by mass), after hydrogen, helium and oxygen. This makes carbon the chemical basis for all known life on earth, so therefore graphene could well be an ecologically friendly, sustainable solution for an almost limitless number of applications. Since the discovery (or more accurately, the mechanical obtainment) of graphene, applications within different scientific disciplines have exploded, with huge gains being made particularly in high-frequency electronics, bio, chemical and magnetic sensors, ultra-wide bandwidth photodetectors, and energy storage and generation.

The problem that prevented graphene from initially being available for developmental research in commercial uses was that the creation of high quality graphene was a very expensive and complex process (of chemical vapour disposition) that involved the use of toxic chemicals to grow graphene.

Also, it was previously impossible to grow graphene layers on a large scale using crystalline epitaxy on anything other than a metallic substrate. This severely limited its use in electronics as it was difficult, at that time, to separate graphene layers from its metallic substrate without damaging the graphene.

They are able to grow silicon crystals.

Being able to create supercapacitors out of graphene will possibly be the largest step in electronic engineering in a very long time.

In initial tests carried out, laser-scribed graphene (LSG) supercapacitors (with graphene being the most electronically conductive material known, at 1738 siemens per meter (compared to 100 SI/m for activated carbon)), were shown to offer power density comparable to that of high-power lithium-ion batteries that are in use today. Not only that, but also LSG supercapacitors are highly flexible, light, quick to charge, thin and as previously mentioned, comparably very inexpensive to produce.

Graphene is used in some forms of ink.
his is made by effectively mixing tiny graphene flakes with ink, enabling you to print electrodes directly onto paper. This makes the paper more conductive and more efficient.

Graphene is used in paint.
Graphene is highly inert and so can act as a corrosion barrier between oxygen and water diffusion. This could mean that future vehicles could be made to be corrosion resistant as graphene can be made to be grown onto any metal surface (given the right conditions). Due to its strength, graphene is also currently being developed as a potential replacement for Kevlar in protective clothing, and will eventually be seen in vehicle manufacture and possibly even used as a building material.

As graphene has been proven to be much more efficient at conducting electrons than silicon, and is also able to transfer electrons at much faster speeds (relatively speaking, 1000 kilometres per second, 30 times faster than silicon), in the next few years you will begin to see products from consumer electronics companies, such as Samsung (who have been pouring money into researching the uses of graphene in telecommunications and electronics and have already taken out a huge number of patents concerned with the uses and manufacture of graphene in electronic devices) based on flexible, robust, touchscreen devices such as mobile smartphones and wrist watches.

This could mean foldable televisions and telephones and eventually electronic flexible newspapers containing all of the publications you are interested in that can be updated via wireless data transfer. Being extremely translucent, in the coming years you can also expect to be able to fit intelligent (and extremely robust) windows to your home, with (potentially) virtual curtains or displaying projected images of your choice.

Up until now, black phosphorus, also known as phosphorene, has been produced in the same fashion as graphene — by exfoliating sheets of the material using scotch tape. Unfortunately, this method has exactly the same problem as graphene — it’s nearly impossible to produce the material in volume. What sets phosphorene apart is a recent discovery that the material can be separated via ultrasonic waves.

The huge advantage of phosphorene over graphene, at least in theory, is that phosphorene has a natural band gap. This means that phosphorene doesn’t conduct electricity at every energy state. Phosphorene also maintains this bandgap in monolayers, few-layers, and bulk forms, which means that stacking it up in more than a single sheet doesn’t automatically destroy its direct bandgap properties.

The new method of exfoliating phosphorene is to place it in a liquid solvent and then bombard that solvent with acoustic waves in a process known as Liquid Phase Extraction (LPE). This creates stable thin sheets of the material that are markedly larger than traditional exfoliation methods and allow for further study. Even more importantly, this manufacturing process allows the team to “sort” sheets of varying size and separate them for specific study rather than lumping all of the nanosheet thicknesses together in an undifferentiated mass.

The caveat to this work, and phosphorene’s current Achilles’ heel, is that the material degrades upon contact with water and oxygen, including the atmosphere of Earth. The research team behind the LPE tests notes that this only occurs when the material is removed from its solvent.

This might not be a major problem going forward, if a way can be found to keep the material encapsulated, or if it can still be incorporated into hardware at the manufacturing stage. EUV (Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography) is done in near-vacuum conditions and under strict atmospheric controls.

The degradation does occur, it begins at the edges of the material and does not take place instantly — there’s time enough to incorporate the phosphorene into tests before it becomes a critical problem (8% of the phosphorene dissolved after three days).

If this degradation can be solved or managed, then phosphorene could be a breakthrough in technology.

Researchers at the University of Delaware have demonstarted increased energy density for capacitors whit the use of carbon nanotubes in 3-D structured electrodes.

The scientific field of nanotechnology is still evolving, and there doesn’t seem to be one definition that everybody agrees on. It is known that nano deals with matter on a very small scale: larger than atoms but smaller than a breadcrumb. It is also known that matter at the nano scale can behave differently than bulk matter. Beyond that, individuals and groups focus on different aspects of nanotechnology.

To put these measurements in perspective, you would have to stack 1 billion nanometer-sized particles on top of each other to reach the height of a 1-meter-high (about 3-feet 3-inches-high) hall table. Another popular comparison is that you can fit about 80,000 nanometers in the width of a single human hair.

Nanotechnology is the study of phenomena and fine-tuning of materials at atomic, molecular and macromolecular scales, where properties differ significantly from those at a larger scale. Products based on nanotechnology are already in use and analysts expect markets to grow by hundreds of billions of euros during this decade.

This next definition from the National Nanotechnology Initiative adds the fact that nanotechnology involves certain activities, such as measuring and manipulating nanoscale matter:

Nanotechnology is the understanding and control of matter at dimensions between approximately 1 and 100 nanometers, where unique phenomena enable novel applications. Encompassing nanoscale science, engineering, and technology, nanotechnology involves imaging, measuring, modeling, and manipulating matter at this length scale.

Researchers at North Carolina State University have demonstrated the use of silicon coated carbon nanotubes in anodes for Li-ion batteries. They are predicting that the use of silicon can increase the capacity of Li-ion batteries by up to 10 times.

The last definition is from Thomas Theis, director of physical sciences at the IBM Watson Research Center. It offers a broader and interesting perspective of the role and value of nanotechnology in our world:

[Nanotechnology is] an upcoming economic, business, and social phenomenon. Nano-advocates argue it will revolutionize the way we live, work and communicate.

Boron-nitride nanotubes are similar to carbon nanotubes, in that they are hollow cylinders formed by atoms connected together in hexagonal shapes. However. boron-nitride nanotubes, instead of being composed of carbon atoms, are composed of boron atoms covalently bonded to nitrogen atoms to form hexagons.

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What’s interesting is that boron-nitride nanotubes have more consistent electrical properties than carbon nanotubes. Unlike carbon nanotubes, only some of which have the electrical properties of semiconductors, all boron-nitride nanotubes have those properties.

A pioneer in the development of nanotechnology was Eric Drexler. While still a student at MIT, Drexler outlined the fundamental bottom-up approach to nanotechnology in which he described how one might manipulate individual atoms and thereby synthesize materials.

Drexler suggested that machines smaller than individual organic cells could be created. He called these nanorobots. He predicted that these cell repair machines could be infused into a person’s bloodstream to cure diseases or released into the air to eliminate pollution.

His book, The Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology, published in 1986, is a seminal text in the field. He was also the first person to be granted a PhD in Molecular Nanotechnology.

In 1981, Gerd Binning and Heinrich Rohrer of IBM Zurich invented a machine named the scanning tunneling microscope (STM). The STM was built to image atoms, but it turns out, it can also move them. A famous demonstration of this came in 1989 when Don Eigler of IBM arranged 35 atoms on a surface made of nickel to spell out IBM.

a British chemist named Harry Kroto noted that chains of carbon atoms were present trillions of kilometers away in space. Kroto conjectured that these chains might have been created in the atmosphere of red giant stars.

Around this time, Kroto connected with Richard Smalley and Robert Curl, American researchers at Rice University studying clusters of atoms that were generated when they vaporized metal or semiconductor samples. This trio got together when Kroto came to the states to use Rice University’s high-end equipment. To replicate the really hot conditions that exist in the atmosphere of a red giant star, they vaporized graphite.

The procedure produced carbon molecules never observed before. They noted that the most common molecule contained 60 carbon atoms. Because the molecules seemed stable, Kroto, Smalley, and Curl guessed that they were spherical, because spherical molecules tend to be more stable. The three scientists finally determined that combining 60 carbon atoms in a spherical shape required interlocking hexagons and pentagons.

Researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory have demonstrated a catalyst made from nitrogen-doped carbon-nanotubes, instead of platinum. The researchers believe this type of catalyst could be used in Lithium-air batteries, which can store up to 10 times as much energy as lithium-ion batteries. Back in 2013.

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This led to the study of fullerenes.

Buckminsterfullerene C60 (left/top) and carbon nanotubes (right/below) are two examples of structures in the fullerene family.
Part of a series of articles on
Carbon nanotubes
Synthesis Chemistry Mechanical properties Optical properties Applications Timeline
Buckminsterfullerene C70 fullerene Lower and higher fullerenes Chemistry Health impact Carbon allotropes
Other nanoparticles
Quantum dots Aluminium oxide Cellulose Ceramic Cobalt oxide Copper Gold Iron Iron oxide Iron–platinum Lipid Platinum Silver Titanium dioxide
Nanostructured materials
Nanocomposite Nanofoam Nanoporous materials Nanocrystalline material
Fullerene Nanogears - GPN-2000-001535.jpg Nanotechnology portal
A fullerene is an allotrope of carbon in the form of a hollow sphere, ellipsoid, tube, and many other shapes. Spherical fullerenes, also referred to as Buckminsterfullerenes or buckyballs, resemble the balls used in association football. Cylindrical fullerenes are also called carbon nanotubes (buckytubes). Fullerenes are similar in structure to graphite, which is composed of stacked graphene sheets of linked hexagonal rings. Unless they are cylindrical, they must also contain pentagonal (or sometimes heptagonal) rings

Notice anything interesting about them?

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Buckyballs and buckytubes have been the subject of intense research, both for their chemistry and for their technological applications, especially in materials science, electronics, and nanotechnology.

As they keep poking around for carbon allotropes. . .let's look once again at what an allotrope is,

s the property of some chemical elements to exist in two or more different forms, in the same physical state, known as allotropes of these elements. Allotropes are different structural modifications of an element.

For some elements, allotropes have different molecular formulae which can persist in different phases; for example, two allotropes of oxygen (dioxygen, O2, and ozone, O3) can both exist in the solid, liquid and gaseous states. Conversely, some elements do not maintain distinct allotropes in different phases; for example, phosphorus has numerous solid allotropes.

So way back here they knew,

By 1912, Ostwald noted that the allotropy of elements is just a special case of the phenomenon of polymorphism known for compounds, and proposed that the terms allotrope and allotropy be abandoned and replaced by polymorph and polymorphism.

Who has Always tampered with the human genome and the combining of species?

You know the answer, God flooded the world due to what the fallen had done in tampering with God's creation.

in biology and zoology is the occurrence of two or more clearly different morphs or forms, also referred to as alternative phenotypes, in the population of a species. To be classified as such, morphs must occupy the same habitat at the same time and belong to a panmictic population (one with random mating).

The term polyphenism can be used to clarify that the different forms arise from the same genotype. Genetic polymorphism is a term used somewhat differently by geneticists and molecular biologists to describe certain mutations in the genotype, such as single nucleotide polymorphisms that may not always correspond to a phenotype, but always corresponds to a branch in the genetic tree.

So back to the nanotubes.

Silicon dioxide nanofilms, a layer of silicon dioxide molecules that can be as thin as 1 nm, are used to provide electrical insulation between two parts of a device, such as a transistor. This method is used in making computer chips.

Researchers at Rice University have developed electrodes made from carbon nanotubes grown on graphene with very high surface area and very low electrical resistance. The researchers first grow graphene on a metal substrate then grow carbon nanotubes on the graphene sheet. Because the base of each nanotube is bonded, atom to atom, to the graphene sheet the nanotube-graphene structure is essentially one molecule with a huge surface area.

Nanotechnology makes it possible to achieve several benefits when you manufacture materials. For example, nanomaterials can be stronger and more lightweight than their non-nano counterparts. Nano also makes it possible to make materials smaller, a key aspect of building computer chips, for example.

In addition, nanoparticles can help fibers resist stains and repel water. Used as catalysts in chemical reactions, nanoparticles can make processes more efficient and reduce the amount of energy they require. Nano also has several applications in healthcare.

Here’s a list of the types of things nano is making possible today. Nano is being used

To make strong lightweight equipment ranging from tennis racquets to windmill blades

To clean up industrial solvents contaminating groundwater

To protect clothing with nanoparticles that shed water or stains

As catalysts to make chemical manufacturing more efficient while saving energy and keeping waste products to a minimum

As a coating on countertops that kills bacteria

In sunscreens to provide protection from UV rays without producing a thick white residue

In wound dressings to rapidly stop bleeding in trauma patients

As a film on glass to stop water from beading and dirt from accumulating

In paints to prevent corrosion and the growth of mold as well as to provide insulation

To make integrated circuits with features that can be measured in nanometers (nm), allowing companies to make computers chips that contain billions of transistors

In bandages to kill germs

For coatings in heavy-duty machinery, such as ships and the oil industry, to make equipment last longer

In plastic food packaging to keep oxygen out so the food spoils at a much slower rate

silicon is also the major structural component of the synthetic material silicone.

Now lets look at Barium.

Because of its high chemical reactivity, barium is never found in nature as a free element. Its hydroxide, known in pre-modern times as baryta, does not occur as a mineral, but can be prepared by heating barium carbonate.

Barium has a medium specific weight and good electrical conductivity.

Barium hydroxide ("baryta") was known to alchemists, who produced it by heating barium carbonate. Unlike calcium hydroxide, it absorbs very little CO2 in aqueous solutions and is therefore insensitive to atmospheric fluctuations

Alchemists in the early Middle Ages knew about some barium minerals. Smooth pebble-like stones of mineral baryte were found in volcanic rock near Bologna, Italy, and so were called "Bologna stones." Alchemists were attracted to them because after exposure to light they would glow for years.

Now let's look at Strontium. . . is a soft silver-white yellowish metallic element that is highly chemically reactive.

Strontium has physical and chemical properties similar to those of its two vertical neighbors in the periodic table, calcium and barium.

While natural strontium is stable, the synthetic 90Sr isotope is radioactive and is one of the most dangerous components of nuclear fallout, as strontium is absorbed by the body in a similar manner to calcium. Natural stable strontium, on the other hand, is not hazardous to health.

At the peak of production of television cathode ray tubes, as much as 75 percent of strontium consumption in the United States was used for the faceplate glass.

The density of strontium (2.64 g/cm3) is similarly intermediate between those of calcium (1.54 g/cm3) and barium (3.594 g/cm3).

Strontium is intermediate between calcium and barium in its reactivity toward water, with which it reacts on contact to produce strontium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. Strontium metal burns in air to produce both strontium oxide and strontium nitride.

Finely powdered strontium metal is pyrophoric, meaning that it will ignite spontaneously in air at room temperature. Volatile strontium salts impart a bright red color to flames, and these salts are used in pyrotechnics and in the production of flares.

The three naturally-occurring isotopes of hydrogen. The fact that each isotope has one proton makes them all variants of hydrogen: the identity of the isotope is given by the number of neutrons. From left to right, the isotopes are protium (1H) with zero neutrons, deuterium (2H) with one neutron, and tritium (3H) with two neutrons.
Isotopes are variants of a particular chemical element which differ in neutron number. All isotopes of a given element have the same number of protons in each atom.

I'm not done. I have to send this on so I can write another. Will be back with far more info.

Now lets briefly look at how we have seen evidence on how their Weaponized skies and chemical spraying show up.
Uncontrolled replication of the silicon strands.

What ARE they growing?
What is their reach and how does it manifest?

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What IS Silicon Valley after all and what kind of Wide spread Reach have they Always been after and Shy?
Anti-Creators or creators of Their world vs. God
All ove the above?
You decide.

CDC Report on Morgellons Disease
From back in 2012

The fibers found and broken down by doctors do not match anything in their database including clothing fibers.
Morgellon's Disease | The Unexplained Files

Microbial Hair: It's Electric

Electronic transfer between the living and the non living cells.
Microbial Hair: It's Electric

Much easier to do what the CIA did back in the days of people questioning the Warren Commissions inconsistencies as "Conspiracy Theorists" the ones telling the tales immediately found a way to disparage Thinkers so as to distract from the Narrative's lies. ..

Rather than have the medical doctors (those who have claimed people are crazy) NOT all, but some just shrug off doing their work and due process.

Why This Disease Causes Strange Fibers to Grow From Skin

They basically take their coined or special phrasing and Weaponize it to distract from Truth.

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Inside Edition Report 2020
Why This Disease Causes Strange Fibers to Grow From Skin

For sufferers
Morgellons Disease 1 - RIFE Frequencies Treatment - Energy & Quantum Medicine with Bioresonance

Who is Raymond Kurzweil?

Why did Regina 19th Director of DARPA work for both Facebook and Google?
Find fully sourced verified info inside of here

Evidence connectivity was always their game? You decide.

Eric Schmidt (GOOG) building an army?

What is housed here?

What are people like Eric Schmidt dedicated to?
God says you will know them by their fruits or even the Lack thereof. . .perhaps Spoiled fruits!

Remember Schmidt's trip with verified pedo Former Gov of New Mexico, Bill Richardson to North Korea? Interesting right?

U.S. Air Force Is Spraying 6 Million Acres With Chemicals in Response to Harvey

Carnicom Institute

Thank you for this Excellent Link Great Warrior Grace Landry,
The Nano Robots Inside You

Also more info from 2021 on graphene inside of here,

Connecting Articles and Sources

See more here on the Biotech industry, tampering wth DNA and Transhumanism here,

Facebook Frames Would you upload your conscience if you could? A question presented at the Consumer Electronics Show 2018 with Genetically Homegrown Organic Sleeves.


Stratospheric Aerosol Injection

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From a course at Stanford

Not sure why this link wouldn't show up. . .but it is the Inside Edition report from 2020 on Morgellons

If they are Not Geo engineering, why is there a West Texas Modification Association where they Literally Tell you they are modifying the weather?

And WHY are there so many Weather Patents all Verified going back to the 1800's?

Here is one from 1951


UPDATE 3.18.2023
As seen on Wimkin.
Do yourself a favor, go get an account and if you are a Warrior, who has been watching the White Hats from the get go or at any time, check out and consider joining the Q anon groups on there.

As seen dropped from Operation Q

On the Redpill Reports group found on Wimkin!

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UPDATE 8.25.2023
I have both my undergrad and graduate degree from the University of New Mexico
Guess what?

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See also,

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