Operation Alert Continuity of Government More evidence and a merger with Great Voice/FEMA historical article of bunkers throughout the US in Minds

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Was a plan set into motion?
Was their Scamdemic a way [even a cover] to install what had been set up by JFK years ago?
You decide!
According to Newsweek in h March of 2020

Trump Officially Declares National Emergency Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

Even as President Trump says he tested negative for coronavirus, the COVID-19 pandemic raises the fear that huge swaths of the executive branch or even Congress and the Supreme Court could also be disabled, forcing the implementation of "continuity of government" plans that include evacuating Washington and "devolving" leadership to second-tier officials in remote and quarantined locations.

But Coronavirus is also new territory, where the military itself is vulnerable and the disaster scenarios being contemplated -- including the possibility of widespread domestic violence as a result of food shortages -- are forcing planners to look at what are called "extraordinary circumstances".

Above-Top Secret contingency plans already exist for what the military is supposed to do if all the Constitutional successors are incapacitated. Standby orders were issued more than three weeks ago to ready these plans, not just to protect Washington but also to prepare for the possibility of some form of martial law.

According to new documents and interviews with military experts, the various plans – codenamed Octagon, Freejack and Zodiac – are the underground laws to ensure government continuity. They are so secret that under these extraordinary plans, "devolution" could circumvent the normal Constitutional provisions for government succession, and military commanders could be placed in control around America.

"We're in new territory," says one senior officer, the entire post-9/11 paradigm of emergency planning thrown out the window. The officer jokes, in the kind of morbid humor characteristic of this slow-moving disaster, that America had better learn who Gen. Terrence J. O'Shaughnessy is.

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  • He is a 1986 graduate of the United States Air Force Academy. He has commanded at the squadron, group and wing levels, including the 35th Fighter Wing at Misawa Air Force Base, Japan
  • the 613th Air and Space Operations Center at Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii
  • the 57th Wing at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada.
  • O'Shaughnessy has served as the United States Pacific Command Director of Operations responsible for joint operations in a region encompassing more than half the globe and 36 nations.
  • O'Shaughnessy was the Deputy Commander, United Nations Command in Korea; Deputy Commander, United States Forces Korea; Commander, Air Component Command, Republic of Korea/United States Combined Forces Command; and Commander, Seventh Air Force, Pacific Air Forces, Osan Air Base, South Korea, as well as the commander of Pacific Air Forces.
  • O'Shaughnessy is a command pilot with more than 3,000 hours in the F-16 Fighting Falcon, including 168 combat hours.
    In August 2019, O'Shaughnessy stirred up the military space community when he said at a defense conference that "Elon Musk’s SpaceX may have just 'completely changed our ability' to sense threats against America using satellite clusters in space" by the new technology demonstrated by SpaceX May launch of the initial group of Starlink megaconstellation.

See more on this here. . .

O'Shaughnessy is the "combatant commander" for the United States and would in theory be in charge if Washington were eviscerated. That is, until a new civilian leader could be installed.

'We're in territory we've never been in before'

What happens, government expert Norman Ornstein asked last week, if so many members of Congress come down with the coronavirus that the legislature cannot meet or cannot muster a quorum? After 9/11, Ornstein and others, alarmed by how little Washington had prepared for such possibilities, created a bipartisan Continuity of Government Commission to examine precisely these and other possibilities.

It has been a two-decade long futile effort, Ornstein says, with Congress uninterested or unable to either pass new laws or create working procedures that would allow emergency and remote operations. The rest of the federal government equally is unprepared to operate if a pandemic were to hit the very people called upon to lead in an emergency. That is why for the first time, other than planning for the aftermath of a nuclear war, extraordinary procedures are being contemplated.

In the past, almost every imagined contingency associated with emergency preparedness has assumed civil and military assistance coming from the outside. One military officer involved in continuity planning calls it a "cavalry" mentality: that military assistance is requested or ordered after local civil authority has been exhausted.

"There might not be an outside," the officer says, asking that she not be named because she is speaking about sensitive matters.

In recognition of the equal vulnerability of military forces, the Pentagon has instituted unprecedented restrictions on off-base travel. Last Wednesday it restricted most overseas travel for 60 days, and then on Friday issued supplemental domestic guidance that essentially keeps all uniformed personnel on or near military bases. There are exceptions, including travel that is "mission-essential," the Pentagon says.

Mission essential in this regard applies to the maze of more than a dozen different secret assignments, most of them falling under three larger contingency plans:

CONPLAN 3400, or the military's plan for "homeland defense," if America itself is a battlefield.
CONPLAN 3500, "defense support of civil authorities," where the military assists in an emergency short of armed attack on the nation.
CONPLAN 3600, military operations in the National Capital Region and continuation of government, under which the most-secret plans to support continuity are nested.
All of these plans are the responsibility of U.S. Northern Command (or NORTHCOM), the homeland defense military authority created after 9/11. Air Force General O'Shaughnessy is NORTHCOM's Colorado Springs-based commander.

To see more about this base go here,

On February 1, Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper signed orders directing NORTHCOM to execute nationwide pandemic plans. Secretly, he signed Warning Orders (the WARNORD as it's called) alerting NORTHCOM and a host of east coast units to "prepare to deploy" in support of potential extraordinary missions.

From one of my previous articles in Minds under TestingTheNarrative [my channel and another pen name]

Now I can just hear all the Trump haters yuckin' it up,

"So what, Biden's in now, Trump can't do a thing."

What about the powers of FEMA? Were we Not already in a state of Emergency per President Trump's Executive Order from 2018?

You decide!

President Trump declares a national emergency. That emergency is still in play to this day, and the 2020 election was conducted under this state of emergency, which is a crucial point to understand what’s coming next….

Why is this relevant to anything we’re seeing right now with the massive election fraud carried out by the Democrats and the deep state? Because Dominion Voting Systems is a Canadian company. And Scytl is run out of Spain.

Here is more evidence inside of here with Full Sources and links,


So who is In Charge under a State of Emergency?

On April 12, 2020 on backboards,

April 12, 2020 –
10:37 am CST
Yesterday, the state of Wyoming became the 50th, and final, state to declare a state of emergency
This is the first time in US history that all 50 states have declared a state of emergency.
This invokes the full powers of Executive Order 12148, signed by Jimmy Carter in 1979.
This Executive Order revokes Presidential power in a time when all 50 states are in a state of emergency, and transfers power from the President of the United States to FEMA Director Pete Gaynor.

Have you also seen. . .

  • The President states in his Executive Order that people and organizations located, in part, outside the United States are known to be able to, “interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation.”

  • What have CNN, the NY Times, the Washington Post and MSNBC been up to?

Would their false information constitute. ..

“foreign interference” in U.S. elections, aided by complicit corporations on U.S. soil.

  • Also states. . .“constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.”

Interesting EO?


See more inside of here,
What is Giant Voice. Tweeted prior to PreZ Trump's Suspension. Military Mass Comm System? Here is the evidence. History, Power and Reach of FEMA.


Facebook Frames Do you remember?
What is Continuity Government?
Great Voice?
Who actually installed the foundation for Continuity of Government?
Why did they take him out?
What IS the rest of FEMA's history

Post link here and Fully Sourced!


Here are other underground bunkers mentioned including what has been called the Underground Pentagon.

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These are called Federal Regional Center bunkers.

Federal Regional Center, FEMA Region 6 Center, Denton, Texas.
(Fomerly) Department of Defense, Office of Civil Defense Region 5 Center

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The FEMA web site page about the Denton FRC (Federal Regional Center)

Ariel view of the Federal Center on Loop 288.
Citation: The Federal Center, Photograph, n.d.; digital image, (http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth12432/ : accessed June 29, 2013),
University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, http://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting Denton Public Library, Denton, Texas.

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The May 15, 1961 news (Possibly from the Dallas Morning News) article below and the drawing shown with the article are a very accurate description of the underground center.

Associated Press Wirephoto
Cutaway of Denton's Civil Defense Underground Fortress
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Note how the Dallas article titles it Alternate Capitol and refers to it being completed by 1962.

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Information about the above image from The Portal to Texas History web site.

Caption: Aerial view of the Federal Center during construction.
Citation: Aerial View of the Federal Center Construction, Photograph, n.d.; digital image,
(http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth14707/ : accessed June 29, 2013),
University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, http://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting Denton Public Library, Denton, Texas.

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This images are similar to USNORTHCOM and Iron Mountain

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For further info go here,

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Far larger springs at USNORTHCOM but clearly similar design and concept

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Find further info on Denton here,

FEMA Federal Regional Bunker - Region I
Maynard, Massachusetts

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See all regions inside of here,

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See a Facebook Frames on this Fully Sourced with more connections here,
You are Here on the time construct.

In order to go forward you Must go BACK!
Things they Do Not tell you in a public school education and Not even in some private settings.

This information was given Only in certain schools on a Need to Know basis. ..though the ability to Research was Always there!
What was Operation High Point?
What was Operation Alert?
It was Eisenhower’s evacuation drill Operation Alert in 1954.

This was from a vid share from Great Warrior Tom Tran on August 8, 2021
Ties in perfectly with the Great Voice/FEMA article on Jan. 22, 2021 from Minds

Here is the Excellent video link from Tom.

Devolution In Its Entirety: This Is The Plan. This Is War.


The Devolution information is from Patel Patriot's Series found here,


He references this Newsweek article from March 2020

Patel states,

The article was published March 18, 2020, and claims, "Standby orders were issued more than three weeks ago to ready these plans…". That means in February of 2020. Trump had ordered the military to review and prepare the continuity of government plans. I think the timeline of this is essential.

Note this article regarding a "fringe theory" being thrown around by Senator Tom Cotton and notice the date. A "theory" stating the virus originated from a biosafety lab pops up around the same time Trump is ordering the military to prepare continuity of government plans.

Today we know that this "theory" is almost certainly true. It's safe to assume military intelligence was all over this at the time, even though Trump didn't publicly state that he had seen evidence that the virus came from the lab until May 1, 2020.

What's interesting is. ..Newsweek did an article on this also yet the rest of corporate owned Mainstream Media shunned it and pretended it wasn't truth. . .though there was vast evidence!

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In April of 2020

More evidence of what Fauci has been involved in here,
How connected in was Anthony Fauci to the Hive Mind? Wife bioethicist, the head of the Department of Bioethics at the NIH Clinical Center. Daughter of Dr. Fauci works as a software engineer at Twitter NEWS


How the Fauci emails were obtained and the Tells inside!


Flip Flop Fauci and his corporate criers. Will there ever be accountability? Revelation of birth pangs. How bad will things get before they get better?


A new report alleges that staffers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology fell ill before China disclosed the outbreak. CNN gets in on the reporting. What has changed about the rona and jab reporting? Did you feel the tide turn? Is disclosure coming?


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The Federal Region Center for Region X (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington) is an underground office facility located in a refurbished decommissioned Nike missile site.

Constructed on the site of a decommissioned Nike missile site, the Bothell FRC is one of six similar operations centers built during the late 1960s. Total cost of design, construction, etc. was $1,860,000 (estimated cost of constructing a similar building in 1983 was over $25 million, and the cost today would easily exceed $40 million). The building itself is a subterranean office structure designed to be reasonably survivable in the event of foreseeable natural or man-made disasters.
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What happens if you try to get an up to date. . . photo of area on the map,

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If you run it through an image search,

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FEMA Region 10 Tribal Conference Registration Instructions

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FEMA Federal Region Bunker - Region IV
Thomasville, Georgia

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The Federal Region Center (FRC), a key regional asset, is located in Thomasville, Georgia. It is a 37,734 square foot subterranean, protected facility situated on a 38-acre site.

Built in the early 70s, the Federal Regional Center was designed to withstand hazards, ranging from severe storms and tornadoes to a worst-case, National Security event. The facility has its own separate water, power and support systems and has the full range of telecommunications capabilities to support emergency operations for the Federal family.

Denver Federal Center: Building 710, Lakewood, CO

This building is a 2-level, square, underground facility constructed of concrete and steel designed in a 'Cold War Defense Structure' style of architecture. Its lower level is completely below ground, and its upper level is partially below ground, with earthen bermed walls and three feet of earth fill covering its roof. All that can be seen of the structure from the exterior include its concrete entrances, mechanical equipment, a few pipes, and antennae which rise from the large grassed mound (DFC Architectural Inventory, 1996).

Upon entering the building's lobby and immediately to the north, is a set of doors which leads to a tunnel connecting Building 710 with Building 710A. This tunnel is not original and was constructed in 1985, along with Building 710-A.

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Interesting for when All of the nefarious were in control...

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Denver International Airport, Funding and Plans by Elitists, A mocking local news station report of their Underground Labyrinth and Tunnels and No Logical Explanation of the Creepy Murals or death of Demon Horse Sculptor


See an interesting article and connector to current info here,
Special Ops historically set up by President Kennedy in the event of an Emergency for We the People?


Back to Devolution. . .

Think back to August 2019.

The pressure is building on the Biden family for their ties to Ukraine and China. It almost feels like Durham would drop the hammer any day on the Obama administration for Spygate. The "Whistle-blower" comes forward with the quid-pro-quo accusation, and an impeachment inquiry in the House of Representatives is underway. However, with a Republican majority in the Senate and no evidence of a quid-pro-quo, everybody knows the President will be acquitted.

The America-first platform Trump campaigned on was working. The economy was booming. He was winning the “trade war” with China. None of the scandals thrown at him had stuck. He was unscathed through Impeachment. Along with the other two most significant threats to America (Democrats and the media), China was desperate to get Trump out of office. China favored a Biden presidency, and as found on Hunter Biden's Laptop; they would have an equity stake in the Biden administration.

Although the fake polls said otherwise, the Democrats appeared to have little chance in 2020. The momentum was palpable. The only way the democrats would be able to win the election was to steal it.

How convenient that Covid-19 would present them such an opportunity.

Now you can decide for yourself whether the leak was intentional or not, but what did PDJT himself say?

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Everything about the election of 2020 was controversial. Sitting Presidents don’t gain votes and not get re-elected. Obama had 3 million less votes and was re-elected with a total of almost 66 million votes. Trump gained almost 12 million votes and lost with a total of over 74 million votes. It was evident Covid-19 was a pretext for mass numbers of mail-in voting. A famous politician once said:

"Mail-in ballots are extremely susceptible to fraud" - Jerry Nadler

Interesting as the Dem leadership had spoken out about voting systems being compromised before, but the Dems and followers Pretended none of that existed even though there is evidence from their Very Own Leaders.


Did the CISA who is tasked with protecting us against foreign interference and cybersecurity threats? Did they do this? You decide!



Reality of George Orwell





Info on 10th Mountain_1st Marine_CPSD_
What happened on August 13, 2018?


When I get a chance I will try to add more frames from this FB Frames I put together on Jan. 17, 2021 whih also goes over some COGCON Levels and readiness conditions for the Executive Branch. . .remember what happens under Emergency State which PreZ Trump was able to put us in due to "pand^mic"/sca*demic/pla^demic



NBC NEWS: Hillary Clinton covered up pedophile ring in State Department


The Epstein, Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci and Wuhan China correlation. Part two of Operations conducted without citizen consent.

Open Philanthropy group that funded Event 201, and Who's Who connected to them, the Club and you're not In It!. https://www.facebook.com/melissa.mcgarity.14/posts/10220728736262792

Here is a summary and Facebook Frames which will include the video from OutofShadows as you click through frames photos. Also archiving on my steemit and other platforms for backup. Many connections from deep dives inside of frames. All that they say matches up with all of mine and other anon's research....

Note in the song Hey Look Ma I Made it the lines. . . Friends are happy for me, or they're honeysuckle phonies
Then they celebrate my medals or they wanna take my trophies
Some are loyal soldiers while these other thorns are rosy
And if you never know who you can trust then trust me, you'll be lonely, oh

Guess who else said this in an interview from long ago?
That he wanted to know Who was Really loyal to him?
That’s right Trump way before he was president.
Are the Disloyal being exposed almost daily?
You decide, you be the judge not the tech overlords who try to control your info.
Will place that interview in the comments of this Original Post as they flag me if I try to share out to like minded groups. You know. ..Information warfare and all.

What is the "culture" they Push, Idolize, adore Really All About?

Take a look because Brendon Urie spells it out, how many do you suppose caught it? Likely Not those that feed into their Trump hate and distraction, they are too busy in their feeding frenzy to pay attention to the boiled frog position they are in aren't they? Some interesting tidbits for those who Catch it and have disCERNment. . .

"Hey Look Ma, I Made It" is a song by Panic! at the Disco from their sixth studio album, Pray for the Wicked, Now take a look with your own eyes

May 18, 2017 RIP Chris Cornell
July 20, 2017 RIP Chester Bennington
April 20, 2018 RIP Avicii
They all shined a LIGHT on it!
Have you seen the doc the Silent Children?
You Should!

Facebook Frames The BIG lie, con, Greatest Deception! Who were nicknamed Gog and Magog in their "Secret Society" as Bonesmen? Who heralds death and who heralds LIFE?
Heads up, as with all the FB frames that I drop, you have to click all the way through to get the Big Picture!

Trust me, it's important to see it all, even if you need to click through Fast. All is Fully sourced!...


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