The Calm before the Storm stated in Sept. 2022 by former NASA astronomer. Remember When Trump stated this concerning a MIL Op in 10.2017? Coronal Mass Ejection large enough to fit earth inside? Reported in Science articles. Diamond battery lasts 9 years?

in #timetravel2 years ago (edited)

According to Earth Sky and various other sources,

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Today’s top news: Sunspot region AR3089 is departing – being carried out of view by the sun’s rotation – with beautiful displays from flares and prominences on the sun’s southwest limb (edge). This region was the largest and most magnetically complex sunspot since AR3088 left in a similar flurry of departing activity.

There’s also a newcomer now, on the sun’s northeast limb (edge), just labeled AR3096. It holds promise for the next sun action. Overall, after this past week’s spurt of geomagnetic storming (see aurora photos below), largely from the large trans-equatorial large coronal hole, sun activity is now at low levels. Will the newcomer bring more action? We’ll see. Stay tuned.

Do you find this interesting?

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As reported by HT Tech,

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Notice their wording. . .

Horrific Solar Filament Explodes on Our Sun, it is so big, Earth Could Disappear in it!
Then underneath headline it reads,

Giant solar filament big enough to swallow earth has erupted on the sun's surface near sunspost AR3089

Note how NASA also made this claim,

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Also note the interesting time frame for this one and it's date prediction from NASA 12.21.2012
They put the following article out on 11.10.2011 Interesting numbers? You decide!

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So they are not saying destruction. . .but can altering occur when you are dealing with the Electromagnetic Field? You know they can and THEY know they can.

Case in point. . .

As per Newsweek on 9.7.2022 in Tech and Science,
The Sun Just Produced an Explosion So Big It Will Be Studied 'for Years'

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According to Space Weather Archive reported on August 25, 2022,

Shown above is a map of magnetic fields on the sun. AR3088 is inset. According to Hale’s Law, the sunspot’s magnetic poles should be arranged +/-, that is, positive (+) on the left and negative (-) on the right. Instead, they are rotated 90 degrees; positive (+) is on top and negative (-) is on the bottom.

This is a rare “perpendicular sunspot,” with magnetic poles orthogonal to the sun’s equator. What’s going on? Something unusual may be happening to the sun’s magnetic dynamo beneath the surface where this sunspot is growing. We’ll keep an eye on AR3088 to see what happens next.

Then for those "following the science" [isn't it funny how many Claim they are all about "the Science" but then they proof very quickly they are all about their handlers, [aka the corporate owned media]?

Interesting Engineering states on Sept.7, 2022,

A giant sunspot that is currently facing away from the Earth is changing how the Sun vibrates, Newsweek reported.

In the case of AR3088, the poles have rotated by 90 degrees such that the positive pole is on top while the negative pole is on the bottom. Scientists were not entirely sure why this was observed, but later as the Sun rotated, the sunspot too turned away from Earth.

Now according to, Sunspot AR3088 is now bigger and angrier than before and will be staring at Earth about a week from now. On September 5, it gave off a solar energy particle (SEP) that was one of the biggest, if not the largest, storms on record since the European Space Agency's (ESA's) Solar Orbiter was launched in 2020.

It is not just a single sunspot, though, that is active on the far side of the Sun. Scientists are expecting at least one more sunspot on the other side, and together they are literally changing how the Sun vibrates, Newsweek said in its report.

Sunspots can be observed from the Earth using specially designed telescopes. However, these telescopes can only see the side facing the Earth. So, scientists use the vibrations from the Sun to determine what might be happening on the other side. Called helioseismology, the method is similar to how scientists use sound waves to study the Earth's interiors.

*INDEED! So what Really happened at Sunspot, New Mexico back in 2018?
You tell me. Was the Mainstream Narrative accepted by the masses Key?
Take a look!

Follow these instructions precisely,

  1. Scroll down in this article to 3rd reply at bottom.

1a. 3rd reply at bottom states the following,

The Strange, Sad Case of Sunspot, the Empty Astronomy Town
New Mexico's Sunspot Observatory was evacuated over a child porn investigation. But that's just one of the forces clearing the place out.

Then note the update where the Associated Press announced on 8.82020,

Man in child porn case that closed observatory indicted
Even though the AP stated,

the facility’s chief observer, who was not identified, told FBI agent he found a laptop computer with child pornography several months earlier but did not immediately report the discovery to authorities because he was “distracted” by an unspecified urgent issue at the observatory.

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I can assure you the chief observer's story stayed consistent from day of; therefore, WHAT was the DISTRACTION?
Was the janitor the patsy for a far Bigger Operation/ring?

Are there Too many TELLS? You decide.

1.Why did the Chief Observer wait for months to report the abuse of children?

He can't multi task for something as important as the care and well being of children?

  1. Was the Chief Observer really the one who waited or was it when he tried to show the evidence the 3 letter agency known to attempt to cover it's own back, handlers, people, etc. . .did they help coin this story or Create a Distraction of "urgent need?"

AP even put "distracted" in quotes.

I ask because there was also the Amalia, New Mexico incident almost a month prior in which a toddler with disabilities was found dead along with 11 malnourished children in a tunnel there and the case took years to be heard, then was thrown out. Remember, this is the state where Epstein had his Zorro Ranch.

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Do you remember. . .eventually even reported in corporate owned MSM as their handlers could no longer cover it up. . .

What the articles written on Epstein reveal, the injustice against child victims who were sex trafficked and Epstein's dreams of baby farming on his New Mexico Ranch

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Think about that. ..CME is a Coronal Mass Ejection, what Plandemic did we just came out of? Hmmm, interesting!
Especially as these science platforms stated the hole was a size that an entire earth could fit through. Interesting!

Reminds me of these two articles. . .

There have been Corona satellites for some time,

The Corona Satellites and Contact Tracers, Remember Corona means Crown, that comes into play!

In here it was stated that a ratio inside the great pyramid Could be a solution to the coronavirus. Do you find that interesting?

Literal Connections between the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx. Sacred Geometry in the Pyramid and the Bible. Did not the Alpha and Omega create the Physics of it All?

The Ionosphere was reacting to the large solar flares as the energy was sending shockwaves from the sun to the earth.

The sun spot which is rotating to the back side from the earth, won't be back around for another 10 days.
It is so large it is creating an echo and is affecting the way the sun vibrates.

Sun activity September 6: Parker Solar Probe’s exciting sun encounter
A few days ago, a CME blasted ESA’s Solar Orbiter spacecraft as it was making a close flyby of Venus. Like Solar Orbiter, NASA’s Parker Solar Probe has been approaching an active side of the sun (the far side, not visible from Earth). Parker Solar Probe’s 13th perihelion – closest point to the sun – happens today (September 6, 2022). So Parker Solar Probe is much closer to the sun now than Solar Orbiter. And it’ll be flying through an active corona during the September 6 perihelion, just 5.3 million miles (8.3 million km) from the sun’s visible surface. Another eruption happened on the sun’s far side at approximately 17:54 UTC on September 5, by the way. And SOHO LASCO C2 and C3 imagery showed this big blast from the far side of the sun; see the animation below. “Nobody has ever flown through a solar event so close to the sun before,” said Nour Raouafi, Parker Solar Probe project scientist at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland, on the Parker Solar Probe blog. “The data [were] totally new.”

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Sun activity September 5: Geomagnetic storms and auroras continue
Geomagnetic storms have continued over the past 24 hours, fluctuating between minor (G1) and moderate (G2) levels. So auroras have also continued to be reported down to mid-latitudes such as the northern U.S. And we might continue to see minor-to-moderate storming throughout September 5. A persistent stream of fast solar wind from a coronal hole is the culprit combined with the Russell-McPherron effect, which happens around equinoxes.

Look at that date!

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Now notice the date of my Screen Shot on the EarthSky site, Interesting?

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When is aurora season?
What’s the basis for the legendary connection between auroras and equinoxes? Yes, there is an aurora season, which comes in March and October (more or less around the equinoxes) each year. This pattern in nature – auroras increasing twice a year – is one of the earliest patterns ever to be observed and recorded by scientists.

We know that storms and eruptions on the sun cause disturbances in Earth’s magnetic field, called geomagnetic storms. And we know the sun itself has cycles, including the famous 11-year solar cycle. That cycle is in an upswing now, by the way, which is why we’re having more solar activity now than a few years ago. But an 11-year cycle is not a twice-yearly cycle. Why would geomagnetic storms increase twice a year?

As it turns out, it’s all about magnetism and geometry.

The Russell-McPherron effect
Over the years, scientist put forth several models to explain the twice-a-year variation in geomagnetic storm. An enduring explanation comes from Christopher Russell and Robert McPherron, both of UCLA. Their 1973 paper on the subject was titled Semiannual Variation of Geomagnetic Activity.

Although their model explaining the seasonal variation in aurora frequency didn’t explain everything perfectly, it did show a physical connection between the geometry of Earth’s magnetic field and the magnetic field carried to Earth from the sun by the solar wind. And thats why, since the 1973 paper, the term Russell-McPherron effect has been used for the seasonal aurora.

So what’s the connection?
The Bz component. You know how a magnet always comes with two poles: a north pole and a south pole? Solar magnetic fields – carried to Earth via the solar wind – also have a north and south pole. Russell and McPherron showed that the “north-south” component of the sun’s magnetic field – called the Bz component by solar physicists – goes up and down over the year, in a way corresponding to the wobbling of Earth’s axis. They showed these fluctuations are largest during the equinoxes. Geomagnetic storms – and therefore auroras – happen most often when the “north-south” component of the solar wind is more or less opposite the “north-south” component of Earth’s own magnetic field.

It happens because – just as when two bar magnets oriented oppositely attract one another – so opposite Bz components attract.

They open up a hole in Earth’s magnetic field, which allows the solar wind to flow more easily toward Earth’s magnetic poles.

When this happens, presto, we have auroras!

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The tilt of the Earth in relationship to the Earth-sun – around the time of an equinox – is what causes them to be opposite.

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They might not agree on all the details, but they do agree that the cause relates to the magnetic fields of both the sun and the Earth, working in conjunction with the sun-Earth geometry at a given time of year, as Earth moves in its orbit.

As meteorologist Curtis Grevenitz wrote this in his WeatherWise article for KTVH-News in Helena, Montana:

It is not just a coincidence that these two beautiful phenomena have a relationship.

Do you find this interesting?

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Remember what was stated by the Ulra Q Nuclear account on Telegram?

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Also stated in Science Times concerning the Nano Diamond Batteries. . .

The company began developing its battery in 2012 and anticipates having a working product by 2023.

Time anomalies? You decide? Diamonds are Forever. ..what kind of battery life and multiple meanings! Sure has been Off the Charts including latest sunspots and auroras! Where are you Really? Does Future Prove Past? You decide!

Do you find this wording interesting?

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So Big "Earth would disappear in it?"

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Remember when this happened in 2012?
According to SyFy

On August 31, the Sun threw a major tantrum. It started with a vast arc of material towering over its surface, a stream of plasma flowing between two sunspots. Sometimes these collapse back down to the Sun's surface, but this one exploded, blasting hundreds of millions of tons of material out into space.

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Interesting this event Also happened on 9.3 but of 2012

Finally, I'll add that this amazing solar eruption traveled outward at about 1500 kilometers per second (900 miles/second) and nicked the Earth's magnetic field on September 3, sparking aurorae in extreme latitudes.

From Nature World News,

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As reported by Natural World News,

A "dangerous sunspot" known as active region 3089 (AR3089) is currently facing Earth. It has the tendency to emit a major solar flare is likely to strike our planet in the coming hours and days, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). A renewed solar storm could disrupt our Blue Planet's radio and satellite technologies, as well as the global positioning system (GPS).

X-class solar flares are the strongest out of the three-tier scale used by astronomers to determine the intensity and impact of these solar storms toward Earth.

Yet, with the current angle of the dangerous sunspot directly pointing at Earth, space weather authorities and enthusiasts are reporting that a powerful solar flare and coronal mass ejection (CME) could occur at any time.

A former National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) astronomer, Dr. Tony Phillips, wrote on and questioned if the temporary quietness in the Sun is just the calm before the storm, as cited by Forbes.

Let's Catch this Wording shall we?

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"So WHAT" say the normies all while looking a little dead in the eyes like zombies!

Do you suppose any of them remember when our Commander and Chief Trump who is still recognized as the big, true P stated. . .

President Donald Trump: 'It's The Calm Before The Storm' | NBC News

When I Tried to tell some people I know well this. . .Deer in the headlights look and as if I had grown three heads! LOL

The rest of what Dr. Tony Phillips said includes the following;

The sunspot cataloged as AR3089 has been mellow, but that doesn’t mean it’s going away. Rather, Phillips says “it has developed a delta-class magnetic field that harbors energy for X-class solar flares.”

That’s the strongest class of flare, but there is quite a bit of variation within the X-class, which can produce as much energy as a billion hydrogen bombs on the most intense end of the scale.

From the Forbes article questions and comments and She is Right!
More #TimeAnomalies?

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Interesting? Today's feature photo from 9.6.2022
Francois was photographing the sun in Africa while he was filming his sun through his telescope.

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Now from active region on the back side of the sun AR3088

About 10 days ago when this was facing the earth the Ionosphere was reacting almost instantly to the energy of these solar flares by sending shockwaves to the earth and detected in the upper atmosphere.

Here is the active region rotating away from the earth several days ago.

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Just keeps getting bigger and is rotating back around in about 10 days from when this was photographed.

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It's so large it's creating an echo and it's affecting the way the sun vibrates.

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Seem to be lots of Booms lately!

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Additionally, the stream of charged particles from the Sun barraging Earth's magnetic field can endanger astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) as well as cause problems for power grids around the world.

On a more positive note, space weather such as CMEs causes magical events such as the aurora borealis (northern lights) and Aurora Australis (southern lights). The interaction between the Sun's charged particles, Earth's atmosphere, and magnetic field produces the incredible phenomena.

Read more:

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Amazing Gigantic Sunspot Group Numbers 3088 Today On The Sun

Departing sunspot delivers several strong flares in amazing time-lapse

Interesting. . .moving at 2.2 million mph.

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Do you find this fascinating, telling or should we all take the normies stance of tapping out of anything we don't want to deal with and just call it Trump's fault? LOL

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Starlink Satellite Trains.
Increase in sightings?

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Do you Remember? Is it possible that. . . #FutureProvesPast

Starlink Military Application and all you need to know about Starlink. Evidence The Plan is moving forward with countries United Together. Historical Reforger and Defender 20 USEUCOM's Readiness

Is much to carry out the Military Operation people like me, told you this was From the beginning? The beginning when a group of us got together and decided to Turn the Tide?

You decide! Check it out. . .do you remember. . .

Have we all had to Double Down and display True Grit as people mock us even more and some get exasperated as it seems nothing has happened? Do they NOT have the #EyesThatSee?

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As far as the 8.8 and interesting dates and times surrounding 22, do you find these numbers interesting?

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See verification here,

Notice Time was up for retaining the records for the 2020 election and it was 22 months which fell on 9.3
Not to mention it is statute 88

Remember from Flight Radar?

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Now don't forget all that occurred surrounding AR3088

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Time for every Warrior, Anon, Guardian of Children who are also Patriots to Double Down!
Check it out if not familiar. . .

See a video report part 1 on this here,


A facebook post with a poem on Time/Time Anomalies here,

This will only resonate with some of you who understood what had been planned since Ancient Times by the. . .Controllers and cab*l.

We were warned about a Z. . . .Apocalypse that was also signaled through their "entertaining content."
So subtile and conniving to the normies that it only seemed enthralling and they didn't pay it much mind.
But those that were committed to the divine learned how to flip time.
So now the abused can no longer be used
by those who intended a demise

as time flies now on a
different time line continuum
of a world that doesn't need to rhyme
but nonetheless puts all in Quite a conundrum

The flare, the sun
Oh what fun
When all that fired
Became inspired

You see. . .
the Warrior's prayer
was not unheard

The Hand of God
Really Was unfurled
The steady Warriors
were more than mere soldiers
as they commanded all enemies
to immediately dissipate
and leave us in a glorious state
of manifesting a timeline
that would be based on the divine
Love, Peace, Joy and Happiness
that only our Creator could help us Manifest

As we looked ahead into our New Timeline flip
We remember what our Commander and Chief said
The BEST is yet to come, for We WILL prevail

and all God's Children understood the ordeal
they had just been through as they Proclaimed their FREE WILL
#Godspeed #Sovereign beings

As you can see in the comments Sovereign encodes 17
Love to all!
We Defeat that Cabal
You all are Great Warriors

As you know I don't Care what the haters say

Consider these lyrics as you all know I still adore you!

Lyrics to #timeaftertime which encodes a 45
"Lying in my bed, I hear the clock tick and think of you
Caught up in circles
Confusion is nothing new
Flashback, warm nights
Almost left behind"

Whoa! How We Made that clock UNWIND!
Check it in comments I will be doing a report tomorrow!
You all are my hero's!
Continue to stay safe out there!
Time now is EveryWHERE!
Those not in the know
Just watch the show!

Check the comments for full sources and connections.

UPDATE from a post from Great Guardian/Warrior Grace Landry on 9.23.2022

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From a reply inside showing possible connections.

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Definitely interesting happenings since Lions Gate of their 8.8 on the lunar calendar which was the 9.3 on ours, the Gregorian.

Been hearing interesting phrasing and observations concerning AR3088 and other like being able to it an entire earth inside of the AR3089 sunspot and one of the former NASA astronomers used the phrasing, "The Calm before the Storm," when the solar flare activity subsided for a while. You all will well remember that phrasing being used by Commander and Chief Trump with the military standing behind him in 2017 [you can see the footage in this article I am dropping]!

Note the oddities surrounding Sunspot, New Mexico where the observatory closed for 11 days. ..did not re-open until the 17th of Sept. back in 2018. . .and then after years of nothing happening on the case and downplaying it, the janitor was indeed indicted for child porn in what appeared to be lesser accounts of what was purported to initially have been found.

**Get this. . .AP's article came out 8.8.2020 and almost a month prior there was a toddler with disabilities found dead in a tunnel in Amalia, NM along with 11 malnourished children. Coincidence? BTW that the Sunspot Observatory was shut down for 11 days and it has now been verified there was child porn involved, yet the Chief Observer there couldn't report it for MONTHS due to a "Distraction" [AP put it in quotes too] that was urgent.

I ask you WHAT is more urgent that children being harmed? #YouAlreadyKnow! Not. to mention Epstein's Ranch leased to him by the King fam there in NM who were Great friends with none other than the Clintons!

Just Think, Sunspots. . .Solar Flares, Light Shining on Darkness? #Synchronicity, #DarkToLight, Mere Coincidences? You decide, but all here know #ThereAreNoCoincidences

This article contains full science sources and other documentation

#SolarFlares, #Time,#TimeTravel, #TimeAnomalies, #AuroraBorealis, #NDB, #NanoDiamondBattery,#CalmBeforeTheStorm, #FutureProvesPast, #ProjectLookingGlass, #NASA, #MilitaryOperation, #CME, #CoronalMassEjection, #CME, #CoronalMassEjection, #Sunspots

Thank you Great Warrior Brenda Snyder for this link,

Derek Johnson Live - Covert Operation (9-3-22)

Run down from 2017 to 2021
Already taken place by 2022 as it is already in law books.

Army veteran, Air and Missile Defense

He tells by Laws and Orders how Commander and Chief Trump IS the recognized president by the military.

He reminds it's a delayed effect.

This helps people understand WHY many of us SEE what the others do not see.

This is based on military law, regulations, operations.

Why Active Duty and National Guard cannot tell you what is going on.

They under an oath and a NSA [Nondisclosure Agreement] and they cannot violate the mission they are on.

The aircraft we have shown you from SKyGlass and the submarines paint the picture as the military is far larger than most people realize.

Military Law comes before anything else as our founders made it this way as all of us Independent Journalists have been trying to tell people for years. . .this has been a Military Operation from the beginning as a way to take down the Deep State, globalist cabal or whatever you wish to call these self appointed overlord controllers.

Derek like the rest of us has told these things to family and friends over and over again.
Did they listen?
Did they just pass us all off as crazy as some even doubled down on their hating, mocking and belittling?

UPDATE on 12.5.2022
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Great Question. I believe this may be what they are targeting. If those targeting believe in freedom of religion, that means even When we don't agree, we believe in the sovereignty of the individual and support they may make their own choices as can we.

I'm sure those who wish and attempt to control do not agree and try to throw shade on whatever they can as a distraction. The tell of what Elon is trying to do was in that vid I dropped later in here. He spells it out.

What is interesting is we needed another platform and way to get a certain message out. That was taken off the table for twitter when they suspended Commander and Chief Trump. Now the comms there are open again if he needs to send out a certain message concerning a Storm being upon us.

Remember. . .
The Calm before the Storm stated in Sept. 2022 by former NASA astronomer. Remember When Trump stated this concerning a MIL Op in 10.2017? Coronal Mass Ejection large enough to fit earth inside? Reported in Science articles. Diamond battery lasts 9 years?

Check it out by skimming above and here is the telling and iconic footage that matched up what was recently stated by a former NASA astronomer concerning the Solar Flared. #Synchronicity much? #ThereAreNoCoincidences

When I Tried to tell some people I know well this. . .Deer in the headlights look and as if I had grown three heads! LOL

President's Trump "Calm Before the Storm" announcement!

Another comment perhaps others can relate to,

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That is what the nefarious, manipulative controllers Want you to Think. If they can help steer your thoughts into Giving Up. . .it only aides and abets them as then there is No One standing to ever oppose them and they remain controlling the masses! Keyword. . .Masses!

There are more of you than THEM! They don't want you all to fully realize that or your innate power!

Under Natural Law we are Sovereign!
Remember. ..

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There's me Still suspended, but I assure you, I'm STILL Standing!

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You are So right that they won't save you/us! This is about The People saving themselves! We Don't Need them, they've already shown who they are and if they Did pretend to save us.'s just the old cycle of Create the problem and chaos, tell the people you will save them IF they give up even MORE control! The Cycle Stops HERE and NOW! As Sovereign people All over the World are working together. . .#WeWillPrevail and #TheBESTisYetToCome

Lady Diana - Candle in the wind (Goodbye Englands rose) - Elton John - Lyrics in text

Reminds me of the time JFKjr. and Princess Diana had a meeting and they kept the press at bay! Quite interesting!

#ElonMusk, #Twitter, #WashingtonCrossingTheDelaware, #AmericanRevolution, #RepublicReborn, #LadyDiana, #EltonJohn, #JFKjr, #DonaldTrump

See more here in this facebook frames thread post,

Remember. . .#RepublicReborn?


More Sources

From 2016

She was great friends with the King family who leased the land to Epstein for his "Ranch."




The ranch is surrounded on nearly all sides by land owned by the powerful King family, insulating it from prying eyes. Fashion designer Tom Ford, whose name is in Epstein's 'little black book', also maintains a massive 20,000-acre ranch not far to the north.

Governor of NM




Who are Steven Hoffenberg and Maria Farmer?
Agents of the Queen connected to Epstein? You decide!

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What the articles written on Epstein reveal, the injustice against child victims who were sex trafficked and Epstein's dreams of baby farming on his New Mexico Ranch


As per the New York Post. .."Three buses rolled up to St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Edgartown to take the mostly Venezuelan migrants on the first leg of their journey from the elite island of multimillion-dollar mansions — including a seven-bedroom home owned by former President Barack Obama — to Joint Base Cape Cod on the mainland."

NONE of the liberal supporters of the agenda every reign in on this. Wonder Why? Perhaps because it exposes the true character of those they praise and worship!



Starlink Military Application and all you need to know about Starlink. Evidence The Plan is moving forward with countries United Together. Historical Reforger and Defender 20 USEUCOM's Readiness
#Staarlink, #USCOM

What is the real purpose of Starlink? To Set Up a Global Wi-Fi Communications System Based on Quantum Technology Rather than Through Transmission of EMF? You Decide! Quantum Teleportation and Entanglement Expand Your Thinking? MIT Tech Review!

Who was #LesterHendershot? #HendershotGenerator

Why were his projects quashed? #YouKnowWhy!

Lester Hendershot is the man behind The Hendershot Generator. He accidentally discovered the free energy provided by the universe and managed to control it! Lester Hendershot is considered as the greatest inventor of his time, and The Hendershot Generator as the greatest invention of its time.

From Times World in 1928

'FUELLESS MOTOR' IS A GENERATOR; New Hendershot Device Has Enough Power to 'Kill a Man,' Lanphier Says. EXTENSIVE TESTS AHEAD Major Adds That Much Remains to Be Done Before Invention Can Be Applied Practically.

To see a report with connections to this go here,


This is WHAT we are up against.
As documented and archived on Wimkin.

Hear a teacher instruct students not to judge pedophiles and tell them they have to call them MAPS. . .hear her say don't judge people because they want to have se* with a 5 year old.

This is evil to it's core and those who support it have chosen Evil over Good!

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#ThesePeopleAreSick They have been trying to get their agenda pushed for years now as you are well aware. Remember the New York Times Article. . .from around 2014

Something REALLY BIG just happened behind the Sun!

Much of what took place involving the Sunspot New Mexico observatory in which the Janitor was indicted for child porn. . .with some Major tells that a far greater operation was at play. . .remember that observatory closed for precisely 11 days in 9.6.2018 and didn't reopen until 9.17.2018.

Just prior not even one month prior, over in Amalia, New Mexico 366 miles away a toddler with disabilities was found dead in a tunnel along with 11 yes. . .11 again malnourished children.

What gives? The post office there in Sunspot Also closed down! Do you find this interesting?

The Chief Observer claimed he didn't report the porn he said he found on the Janitor's laptop for MONTHS because of "distractions" [Associated Press also put it in quotes hardcore msm lovers so blame them] from something urgent at the observatory. I ask you. . .what is more urgent than abused children? So who Prioritizes Other things? You know who.

Guess who was involved in the case. . .that's right the FBI or FIB as they have been more commonly known among those who hare #LightBringers and haven been propelling the Great Awakening forward. Numerous Tells inside, but you know the normies and asleep in their cocoons think it is all just mere coincidence! Every single one of you Warriors and Guardians KNOW first hand #ThereAreNoCoincidences, #WhenYouKnowYouKNOW

Don't forget. . .the Isaac Kappy case and what happened concerning Tom Hanks signaling that came to a head in 2018!

From this post,

Screen Shot 2022-09-24 at 4.47.24 PM.png

Found in this link and be sure to check out the comments,


Much of what took place involving the Sunspot New Mexico observatory in which the Janitor was indicted for child porn. . .with some Major tells that a far greater operation was at play. . .remember that observatory closed for precisely 11 days in 9.6.2018 and didn't reopen until 9.17.2018.

Just prior not even one month prior, over in Amalia, New Mexico 366 miles away a toddler with disabilities was found dead in a tunnel along with 11 yes. . .11 again malnourished children.

What gives? The post office there in Sunspot Also closed down! Do you find this interesting?

The Chief Observer claimed he didn't report the porn he said he found on the Janitor's laptop for MONTHS because of "distractions" [Associated Press also put it in quotes hardcore msm lovers so blame them] from something urgent at the observatory. I ask you. . .what is more urgent than abused children? So who Prioritizes Other things? You know who.

Guess who was involved in the case. . .that's right the FBI or FIB as they have been more commonly known among those who hare #LightBringers and haven been propelling the Great Awakening forward. Numerous Tells inside, but you know the normies and asleep in their cocoons think it is all just mere coincidence! Every single one of you Warriors and Guardians KNOW first hand #ThereAreNoCoincidences, #WhenYouKnowYouKNOW

Don't forget. . .the Isaac Kappy case and what happened concerning Tom Hanks signaling that came to a head in 2018!

From this post,

Screen Shot 2022-09-24 at 4.47.24 PM.png

Found in this link and be sure to check out the comments,



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