What is natural law? What did the ancients know that has been kept as the Esoteric for the few rather than the Exoteric or for the masses? Are you out of balance if you do not understand the spiritual and physical realm are not separated?

in #naturallaw2 years ago (edited)

Would an understanding of Natural Law level the playing field?
Would it put an end to the currently entrenched systems of control that are operating on the earth? You decide!

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Exoteric means suitable to be imparted to the public and belonging to the outer circle.

Esoteric means limited to a small circle, private, confidential.
It is reserved for the few. Why do suppose that is?

Occultist means hidden from sight.
Derived from the latin word oculus which means eye.

Occult is a body of knowledge that has been hidden away for a specific reason.

The information regarding natural law is occult knowledge.
It is knowledge that has been hidden from humanity and held by the few.

The higher you go in a pyramid the more knowledge, but the pyramid tapers because at the top very few people understand that information.

Very few people have integrated that knowledge into themselves to the point where it becomes understanding.

At the bottom of the pyramid there is No Knowledge, so the ignorant masses.

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Consider that nescience is a word that has practically been sanitized from colloquial English.
Why do you suppose that is?

There are two contexts to Not Knowing Something.
The first context is Nescience

Check it out in Latin the prefix ne,

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scire in Latin means To Know

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This is what we get the word Science from.

You put these two together and it forms another word. . .nescire in latin means to Not know.

There is an understanding, a connotation to it.
**It means to Not understand because the specific information that you may have a desire to understand is completely absent. It is not present and you cannot actually aggregate that information.

In other words, you can't bring those pieces of grammar together to form the sentence.
As in it's not present, you don't have it at all, it's unattainable.

Definition of Natural Law
The simple definition of natural is Inherence!
Having a basis in
not made or caused by human kind.

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So if it is natural. ..it wasn't made by man!

Remember, if you go back to the origin of the word, NTR means spirits.
Didn't mean man or human.

Do you remember all the hieroglyphs you may have studied in school?
I spent extensive time studying them at two different Universities.
How telling are they?

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Check it out,
Is Everything Sound? Does Sound Manifest Toroidal Field? Did God Speak All Into Existence? Were the Hieroglyphs Geometric Energy Transmitters? What are BioGeometry Signatures?


NTR means of or related to spirits.

All nature or spiritual domain.

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This is why so much of art throughout the ages depicts it.
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There is a connection to nature and the living spiritual force!

Many people believe that the spiritual domain is separate from the physical domain.

If you think the spiritual domain is Not where you are at now. ..because you perceive yourself only in the physical domain, You are Mistaken.

If you think the spiritual domain is some place other than the physical domain

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If you think the spiritual domain is some place other than the physical domain, you're also mistaken.

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If you place emphasis on one above the other and feels one presides over the other, then it's out of balance and is not true as Natural means spiritual.

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What is the mystery do you suppose?
1 Corinthians 15:51-52 KJV
Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

Matthew 13:11-13
King James Version
11 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.

12 For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.

13 Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.

Mark 4:11
“And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables:”

Natural Law and Spiritual Law can be used interchangeably.
Natural Law IS Spiritual Law

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An existing condition that is both binding and immutable.

Existing equals present!
It is there, it is a law that is In Operation.

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Binding means it has an effect.
This means it doesn't matter IF you Think it has an effect.

It doesn't matter if you Believe it has an effect.
It doesn't care.

This is another big hammer to the ego.
The human ego wants to hear what it wants to hear!
Natural law is not there for the human ego.
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Natural law is capable of being discovered, understood and harmonized with.

Does that sound like a religion?
Religion asks people to believe, accept and do without question.

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Natural Law exists, you're bound by it, so what you can do is try to understand it's operation, in the same manner you understand gravity.

Whether you like it or not. . .you learn to operate within it rather than deciding you do not like it so will pretend as if it doesn't exist.

Natural Law is not a belief system, but rather a science.
It is a discoverable operation that is already in effect that we can either

  • understand and align our behavior to or
  • remain ignorant of and suffer as a result of that ignorance.

Natural Law is in effect no matter what you do.
The force of natural law is not a caring force as it is a law.

Think about consciousness.

  • an intangible force [exists, but you can't really see it]
    Many have a hard time explaining it, yet there are physiological expressions in the physical domain for consciousness and the brain is one of them.
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People don't want to leave out the heart, it too is very important.
The heart has an even bigger electromagnetic field than the brain and it's physiology can be said to be even more complex than the brain is.
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The Body Electric, Electromagnetism And The Foundation Of Life. Hear about life saving techniques and what was happening in World War II times underneath New York


People need to understand the base structure of the brain to understand the imbalances that go on within it.
That lead to these debilitating conditions that go on within it.

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These conditions continue to create suffering for humanity.

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People will try to give overly complicated mystified definitions of what consciousness is.

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Many are even scared of the term, so the goal is to demystify these terms and bring them into simple English and terms.

All consciousness is. ..is the ability of the being to recognize patterns and meaning in respect to events that are taking place or have taken place both within oneself and within the realm with which the being exists. ..the macrocosm.
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The ability of a being to recognize patterns of events taking place within oneself [the microcosm]
and in the macrocosmic world or the world at large.

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The events taking place are the truth.
Thus our ability to accurately perceive truth of what Has happened and What IS happening.

Consciousness is made overly complicated by far too many including the New Age movement!
This attempt to over complicate is a Big Deception!

How does consciousness express?

How does it express in people's lives?
How can you make yourself known to any other human?
How can any other being come to know who you are in this physical manifestation?

There are only three ways. ..

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Does speech fall into the combination of Thoughts and Emotions?
Speech is also a form of action.
Force is used to make air flow over one's vocal chords to make sounds come out so others can hear one's voice for the content one is trying to express.
Would that be a from of action? You decide!

Is speech not derived from your former thoughts and emotions you have had to those thoughts?

Are thoughts the creative force for the expression of consciousness within the individual?

Thus it is a neutral force.
Do you look at your thoughts as masculine or feminine?

Most do look at their thoughts as creative forces.

In order for anything to manifest in the physical domain it had to first Exist as a Thought!

For example. ..the first computer.
Someone had to envision all the parts, how it would be put together.
The same for camera equipment, clothing, furniture, housing, communities, cities, republics, states. ..etc.

See more on how the first computer was launched here,


Everything that exists had to first exist in the realm of thought, did it not?
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It had to by law, then it comes into the state of physical manifestation.

Sound created on a piano with the hammers?
Did it not start off as a thought?
Perhaps experimentation and exploration, but a thought first?

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Are not emotions an inward expression?
So inside the physiology.
Is this a feminine expression for consciousness?
Is it something felt within?

Are the emotions in the mind, body, spirit connection the spirit in which we do something.

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Thoughts are within the mind, so that is the mind component of our consciousness.
So are thoughts the creative essence which then blend with or marries to the feminine.

Is this notion taught in many religious traditions?
The Trinity.
For all religions that teach a trinity it is always a
Father Creator
A scared feminine figure of some kind
father inseminates or impregnates in some form
From that offspring is born a male child

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The father being the mind essence and the spirit or the emotions as the feminine essence.

Or the Holy Spirit as the emotions.
The male child as the behavior.
It is the male child of the trinity that actually interacts with the world to save it.
Hence, that is the only way to save ourselves.

Will saving ourselves Only come through ACTION?

Were religions created by the dark occult mystery schools?

John 8:32
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

When thoughts and emotions come together, do they give birth to action?

Is that the internal trinity for each human?

Do principles come first?

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Is there information that has been hidden and the secrecy destroying our society while holding people in bondage? You decide!

Is it time for #DarkToLIGHT?

#NaturalLaw, #SpiritualLaw, #UniversalLaw, #NTR, #SpiritualRealm, #PhysicalRealm, #MarkPassio, #Occult, #HiddenKnowledge, #TheMystery, #TheGreatMystery

Connecting sources,

What really resides in your body as you are created in the Image Of God! What are Transverse Waves and what energy do they produce and work off of? The Same energy that shatters lead crystal can destroy a bridge? Can this be done on the microscopic level?


Literal Connections between the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx. Sacred Geometry in the Pyramid and the Bible. Did not the Alpha and Omega create the Physics of it All?
















The Greatest Human SECRET

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