The Department of National Intelligence Report the Military is independently going through and verifying the information Congress and the Court System refused to acknowledge based on Foreign interference. Myanmar and US who is in control?

in #military4 years ago (edited)

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See Update at the bottom above Sources on George Soros.

Well That's interesting!

See more interesting info concerning this topic here,

Evidence that President Trump went around and other Leaders signaled they were submitting to his leadership.

In the United States we are in a Military Operation as it is their duty to protect us from both foreign and domestic enemies when Congress and the Courts fail/
We must lawfully re-institute Civilian Control and authority back over our government operations as quickly and safely as possible.

It takes time, but shouldn't take much longer because we are Not a banana republic.

The DNI report . . .so head of intelligence Agencies was a month late on giving the report to the President on the 19th of January 2021 stated that there was foreign interference in our Elections.

Congress and the Military had access to this report, yet . . .

  • Congress did nothing
  • The Courts did nothing

When the swearing in took place and they did not react to protect the Constitution and the Republic, that responsibility fell to the military.

Pray for the civilian military as they make internal determinations while looking over the data from the DNI report.

Remember the Director of National Intelligence supervises 16 other intelligence agencies. . .they are the 17th!
They gather evidence from the National Reconnaissance Office
The National Security Agency
All the various cyber intelligence and various agencies that are tasked to do the policing and security for the country.

The DNI report went to the military on the 19th of Jan. when they didn't see action prior to the swearing in at noon on the 20th from the civilian operations that normally should protect us, but didn't because they were captured, compromised, crippled or otherwise incapacitated to act quickly enough and decisively enough on info provided to protect the Republic and Constitution of United States.

Military is independently going through, vetting and verifying every piece of information.

Military code requires that as safely and as quickly as they can do so, once they have secured the country, protected the country from foreign traitors (including those trying to capture from inside) their job is to restore the civilian government by and for the people.

Continuity of government while trying to restore civilian authority over the country.
They do what the situation requires.

It is a true battle between Good and Evil.

Was there an agent under the control of a foreign entity?
A Manchurian Candidate?
Someone else's puppet under foreign influence under foreign operations succeeded to get their man to do their bidding.

Under Military operation they have the duty to protect the United States against enemies foreign and domestic.
Intelligence agency personnel, those involved in manipulating the vote that were being manipulated.

Their protection has nothing to do with competency or likability.
It's based on is the vote do to foreign influence because of cyber crime.

Would we all accept this if it were charges against your credit card that were False Charges?
Would these people claiming they don't want to hear about Ooter Odd, just Pay false charges on the credit card because it was done by a Cyber crew who were good at hacking and running the machines and numbers?

You Know they wouldn't!

How is it that this administration is allowing Charles Flynn to be the head of Army Forces for the Pacific Region.
We're talking Gen. Michael Flynn's brother, our general whom the cabal elitists and their corrupt leaders all out despise.

How is this administration allowing this if they are truly in control?
They Despise the Flynn fam and all they stand for.

That's the area that handles the Philippines, Taiwan and the area against China.

The Biden camp would consider the Flynn family an arch enemy of them.
So how is this?

See further information here,

If you're watching World News, this looks similar to what happened in Myanmar.

Even by their Corporate Owned media they are acknowledging what happened in Myanmar, but you are Not Allowed to speak the truth of what happened in our country without hate and the Social Media Elitist Oligarch censoring the truth if one dares to speak up.

One only has to check out the CNN article titled,
Myanmar's military seizes power in coup after detaining leader Aung San Suu Kyi and ruling party politicians

To see what took place!

Many do not realize Myanmar is one of the largest Opium producers and traders. It is a known fact among those who watch the trade and traffic Australia is not getting their supply from Iran, but rather the northern region of Myanmar right there on the border of China.

Possibly up to 60% of the population in Myanmar are addicted to the Opium and Heroin as they are so readily available. One of the main roads named the Silk road is now referred to as the Opium road.

See info here on Myanmar, also has been known as Burma,

Now the UN claims to be helping. Are they? Or are they part of the problem as one must remember. ..the United Nations came from the League of Nations which was a Rothschild Construct.

It's interesting if you check out the roots of control for Myanmar and how far back they go.
Just who is involved?
Who stood to profit?

Remember what to always look for when breaking down corruption and the corruptors. ..Motive and Money!
In many cases involves gaining power, prestige and influence all while profiteering. A great combo for traitors and power hungry people!

Be sure your sins will find you out much?

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This is their same MO for every country they get their hooks in, whether toppling the government and rebuilding or just coming in to rebrand and redo their entire country funneling funds into Their pockets as they did in Haiti and in Libya.

See more examples here,
This also covers who stood to make money in Libya and exactly how they did it with those connected to NEXIVM.

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Oh, look at that. ..who does it lead to being behind this.
They all work together!
Remember when George Carlin said there's a Big Club and you and I aren't in it! So True!

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This is not for little eyes or ears so please protect!
George Carlin - It's A BIG Club & You Ain't In It!

Also never forget these findings. ..

Now in our country, it is not a coup when the military must do the job Congress and the Courts refused to do, but rather what's left to uphold the Constitution and the Republic.

It has fallen to the Military in our country to do it's own independent analysis of the data.
They have to independently verify that the information in the DNI's report was true and accurate.
That takes some days.
In the interim if there are other threats, the Military will take care of that as they determine whether the next candidate was put in by outside forces. Military Code 11.3.

There are things going on behind the scenes for this to run it's course.

Could anything speed that up? Possibly if there is activity on a foreign shore or shores.
A threat that would force the military to say Yay or Nay.

Cheyenne Mountain is still locked up tight and no one has been allowed in involving the current administration and those advisors to see what is going on.

Is the Military Capable, are they going to do what they have to do to protect the Republic and the Constitution from what appears to be a Captured Operation?

Are there indications someone can look at and see, something is not right.

When it does Flip. . .

See an inspiring and outstanding video here from Patriot/Guardian of Children/Anon Paul Mitchell from his channel,
The Armour of Light

Monument To The Forefathers, Ride for Freedom

UPDATE on George Soros

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As reported by Reuters,

Soros philanthropic group demands release of staff member held in Myanmar

Sources and Connecting Articles/Reports

Hunger Games Vibes as per LA Times and Cosmo? Parallels? How about the Everybody Wants to Rule the World installment? Who will Turn their Back on Mother Nature to sign up for a synthetic cure thick with Castle Rock backing/stacking/staging?

What is Giant Voice. Tweeted prior to PreZ Trump's Suspension. Military Mass Comm System? Here is the evidence. History, Power and Reach of FEMA.

Special Ops historically set up by President Kennedy in the event of an Emergency for We the People?

What is being covered up and Why? Will there ever be a day of reckoning? How long must we wait?

What has been going on behind the scenes? Trump control of Fed? How and the evidence! How the Horseman Global Fund was down to just $150 million. Goodbye regulation of Banks? Who did that and who put an end to it!

Troops surrounding D.C. under the guise of Riot Control? Was this predicted? What you need to know, how to be prepared and who Wins in the End! Are we Watching Bible Prophecy Unfold?

Upload your conscience? Purchase a human sleeve? A booth for Altered Carbon at the Consumer Electronic Show in Las Vegas 2018. How about a Cortical Stack? Is the promise of immortality a delusional illusion? Great Deception anyone?

Evidence that President Trump went around and other Leaders signaled they were submitting to his leadership.

More Election Fraud (Ooter Odd to get through the Censors) Sources


Under 7min. and set to Incredible music! Tons of connections!


UPDATE 12.27.2023

Go to bottom reply here for info on
#Devolution, #CapturedOperation, #NCSWIC, #NothingCanStopWhatIsComing, #ElevenPointThree

Nothing They Do Can Stop What Is Coming! What is the National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators? Have they been running their own Agenda and schemes under the noses of We the People? Booz Allen Hamilton where Ware's Predecessor worked!


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