Lockwood Revolutionary Family

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According to
Descendants of Robert Lockwood: Colonial and Revolutionary History of the Lockwood Family in America, from A.D. 1630

Jan 1889 · Printed privately by the family

The name of LOCKWOOD is of very ancient origin . Lockwood is mentioned in Domesday Book , which dates it back over eight hundred years .

A place of the name in Staffordshire , England , is celebrated for the medical quality of the water of its springs . There was also a town of Lockwood in Yorkshire , England . In the reign of Edward III . one John Lockwood was attached to the royal party , fought at Naseby , and was there wounded , 1327-1377 . In 1392 the name of John Lockwood is mentioned . In 1470 the Lockwood estates passed to the Henshaws by marriage . In 1530 Dews Hall , County Essex , and Gayton , County North ampton , Rev. Richard Lockwood , Rector of Dingley , in said Northamptonshire , had a Coat of Arms granted to him : “ Argent , a fesse between three martlets sable . ” The martlets indicate that he was the fourth son . The writer was told more than twenty - five years ago , by that greatest of all American antiquarians and genealogists , the late Samuel G. Drake , Esq . , of Boston , Massachusetts , that “ Anti quarian labors are labors of love . " In December , 1858 , the Hon . Edward Everett stated in an address : “ I have never known a person whose self - reliance was of so austere a cast that he did not take pleasure , when it was in his power to do so , in tracing his descent from an honored line . " The undersigned has , for forty years , taken a great interest in genealogical researches , and has prepared family records for sev eral New England families . In 1877 he turned his attention to the name of Lockwood . In 1881 the “ Lockwood Historical and Genealogical Society ” was formed at the Astor House , in the city of New York , with Mr. Amos . D. Lockwood , of Providence , Rhode Island , as its Presi dent . That excellent gentleman was very much interested in the object of the work of the society , but , unfortunately for it , died before its work was completed . Circulars were sent , with direct questions to be answered ; and they were very generally promptly replied to . A large corre spondence ensued . Letters came to me , with the circulars filled up , from almost all the States in the American Union , and finally letters and records came to hand from England , Scotland , and even Germany . Such an amount of information was collected that it surprised the subscriber and many of his friends . In January , 1888 , Messrs . John W. Lockwood and E. Dun bar Lockwood contracted with me for the Lockwood papers , and arranged with the subscriber to complete the records . Both these gentlemen reside in the city of Philadelphia , and it is to them that the descendants of Robert Lockwood are indebted for a work that will compare favorably with its kind among the over six hundred family records already printed in the United States . It is impossible for me , after twelve years of labor on the Lockwood family history , to make personal mention of the par ties to whom I have been greatly indebted for assistance ; all have done nobly . They have cheerfully , promptly , and warmly replied to my interrogatories , and have offered to render any further assistance in their power . To my friends , bearing the honored name of Lockwood , I respectfully return my heartfelt thanks for aid in this work . FREDERIC A. HOLDEN , Cor'g Member of the New England Hist . and Gen. Soc .; The Rhode Island , Connecticut , Minnesota , and Wisconsin Hist . Socs .; and New York Biog . and Gen. Soc . Also , the Pilgrim Society , at Plymouth ; and Author of several Genealogies . ROSELAWN , HYATTSVILLE , MD . , February 5th , 1889 .

That was just the Preface.

Here is the Introduction.

In 1878 Mr. F. A. Holden commenced to compile the " Lock wood Genealogy , ” and called upon the writer for information ; but he had little to give , except that contained in the Family Bible , as his life had been a busy one , spent at a distance from most of his relations , and he had never met ten persons named “ Lockwood . ” Some months later , researches were made in the Pennsylvania Historical Society by the undersigned , with the result of discov ering that the early Colonial and Revolutionary histories and manuscripts were full of the good work done by descendants of Robert Lockwood . An examination of this Family History will show how honorable that work was . Meeting with success , the researches have been constantly con tinued , each new discovery increasing the desire to secure further information . In 1881 , the Lockwood Historical and Genealogical Society was formed , which collected a number of family records , but after a few months the enthusiasm of its members abated , the funds gave out , and the work was stopped . Thus the matter remained until January , 1888 , when the writer and Mr. John W. Lockwood , of Philadelphia , purchased from Mr. Holden all his papers , and arranged with him to complete the work for publica tion , while the undersigned renewed his search in the various his torical and biographical societies for additional information , and much of the early Colonial and Revolutionary history of the family has been obtained as the result of a careful reading of a large number of works relating to the early history of the Colonies , etc. , and the examination of valuable papers in the Pennsylvania Historical Society , and elsewhere . Interesting historical facts , occupying but a few lines in this work , have been brought to light by many hours of careful read ing of ancient works either not indexed at all or only partially so .

Such , in a few words , is the history of this work . It is the first effort of the writer in this particular line , and would have been a failure but for the thorough and conscientious work of Mr. Holden , who has a well - earned reputation as a genealogist , and to whom the family are greatly indebted for his untiring in dustry . It is also due to Mr. John W. Lockwood to say that , while unable to give his personal attention to the work , the family is under great obligation to him for his very generous contribu tion towards the expenses of the publication . The writer realizes that errors must have crept into this work . The information having come from numerous sources , and so many discrepancies having been found between the dates given in family Bibles , on tombstones , church and court records , it has been difficult at times to determine which is correct . It was not believed that this volume would exceed five hun dred pages , but so much valuable information has been discovered lately that it has grown beyond our wishes or expectations . It was the intention to give a list of the descendants of Robert Lockwood who served as soldiers in the late war , but this Genealogy having assumed such vast proportions , and the time , labor , and expense required to examine the hundreds of volumes published on the war , have forced us to leave that work to some future compiler .

While we are indebted to many persons who have aided in this work , we are especially under obligation to Messrs . F. D. Stone and John W. Jordan , of the Pennsylvania Historical Society ; to Wm . H. Lockwood , Esq . , of Hartford , for generous contribu tions of plates of various kinds ; Jeremiah Colburn , Esq . , and the New England Historic - Genealogical Society , of Boston ; the Executors of Rev. Edwin Hall , deceased ; Prof. H. P. Johnston , of New York , editor of “ Connecticut in the Revolution ; " Jus tin Winsor , Esq . , of Harvard College ; Messrs . D. Appleton & Co .; Admiral D. D. Porter ; the Sherman Publishing Company , and Prof. John Bach McMaster , for favors shown or information given . E. D. L. PHILADELPHIA , 251 South Third Street , February 11th , 1889.

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#Lockwood, #LockwoodFamily, #LockwoodFamilyHistory, #History, #RevolutionaryWar, #Revolution


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