Superconductors and Quantum where we were on the time continuum and where we are now?

8 in Tibetan numerology means abundance.
One of the Special Numbers?

Crystals are substances that have a crystalline structure. This happens when the atoms, molecules, and ions arrange themselves in a repetitive ordered three-dimensional pattern. These crystalline structures can happen quickly, or they can take thousands or even millions of years. A snowflake, salt, sugar, ice and sand all have a crystallized structure. Billions of atoms make up a crystal structure. These crystalline structures happen when a solid separates from gas or liquid and the atoms all gather tight together to make a structure. Crystals are also categorized by their shape of which there are seven different crystal structures which are - hexagonal, cubic, tetragonal, monoclinic, rhombohedral, and orthorhombic.

Some crystals can share the same chemical composition but the formation of the atoms within that crystal can change the result. Quartz crystals like Citrine, Amethyst, and Rose Quartz all share the same crystal structures but being exposed to changing temperatures, the addition of impurities, and natural tweaks to the chemical composition can all change the color or visual style of the crystal. The crystals we know and love can be formed underground in the mantle where magma and the earth’s crust meet to create cavities where crystals can form from the seepage of mineral rich fluids. They can form in rock cavities due to changes in heat, environment, or from surface water. There are crystals out there that we tend to call crystals despite them being something else – for example Lapis Lazuli falls under the classification of rock and Obsidian is considered to be a mineraloid.

A gemstone is a mineral crystal that has been cut and polished to make it more desirable.
Often used in jewelry, but throughout the ages used for far more.
They have a long history with spiritual, emotional, and physical healing. Not all minerals get to sit under the banner of being a gemstone. Rarity, beauty, and durability all play a role when it comes to classifying gemstones which is why rubies, diamonds, sapphires make the cut whereas something like granite won’t. That’s not to say that all gemstones are precious or semi-precious stones, while they often come from a mineral base you can also get gemstones from an organic base too such as amber.

Superconductivity is a state of matter where electrons band together in such a way that the electrical resistance drops to Zero!

Is being able to conduct electricity without resistance desirable?

Since computer processes are limited by the heating of the current running through them, what would happen if we were able to remove resistance from these processes?

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Would we not get an immediate improvement in these computer processes?

Superconductivity was discovered on 4.8.1911
by Heike Onnes
He was studying the resistance of solid Mercury at cryogenic temperatures.
[“cryogenic conditions,” which means that they are stored at very low temperatures (-130 degrees Fahrenheit or less).]

According to the EPA {There is an Emergency Planning And Right To Know Act or EPCRA]

The Tier II Hazardous Chemical Inventory form, used to meet annual EPCRA §312 reporting requirements, requires facility owners or operators to note whether reported hazardous chemicals are present at, above, or below ambient temperature. For temperatures below ambient, the form distinguishes between “less than ambient temperature but not cryogenic” and “cryogenic conditions.” What is considered cryogenic conditions?

Examples of gases that may be stored this way include air, argon, carbon monoxide, ethylene, fluorine, helium, hydrogen, methane, nitrogen, and oxygen.

He received a Nobel Prize in 1913

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It literally took decades of research to find out what makes a superconductor in the first place!

In 1933 Meissner found through his experimentation that superconductors don't just have

  • Zero Resistance
  • they also repel magnetic fields

Key step in understanding what many scientists considered an exotic state of matter!

The Meissner effect (or Meissner–Ochsenfeld effect) is the expulsion of a magnetic field from a superconductor during its transition to the superconducting state when it is cooled below the critical temperature. This expulsion will repel a nearby magnet.

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Here is the permanent magnet in yellow

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The German physicists Walther Meissner and Robert Ochsenfeld discovered this phenomenon in 1933 by measuring the magnetic field distribution outside superconducting tin and lead samples.
The samples, in the presence of an applied magnetic field, were cooled below their superconducting transition temperature, whereupon the samples cancelled nearly all interior magnetic fields.
They detected this effect only indirectly because the magnetic flux is conserved by a superconductor: when the interior field decreases, the exterior field increases.

The experiment demonstrated for the first time that superconductors were more than just perfect conductors and provided a uniquely defining property of the superconductor state.
The ability for the expulsion effect is determined by the nature of equilibrium formed by the neutralization within the unit cell of a superconductor.

A superconductor with little or no magnetic field within it is said to be in the Meissner state. The Meissner state breaks down when the applied magnetic field is too strong.

In** type-I superconductors**, superconductivity is abruptly destroyed when the strength of the applied field rises above a critical value Hc. Depending on the geometry of the sample, one may obtain an intermediate state consisting of a baroque pattern of regions of normal material carrying a magnetic field mixed with regions of superconducting material containing no field.

  • In type-II superconductors, raising the applied field past a critical value Hc1 leads to a mixed state (also known as the vortex state) in which an increasing amount of magnetic flux penetrates the material, but there remains no resistance to the electric current as long as the current is not too large.
  • At a second critical field strength Hc2, superconductivity is destroyed.
  • The mixed state is caused by vortices in the electronic superfluid, sometimes called fluxons because the flux carried by these vortices is quantized.
  • The mixed state is caused by vortices in the electronic superfluid, sometimes called fluxons because the flux carried by these vortices is quantized.
    Most pure elemental superconductors, except niobium and carbon nanotubes, are type I, while almost all impure and compound superconductors are type II.

From 4.23.2023

What is your Soul Journey?
What was the Soul Journey from people in the Bible who were greats, but not always of great character?
Are there gems of Truth and Healing that can be garnered from their stories?

Who remembers that
Paul was a murderer and stood for the false teachings Before he Awakened?
David was an adulterer and murderer While he was Awakened?
What gives?
Soul Journey?

What about what swirls around out there about certain people that could be true or possibly disinfo on artists like Michael W. Smith?

What about artists like Brendon Urie, who spelled out the Truth of the puppet system and what Really takes place in the entertainment/music industry with songs like Hey Look Ma I made it! From the album PANIC! At the Disco? [Who out there remembers certain prior drops with PANIC in them?]
Did this song and official vid Not expose the truth of what this realm deems as "Success!" Success or a co opting of the SOUL?
You decide. See vid in comments of this post on my page if not familiar. Oh how telling! And this is from someone right inside their industry! A Poke in the Eye perhaps? You decide!

Either way, many look at the End Result [or is it the end as time is Not linear?]
From the album Awaken.
I believe artists like all also have their Own Epiphany/lightning bolt and likely more than one!

Who out there is/has been Ready for it? #HealingRain?
from the album #Awaken
[Yes, I know about the rumors out there on Michael W. Smith ask yourself Are they true or false? Either way, let's remember David was an adulterer and murderer and Paul was a murderer when he was Saul, but did they Repent?]

Perhaps it's TIME on this #TimeContinuum to become a Healer rather than an Accuser? Something to think about for all of humanity.
The lyrics and vibration of this song Still stands True!

Check out more connections from where this post originated by seeing the link in the comments of this post on my page. #Godspeed
#HealingRain, #brendonurie, #heylookmaimadeit, #panic, #panicatthedisco, #MichaelWSmith

As seen here on my FB

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Loosing it's resistance to pull of the electric current what put below a certain temp.

Old School Style,
Meissner Effect


How The CIA RE-CODES the Body - 55515 (the pain perception gene)

This CIA Document Literally Explains Time Travel (practical steps included)


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