❓Answering Common Questions: How do I know if I got Flagged/Downvoted? 🚩

in #steem-help7 years ago (edited)

This guide was requested by the user @farmstead on a previous post.

If anyone has a topic they would like a guide written for, feel free to ask in the comments and I'll get it on my to-do list.

This is gonna be a somewhat shorter guide since there aren't a ton of easy ways to offer on this. Lately, more often than not when you see a post payout going down(which I wrote about here, it's due to the price of Steem going down (payouts run off the 3.5 day price average) and not from being flagged. But it's sill good to know for sure!

Q: How can I find out if my post has been flagged?

Short Answer: Check the post out on Steemd.

After changes a while back took place, we no longer saw a flag counter next to our posts on Steemit. Instead we see little dot or more (depending on the Steem Power behind the flag) next to the flag icon on articles.

So what were going to do is check out the voting details of your post on Steemd. To to this:

  • Open the post you are wanting to check on in Steemit.
  • In the URL in your browser, Change the "it" in Steemit.com to "d" so it becomes Steemd.com.
    It's been a while since I have gotten any flags, so I had to go back a bit to find one as an example for you.

For example:

My steemit post URL: https://steemit.com/lgbt/@sykochica/2016-transgender-day-of-remembrance

I change the "it" in Steemit.com to "d" so it becomes Steemd.com in this...so if becomes


  • Once you've made the change to the URL (web address) hit the enter key and you'll see the Steemd page.
  • Look at the bottom of the voting list. If you see a thumbs down with any names next to it, those are flags on your post. If you don't see any thumbs down with names, you've not received any flags.

Q: Can I do this on SteemDb.com too?

Short answer: Yes..instead of changing the steemit.com (in the posts URL/web address) to steemd.com...change it to steemDB.com.

So this is is very similar to what we did above, with a couple differences at the end. So to find out if you've been flagged on SteemDB.com :

  • Open the post you are wanting to check on in Steemit.
  • In the URL in your browser, Change the "it" in Steemit.com to "db" so it becomes Steemd.com.
    It's been a while since I have gotten any flags, so I had to go back a bit to find one as an example for you.

For example:

My steemit post URL: https://steemit.com/lgbt/@sykochica/2016-transgender-day-of-remembrance

I change the "it" in Steemit.com to "db" so it becomes Steemdb.com in this...so if becomes


  • Once you've made the change to the URL (web address) hit the enter key and you'll see the Steemdb page.

  • Click the Votes tab.

  • Click the Weight button at the top of that column TWO TIMES. This will make the lowest weights be at the top of the list.

  • Anything that shows a negative vote % means it's a flag. The other negative number (which indicates a flag versus upvote) under reward shares shows you the strength of the flag.

TAADAAA! That's it! You're now a master at tracking down if you've been flagged and by whom. Hopefully this isn't something you will need to know, but it's available should it be.

Remember that ALL of my guide posts are eligible to be added as entries to the Steem Center Wiki or Operation Translation.

Click here to find out how these can earn you Steem!!

Feel free to ask me anything. I'm here to Help!

I've had slow response times lately, but I try to get a response to every question.

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Are you new to Steemit and Looking for Answers? - Try https://www.steemithelp.net.

Image Sources:
Trained Flagger


Thank you so much for these posts @sykochica! Was gone off here for quite some time but am pleased to see you continued your passion of educating everyone new to the ecosystem. You deserve every upvote you get!

I've been stoked to see you back on here! You were definitely missed! :D

Thank you! I really enjoy doing these sort of guides/faqs..and it's a bit easier for me to manage my time versus monitoring the chat room (like we used to do.) It's been a great win/win for me. :)

great :-) thx
as you said

good to know and hopefully never needed ^^

Lately I've been seeing a lot of pornographic posts. I really hope Steemit doesn't become a breeding ground for porn posts m. At least there's that warning button on them, but still...come on. I'd prefer Steemit to be a healthy place for people to cone and share healthy and positive experiences and talk about real world issues. Porn doesn't belong here in my mind

There's been a lot of discussion over NSFW posts over the last year. A lot of the problems users had went away once the filter was put in so certain things wouldn't pop up in your feeds (without the extra click to open it.)

While I can understand not wanting it to take over..it's seemed to have it's own little area for those looking for type of content. Being a platform that tries to be censorship resistant, as well as having an anarchist foundation of sorts...it's hard on principle for me to say an 'absolutely not' on it being here.

Personally, I've become ok with it's current setup. Even though I don't really upvote on NSFW content, I also don't feel the need to flag it.

I'd prefer Steemit to be a healthy place for people to cone and share healthy and positive experiences and talk about real world issues.

I'm absolutely with you on this!! I just can't really in good conscience tell other what content they should seek out.

Great post. How can I see if a comment got flagged ?

Hello . Dear Friend . Happy day new information

my friend I hope to get the support of your vote here this is an honor

Thank you for the post ,it will go a long way helping some fellow Zimbaweans that i am helping with starting up on Steemit.Some are even having problems creating accounts,so we helping each other using such content.

You're very welcome! And a big welcome to Steemit to you and your fellow Zimbaweans! :D

Ahh, yea..I definitely know about the slow account creation process. Just have them be patient..they will go through. Usually within 7 days. You'll all get in here soon! :D

Thank you very much and please continue posting such great content.
th (24).jpg

Thank you for this post!
Always wanted to know that!
Loved it!
Upvoted and Followed!
Here's a question, it can be a topic you could write on.
How do people "Decline Payout" ? How does that work ?

Thanks. I was actually wondering how you do this.

be nice to have some kind of notice that you have been flag,kind of like replies ,and upvotes...seems simple enough idea.... of course I can not code...and the jumping through hoops to check,just seems to bothersome, unless you are being crushed by them..
hope I never suffer from them,thats why I do not use them, easier to just not upvoted resteem, I do not even have to leave a mean post, just close the post and move on .... why be a dick and hurt some one ... if you use it have a good reason! such as a scam, or some form of group police action!....
thats my two cents!
if it is worth more then please upvote ....

Something important to consider if you are getting flagged is that this platform is decentralised and it is everyones right to express their point of view, some may choose to express their point of view with a flag. However some of the more considerate ones doing this my choose to provide an explanation in the comments of the post that was flagged.

PS Thank you Sykochica for helping us grow understanding in our community.

Great points! I somewhat touched on it some days back in this post but it's definitely worth having mentioned in here too. I should have.

It's the pro's and con's of our society here having to learn how to monitor itself. :)

PS Thank you! I'm very happy to do it. :D

grins I love you Chica.

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