And now tell me .. If the decision in your hand to install the time machine and travel to the future without return ?

in #steemit7 years ago

Travel through  time .. A sentence usually accused of madness or imagination, which is  always associated in our imagination with science fiction films which we  consider impossible!
But fantasy seems to  be turning into reality this time. Travel over time will no longer be  scientific theory or fiction. The famous British physicist Professor  Brian Cox has declared that the time machine can be built

Professor Cox  says at the Science Festival in Britain that travel over time is  possible based on Einstein's theory of relativity but only for the  future and can not be returned from it!

Einstein's  theory of relativity was based on two principles: first, the principle  of relativity, which states that the laws of physics do not change, even  when objects move at constant speeds for each other.
The  second principle deals with the speed of light, where Einstein noted  that the speed of light is the same for everyone, regardless of their  movement for the light source.
Traveling to  the future has already been successfully tested but on very small  objects. If this technology is developed to move large objects at close  to the speed of light, human travel to the future will be possible!

The  explanation is that the closer a person gets to the speed of light, the  slower the time, and when the time slows down a certain amount, then a  person can travel thousands of years to the future !! When you travel at close to the speed of light, your watch will slowly  turn for the hours of the current time, and then your watch will slow  down more and more so that you can travel for the future for tens of  thousands of years!
To understand it more imagine that you go to a place where the week becomes a day or month hours or years minutes! This is what happens to the traveler over time as he cuts light years  and passes it is only a few minutes or a few hours while in fact are  tens of thousands of years!
As for the return to the past, Dr. Cox says it is impossible to find technology that takes us back in time

And now tell me .. If the decision in your hand to install the time machine and travel to the future without return ?

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And now tell me .. If the decision in your hand to install the time machine and travel to the future without return ?

I do not think so that we travel through time

but i travel to the future day by day everyday..

Actually my friend

Professor Brian Cox is great, I love listening to his talks :D

I also love to listen to talk with you

Book me a ticket on the first time travelling machine, first Stop , time of the Pyramids.

Have you seen the pyramids?
So far the mystery of building the pyramids has not been discovered

Its my dream one day to sail down the Nile while I watch the pyramids of Giza....

Where are you from my friend @sashin
I live close to the Nile

I am from South Africa my friend. You are lucky to live in a country known by the world for its history.

I'm also from Africa
We are the sons of one continent
I am happy about that
I plan to visit the countries of Africa soon
I am happy for that, so many of my friends, we are from one continent, this is great
مرحبا بك صديقى العزيز

So this means all that sci-fi where you go back in time and change all of history by killing a certain fly isn't going to happen? Oh, well, I guess we'll have to live with disco and bell bottoms forever.

Actually my friend

its quite impossible to visit in future!Nobody or no machine can never get to speed of light!its just an imagination!

Traveling to the future is something you do every day. To go further into the future at a faster rate than you are presently, you need to travel through space at higher speeds than you are presently.

The faster you go through space, the faster you will go through time, as the two are aspects of one thing.

The only way to go back in time in Einsteinian relativity is to travel faster than light, which isn't allowed. So your accelerated trip into the future is a one way ticket.

Joe Haldeman uses this as a plot device in "The Forever War".

now i have understood the fact!
following u for more scientific information like this,pls follow me back to keep in touch

Congratulations for this magnificent work dear friend @ mars9, very much like the work you are doing.

What if you can only push time backwards? However, you can maintain your timeline, this would have the effect of making you disappear at a point in time, but appear in the past but from the future. You would already know what will be and can prepare and capitalise on it occurring.

So very interesting post @mars9.
Thank you for sharing!

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