in #spirituality7 years ago

This is DAY TWENTY SIX of the daily devotional.

I am releasing a 50 day daily devotional about the end-times as revealed in Scripture. Along with the text, I will be providing a video where I cover the text of the day, and @verbal-d will be providing an audio version of it. That way, whether you want to read, watch, or listen, you'll be able to enjoy this study as you wish.

The plan is to release this devotional over the next 50 consecutive days, but life may "get in the way." We will do our best, but please be patient with me if I fall behind.

The SoundCloud Audio from @verbal-d

The YouTube Video from @papa-pepper

The Text I Originally Shared on the @narrowminded Account


Another message is both repeated in this section of the “Olivet Discourse” and shared with the original twelve disciples.

“And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” (Mark 13:13)

“and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake… But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” (Matthew 24:9b & 24:13)

“And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.” (Matthew 10:22)

Of the previous passages, both the Mark 13 and Matthew 24 excerpts do come from the “Olivet Discourse,” but the other verse was shared by Jesus much earlier. This information was shared with the twelve disciples when He was first sending them out, some 2000 years ago. The phrase that I want to examine is “he that endureth to the end.” Exactly what did Jesus mean when He specifically told the twelve original disciples “he that endureth to the end shall be saved?” What end was He speaking of? Did this phrase simply mean either until they died or He returned for them, or was it about the end the world here as we know it? Since being “hated of all nations for my name’s sake” means the same thing in all three of these passages, then how could these passages actually be speaking of two different times of enduring “unto the end” and being saved?
There is no reason, based on Scripture, to conclude that the Matthew 10 passage speaks of enduring until the end as it pertains to either dying or being raptured by Christ while the Matthew 24 and Mark 13 passages speak of enduring until the end as it pertains to either dying or entering the “Millennial Kingdom.” There is one “end” being spoken of, and it is the same “end” in all three of these passages. The same “enduring to the end” that the original twelve disciples were exhorted to do is the same enduring “to the end” that we can accomplish, and it is also the same “enduring to the end” that those who are alive just prior to the “Abomination of Desolation” can succeed in. There is one end addressed here and it is when Christ returns for the saints, unless we die first, arriving at our own end.
Just as “elect” and “for my name’s sake” cannot only mean something different in the “Olivet Discourse” (simply because that is more convenient for pretribulationists), enduring “to the end” does not change its meaning either just to fit into someone’s eschatology. If we are going to attempt to use the Bible to gain understanding about certain terms or phrases, then we must take into evaluation how different phrases are used, as well as context. In context, each of these occurrences of “enduring to the end” appears after “being hated for His name’s sake” and is followed by “shall be saved.” The context, therefore, does not appear to have changed.

Point #1: Jesus told the original twelve disciples that when they were hated by all for His name’s sake, they would be saved if they endured until the end.

Point #2: Jesus, in answering the question about what would occur prior to His coming, said that people would be hated by all for His name’s sake, but they would be saved if they endured until the end.


If anyone is really interested, I did post the entire volume through an alt account over a year ago. I did so as an experiment to see how hard it would be for a new user to get noticed on steemit, so I didn't let anyone know that I was doing it. You can click here to a post that has links to the entire 50 days of this devotional if you really want to read ahead. That information has always been available there since I first posted it. It is not the purpose of this series to just copy all of my previous work, but instead to transform it into some new outlets by releasing it in an audio and video format, to broaden the reach that this work has.

Again, though I will certainly never claim to know it all, I do believe that many are being lead astray by some popular beliefs. I hope that this project will be able to help many others understand the end-times more accurately. Thanks!


Just in case you are new to this series and wanted to check out the previous audio or videos, here are links to the posts from each day of this series.

Also - A special thanks to @allforthegood for helping design my cover image!

Until next time…

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GIF provided by @orelmely



@papa-pepper - unfortunately I had missed the earlier posts in this series and definitely missed the original original from the alt-acct - soooo glad I was checking my feed as you just posted this though brother!! keep it up - great interpretation on "he that endureth to the end" I gotta agree with ya - I'd definitely cant wait to hear the opinions of others tho hopefully in the comments

Thanks! I've got the rest linked if you need/want them! Be blessed!

I always like your post bro. Especially about the Bible. Keep up

A awesome post.

Praise be unto Jesus our Gor and Savior. Bookmarked and will check this after church... Thank you @papa-pepper

You have extensively taken the pain to exhibit this post as lead by the Holy spirit. As for me, I will keep holding unto thy rugged cross!

Great post but it was first time for me how you make outstanding post like this

A very good post my friend

Wow..you always make some thing interesting..
you are The great @papa-pepper.

Semoga apa yang kamu rencanakan berhasil semuanya. Kamu telah membuat petualangan yang sangat indah dan bagus. Kamu selalu bisa menghasilkan karya yang bernilai dan berharga. Kamu selalu berhasil dalam setiap kegiatan yang kamu lakukan.

Congratulations for you MR.
I am very glad to meet you..

We will all be saved if we endure until the end.

awesome job @papa-pepper ... i just cant get enough of you....
lord help us to endure to the end

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