Pimp Your Post Thursday Report #10B -- Evening Report From Jan. 4th PYPT

in #pypt7 years ago

Well, thirty posts were shared during the morning session of PYPT and the evening session was well attended as well. Will be interesting to see how many were shared in total.

The purpose of PYPT is for Steemizens to bring along a recent post, share it with the assembled and talk about the post and their blog. The Pimp Your Post Thursday sessions are broadcast live on the Steem Star Network Radio

Here are the posts that were shared.

Get your Original Music on the radio! (Let me play it for you live on internet radio)

@thekittygirl presented this post for @topkpop who has a Friday evening show on the Steemstar Network. She features musicians here on STEEM. This post is an appeal to musicians who don’t yet know about her show and the opportunity for exposure.

Meet our Local BluesMen!!!

I learned something when @beanz presented this post of @letsgetlost, who is her dad. He’s posted a video from a pub in Dublin and the musicians who play there.

My Jorney To The NIgerian Embassy + The Suprise I Meet There.

@seyiodus shared her post on her journey to the Nigerian Embassy to get her little boy’s passport.

Traveling to Southeast Asia: Kho Phi Phi & Khao Sok swimming bungalows on a the lake of dead trees

@bypaul presented his post via text. Here are his comments: “This summer I made a long journey through Southeast Asia. I first met with my sister and travelled through Myanmar with her for two weeks. After that I travelled alone through Thailand for 5 weeks. Right now I am writing a post series about that journey with one long post every week. I'm trying to put my best pictures of each part of my journey into the posts and tell the best stories in my text.”

Master Post Finder #11

@steph4nus shared his latest curation post designed to provide quality Steemians with more notice.

Announcing My Witness

@gmuxx shared his witness announcement. If you aren’t familiar with @gmuxx, you should read his announcement and go vote for him. If you already know @gmuxx, you should go vote for him. Did I mention that I wholeheartedly think you should go vote for him?

I Got Nominated for Write Club and I Hit 200 Followers Within 24 Hours!

@steemitgraven29 very proudly shared with us that he not only had hit 200 followers but had been nominated for the newly announced Write Club on The Writers’ Block discord. The Write Club is not meant for the faint of heart. Those who survive it will come out the other side better writers. GO @steemitgraven29.

Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd - A Killerwhale Karaoke Contest Week 22 Entry

@rodeo670 aka SaipanDamashii shared his latest karaoke rendition of Simple Man.

Finding Your Way in the Land of Babel: Writing in a Second Language

@tinypaleokitchen shares her post about the challenges of being a native speaker of one language and writing in another language like English.

Android file recovery without root

@fredkese presented his post via text. Here are his comments: “My post is about recovering files you've deleted. Android is the main os here in Africa. So thought i would share this to everyone. It's basically about using software to recover your files. I've listed the steps sSo you can just go through and try it. It's easy to use”

Brain Candy - Mechanical Puzzles

@aksounder presented his post about the mechanical puzzles he has to challenge him to use his thinking power sharp and active.

Thursday: Android App of the week

@davidekpin shared with us his weekly app review for mobile. This week he reviewed the Android app Greenify.


@derletwins presented this post which provides a look in the historical and spiritual culture of the people of Ghana. Interesting read.

The Burnout - Original Steemit Poem (Happens To Everyone)

@angelveselinov shares this poem that any Steemian can relate to.

My strapline for steemit, and other T-shirt designs... If You Think. Steemit

@pennsif shared his bedtime post about Steemit and how it could be better promoted to improve the retention rate starting with the slogan.


@anaman shared his post reflecting on his journey so far on the platform. He shares about some of the people who have helped him along the way and how he has grown as a person.

😢#solidaritywithkarim Support🙈 🙉 🙊

@enginewitty brought us an update on his Solidarity With Karim initiative to speak out about the mess in Syria and his quest to find some boots on the ground in the area.


@desmond41 presented using text. Here are his remarks: “My post today is about a health talk. I decided to promote all steemians on how the should stay healthy and the right remedies need for the body because health is the most important thing we all need.”


@kofpato shared his entry into @surpassinggoogle’s contest about his journey on Steemit so far.

Baby jumping on trampoline....

@dagger212 did his first presentation on PYPT by text. Here are his comments: “This is my first time here so I'm learning as I go. I thought I'd do something simple.This is my first DTube video so I used a cute video of my daughter jumping on the tramp at 14 months. Nothing crazy but it should make you smile. Thank you.”

The Millennial Shuffle

@aceofthegrove brought another of his poems to present. When you aren’t on voice chat, you miss that he uses a rap style rhythm to read his poems. So get on your rap and have a look.

donation to orphans with the NSC(Nanggroe Steemit Community) community

@steemitgraven29 presented this post on behalf of @ahmedyusuf. Ahmedyusuf is in Indonesia and is using funds raised here on the platform to help orphans and promote Steemit to them. @steemitgraven29 spoke of his admiration for ahmedyusuf’s work and selflessness.

#Cryptocurrency boom – Where are we at?

@jakemore examines the state of crypto in his country of Ghana and where he thinks the interest is going. He believe STEEM will be the next big crypto in Ghana.

My Charitable Giving - Farewell A Dollar A Day, Hello Pennsif's Pot

@pennsif retires his dollar a day charitable initiative for a different approach in 2018. Have a read and help support his great work.


@debbynep kicked off her series on weight loss with this post.

Wait! Don't Upvote That Post!

@rhondak shares her post on how we can be hurting a newer Steemian by voting too soon. Being curated by Curie can do a lot to bring a newbie to notice of the community. If we vote to soon, we can put the newbie out of the reach of curie very quickly. Have a look at the post for details.

The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue #7. (1/4/18)

@thecatweasel stopped by and asked to share @thesteemengine’s daily curation post by @theenchantedspirit

Cabinet of Curiosities Episode 4 - MORE ALIENS!!

@lenadr shared with us the link to the replay of her popular Sunday evening radio show Cabinet of Curiosities on the Steemstar Network. If you haven’t stopped by, you should.

Colourfulphotography – Wooden And Glass Fishing Buoys – Provincetown, Massachusetts - Original Photography - Haiku

Colourfulphotography – Wooden Buoys and Glass Floats

@bluefinstudios shared these two posts, one by him and the other by @dmcamera. The two similar but different posts had literally been had their photos shot around the corner from each other. Nothing like proving it truly is a small world.

🎄FINAL You Are H.O.P.E. Holiday Fundraiser!🎅

@enginewitty presented this on behalf of @thealliance and the fundraising posts they had been running each week in December to raise funds for @youarehope. With the expected returns on this post, the initiative was on track to raise over $1000 USD. Nice work.

The International Microwave Day

@dcardozo25 reflects on remembering those who have less when we so often have plenty.

Happy birthday to me

@molovelly shared @suggeelson’s post letting everyone know it was his birthday. @suggeelson is one of the witnesses.

Allu-matar paratha

Steemitglass aka @saanvi presented via text. Here are his comments: “There is a season of winter and I am feeling like to eat something special.So today I made allu- matar paratha & enjoyed to serve this.Now I am going to tell about this recipe here.”


@lordrayden shared a post on technology hacks you can try. Some interesting tips there to try out.

Countrychildhood Challenge - The Old Homeplace

@thekittygirl shared about a challenge that @anna-mi came up with for people to share about their childhood. And then @thekittygirl shared her entry.

This Christmas was the best Christmas ever to me. This is why!

@enginewitty shared this post for @dumar022 about his best Christmas ever. He shares about the joy of Christmas when you have a young child in the house, his 5month old.

Techings of The Heart

@aceofthegrove shared with us his first effort at putting his poetry on audio recording and uploading to dSound.

Morning Motivation #40: START YOUR 2018 RIGHT!!!

@dante01 shared his motivational post which includes a video from him. He likes to share his own thoughts on different topics.


What an incredible day! Between the two sessions another record was hit with 69 posts being shared. A wide variety of topics and styles were shared.

Don’t forget, you can visit the Steemit Ramble discord at anytime. When you share the post of another Steemizen in the nominate-someones-post channel you will get access to another channel nominate-your-post. I regularly review those two channels for potential posts to share in the Steemit Ramble.

If you are two busy to share, there is a post promotion channel. I might look in there some day. Steemit is about sharing and building community.

If you like this, please follow me and upvote the post.

If you’d like to see the other days I’ve posted, just visit my profile

steemit ramble


Always a pleasure to be here and to be on the list of attendants each week. #

thanks for the opportunity

Love having you there @anaman. I very much appreciate your determination to hold that connection even when it fights with you.

Look forward to joining you on the ramble discord group. Hope you don't mind me posting my blog here today. It was such a slow day with the servers really lagging when I did... Todays Blog on Habits

Any support is apprecaited. Have a great day and see you in chat!

Hey @bitdollar... nice to hear from you and will be looking forward to seeing you present your post at Pimp Your Post Thursday

I will be there! :D Have a great day!

Thanks for featuring my post. I will need to check out what this is all about. :-)

oh come join us on Thursdays... it's fun.

I may do that!

Thanks the chances to present any post. I always appreciate it. She is a girl, not a boy. I am a mother of girls-3 girls. lolx.


oh dear. I needed to have read better or remembered what I had read when I was writing. Sorry about that. Don't tell the daughter eh. :)

No problem. They won't hear about it :).

Was my first time there last Thursday but I really loved it, can't wait to join this Thursday.

my fav discord channel, thanks a lot for the opportunity. blessed by what you doing

Very cool, so much great content!! Thanks @shadowspub !

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