My Charitable Giving - Farewell A Dollar A Day, Hello Pennsif's Pot

in #charity7 years ago

I started my A Dollar A Day daily giving project on 7 November when a SBD was still placidly sitting around the US$1 mark.

Hence the A Dollar A Day name for the project.

Then SBD started to wiggle and waggle and climb in value. Within a month of starting the project SBDs had passed US$5.

I had been joined by @gmuxx and @mother2chicks on the daily giving so 3 SBD was going to the charities each day. Then @HopeHuggs also started giving 7 SBD a week.

SBDs took off - touching 10 SBD one month after the start of the A Dollar A Day project.

Boom days all round for the receiving charities.

Despite the rapidly rising SBD value we managed just about to hold to the end of the year.

In the end the A Dollar A Day project donated over 100 SBD to the various charities in less than two months. That was equivalent on the current value to over US$1000.

Not bad for a quick bit of alliteration.

All good things must come to an end. So after the distribution of the SBDs pledged on my New Years Eve rush for rep 60 extravaganza I have put the A Dollar A Day project on hold for now.

With the current high value of steem and SBDs continuing the daily SBD giving will be a struggle to sustain.

Also that method of giving is a little 'disconnected' and 'disjointed' for where I want to go next.

Although I enjoyed regular contact with most of the charitable causes I was donating to, the random SBDs were being somewhat lost in the whirlpool of donations received by the causes.

I want to explore new ways of charitable giving in 2018. I am keen to explore some more direct 'cause and effect' type of giving.

Pennsif's Pot

Pennsif's Pot is very much the working title of a work in progress at this stage.

I'm considering setting up a monthly fund to allocate to worthy projects.

How much will be in the fund, and how it will be derived, I'm still working on but I'm looking towards a minimum fund of US$100 each month, with the current value of steem.

The plan will be to invite charities, charitable causes and any steemians with good ideas to post proposal bids for the funding.

It will be open to all causes and areas, but the giving will likely reflect my personal areas of interest that include :

  • alternative and complimentary therapies
  • education - particularly around sustainability and self-reliance, and homeschooling
  • homesteading and prepping
  • rural development - particularly involving renewable energy technologies
  • small business entrepreneurship
  • wildlife conservation.

I do not intend to set up any sort of structure for this funding idea. It will be low key and ad-hoc.

I intend to continue supporting through hefty upvotes particularly all the charities I have already been working with. And they will be welcome to put in proposals for the monthly funding grants.

The charities that I currently support include :

I will be interested in any feedback, suggestions or ideas for this monthly grant giving project.

Once I've seen what people think about this I'll put together a more detailed post of how it might operate and then starting taking proposals.

If it all goes well I would hope to distribute the first funds at the beginning of February.

You might also be interested in some of my other posts :

I am in the market for buying steem directly.

I can pay by BACS, PayPal, or Amazon Gift Cards.

For more details check my post :

[ money image from pixabay - Creative Commons CC0 // graphic by @pennsif ]


This is what makes steemit and it's community so great. People helping people that they believe in, not the government collecting from the masses and giving your money to people/things you don't believe it. People are more generous when we believe in the need.

Totally with you on this.

I has been my pleasure to do my little bit to support your dollar a day and my support will extend to your new project.

Hi @gmuxx that's excellent thank you. I'm still working out how this new one will run but I will be in touch.

Always happy to pitch in. Was kind of caugh off guard when the steem fluctuations hit during your last campaign. Feel better about our position now. So let me know when you have your ideas finalized. 🐓🐓

Hi @mother2chicks - yes things became interesting the A Dollar A Day when the SBD price changed so much.

I'll keep you posted. Thank you for your help so far.

This is more like what we do...though we have been donating in fiat...we generally take 10% of our sales on Etsy and donate each month to someone in the native community who needs it.
There are a few startup youth groups who are learning about solar and other alternative energy sources, so we donate to well as some of the community geothermal greenhouses going up, etc...

It is nice to see how the donations help and where they go.

That sounds like an excellent initiative with your Etsy shop.

Have you done a post about it at all? Would make an interesting story.

Oh, no I haven't, it honestly never occurred to me. We have done it for so many years it just seems the normal thing to do...and we are usually pretty quiet about it. I will think on it though.

I’m on a group on Facebook for not-for-profit people and mentioned earlier that there are some philanthropic initiatives on Steemit. I’m glad to see that you’re part of that.

I don’t envy you having to do the due diligence on applicants.

Do you think you will be able to persuade any of those in that Facebook group to join steemit?

Yes, the mechanics of the choosing process will need some careful thought.

People often get turned off by a hard sell. What works better is if they see the same thing being mentioned in several different places - then they get curious enough to find out what they're missing out on. At best, I've planted a seed.

That is very true. Hopefully with the rising profile of steemit they will start to pick up on it.

The Government subsidizes the charities which interest wealthy people.

Good post friend

Thank you.

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you are one of the reason i admire and love steemit. Literally for nothing this community has grown so much and has ''obtain'' too many valuable and goodhearted people that want both the good of steemit community and in general the world's

especially the part that with and by this platform we can help other people in need or in general support great causes ,charities and initiatives is really astonishing and world changing!

Thank you.

@pennsif this post was presented at the most recent Pimp Your Post Thursday on the Steemit Ramble Discord. I have written a post to share your featured post. Just stopping back to let you know that you can see your name in lights right here. (Just kidding about the lights :)

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