A philosophy of life: What is you north?

in #philosophy5 years ago (edited)

My North


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Which road do you choose?

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Which road do you choose

Life is a constant journey where you must choose if you want it to be fast and arrive in the shortest time to your destination or if you are going to live, know, learn and enjoy that trip until you reach the end of the journey. It is not the same to observe the landscape, admire it and even smell it, or not even remember if it was green or dry.

Many times there is so much anxiety to arrive before, that we always forget to live; because there are small things that can make our lives great and we let them pass even though they are in front of our eyes.

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“I have not lived my life and I'm too old”

It is constantly heard saying "I have not lived my life and I'm too old" "I have not had time or opportunity to enjoy" before this it is important to reflect and ask what I am doing with my life? What is my philosophy of life? you have to understand even if it is difficult, because if people are complicated, the solution of things will always be only in our hands because the change does not depend on others but on the decision power that you have, incredibly the limits are placed on oneself that is why the full glass, half full or empty, they see it from different lenses and with a very different perspective from one another, then either you drown in the full glass or you drink the water; here is where you start to put into practice a clear philosophy of life that is nothing more than the way you decide to live it, that is why if life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

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Of course it can

The attitude you have to face life itself full of challenges, inconveniences and difficulties that we commonly call "problems", the eyes with which you look at them and the way to solve them will make it clear to you what your attitude towards life is.

You have to self-examine yourself, know yourself to know where you come from, who you are and where you are going and that does not depend on anyone but only you.
The human being is full of imperfections, is a mortal that is different from other people with their behavior and way of life. Life is a test that you can pass or fail and neither of the two options is bad. On the contrary, you have to learn and when you learn, you are living at that moment.

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"Ver con claridad todas las posibles soluciones"

The problems do exist, but the solutions also in fact to many when presented to us immediately turn to God (particularly, I address myself and I do), each one asks him as they say there, to his saint, I say it with all Respect for each person's belief, what I am going to is that my philosophy of life is that when I kneel before God, it is not to ask him to solve my problems, no, in a particular way I think "and only God is going to solve this "? I do not go to sleep to leave my problems to God, because I ask God to open the roads and my understanding to see clearly all the possible solutions, which will allow me to find the means I need at that moment not to ask literally everything given. You have to work hard and work to solve, revealing the faith with which we do things, it's like when we have dreams or we want something, well that's possible but you have to work for it, you have to pursue dreams and make them come true always remembering which is not exactly easy.

My philosophy of life:

“The world is mine”
“Be clear about your north”
"Only I decide if I get up or not."

¿What is your philosophy of Life?

Original from José Lanz

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"In your constant evolution".


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I am not a religious person. I beleive in the spirit of life.
When peiple pray to their God what they are actually doing is tapping into the Laws of the Universe where the Law of attraction comes into play.
You are indeed the Captain of your own ship and have perfect control in the direction of your life.
"Always look in the bright side of life" is a song from the film Life of Brian, and it is so true.
Keeping negativity out of your life isnt always easy. But juzt remember, you will attract what you ask for.
So its best to stay as positive as you can and bring the good things to you not the bad.
I was introduced to Abraham Hicks by a good friend and it made so much sence of life.
As, you are what you eat, You are what you dream.
Look up Abraham Hicks on Wiki. Then check some videos out on Youtube.
It not about forsaking your God but maybe a new way to understand how he fits into your life if thats what you beleive.
Namaste and Peace my friend.😀

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Friend @andyjem, I respect any kind of belief, and that universal law is also part of our lives and everything you say is totally true because we are what we are because what we really want to be..

I send you a big fraternal hug from Venezuela

Hello @lanzjoseg. Thank you for inviting me.

I think that life must be lived intentionally, which is much easier said than done. Too often I see people, including myself, just accepting what is rather than asking what could be. And, to be fair this is often the result of not believing you can make a difference in your own life. While many give voice to this fact, few seem to pursue the time and effort to make it happen.

Pixabay - wave-2465226_1920.jpg

Life is made up of conscious decisions and habits. And, we control each of these, if we want. I choose to build within my life those things that I respect and feel the most about.

But, none of this is difficult. I believe that there is one important thing that each of us must be doing at any given point in time. Just doing the one thing will simplify and allow you to excel.

So, my philosophy, focus on the one thing that matters in the moment.

Hi @guysellars

Well, I really like your philosophy, since time is so varied but a moment in time can change many things, so just take advantage of that moment is enough and makes a difference.

Live only that Instant as if it were the last, and rest assured that it is.

very grateful of your moment in visiting my publication ..

A big hug from Venezuela, a passion that struggles in every moment to be free.

Excellent article @lanzjoseg, such is the way or the way of seeing life, of course i do not have the same experience or travel that you may have or even older people but if that is so, the university has partly opened the eyes to all that. Basically to solve any problem or inconvenience it is necessary to know the why of this and to know what tools are available along with some ingenuity to get ahead and solve it, i like you and many surely ask God for any problem because sometimes one gets stuck or is a little clouded thinking in the process of solving them because we are good humans and we are not perfect ... As for my philosophy of life I can basically summarize it in "Persist, resist but never give up" because as It was reflected in an image that I saw a long time ago (which was a miner looking to take diamonds in a mine, and he was tired of giving it so much and not getting anything and surrendered not knowing that another miner came and gave him a few centimentros but found the diamond) one never knows when the prize is there a centimentros of one, and that everything is a matter of persevere, happy sunday, greetings

Hello @jjqf

The chronological age does not have to be related to the mental age how important it is to be able to solve the problem that is presented to us, and that only grab experience and much more wisdom which in the rest of your life will serve you to continue solving more adventures of your lifetime.

Do not stop appreciating what happens around you.

very grateful of your moment in visiting my publication ..

A big hug from Venezuela, a passion that struggles in every moment to be free.

Dear @lanzjoseg, I liked so much this paragrap:
The attitude you have to face life itself full of challenges, inconveniences and difficulties that we commonly call "problems", the eyes with which you look at them and the way to solve them will make it clear to you what your attitude
A very goo post

Good day to you my friend. I hope you all are doing well.
This is the first post where I read "I do not leave my problems to God, want him to solve them."

For long, I lived in a society where people are extremely religious and everything happened to them was 'fine' since it was God's will. They are close to lethargic, never actively search for a solution to their problems.
They sit, pray and wait.

Life doesn't work like that. I believe we should develop ourselves. It's fine to smell the world if you are not able to touch or feel it.

Today I felt sad for a moment. I told my kids that if I die in 5 years time I never did what I liked. Not because I am afraid to live but because I had many responsibilities and still have them.
It's easy saying you have to live as if today is the last day of your life but it is unrealistic.

If this was the last day of my life I would set my wolves free and leave.

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Hello @wakeupkitty, it makes me very happy that you want to know how we are doing and at the same time wish us the best. Thank you very much for your virtual affection is reciprocal.

If you are right, I can be religious but once the religion also taught me that earthly problems are solved by oneself, the problems of spirit help God to solve them but he does not, he only shows you the way. I never leave my life circumstances to God.

Good friend we must live life to the fullest making our concerns an easy adventure but you can, I think I have a master in that, living in Venezuela is not easy and if you have other Venezuelan followers will be very much in agreement with me.

You must live life as if it were the last day of our lives but fighting so that today is not today ..

And of course leave everything in writing because we never know when that day arrived.

I send you a big fraternal hug from Venezuela

Thanks for your kind words. If I would live today as if it was my last I wouldn't pay any bill, my kids wouldn't visit school and we all left or stayed in bed.

Wish you a great day.

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Hello, my dear friend!

I think it's hard to find our north. Maybe because there can be more than one? I just thought of this.

I wonder: do we get more experience from failures than from successes in life?

Only I decide if I get up or not.

That's correct. Any decision is the right one. Everybody live their life as they wish.

I am not a religious fanatic and although I am Catholic, my belief is broader because I accept the advice and teachings of other religions, especially Eastern ones. When I ask God for help, I usually do it when the situation is out of my reach. When I can't solve it myself.

I know what you mean when you say you have to work hard. However, there is a teaching in the story of the man who shouted Eureka! when he found the solution to his problem the moment he stopped thinking about it. So you don't always have to work so hard, when you let go, the answer comes.

My philosophy of life: one problem at a time, never stop learning and be open to new experiences.

Thanks for sharing

Hi @jadams2k18

Friend, you are right there may be more than one, but only one leads you to the end, and it is the end of our life. and it is before reaching that end that we must travel slowly and reach our north of happiness
I think that is what we always pursue the happiness of our life.

Thank you for visiting my publication I am very pleased and I like your philosophy of life

one problem at a time, never stop learning and be open to new experiences.

Thanks, buddy!

Hi @lanzjoseg indeed a nice write-up and I throuroughly enjoyed reading it.
If you ask my my philosophy about life- I would say I want to enjoy life. I simply want to live and enjoy life at fullest without worry. We all have problems in life of our own kind but I believe problems are part of life and shouldn't affect us. I don't care for the problems and don't even think much about that instead I think about solutions to overcome it.

I am young and I am enjoying the time at the best. I don't want to feel bad when i will be at 60 that I couldn't enjoy it. I want to feel happy that I did everything which could make me happy..

This is what i follow in my life.

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I want to post something pithy cause I usually do when talking about philosophy of life stuff..

But basically I take a 'journey and the road traveled' view rather than 'destination' view.

I am well aware of the buddhist ideas around us taking our mental baggage with us as we go, so there is no 'riding off into the sunset' when we're not the people sitting in village watching us go, but the 'hero' on the horse with a ton of mental garbage coming along for the ride.

So do not idealized some utopia 'way off over there' but live your life with honesty and integrity ..

I was particularly taken by Allan Watt's book The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are

link here

It was a real mind - blown moment for me..

Dear @darrenfj

Wow. Thanks buddy, the first thing I did was go read, you know I like it a lot is parabola.

We must empty our tea cups

Friend from Venezuela I send you a big fraternal hug.

empty our cups 😊

here's some more if you are interested..


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Dear @por500bolos

I feel very honored for your visit and for making a post to answer my question.

I send you a big fraternal hug

My pleasure mate!! :)

Solo espero que te hayas calado y gozado my 'respuesta' completica de cabo a rabo. Jajajaja

Un abrazo!!

Thanks for sharing link to this post @por500bolos

Will also check it out right away :)


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