The Emotions: The FearsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #philosophy5 years ago (edited)

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Philosophy presents us with a way of understanding the world and the life styles or behaviors of humans. The ability to respond or face a situation will determine the character through the reaction you have if it is with temper, strength, calm and serene to face a complicated fact; There is a saying that says "take things with philosophy" which means that individually each of the people solves a problem in different ways, some more relaxed and others more stressed. Criticizing any of these behaviors is not valid because no one owns the absolute truth, as they say there, take things calmly.

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The emotions that man manifests are multiple and humanly can express sadness, pain, joys, anger and fear.

But where fear comes from, there are many theories, I quote a scientific one, that define it in the following way:

Physiology, psychology and biochemistry of fear

Fear is an emotional product of the brain. The mechanism that unleashes fear is found, both in people and in animals, in the brain, specifically in the reptilian brain, which is responsible for regulating essential actions for survival such as eating and breathing, and in the limbic system, which is the responsible for regulating emotions, fighting, flight, avoidance of pain and in general all the conservation functions of the individual and the species.

The limbic system (red)
Fear is an emotional product of the brain. Scheme of the limbic system of the human brain.

The limbic system is a system formed by several brain structures that regulate the physiological responses to certain stimuli.

Source: Fear

Fear is the manifestation of an intense emotion commonly not pleasant when you feel that you are in danger or risk and may manifest a feeling of anguish, suffocation, paralysis until you lack speech or breathing, depends on the situation or event.

It can be a fear in the real present that is being lived or past events that have not been overcome, some dream like a nightmare and some future fear because of the fear of what may happen.

Some facts of past mark the lives of some people because they drag unfulfilled fears and affect them for years, it can be something that marks you as a child some family event or accident and for this reason some people resort to therapists to try to solve what happens to them, it is common that coming from dysfunctional families causes these fears to be repeated even with their own families, they are definitely not overcome problems.

The fears of present can be something repetitive, mental or more real as for example facing a robbery, for many is a fear that paralyzes them depending on the aggressiveness and the weapons that carry him or the criminals , terror, here is where the way of reacting of each one is revealed where, for adrenaline, you can choose to face them or run and when they pass the event they say "I do not know how I did this or that" as I was able to run at that speed. But something if it is true "Fear is free".

Fear when faced with a natural disaster such as a tremor, fear when you are going to present a difficult test or you will be given a final note, when you expect a result of a medical examination, when the phone rings and you do not want to attend to receive some bad news, the fear you feel when they call you and say: sir your son is not well come fast.

Today in Venezuela the fear when the light goes out and not knowing when it comes, thinking that you can damage some electrical device or food. Finally you can imagine for a moment the millions of fears that many people can have, even on a daily basis.

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Fears of future are also very common more than they imagine, people can live even terrified by what can happen just when leaving the house, what can happen tomorrow, in months or years so they fear to fail some life project, they can feel very afraid for not being able to buy the desired house, for not being able to be the best dad, for losing any day what you most want mainly to the family and from there a deep fear for death. Medium or long-term plans or projections that people have can cause them to fear, especially when there are investments involved.
Fear of being unemployed at some time and another is the panic of having a terminal illness.

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Definitely have to face fear.

Control it and only those who feel it can do it because it is who knows its size and how it affects it. It is easy? Not at all, you have to respect the optics with which you look and feel, but if you can find the root of the problem by checking whether it is from the past, present or future. Fear is born from within the people from the brain comes out that manifestation of that emotion that sprouts outside of people, imagine that it has been proven how serious can be a fear from rises in blood pressure to a heart attack unfortunately.

When we see the reaction of someone with fear you can see changes in their physical appearance as the bigger eyes, breathing accelerates, strong sweating, not being able to talk or move everything arises from inside and externalize it. Some people fear it dominates and here is where the way in which each faces it is individualized.

But it is little credible that someone says "no, I'm not afraid, I've never had them".

What it means is that at some point people felt it and maybe the denial is given precisely because you can even feel fear talking about it. It may be that someone prefers not to talk about their fears so they do not remember them and that can make them feel better maybe.

But is it okay to deny fears? Is not it better to face them? Who can say what is best?

There is the issue who is who to say to another for example "leave fear" followed by an insult, as told to someone who does not feel afraid.
It's complicated, it's an emotion, it's a feeling that is bad to express, will it? It is similar to the upbringing that society gives to men who, because they are male, are forbidden to cry, to suppress emotions is to solve them, some believe. The best thing would be to leave it to the specialists who can have the right touch to deal with the issue.

In the end fear "fear is free" difficult for many, manageable for others.

Original from José Lanz

ph venezuela.jpg


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Thanks for visiting, I appreciate your opinion.

Which are your fears?


Good article but I do miss some parts. Waking up and everything is fine... Suddenly the fear takes over although there is no reason for.

How face a fear that is not traceable, if there was no trigger or occasion that triggered it?

How come some people are always afraid, live in fear and others are fearless?

Is the first group evaluated out of reptiles? Perhaps too sensitive or raised in the wrong way (too protected) or is it character x? x? = fear/anxiety/phobia.

I do not believe there always is a reason for fear. It is something of the mind and it can be triggered by a lack of vitamins, minerals, hormone, etc.
I do believe there are people who never felt afraid. The fewer emotions you have generally spoken the more logical it is.

I share this. I wish you a great day with 💖

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I'm afraid you're wrong (see the irony?)

I do not believe there always is a reason for fear.

I disagree with you, there is always a reason for fear, and in fact, you are already offering a reason for their existence:

It is something of the mind and it can be triggered by a lack of vitamins, minerals, hormone, etc.

Metabolic reasons.

I do believe there are people who never felt afraid

I don't think so. Even Jesus and Buda felt afraid. If you're human, it's normal to be afraid of something.

Have a great day too

There are people who have a lack of emotions. The group might be small but they exist just like people who are a-sexual. Happy day

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Dear @wakeupkitty

Is that the way you feel? Perhaps you are mistaken fear with anxiety? Those seem to be very similar feelings.

ps. again great post @lanzjoseg
Yours, Piotr

There are people without emotions, not much, but they do exist if that is what you referring at.

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Dear @wakeupkitty.

I feel very happy to read, what you think of fear, but all of us at some point in our lives have felt some fear. that we do not express it does not mean that he does not feel.

I do not believe there always is a reason for fear. It is something of the mind and it can be triggered by a lack of vitamins, minerals, hormone, etc.

I share your opinion for that same reason I put this scientific theory mentioned above.

How face a fear that is not traceable, if there was no trigger or occasion that triggered it?

That is part of those fears that are harbingers of a future, or as they say there forebodings that generate fear.

And there we fall into what happens in our mind.

A virtual hug for you.

I think everyone has fear. It can be for anything but I haven't seen anyone who is not having it. Basically it's an emotion which is in everyone's mind naturally.
The Photo is also a bit scary. I have gone through this whole post about fear emotion and liked the write-up.
Thanks @lanzjoseg for sharing memo with me and I appreciate your efforts to post about a topic which is not very common. Great work.

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Dear @alokkumar121

Fear is a free friend, and all tenomes at some time.

I'm glad you liked the topic I brought up.

A virtual hug for you.

Fears can be broadly categorize into two base on perception as

  • fear of failure
  • fear of criticism

This is common but my own fear is the fear of failure basically fear of rejection
Thanks to @crypto.piotr for giving us another hope. One love keeps us going

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Hi @lanzjoseg,
Thank you for this nice post. I believe that unfortunately fear is very common in todays society. Fear can be quite bad for us, especially when we are in a constant state of fear. Fear triggers our sympathetic nervous system to prepare a fight or flight reaction. At the same time it shuts down such vital functions like digestion or the immune system.

Fear kills

In the long term a permanent state of fear damages our body and we become sick. When in fear our body doesn't regenerate and repare itself.

However there is another very strong emotion that can start the second nervous system, the parasympathetic one. The one where our body starts to replace damaged cells, where it builds itself anew. The emotion that triggers our body to become healthy again is... love...

Best regards,

Wow, good friend @achim03.

I share something very interesnate that is generated of anything positive in our lives, and that is born of LOVE something as difficult to understand as fear but with more driving force of our daily life

Love will always help us overcome our fears.

A virtual hug for you.

As you indicate, it's almost always best to view things philosophically. From that perspective, I'd say that the wisest approach is to view things stoically – that is, not to deny the emotions, but to act without emotion or even beyond emotion.

If we do not strive to view a "fearful" situation wisely or stoically, we will most likely be (as the saying goes) overcome by it. And once we're overcome by fear, we are vulnerable to it and will most likely be defeated by it.
On a related point, many mystics and philosophers say that our emotions can essentially be categorized as either LOVE or FEAR (at least, in their extreme polarities).

If we act or react from based on our fear, we are acting from a position of vulnerability, and essentially becoming a victim.

On the other hand, if we act or react based on our love, we can maintain control of ourselves, and possibly of the entire situation.

Fear Not.

Good point @majes.tytyty.

that is, not to deny the emotions, but to act without emotion or even beyond emotion.

Now it is very difficult to adopt that position, I think there are many factors that act individually but if infused, in many cases comes from our upbringing, or rather from how our parents raise us from small.

To be able to adoctar this situation you would have to be very mature, at an early age.

already being stoically adult is possible.

A virtual hug for you.

Certainly, it can be very difficult to adopt such a stance. But, it's not impossible.

As humans, we respond and learn and continue to adapt to all sorts of circumstances, both new and continuing circumstances. That's the way we grow and evolve.

So, if one finds it difficult to be transcend one's emotions, to overcome one's fear, or to be stoic in the face of adversity, that's just a sign that s/he is still growing and evolving.

And hopefully, it will motivate the person to grow and evolve consciously.

Hello, my dear @lanzjoseg!

Fear is the worst that can be. In fact, there are those who say that there are only two emotions and from them, all others are born: love and fear.

Knowing the enemy always helps to defeat it

If there were no fear, would there be wars or borders? Wouldn't be all friends?

Nice post!

Friend @jadams2k18

A long time since I was a child I heard what you mention about Fear and Love.

It's like that Yin and Yang

Wow, great paradox what you ask.

If there were no fear, would there be wars or borders? Would not be all friends?

Good point to develop and create new questions

Thank you for sharing your wonderful blog 😁
My Father has given me many words of wisdom throughout my life.he once told me that we cannot control other people’s behavior.but we can control our own behavior..if we all practiced will power.this world would be a much better place 👍🏽
Thank you again for sharing your blog.and thank you for your generous and kind gift to is greatly appreciated 🙏🏽❤️

All I have to say is that fear is necessary, not only to make us avoid dangerous situations, but also to inspire courage to face the unknown.

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Hi @lanzjoseg

Thank you for sharing this post with me my dear friend. Fear is indeed one of the worst emotions I came across. I still think that boredom is even worse, but that's topic for another story :)

Seriously awesome read. I love learning about human psychology (as myself I'm somehow emotionally quite "dry" person).

Funny enough - I really never felt fear while I was younger. I could hitchike through places like Palestine (kind of war zone). I tried to enter Syria (I was refused entry) and I even had an idea to go to Iraq (also didn't manage to enter).

But since I'm with someone I love - I realized that I fear about her the way I never did about myself. So bloody strange feeling.

Fear that you guys are experiencing is something very different and new to me. I cannot imagine living your life guys....

The other day I walked late evening, right after it got dark. And I was passing some blockflats, with some duded standing here and there and talking to each other. I could hear laughter and I just kept walking. At some point I realized that there is group of 3 guys walking behind me. And ...

... and then it hit me. I didn't feel in danger at all. I knew that those are all good lads. I knew that I'm living in one of the most BORING countries in the world. Where nothing ever happens. It used to be dangerous and very bad here while I was a child. Everything is so different now.

I stopped to look around and I couldn't help thinking, that I would never be brave to walk freely after darnkess in some places. Like Venezuela.

If there is anything I love about Poland - this is it. Lack of fear. I've seen enough of the world (including some war zone areas, where I even witness someone being killed in front of me) to know what fear feels like. And I'm so glad that I left it behind me.

Perhaps this is the main reason why I'm trying to help people like you, @juanmolina, @jadams2k18 and fucho80. In my opinion I'm one of very few people on Steemit who have power to support you and also can relate to you. Can "feel" your situation and know how desperate your life is at the times.


I'm always afraid of everything! power cuts, thieves, big spiders, sharks, snakes, big dogs, highs, wolves, dinosaurs, darkness, women, the unknown, monsters, ghosts, apparitions, babayaga, strangers, nightmares, depressions, lack of communications, rats, cockroaches, flights, the sea or pools (afraid of drowning), the crisis of my country, war, punches, loose any part of my body, don't have any food, don't have any money, don't have any job, don't have a roof over my head, don't have any place to sleep, uhmmm... There's sooo many things... What else?

Thank you! man. Thanks for all the thing you do for all of us!

Dear @crypto.piotr

I can understand everything you say, friend.
Since I was a little boy, I was never afraid. the little time that I could live with my natural mother the one that brought me the world I think that somehow I prepare myself not to feel afraid of anything, and more when she knew that she would give me for adoption that way as I prepare she taught me after her raising was for that to face everything without fear. Although living in Venezuela is very dangerous, it is much more dangerous than all the places you mention where somehow there was a war in the moments when you wanted to visit them.
Here in Venezuela in a month there may be more deaths than there may be in one of those places because of the war, there are statistics that prove it.

It is not easy to live like this with the fear that the government delinquents will send you to kill anything easy. And that can happen in Venezuela.

When you love, you tend to be afraid or worried about that person you love. I love my daughters and my wife and I always fear for what might happen to them if these criminals continue to rule in Venezuela. If that happens I have to keep looking for a way out of the country with them, to protect them.

Perhaps this is the main reason why I'm trying to help people like you, @juanmolina, @jadams2k18 and fucho80. In my opinion I'm one of very few people on Steemit who have power to support you and also can relate to you. Can "feel" your situation and know how desperate your life is at the times.

I know that my friends and I are very, very grateful for all their support.
Although you do not believe it, the mere fact that you listen to us is a great help, in the midst of everything that we live.

A virtual hug for you.

Dear @lanzjoseg

Thank you for that amazing comment. I only had a chance to read it now. Appreciate.

Yours, Piotr

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