One photo every day: Vesijärvi lakescape (8/365)

in #photography7 years ago (edited)


Today I decided I must do the odd DSLR shot for my project. Ended up going to the harbour and shot some photos. I think from the two I ended up processing for web this one was the one I wanted to publish here. :)

siipiratas ja naurulokit
Paddlewheel and laughing black-headed gulls

Camera body: Canon EOS 550D
Lens: Sigma ART 50mm ƒ/1.4
Aperture: ƒ/8.0
Exposure: 1/160 s
ISO: Dual-ISO 100+200

Edit: Turns out the laughing gull (Leucophaeus atricilla) is an entirely different species to the Finnish black-headed gull, naurulokki (literally meaning "laughing gull", which comes straight from its Latin speciation: Larus ridibundus).

Scenery shots can be a bit dull at times, basically because the market for them is kind of over saturated, and those few good well-thought out ones are pretty hard to find among all the plain snapshots. So I decided not to do a mere snapshot and put some effort into it. I tried to find something extra to fill the space. I think I did quite well, since the paddle wheel and the seagulls add life to the otherwise possibly very boring scenery shot.

Keep watching this space, I'll be shooting more tomorrow.

[Previous post: Discussion time; "Depression" (+ photos) Best comments will be upvoted to the moon!]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:
365 followers? Okay. (1/365)
Kiemurainen (2/365)
Game of Go in our club, Saarto (3/365)
Bulldog statue (4/365)
Linnanmäki / Borgbacken (5/365)
The Ashtray (6/365)
Our bookshelf + Squiggles' home (7/365)

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Nice picture, I have passed through there a couple of times. Seems like there are alot of birds on the fly even though it's late.

Following along. Hope you make the 365!

Awesome photo! Mind giving me some advice on my blog? Check out my photos! Upvoted!

Hmm. I'm not sure how I can help, your photography is quite good.

Maybe when shooting cars, try lower angles, shooting from the frog perspective does wonders to car pics.

Oh yea, and just like someone said in your comments, I concur, overusing filters in post may negatively affect your photos, so use them sparingly, if at all.

When shooting scenery, maybe incorporate something human (a person, an object) to help the observer figure out the scale. It often gives a depth to the picture, and possibly helps get rid of those boring snapshot like photos. (Assuming of course you got the framing and layout correct.)

Nature shots, better to fill the frame and get as close to your subject as possible (not lions of course). The general rule of thumb in all photography is the closer you can get to the subject the better the resulting photo.

One extra photography advice: When shooting people or animals, try to frame the picture in a way you don't cut their joints; knees, ankles, elbows etc.

Well, I hope I could be of some help there. :)

365 days non stop- thats what I call dedication.

I hope I can do it. I've tried it in the past, and forgot to update after the 4th or so day. This time I think I have a good motivator, upvotes that pay. ;) I'm very keen to see how well I'll do by the time I get to the 365th photo.

I like too :-)

Thank you too.

Hi! I like the content, I`ve upvoted this post. Cheers!:)

Thank you, I appreciate your compliments. Please feel welcome to visit my blog any time. :)

Amazing shot thanks

Thanks! I'm glad you like it! :)

You're welcome

Very nice shot. Up voted.

And I thank you very kind. :)

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