What Happens, When It Happens? Flying High! (PART 15)

in #military7 years ago (edited)

Military technology is advancing at light speed.

There are fighter jets and bomber planes out there that can fly distances that most could only ever have imagined back a few decades ago. There are rockets and missiles that are being worked on all over the world, even in some places where the morals of society are some 6 00 years behind the western world.

So far in this series of posts I have predominantly addressed a look over the military forces of other nations.

As in intro to this post, I shall get into the geography of our region and those countries that have access to Australia via sea, rather than look at one nations military forces. I shall continue on with that fro the next post in this series.

From some of the reactions out there and maybe even the lack of reactions out there it seems that many people out there say Asia, but in fact don't exactly know what all countries Asia is made up of, so here it is:

Now lets have a look of Asia and The Middle East:

Now here is a map that was linked in the last post of this series:

To make this pretty little show and tell of maps, I shall get into some facts and figures of time to get to Australia from some of these countries.

OK, lets go:

Middle East to the West Coast (Perth) of Australia by commercial plane: about 10 hours.
Middle East to the East Coast (Sydney) of Australia by commercial plane: about 13 hours.

Same goes for Pakistan and India, with a note that the times may vary based on what airlines and what models of planes we are talking about.

Malaysia to Perth by commercial airline: 5 hours.
Malaysia to East coast (Sydney) by commercial airline: 8 hours.

Indonesia to Northern Australia (Darwin): 2:30 hours.
Indonesia to East Coast (Sydney: 6 hours

Japan to Australia: 9 hours.

China to Australia: 9:30 hours.

PNG to Australia: 2 hours

So now we have the basics as far as commercial airlines go:

Commercial airplanes fly at about:

500mph = just under 435 knots = just over 800km/h

So lets compare that to a MIG Jet

1490mph = 1295 knots = 2400 km/hr

How many hours can a fighter jet be airborne? Well it depends on human endurance, as most planes are now refueled in flight, so there is no exact numbers, but here are some figures that could give an idea for the purpose of this post:

The F-16C has a ferry range of 2,620 miles with drop tanks and a Combat radius: 340 miles on a hi-lo-hi mission with six 1,000 lb bombs.

The B-2 has a reported range of 6,900 miles with 167,000 pounds of fuel.

The F-22 has a reported ferry range of 2,000 miles with external fuel tanks.

The F/A-18C/D & F/A-18E/F have a ferry range of 2,070 miles.

Perth to:
Jakarta = 3000 km = 1865 m
Kuwait = 9800 km = 6090 m

Darwin to:
Jakarta = 2700 km = 1677 m
Beijing = 6000 km = 3728 m
Tokyo = 5400 km = 3351 m

Sydney to :
Jakarta = 5500 km = 3417 m
Tokyo = 7800 km = 4846 m
Shanghai = 7850 km = 4877 m

So based on these figures, this is an approximate region that we need to concentrate on:

However, lets not forget that this is a general overview and there is a lot more that we need to look into as far as the important facts and influences of any military forces out there go.

This post with all these facts and figures is of an informative nature and as such serves as a "fill in the gaps" for this jigsaw puzzle that I am putting together piece by piece in this series.

For those who have not yet read up on this series of posts:

The series of posts so far:


Links to the posts in this series:

What Happens, When It Happens? Vietnam - Bury The Hatchet! (PART 14)

What Happens, When It Happens? Philippines - Good Relations and Logistical Partners! (PART 13)

What Happens, When It Happens? PNG - Logistical Partner and Neighbour! (PART 12)

What Happens, When It Happens? JAPAN - The Return Of The Samurai And/Or Kamikaze (PART 11)

What Happens, When It Happens? THE USA & AUSTRALIA (PART 10)

What Happens, When It Happens? Brothers In Arms - The ANZAC Tradition! (PART 9)

What Happens, When It Happens? Just A Short Boat Trip Away From Australia (PART 8)

What Happens, When It Happens? The Unpredictable (PART 7)

What Happens, When It Happens? Do We Know The Facts and Figures? (PART 6)

What Happens, When It Happens? HOWS IT GOING, NEIGHBOUR! (PART 5)

What Happens, When It Happens? "SHE'll BE RIGHT MATE?" (PART 4)

What Happens, When It Happens? READY OR NOT! (PART 3)

What Happens, When It Happens? It Almost Did Happen! (PART 2)

What Happens, When It Happens?

Related Topics:
The End of The World As We Know it - EUROPE and it's inevitable future!

The End of The World As We Know It - PART 2.


The topic that I am addressing here is a “WAKE UP CALL”, a “REALITY CHECK”.


So based on these figures, this is an approximate region that we need to concentrate on

Honestly saying I don't think that these neighbors have enough flight military forces for your hypothetically worry...

But that is the same reason, those countries/islands can be occupied in a matter of hours (even minutes), leaving a foreign base at the gates of Australia.

Indonesia huh? It is a country that has ten times more population than Australia, and from what I understand it is a matter of quality vs. quantity in almost all aspects.

Truly if it is a threat, an imminent threat if it is proposed, for Australia, although it would be a very complex case.

If Australia manages to establish an air and/or sea supremacy, where the number of people is dispensable for quality, it can make everything impossible for Indonesia. Although I really don't know the situation in depth.

It's just one example of a neighbour who has a very powerful military force and is only moments away from Australia.

Not suggesting anything as far as friend or foe goes, just proving that when it comes to facts and figures and potential allies among the richest of countries out there, Indonesia is a prime example!

Not the only one, just one of.

Good thing for us, things are peaceful in this world!

@vieira that, plus the fact that one of these nations may for what ever reason be allied with the nation that sees a need to take control over a small piece of Australia and the minerals and wealth that we have!

Facts are facts, you may want to look at some of the figures for the military forces out there in our neighbourhood.

I am only stating the geographical region that we need to look closer at, as far as logistics goes, this is a fact, not an opinion, and there is nothing "hypothetical" about facts.

Plenty to think about there. I wonder how all that affects the UK

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