The End of The World As We Know it - EUROPE and it's inevitable future!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Over the past two years it has been unavoidable to not read news articles and posts all over the internet about people migrating in large numbers from islamic states to Europe.

So when one starts to look into the various sources and statistics, a person could start getting a little worried about the existence of some people/nations and cultures. Not from an “phobic” or any other “ultranationalistic” point of view, but from a statistical approach. With democracies working the way they work and the majorities in those democracies being the overall decision makers (in most cases) it all boils down to number crunching. Nothing else.

Having come across many an article and so many figures out there it isn’t easy to decipher what numbers are correct and what numbers may be inflated or deflated (for what ever reasons).

However there are some facts and figures that can be backed, there are statistics and historical trends which can be used to come up with basic formulas to work out the future demographics of Europe (as a continent).

Many a source on the net have confirmed the following:
Through the course of history some statistics have shown to be fact. One of those facts is that in order for a nationality/culture to survive over a span of twenty five years there must be a natural birth rate (ratio) among them that is no less than 2.11 children to one married couple (husband and wife).

When there is any natural birth rate figure lower than this the nation/culture as such shall become extinct (die out).

The statistics through the ages have proven that all peoples/cultures/nations have not managed to survive a natural birth rate that descends to 1.9 (or less) per married couple. The figure that is most disturbing from all these statistics is that of 1.3 children per married couple. It is here that extinction is inevitable. In order to prevent extinction at this “irreversible” figure it would take approximately one century to ensure survival, presuming that the natural birth rate rises back to 2.11 children per married couple.

Through histories turbulent pages, not one society has managed to survive or recuperate any such scenario.

Here are some basic birth rate figures found on the internet from 2007.

Please take note, these figures I found on a number of posts about the topic, most of them didn’t really impress me, but after hours of surfing the net I concluded that the numbers were backed by numerous sources back in 2007, unfortunately the current figures for 2015/2016/2017 vary so much from source to source I couldn’t decide which ones to present.

France is 1.8,
England 1.6,
Greece 1.3,
Germany 1.3,
Italy 1.2,
Spain 1.1 .....................

Not to list all the 30+ nations of Europe, the average natural birth rate (ratio) works out to approximately 1.4 children per married couple.

You can see just from the above figures that there is reason for some people to be alarmed!


Europe’s population is not decreasing, in fact, it is rising!

This is as a direct result of immigration policies.

Now when we look at the statistics of the make up of immigrants, we can clearly see that some 90% of immigrants to Europe are from islamic states/nations/cultures.

The traditional European cultures, morals and values heavily collide with those of the islamic states/nations/cultures. (This shall be relevant to the later part of this post)

Not to go into the cultural and moral differences, as this is not the main topic that I wish to address with this post. I shall stick to the figures and statistics that can be found on the internet.

Now to give a few examples of some other statistics that can explain the growth rate of Europes population.

Not all of it is outright immigration!

Frances immigrants from islamic states have a birthrate of 8.1/married couple.
Some of the major cities of France today have a population of 30%+ and 40%+ of immigrants from islamic states + their offspring.
Going by the statistics NLT 2030 over 20% of Frances population shall be of a different, very non French culture and morals.

Now that doesn’t sound too alarming, however at the going rates in less than half a century France shall become an islamic state (some estimates claim it to be 30 to 40 years).
The majority of legal voters shall without any problems be able to vote-in their non French laws hence enforcing non French/European cultures, values and morals.

Lets now take a look at The UK (Great Brittain)

Great Brittain, the number of islamic state immigrants and their offspring has increased from just over 8,000 from not all that long ago, to over three million (as per statistics in 2016).

In Holland one of every two children born are of islamic state descent, and in approximately fifteen to twenty years time the majority of the population shall be able to vote in “what they want” (I state “want”/choose as I shall address this later on).

In Russia there are approximately 15 million muslims, approximately 1 of every 5 Russian Citizens is muslim, which means that the world super power shall in less than a decade have a military force comprised of approximately 40 to 50% muslims.

Belgium, just over 1 in every four of newborns are of islamic state families (muslim),
The Belgium government has openly announced (concluded) as per their statistics that one third of the children born in Europe shall be of islamic state immigrants and their offspring. That Europe shall be populated by a majority of people (voters) from islamic states in less than fifteen years time. (as per their current statistics from The EU).

The German government was the first of The EU states to publicly announce these points Quote: “The German population is decreasing at an iriversable rate...”

“......the process cannot be stopped, Germany shall be an Islamic state by the year 2050....”

As per the statistics from one decade ago in 2007 it was estimated that there were some 40+ million muslims in Europe and it was expected back then by some that by 2017 there shall be over 100 million.

As per some statistics from 2016/2017 there are approximately over 50 million muslims in Europe.


The number of illegal immigrants per annum coming into Europe from islamic states in the past decade range from 600,000 to a whopping 1.3 million (in 2015). These numbers are just the figures for those entering The EU illegally (without valid immigration permits).

As per the laws of The EU, their offspring are applicable for “legal” citizenship and without any doubt as practice has proven they shall get it, and in accordance with the laws of The EU their legal guardians shall get all the rights of citizens.
Hence the earlier listed estimates and numbers may not have been on the ball, but in the past decade with illegal immigration the statistics/numbers are being filled in.

Many of The EU governments are avoiding these facts and figures as politics of the modern day and age is obviously overwhelmed with “career politicians” and not representatives of their people/voters.

There is a saying that has been used to describe this type of behaviour:

“Treat the people like mushrooms, keep them in the dark and feed them sh##”

A rather crude saying, however one that does in many cases, such as this, outright define the way career politicians behave when it concerns topics that may put them in a position of responsibility.

Many people out there for what ever reasons have quoted Libya’s former leader/dictator, Muamar Gadaffi from 2006 who stated the following:

“We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that allah will grant islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a muslim continent within a few decades….“

That was said, and that as per the statistics and historical facts shall come to be!

It is irreversible with the current figures/statistics, general public ignorance and policies in EU states.

For as long as those who under the pretence of being refugees pick and choose where to find refuge and do this as per the amounts of money and aid that the country in which they choose to reside in offers to refugees, the abuse of “Human Rights” shall continue.

The fact is that practically none of the people who have been given refugee status in the past number of decades have been sent back to their country of origin once the turmoil is over.

The fact remains that many of them have properties now in both the country that they came from and in the country that they chose to take refuge in. The irony is that the properties in their homelands have been rebuilt/refurbished with the money from international aid and likewise the properties that they own in the countries in which they now reside were in many cases purchased with the family aid received from the host nation, usually paid in accordance and proportion to the number of children in the family. So the host nations pay double the taxes and the people who took advantage of them get double the profits!

All this has come about because what most people refer to as international HUMAN RIGHTS are respected and abided by most nations and not ALL NATIONS.

Again the cultural and moral differences allow for some peoples of this earth to do as they wish and not have any responsibility when doing so. HUMAN RIGHTS should apply to all men and women of this earth, no matter who or where we may be. Obviously some peoples of this earth do not believe that they have to respect all humans equally. Some examples are gender inequality, child abuse, inhumane judicial sentences all the way to killing people who do not follow the same religion as those passing the sentence.


It is clear now that The United Nations (UN) must address these issues in order to prevent turmoil and unrest in over 30+ countries of Europe. Abuse of HUMAN RIGHTS needs to be stopped, not only because of Europe, but for the good of humanity on this earth.

From the many cases of abuse that are commonly known of from the turmoil in the Balkans at the end of the last century all the way through to this now “refugee crisis” that we have been reading about and that is in some way being ignored by the media after the insurgence of over 1.3 million people into western Europe in 2015. The time has come to take action and to set things right.

ALL of this is irrefutable FACT, there is no phobia involved with telling the truth, there is no phobia involved with stating cold hard facts of life that have now been seen in many countries all over the world.

Personally I do not look down upon any person who does not believe in what I choose to believe in, as religion is a very personal and individual thing. ‘Do unto others as you would have them do to you’, those are the words that have become my guiding star when uncertain.

If someone helps me out and takes me into their home temporarily so as to help me out, until it is safe for me to go back to my home, then I would say THANK YOU and I would never want to barge in and start telling them how to live their lives and abuse their good will. Obviously, my opinion is not shared by those out there who want to abuse the good people of this world.

(People saying “THANK YOU” to their host nation The UK! Reality = extremist totalitarians and their agenda)

Again, I have to stress that the purpose of this post is not to spread any form of phobia towards/about any peoples of this world. I have tried to use facts and figures that can be found on the internet and stress that the numbers may vary in percentages from 1 to 5%. There are sources on the internet that differ highly in number, however after researching the topic at hand it can be concluded that many of those sources have an agenda or may be using only official statistics based on legal citizens of a state, hence not including all those people who reside and receive aid from the taxpayers of their host nation. All in all it is difficult to address this topic without “fearing” an attack by people who do not care about facts and numbers/statistics, who have an opinion and are ignorant towards the truth.

If history is to be ignored and not used to learn from then we are doomed. History isn’t there to be repeated, but there to be a teacher.

History in this case has taught us that Europe as we know it shall during this century change drastically.

Hence the entire world as we know it shall change drastically.

Refugees flee to safety. From what we can conclude in the “refugee crisis” as it is commonly and unfairly called, the number of safe peaceful states and nations surrounding the war torn areas of certain states in the middle east and the number of states between the middle east and western Europe are many! So it was by “choice” that many of these people immigrated to countries far from their unsafe homes, crossing many countries and lands that were more than safe. Hence it was a choice, a preference.

Islamic states: is used in the above text to represent all those states in which government bodies base their policies/laws in accordance with islam. It is not as per the current popular use of the term referring to those members of “The islamic state” movement (caliphate) present in the middle east at this time.

To all the people who wish to spread phobias and hate speech towards any peoples of this world out there, I would appreciate it if you do not abuse this post. This post has been written so as to ensure that people can see what is installed for the future of Europe and that this is now practically irreversible. Likewise the purpose of this post is to try and ensure that people understand that there are flaws in the UN Policies and in the policies of many “western” nations on this earth. It is clear now that some people wish to abuse these flaws, these “loop holes” and this must be fixed. The fact that it is too late for Europe, should serve as a lesson to all the other great nations of this world where Human Rights are respected and not there to be abused for “personal” gain or any other “hidden agenda”.


Nice post, lots of cold hard facts which I really enjoy seeing on Steemit. A few points that I feel might have been missed in this post. First, despite the barrage of negative news coming from the Arab/Islamic world recently the region is at a historical low point in conflict. Israel and the regional powers remain at peace and this cannot be overlooked when considering the levels of violence there now. Second, those aid dollars flowing out of europe have done much to develop the regions and countries that the immigrants of various types left behind. For countries with high levels of unemployment remittances are a critical source of development funds for the people left behind. Large parts of Latin America and Asia have fueled their development in early stages with this outside capital so it's incorrect to see those funds as a theft from Europe. The better the average person does in Iraq or Syria then the less likely they need to move at all. And finally, recent changes in technology like Steemit itself could possibly mean that the movement of people globally going forward becomes even less likely as they might be able to generate more income using what they have access to on the internet. And let's not forget that the generation of Muslims growing up in Europe going forward could just as easily be cosmopolitan and progressive as they are backwards looking. Europe has been dominated by Islam in the past and came through it just fine. Thanks again for this amazing post. @jackmiller


You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

- Mahatma Gandhi

Gun control is people control. People who have the capacity to defend themselves have far less to fear from their neighbours.

I can see your point as weapons on the black markets are available everywhere, so not allowing law abiding citizens to have the means to defend themselves and their families is kind of counterproductive.

At least in societies that have a common view on the fact that laws should be respected and followed.

No stats for Poland :-(

I'm sure that if Poland was giving apartments, 1,500 Euro and more + 500 Euro per child MONTHLY, that the stats would be right up there like Germany!

However, these stats do apply to Poland too, as Poland is a part of Europe and the changes that shall occur in Europe over the course of this century shall likewise include Poland.

I stress, that I could have used the term "boombooms" from "boomboom states" but there is no reason to have avoided the real life names and terms.

Realism and reality are not always what everyone wants to read and hear, but as per that Calendar depicted in the first picture of the post, "The world as we know it" is changing and shall change a lot over the course of the next half a century!

Maybe that calendar wasn't talking about a "big bang theory"!

People will use anything to create mass hysteria...

No, there is no reason for hysteria, the future of Europe has been set and defined.

Some may want to accept it, some may not care, some may get worried for what ever reasons, some may react in very unsuitable fashions, what ever the case may be, the numbers have said their bit.

If we leave out the cultures who are part of this topic and just look at the numbers and historical facts, there is no room for pointing fingers.

Facts are facts, some may like them, some may not!

& as the facts and figures stand, the future is set in its path.

NOTHING that anyone can do about it right now..... so it seems.

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