What Happens, When It Happens? The Unpredictable (PART 7)

in #politics7 years ago

In this series of posts titled "What Happens When It Happens" the goal is to draw attention to Australians about their "region" as far as military powers are concerned.

In this post I shall go into North Korea, a country ruled by a dictator, who controls a totalitarian regime with him as the cult figure in the center of everything.

Although North Korea may not pose a direct threat to Australia, it is located in one of the most strategic geographic positions on this planet.

It could make all the difference between a united Asia and an Asia that is dependent upon a very unpredictable person who holds all the power in one country.
Some may say Well that is the case for many countries out there. True, however as things stand today in the modern world, Asia including China has more ties and interests with The USA and Australia than ever in the history of mankind. So we now have common interests unlike in the era of The Cold War when we were literally on opposite sides.

The reason I chose North Korea now and not later on is because @tremendospercy has gone to a lot of effort to address the political leadership of that country and has addressed other key points, that can help everyone get a better knowledge of facts that to most westerners are probably incomprehensible.

His post is titled: Meet the Kim's - A History of North Korea's 'Personality Cult' Dictatorship.
and can be read at this link: https://steemit.com/truth/@tremendospercy/meet-the-kim-s-a-history-of-north-korea-s-personality-cult-dictatorship

Although the topics that he addresses are not looking into the military strength of North Korea, it does introduce and justify why it is so important to Australians to be aware of North Korea's military strength.

I have managed to find a video source on youtube with the facts and figures:

For those who do not wish to watch the video, here is the chart that I have used as a reference in the posts to date, hence ensuring uniformity in the information that we are looking at:

As can be seen above, North Korea may not be "ranked" among the top 20 military forces on this planet, however they do not lack the numbers and if we take into consideration some of the facts that @tremendospercy has addressed in his post, it is clear that in any such "cult dictatorship" the people have been brainwashed to the extent that they would gladly give their lives for their leader and their "cult".
Which again, is most probably something that most westerners can never fathom in its entirety.

Apart from the "nuclear power" aspect of North Korea's military we need to understand that in the event of any war waged on Australia North Korea is literally a very important factor. namely because of its geographic location. Depending on the aggressor North Koreas position in Asia could serve more than just a logistics point, it can influence its neighbour countries as to all the countries that are within its immediate region, hence definitely being a very important factor.
Likewise if for any reason North Korea were to be an allied country to an aggressor, we need to be well aware of their military forces and just as importantly the "numbers" involved. Australia is a continent that is literally huge, often enough misrepresented on maps due to the fact that the maps we see are in most cases just a globe spread out flat. While in reality this is a very simple and understandable comparison:

Now after this post, I am sure that in addition to the posts so far, most Australians who are interested in knowing the truth about our surroundings and the truth about how strong and numbered military forces around us are, shall start to think about the facts and figures a little more seriously and not just shrug it off with a "She'll be right mate" or "When it comes to that, then we'll worry about it".

Information and not "opinions" should be the basis for making decisions, especially when it concerns a nations well being.


Links to the posts in this series:

What Happens, When It Happens? Do We Know The Facts and Figures? (PART 6)

What Happens, When It Happens? HOWS IT GOING, NEIGHBOUR! (PART 5)

What Happens, When It Happens? "SHE'll BE RIGHT MATE?" (PART 4)

What Happens, When It Happens? READY OR NOT! (PART 3)

What Happens, When It Happens? It Almost Did Happen! (PART 2)

What Happens, When It Happens?

Related Topics:
The End of The World As We Know it - EUROPE and it's inevitable future!

The End of The World As We Know It - PART 2.


The topic that I am addressing here is a “WAKE UP CALL”, a “REALITY CHECK”.


Nice one Jack, thanks for the shout out buddy. 😉

Your post is like a foundation for those who can not comprehend some things about these backwards countries that have or have had a totalitarian regime.
So it would have been a shame not to do N.Korea in my series now while your post is active.


Percy, tell him he needs a Steemshelf for this series. ;-)

You've just reminded me I have a few posts to add to my shelf. Are you still doing steemshelf stuff?
I have three so I owe $6. Thanks for the reminder. ❤️

I am absolutely doing Steemshelf stuff! :-)

I'll sort my payments out in the morning and get in touch about updating mine.
Thanks babe 🌹😘

Excellent analysis. A war with North Korea would be a catastrophe for their neighboring countries because that leader would throw the first bombs at them.

Any war in which North Korea partakes in directly or indirectly with its current cult dictatorship could be extremely unpredictable, especially if it is a war that involves any of the Austral Asian countries/nations.

Remember, they may not have to directly partake in a war to be able to influence upon the war!

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