What Happens, When It Happens? Vietnam - Bury The Hatchet! (PART 14)

in #military7 years ago

This series of posts that I have named "What Happens, When It Happens?" started about three months ago, for which I got my inspiration from a movie called “Tomorrow, When the War Began”

Which is all about Australia being invaded by an Asian country and a good chunk of Australia being exploited and raped for economical reasons during a LONG TERM occupation. The rest of it is all a "Hollywood" type of story I guess, as a group of kids with no training and no know how in anything apart from hanging out and enjoying life become a quasi guerilla military force, so to say.

The movie trailer, so you can get my drift!

Getting back to reality, so far I have covered an overview of:

Papua New Guinea
United States of America
New Zealand
North Korea
The Middle East

The posts are listing facts and figures, not opinions. It is purely facts and figures that must be analyzed when making decisions, when considering the reality of life that determines what policies are necessary and what policies are nothing more than luxuries of a free country.

Some readers of this series may be looking at my posts as being too "military orientated", well, think about it!
If it does happen, who shall be the attacking force? THE ENEMY NATION(S) MILITARY FORCE(S).
WHO SHALL BE DEFENDING AUSTRALIA? So, I think I have put that potential issue to rest.

If we get into the politics of it all, what we have to realize is that not all countries out there share the same morals, what may be moral to Australians may not be moral to some other nation out there. So we are dealing with reality here, not some "Yellow brick road" leading to "OZ"..... there is no Alice in Wonderland happy ending when it concerns reality, so some people really need to get their heads out of..... the sand.... and have a reality check. A nice cold shower with cold hard facts, figures and the truth of our reality.

Why Australia doesn't have these topics in school is something that beats me, it is as if we just want to sweep the truth under a rug and pretend that it doesn't exist. I fail to see any other explanation for it.
Something that has cost every nation through the course of human history and I don't see us getting away with it either!

We only need to look at the world map to see just how small this world really is:

& for those who are really looking at this map and not just thinking to themselves "Big deal, I know this", you shall notice that Australia is around about as big as The USA!

Something most Aussies out there go their entire lives not knowing!

I figured a nice intro to the series was necessary, after all it has been over 3 months since the original intro post!
So that readers can understand what the series is looking into and relevant facts to go with so that each reader can on their own as an individual conclude as to WHY I am doing this series of posts.

Now after this intro, I am going to just pop out the figures for Vietnam, a country that we were at war with not all that long ago and with whom we have buried the hatchet (declared peace and become friendly with).

However, Vietnam is within our region of the world and as such is relevant, so to be consistent and in line with the idea of facts being the important factor for decision making and not "personal opinions" here are the numbers and facts:

Flag of Vietnam People's Army. Slogan translates as "Determined to win."

Service branches Vietnam People's Army insignia.png Ground Forces
Air Force
Border Defence Force
Coast Guard
Headquarters Hanoi, Vietnam

Military age 18–25 years old (18–27 for those who attend colleges or universities)
Conscription 24 months for all able-bodied men
Active personnel 482,000 active
Reserve personnel 3,000,000 reserve

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Army_of_Vietnam

For those who enjoy the videos showing the facts and figures:

"VIETNAM Military Power 2017 ✮ Vietnam People Army"
by: Armed Forces

Rather short version, but again, the numbers are what matters and more so the number of people with the necessary know how in self defence is what should be taken note of.

I have to make it clear that I am in no way suggesting that Vietnam is or shall be an enemy of Australia, no that Vietnam has any intentions to invade Australia, the point of this post today is to show how numbers are more than important.

Lets not forget that approximately half of the manpower in Vietnam held of and fought the French for years and then managed to put The USA and Australia on the spot with what was called "The Vietnam War".
So numbers and training/know how is more than important, that is the one and only point that I am making here.

Again proven in practice, bloody and bloodier practice, so don't go to bed dreaming about Alice in Wonderland or imagine yourself as a "Rambo" type of character. All those that did that got shot in every war zone out there, literally thought that they could be like Rambo and then ended up minced meat, dead or imprisoned by their enemy, only to be raped over and over again and left to die from internal bleeding or just outright murdered because the enemy doesn't want to feed them, and often enough if still healthy enough, sold for body parts on the black markets. Yes, no wrapping it up in gift wrapping for this topic, reality of war is not something that is all "pretty and poetic". Especially when dealing with cultures that have nothing in common with ours!

Facts and nothing but facts.

I have waited 13 posts, over three months to use terms and descriptions that are nothing but the truth and anyone reading this knows that. But reality is not always the way we imagine it and if or should I say when the day comes that it does happen, shall we be ready for it?

PS. I'm still being very conservative with my wording, so don't get too upset.

I'll leave you with this

For those who have not yet read up on this series of posts:

The series of posts so far:


Links to the posts in this series:

What Happens, When It Happens? Philippines - Good Relations and Logistical Partners! (PART 13)

What Happens, When It Happens? PNG - Logistical Partner and Neighbour! (PART 12)

What Happens, When It Happens? JAPAN - The Return Of The Samurai And/Or Kamikaze (PART 11)

What Happens, When It Happens? THE USA & AUSTRALIA (PART 10)

What Happens, When It Happens? Brothers In Arms - The ANZAC Tradition! (PART 9)

What Happens, When It Happens? Just A Short Boat Trip Away From Australia (PART 8)

What Happens, When It Happens? The Unpredictable (PART 7)

What Happens, When It Happens? Do We Know The Facts and Figures? (PART 6)

What Happens, When It Happens? HOWS IT GOING, NEIGHBOUR! (PART 5)

What Happens, When It Happens? "SHE'll BE RIGHT MATE?" (PART 4)

What Happens, When It Happens? READY OR NOT! (PART 3)

What Happens, When It Happens? It Almost Did Happen! (PART 2)

What Happens, When It Happens?

Related Topics:
The End of The World As We Know it - EUROPE and it's inevitable future!

The End of The World As We Know It - PART 2.


The topic that I am addressing here is a “WAKE UP CALL”, a “REALITY CHECK”.

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