What Happens, When It Happens? "SHE'll BE RIGHT MATE?" (PART 4)

in #politics7 years ago

So far to date I have touched on the topic of what happens when Australia one day gets invaded by a foreign military force (or combined foreign military forces, i.e united islamic states forces).

The topic that I am addressing here is a “WAKE UP CALL”, a “REALITY CHECK”.

Without trying to put forwards any of my own personal ideas or thoughts, here are some more pieces of information that could help my fellow Aussies understand some of the "facts and figures" that are being thrown around out there!

I will end this off with a video on the topic, a video that gives us all a "warm and fuzzy" but after knowing the truth about the figures being thrown around, maybe, just maybe we may start waking up and smelling the stench coming our way from the northwest of our great continent!

Where is Australia ranked as far as "Militaries" of this world?

Well the answer is usually somewhere between 20 and 26. Depending on the the stats and interpretations that the various sources use to come up with a rating.

Here is one that is listed nice and clear in a chart.


OK....... fine.....

Now lets have a look at some of the countries in the region that we have been active in over the years (and still are):

So, is Australia a nuclear power?



So when the day comes that an invasion occurs, what leverage do we have?

"Withdraw or we shall have someone else nuke your sorry little behinds!"

I don't think so.

Even though most of the countries that could and probably shall be involved in some sort of an attempt to invade Australia are listed below Australia as far as military strength goes..... I shall now let this video rip here.... watch it and pay special attention to the "AVAILABLE MANPOWER" number listed.

For those who have watched the video, I suggest that you now go ahead and Google the population numbers of all the countries that are to the northwest of Australia, halve the numbers and there is the guestimate "AVAILABLE MANPOWER" for their military forces.

The obvious difference being that ALL those people are TRAINED while less than 0.01% of the civilians in Australia are trained in the field!

Those countries actually have weapons reserves and ammunition reserves that can cover the "conscription" (call to arms) of their trained civilians, while Australia does not.

So, when we take this all into consideration, being the reality and truth about where we stand, it seems that the questions that start to arise from entering the topic of "What happens WHEN it happens?" and as one reader suggested "& What DOESN'T happen...." are not so "warm and fuzzy" as the mainstream media would like us to believe!

Links to the previous posts leading to this one:

What Happens, When It Happens? READY OR NOT! (PART 3)

What Happens, When It Happens? It Almost Did Happen! (PART 2)

What Happens, When It Happens?


The topic that I am addressing here is a “WAKE UP CALL”, a “REALITY CHECK”.

Or do we just go with the good ol' saying:

"She'll be right mate"


Three things.

Firstly, you can't assume the ability to win is measured in sheer number of men or tanks alone. See this video for a hint at what I'm getting at:

I don't know if those 'united islamic state' forces you speak of are going to happen anytime soon if all they appear good at doing is fighting each other and picking off a few of our civilians at a time in small scale terror attacks. The forces that control US CIA and war machine seem better at fomenting conflict in the region than islamic countries are at presenting a united front against us.

Second, if it came to civilians defending the country, you don't have a united country in the same way it was since mass immigration / multiculturalism has been imposed. You've got multiple races and religions who may exhibit the veneer of getting along in peacetime, but will this continue when the going gets tough, resources are scarce and it's the law of the jungle? Think Yugoslavia (and they're basically the same blood). Would first / second gen Asians here fight for their investment property or their own homeland and people? How many of them would be secretly working for the other side? Even among whites, the cultural issues that divide, arguing incessantly over things like gay marriage, transgender bathrooms and the right to wear a burqa - who's going to risk their life and pick up a rifle to fight for that?

Third, this will likely seem obvious, but states versus states is getting less relevant, outside mainly Russia and East Asia. For Arabs, as explained in the video, religion and clan come first. As Western countries become, by design, proposition nations no longer defined by ethnic heritage, (hence a recent Muslim arrival from Africa with a passport has just as much claim to be British or Australian as any white Briton) the concept of Australian, American or British will cease to mean anything, and perhaps a Pan European nationalism and sense of brotherhood based on race will emerge, leading even to 'you attack one of us you attack all of us'. There are other ways to enslave, dumbing a population down through education system and media owned by a hostile elite, cyber attacks to infrastructure, terrorism, psychological warfare, etc. And why invade a country when you can keep buying bits of it till there's practically none left? No need for bloodshed, and it happens over generations so you don't notice.

Good point, will address them one by one, you kind of jumped ahead of me on these posts as I was planning on addressing some of the points you made here on a "step by step" process.
Well, you answered that question in the later part of your excellent comment.

Unfortunately I am not a Whale yet (operative word being YET) so my 100% vote that I gave your comment is financially worth what it it worth at the VP that I am at right now, but it is 100% because you addressed the topic with 100% healthy logical approach.

I will get back with an answer later on, because right now, no matter how much I would love to get into it, I can't as I am running late as is...... so as Arnie would say "I'll be back".



Amazing information. Thanks From My Heart. I look video now...

This post recieved an upvote from minnowpond. If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowpond on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond

Good and informative post.

amazing, gratuitous information has been shared @jackmiller.

Australia has a large land mass. Occupying that is extremely difficult. Yes, some coastal cities might be hammered, but it takes a lot of resupply and long logistics chains are vulnerable. Your northern area is also pretty inhospitable. I think you'd be seeing the military buildup years ahead of a conventional invasion.

I'll be addressing that particular issue in the future, although I did "touch the topic" indirectly in the first of the series on this topic.

What was impossible less than half a century ago, today is more than achievable.

Logistics wouldn't be a problem if planned and set up properly.

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