What Happens, When It Happens? Do We Know The Facts and Figures? (PART 6)

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

In this series of posts, one of the key factors is to be informed about the reality around us.

Facts and figures that many Australians just do not know much if anything about.

History has shown that "numbers" do matter, especially when it comes to brute force in military terms. The best example of this through histories pages could very well be the battles for "Stalingrad" (Also known as: Tsaritsyn and Volgograd), where Red Army forces were sent in using sheer numbers. often enough as historical recollections go many soldiers were without weapons and had to rely upon taking weapons from fallen soldiers as they charged the city. So without any debating the topic, this battle is proof that sheer numbers can play a major role in any battle/war.
Of course this isn't the only factor to be considered, however one must understand that when warfare is concerned ALL factors must be taken into consideration.

In the last post we have looked at one of our closest neighbours, Indonesia. A rather interesting piece of information that could help to open up some eyes.

In the past, when talking with "mates" in the field it has been mentioned that Western Australia is rich with minerals, everything from gold to uranium and that many a country could exploit these natural resources in only a few years of occupation.

Rather logical when considering that the major driving force is wealth and not "land". Expansionism may be a reality for some regimes out there, for some ideological groups, however it does actually come down to wealth, no matter what angle we look at it.

So to not go any further with the introduction, it is appropriate that we look at all the military forces and countries in our region of this planet, so that we may know the truth about our surroundings.

For this post I have chosen India, a country that is as some claim overpopulated and growing at a rate that can only be compared to China as far as industry, education and all other sectors that we know of.

Again, this is not to suggest that Indian and Australian relations are at question. The relations are good as things stand and Australia, as are Australians participating in many a project over in India, the number of Indian citizens employed in Australia is rising by the year and the conditions are excellent for them (in comparison to those offered to most in India).

However, to avoid looking at the facts and figures is to turn a blind eye to the truth of our reality, as in the introductory post of this series it was the military aspects that were addressed as far as Australia is concerned. Hence lets now take a look at another country in our region:

Here is a video on the topic of Indian Military forces, unfortunately not from the exact same author of the videos used in the other posts to date. However it does have all the figures and stats.

For those of you who do not wish to watch the video, here is the table again, so that you can look it up and see where they stand.

Now, I don't wish to suggest that "numbers" alone can determine an outcome of an offensive, however as history has shown, we must take that into consideration.

As was mentioned in one of the comments on an earlier post in this series, Australia is multicultural and we have to take that into consideration. With large numbers of Australian residents being from various countries of this earth and if the situation were to arise we would be relying upon many of them to be loyal Australians. However in reality this could pose an issue if they are not necessarily 100% true blue. Lets add to that the fact of personnel in government departments who could easily make life harder for people in Australia, hence causing diversions in the mainstream of life when all efforts must be concentrated on defending our HOME.

Not to go any further with this post in the series as it could be "leading" as far as conclusions go, but these facts listed above should serve as a good comparison guide to military forces and population numbers in our region, that can easily be compared to those that we have in Australia.

As this series of posts continues I shall go ahead and address some other military forces out there, then go on to those topics that could help us better understand some things from a different angle. I do not want to put "fear" in anyones lives, we need to be aware of THE TRUTH. Nothing more, nothing less.

Information and not "opinions" should be the basis for making decisions, especially when it concerns a nations well being.

What Happens, When It Happens? HOWS IT GOING, NEIGHBOUR! (PART 5)

What Happens, When It Happens? "SHE'll BE RIGHT MATE?" (PART 4)

What Happens, When It Happens? READY OR NOT! (PART 3)

What Happens, When It Happens? It Almost Did Happen! (PART 2)

What Happens, When It Happens?

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Intriguing. The only thing I'm curious about is why does N. Korea have <10 nuclear weapons. Did they have 10 and use them/have to give them up?

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