What Happens, When It Happens? READY OR NOT! (PART 3)

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

(WWI Poster, applicable for all generations)

It isn’t easy to approach some topics, especially when ones emotions are involved, however no matter how much someone cares for their fellow mates reality has to be a put into first place when approaching this type of topic.

How does one compare military forces?
By the number of planes, ships, tanks, soldiers etc etc etc.

Yes. That is one way. No doubt about it. Simple, all numbers and number crunching.


For those of us here who have read the first of the posts in this series and then even more importantly the second post, here are the links:

https://steemit.com/politics/@jackmiller/what-happens-when-it-happens (FIRST POST)

https://steemit.com/politics/@jackmiller/what-happens-when-it-happens-it-almost-did-happen-part-2 (SECOND POST)

You will know that I am not addressing the “Who’s got more guns and bigger guns” in this world.
We could do that to see where the other countries stand, so that we may know what we are up against as far as equipment goes.

The topic that I am addressing here is a “WAKE UP CALL”, a “REALITY CHECK”.

So that people in Australia can start thinking logically and not always care about “What I want” but “What WE need” and “What we need to give of ourselves in order to assure it for us and our loved ones”.

Life on this planet it nothing like the life that people in Australia are living. (This applies to Nth America too).


I am not suggesting that everyone should pack up their bags and go check it all out, unless someone really wants to do that.
Luckily most people in Australia cannot understand the reality of life in the vast majority of other countries on this planet. Australia is without a doubt “The Lucky Country” for good reasons.

HOWEVER, there are situations that have arisen and that shall without any doubt arise again in the future, as it is human nature to do silly things like world wars etc, situations where we Australians may have to face a reality that isn’t all that nice as the one we enjoy today. It may happen soon, it may happen in six generations time, there is no rule of thumb. Unfortunately the Mayan calendar expired a few years back and we don’t know when the next lunatics shall decide that their cult should rule this world!

So, to put some things into perspective, I have chosen Switzerland to make a basic shortlist for comparison on the relevant topic.

Why Switzerland?

Well, the logic is straight forwards:

1- Switzerland is surrounded by alps. Australia is surrounded by seas. Both are hard to approach let alone invade and sustain an invasion.
2 - Both countries are peaceful by nature.
3 - Both countries have professional armies and reservists.
4 - Both countries are RICH. Our country is covered in riches, The Swiss have almost as much gold as us! (doesn’t matter who’s it is, it is there)
5 – Switzerland and Australia have ties with NATO.

So without going into all the details, the above list is maybe enough to give a basic idea as to why Switzerland is a comparable country for the topic at hand.

Rather than go into all the details about both national defence forces, here are the links:

Swiss Armed Forces

“Switzerland, like many countries, requires military service from most men. Women may serve if they wish. Foreigners are exempt.”


Note: The term “conscription” is used in the above links, however one must understand the difference between “war time” conscripts and those who are called up for “Compulsory Military Service” so as to be educated and trained in self defence and general military know how in regular peace time. For those that wish to be ignorant, I’ll spell it out for you: There is a big difference between being given a weapon and basic training and then shipped off to a war zone vs being trained professionally in peace time, and then going home.

To look up The Australian Defence Force:


Note: The reason for giving a short intro to The Swiss Armed Forces is
a) out of respect for the friendly nation that I am talking about, and
b) because this post is first and foremost aimed at Australians.
It is a safe presumption that most of us Aussies in general do not know much about the Swiss way of life and why Switzerland is considered to be one of the safest countries on this earth. (if not THE safest).


SWITZERLAND: Population 8.5 million
AUSTRALIA: Population 24.7 million

SWITZERLAND: Population density is 214 people per Km2 (554 people per mi2).
AUSTRALIA: Population density is 3 people per Km2 (8 people per mi2)

SWITZERLAND: Over 50 qualified to defend per Km2
AUSTRALIA: Less than 1 qualified to defend per 100 Km2

SWITZERLAND: The total land area is 39,507 Km2 (15,254 sq. miles)
AUSTRALIA: The total land area is 7,596,666 Km2 (2,933,088 sq. miles)

SWITZERLAND: Military age; 19 years of age for male compulsory military service; 18 years of age for voluntary male and female military service.
AUSTRALIA: Military age; 16.5 years for selection process, 17 years to serve, 18 years to deploy on operations

SWITZERLAND: Compulsory military service; 19–34 years of age obligatorily
36 for subaltern officers, 52 for staff officers and higher

SWITZERLAND: Available for military service; 1,852,580 males (of which over 1.5 million are trained and have the knowhow to defend their nation), + age 16–49, 1,807,667 females, age 16–49.
AUSTRALIA: Available for military service; 4,999,988 males, age 16–49, + 4,870,043 females, age 16–49. (of which less than 0.01% have any military training or knowhow).

SWITZERLAND: Has over 120,000 full time military personnel + over 80,000 reservists
AUSTRALIA: Has less than 60,000 full time military personnel + less than 20,000 reservists.

Note: Switzerland has no seas or oceans or navy as such, Australia does, so this must be taken into consideration also when considering the above information, as square nautical miles have not been taken into consideration in any of the above figures for Australia.

So, rather than go ahead and start putting forwards my views and opinions on anything here, I leave this post as is.
The short list of facts actually tells us a lot more than what most people in Australia are willing to admit to themselves.

Having traveled the world, worked with many different people and learning of a modern day Camelot idea that was literally shot down, twice.... I shall put a video up here. No it isn’t any Australian ranting and raving about anything.

It is a video of one of the worlds best known and RESPECTED speeches (a part of it):

“My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” John F. Kennedy


Thanks. Would be nice to read what others have to say on this topic.

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Nice post! Keep them coming!

This post recieved an upvote from minnowpond. If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowpond on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond

I think it's also important to note that the Swiss citizens all keep their guns upon leaving the army so most of the male population and some of the women too are default reserves in the event of invasion. And Switzerland is neutral, so they are not a part of NATO and the only war they would fight is a defensive one. You could say the same for Australia, but I believe y'all still commit troops to the campaigns of your allies, well in WW2 at least. Which country would be able to wage a better defensive war with the high amounts of firearms in the possesion of Swiss private citizens, though the crime rates are still quite low there, versus the much more restrictive gun laws Aussies live under? Also you'd have people much more spread out with more territory to defend, so it may be more difficult to mobilize troops. Interested to hear your thoughts on the matter. Cheers from America!

Yes, the Swiss "Reservist" program is put together extremely well. After 2007 the reservists keep only their weapon at home (no ammo).

Switzerland is "Neutral" however they are a member of NATO's "Partnership For Peace", which is considered to be a stepping stone to becoming a fully pledged NATO member. Maybe Switzerland shall not take that extra step, who knows. So its neutrality is actually "understood" (wink, wink, nudge, nudge).

Australia has many agreements with NATO, Australia is a member of ANZUS and The South East Asia Treaty Organization. The equivalents to NATO for our geographical location.

Australia has been a respected fully pledged partner in a lot of wars since WWII, from Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq..... and we are not talking just a few war ships as I have heard some people throw around on various internet forums etc. In actual fact, I just consider those types of people to be "numbnuts" not worth the time or the effort, so I just ignore them, don't forget them, just ignore them.

Australia has the logistics already set up. Sure it could take a reorganization of things, but we do have the resources to ensure that our "civilians" can be qualified to protect themselves against any enemy, if heaven forbid the situation were to arise.

Lets not forget, Australia is like somewhere in the top 20 (think its like 22) of world forces. EVERY Aussie soldier has to know what three other (not to name the country) soldiers know, because we lack the numbers, so we make up for it in knowhow and adaptability when needing to overcome situations.

All in all, the times have changed, technology has changed, the potential threats out there have changed.

Australia, although surrounded by ocean water is no longer "inaccessible".
Logistics supply routes and the technology to ensure them are now more than ever before possible.

Hence, things have changed, reality is not what it was three or four decades ago.

Australia is an independent country, although we know that we can rely upon our partners in New Zealand and The USA, it is my opinion that we need to adapt to the new world that we live in, give a little more of ourselves and ensure that NO BODY out there EVER wants to mess with us.


All good points. I learned a lot tonight. I agree we need to be vigilant against ideologies that are antithetical to Western civilization today more than ever. However, I am usually against preemptive war like the most recent Iraq conflict which I think made the region more ripe for extremism. And I agree that while the Swiss maintain their neutral policy, they would have to side with the West since Islamic or communist domination probably wouldn't allow countries like Switzerland, Australia, or the USA to exist. It'll be imporant for us to stick together in the near future.

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