What Happens, When It Happens? HOWS IT GOING, NEIGHBOUR! (PART 5)

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

When looking at world maps and atlases sometimes some distances seem to be a little distorted, or look like they are farther or maybe even closer than what we thought to be the case.

We have already looked at this map, in the first post of this series of posts:

Showing all the states where the majority vote for governments in which religious laws are also the state laws, likewise it does show states (countries) of this world where there is a high percentage of "voters" who could one day very easily outnumber the voters who do not necessarily agree with religious laws and state policies being one and the same for every citizen of the state.

A topic that I have addressed in the case of Europe and its inevitable future.

ref: https://steemit.com/politics/@jackmiller/the-end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it-europe-and-it-s-inevitable-future

Which I followed up with a post about what the world could look like as far as political powers out there. A division of those countries and nations where religious and state laws are one and the same and those parts of this world where Human Rights are the foundation to making state policies while freedom of religion is left on a personal individual level of the citizens.

ref: https://steemit.com/politics/@jackmiller/the-end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it-part-2

Now, please don't take the second part of that topic to be "fact" as it is a possible prediction based on the demographics of modern day countries/nations. This can change in the coming decades, based on the number of children being born to each group of people.

Now getting back to this topic, where we are looking at Australia and what all is reality in and around Australia.

Here is a map that clearly shows Australia and its immediate neighbours.

Please feel free to compare this map and the map at the very top of this post.

So, we have Indonesia practically a hop, skip and jump, with maybe a skinny dip in between away from Australia.

So lets take a look at Indonesia as a military force and how they stand, once again the same table as used in my last post on the topic, so as to ensure that all the sources are uniform:

And a video about Indonesian military forces, from the same source as used in my last post to show how Australias ranking on all the lists of military powers of this world also takes into account the 10.5 million male citizens of Australia who are not in the military nor have had any form of military training.

Please watch this:

Now I'm not suggesting anything, all I am doing is stating the numbers,

Like for example some 477,000 active military personnel and some 400,000 active reservists, with the available manpower fit for military service of males aged between 16 and 49 is 75,000,000, with a further 4,500,000 new suitable for service annually.

& the following fact:

"Indonesia is constitutionally a secular state (but the government officially recognizes only six formal religions), with Islam being the dominant religion in the country. Indonesia also has a larger Muslim population than any other country in the world, with approximately 202.9 million identifying themselves as Muslim (87.2% of Indonesia's total population in 2011)"

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_in_Indonesia

I shall leave this post as it is, with facts and nothing but facts, no leading anyone into any direction as far as possible "opinions" may go.

Below are the links to the first 4 posts in this series, all of which do have a very important role as these posts are step by step informative chapters leading up to a point where the readers can be better informed and can make up their own minds about the reality of our world!

Australia and Indonesia have good relations, where Australian tax payers dollars are used in the form of aid to Indonesia. Australia also imports many products from Indonesia ensuring that our region of this world works as a team and not as enemies.

No matter how good our relations may be, the above figures are facts and it is very important that we know the facts.

Information and not "opinions" should be the basis for making decisions, especially when it concerns a nations well being.

What Happens, When It Happens? "SHE'll BE RIGHT MATE?" (PART 4)

What Happens, When It Happens? READY OR NOT! (PART 3)

What Happens, When It Happens? It Almost Did Happen! (PART 2)

What Happens, When It Happens?


The topic that I am addressing here is a “WAKE UP CALL”, a “REALITY CHECK”.


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I find your series of articles to be interesting. Certainly there is a lot to be considered and matching up numbers, and looking at history can tell a lot. However, I think there is one factor that you might want to look at. Christianity. Ultimately, the question of what happens when muslims move into Christian nations has not been answered completely, but they can convert. Protestant Christianity can have a profound effect on cultures. Jesus Changes lives. Here is an introductory article. The research who wrote it also has some lectures on Youtube. The short version is that 200 years after missionaries go into a country they are much more likely to have a stable democracy. He looked at lots of factors and statistically that was most important. http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2014/january-february/world-missionaries-made.html

Christians can not understand the idea of a religious totalitarian regime as such, even if many a "Christian" nation has been run by a political totalitarian regime.

What it comes down to I guess is "ideology".
When a religion becomes a political ideology then that is lethal for everyone!

Europe has become highly secular. While there are numerous ways to measure Church attendance, activity or influence, it is the lack of God that Europe is starting to decline. (For example: the Greek Financial Crisis is caused by inability to stick to budgets & corruption.) (God tends to frown on corruption!) Now, there are lots of factors that go into anything. We all recall WWII history and know we could all easily be speaking German or Japanese. But I believe God is a big factor...

We'll see, if not us then our children and grandchildren.
But it is happening and there is no stopping it, Europe is changing and with it the entire world as we know it.

A religion, that is another thing that people will fight about.
Without religion, people will still look for other reason to fight about.

Why is it that Australia don't have much personnel in the military? Is it that bad, what is the difference with the other western countries?

Asian country have bigger personnel because it is better to be in the military than unemployed, that is why many people join... that's what I think anyway

Yes, you are 100% right about the Asian armies having people wanting to be in the military because of the 100% guaranteed pay and the fact that they have a guaranteed pension and are respected by society.

The Australian soldier has to know what three other western soldiers know!
Not to mention our SAS.

PS. Numbers do play a game, especially when you have a potential army of "immortals" as I like to call fanatics, who only fear surviving a losing battle.

The story of Stalin Grad, or Moscow during the second world war, where the soviets sent troops in and if any one of them didn't move forwards or retreated they were shot dead by their own!

Here it is not the "fear" but the brainwashed religious+ideological factor, hence making it even more incomprehensible to the Western world.

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