How to Use Affirmations to Create the Life You Want! #ManifestChallenge Day 7

in #manifestchallenge7 years ago (edited)

An affirmation is a declaration made with confidence that induces not only a picture, but also the experience of already having our desired goal.

It's been 7 days of mindfulness. A week of visualizing our goal. Congratulations guys! I am so proud of you!

Today we are going to add affirmations.

You use affirmations all day, every day. All your internal dialogue, all the things you tell yourself, are affirmations.

You are in a stream of affirmations whether you even know it.

You are creating and affirming your life experiences with each thought and word.

All of your beliefs are simply habitual thinking patterns learned in childhood.

We learned how to overcome limiting beliefs on Day 4 of the #ManifestChallenge and how to be mindful and replace them with empowering beliefs until it's our norm.

Affirmations work because by programming your mind into believing the stated concept. The mind doesn’t know the difference between fantasy and real life- that's why you cry during sad movies even though you are not truly in that situation.

The affirmation works if you make it present tense. Just like our visualizations.

For example: My goal at the end of the 30 day challenge is to have earned $3162.00, and that is my monthly goal. Even though I do not have it at the very moment, my affirmation is:

I earn $3162.00 per month, easily and effortlessly.

That is the affirmation I repeat in my mind during my visualizations and throughout my day. And the one I write down two dozen times on a sheet of paper each night before bed.

If you are trying to get in shape, you affirmation can be Step by step I am losing inches today and gaining fitness! of I am healthy and strong and totally in shape!

If you are trying to find your life path, you could say My life's purpose comes to me easily and effortlessly!

For that promotion, your affirmation might be *I make an awesome supervisor, and my employees follow me easily and respectfully*

Your affirmation must be positive and must be in present tense!

It won't work if you say "I will be fit at the end of the 30 day challenge!" That's not how affirmations work as that's not how the brain is designed.

And your affirmation must make sense and flow naturally for you. It cannot be forced. It must feel right. If you do not feel "comfortable" when you say it, rearrange the words or develop a whole new sentence until it feels right.

Then repeat it! All the time. You will program your subconscious brain to receive it :)

And remember to use an affirming closing phrase after every exercise: This or something better now manifests for me in totally harmonious and satisfying ways for the greatest good of all concerned.

Happy Manifesting my friends!

Please share yours in the comments!

In case you missed a day of the #ManifestChallenge:
Intro or The Beginning
Day 1 Visualize
Day 2 Just Write
Day 3 Create the Life You Want
Day 4 Eliminate Limiting Beliefs
Day 5 Spread the Happy
Day 6 Love

Images via Creative Commons

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I appreciate your support :)

With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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When I do EFT, we have affirmations to say. It is a way of transforming negative feelings into something that is ok. For example, feeling low energy: "Even though I feel low energy and discouraged, I truly deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even thought I feel I'm regressing, I truly deeply and completely love and accept myself." While tapping on the tapping points. This changes the thing that I don't like to something where, ti doesn't matter because I love and accept myself anyway. Then I can focus on changing that and tapping on the points saying key words, and imagining what I'd like to replace it with and sending that positive image to every cell of my body. It's the work I do in each session, for various thoughts, various issues or emotions, or situations. It's how I've been getting much better, slowly, and consistently.

I also did an exercise, regarding money, because I felt stuck financially. I wrote down on one side everything I felt or thought that was negative, like feeling undeserving, why don't I have a "real" job, etc. Then, in the other column, wrote the positive reverse of that, in a voice that I found comforting, I chose Rosie, my pink hippo plushie. So there were things like "you deserve to make as much money as you want, what others think is real doesn't make a slave job more real than any other, you are allowed to receive money for doing what you love, etc.

I also, tapping on the point, did the breathing out and releasing it exercise, releasing fears, releasing blockages, and things like that. It's energy work, it's affirmations, and it's been effective for me and sometimes just tapping on the points will help move the energy in a positive way, and you can say any affirmation during that too.

I admit, I keep forgetting these days to do it every day, but I have ny next session later on today, so it'll compensate ;)

Eft seems groundbreaking and spectacular! I only recently became aware of it, but from what I hear it sounds like it is changing lives, and much faster than other techniques...

It certainly is helping me a lot, especially on the emotional front. It is after all called Emotional Freedom Technique.

That is amazing. I actually talked with a neighbor about it earlier :)

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Hi @arbitrarykitten I see I have a lot to catch up with. Better get started, lol.

Hey! lol, there's a lot of information, but the tasks take only a few minutes a day :)

This post has received a 0.22 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

Nice post babe.
Love the formatting too, looking sharp! 😉

I learn from the best my dear Sir...

Back for Day 7

Hmm... Gonna get some use for that "findind my life's purpose" affirmation.

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