Steemit! Join Me in a Community Experiment!

in #manifesting7 years ago (edited)

Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain & The Secret tell us we can create our reality.

Can we? Can we really use the power of our thoughts to create our dream lives?


I would like to conduct a 30 day experiment. I will write a post about an exercise the experts say will help us get rid of what we don’t want in our lives, and more importantly, manifest the life we want! And I will then document my findings and results thus far.


You can join in by also saying how you completed the exercise, and detailing your results each day. And we will keep them all together using the tag #Manifesting

Who’s in it with me! Would you like to really try it? Put the advice the experts promise to a real Steemit community test and truly see if we can change our lives?

If you are my huckleberry, post your 30 day goal in the comments below! And hey, if it’s working we will absolutely get bigger goals and take this baby longer than 30 days!

My goal is in the comments. And may your minds dreams be ever in your favor <3


Lets do this!



Right now I have many little writing gigs. But none of them pay the bills- each month I have to juggle which bills to pay. My goal within 30 days is to have consistent, steady income that pays all the bills and allows for a little extra :)

Can I use the same goal?

Don't forget!! Day 1!

Absolutely Andrew!

snap my goal too - but will say internet marketing will provide the income to pay the bills and a little extra. so by 11 November I will have made at least £1500 and I have a plan!

Ah, good point- you must have a clear goal. Ok, I will amend mine- to pay my rent ant utilities is $2305 a month (I live in Seattle, it's expensive) and to feed my boys- three teenagers lol- I am going to say a consistent $3000 a month by November 11, 2017.


I look forward to this journey with you!

All man should have a goal. Life arent easy. Set up your goal, work toward it and make sure is been achieved. Above all know life has it plan but we all shall succeed

Okay be carefull now not to forget S.M.A.R.T

Let us see indeed!

OMG that sounds like work talk! 😉

Didn't mean to remind you of your job. That principle is a universal principle even when creating TVs for person that says they will never sell. Even when inventing a light bulb the SMART is an intellegent rule stick to the crazy. Can you tell me what I just said?

Ooh, good point!

Yes, thank you for that!

Ignore SMART goals. This isn't work. It's manifesting. Go for what you want. But you have to believe it, so don't get carried away or you will have built-in resistance if your goal is too big (for right now) and overwhelms you.

Yes, you have to feel it, smell it, taste it- really immerse yourself in it to change your reality.

<3 Thanks!

We create our perceived reality with our thoughts, fueled by our beliefs, amplified by our emotions.

very good point...keeping it real.

Only real is what works in reality ~ Thelifestyler

famous wise steemian

This is exactly my goal. I want to make at least thrice more than I make in 30 days. and I'm with you in this :)

Awesome! Great to have you in this journey!

Let's Rock This!

it is more than possible


Hi Sweet Kitty! It's something I've been doing with my husband and it really has made an impact. We like to pick a book and read together in the mornings and last year it was Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and the 5 Second Rule.That's part of the reason why I always have my alpacas in front of mind... along with some other very specific goals. This was a great post....

My lovely, sweet Karen! I've read. Think and grow rich as well :) What a lovely thing to do with your love! This is inspiring... Now... Wheres my love? Lol

What is your goal for this 30 day challenge? I challenge you to make a small goal! :)

Great idea Kitten.
Mine is to get back to interspersing the comedy and truth posts.
I dropped the ball recently on the comedy and focused too much on the truth/history posts, it's all too serious.
Also focusing on producing good quality research and formatting too. I think a post should look slick and well thought out.
So mine are thus......

  1. A good mix of subject matter.
  2. Quality formatting.
  3. Good research.

And don't focus on the payouts, any Steem earned is good, it'll be worth way more in the future so hold onto it if you can. Think of it as a saving account for a rainy day if possible. If you're unable to do that then please stash a little aside for when it does go much higher. You'll be glad you did.
Finally please have fun writing. Life should be fun.

I love everything about all of the above, Percy :)

My goal for the next 30 will be to train hard to become a better footballer and to be consistent with my posts on steemit to generate some money out of it. #Manifesting

Awesome goals! Just by participating in this challenge you will be helping goal # 2 :D

What position do you play?

Right out.
I don't have speed though and that's what I have to work on.


I look forward to hearing about your results!

I would love to share them with you ☺️

Yes, please! Tomorrow when I post the first exercise please share a link to your post about it in comments! Or, if you don't want to write a whole post, just share in the comments :)

my goal for the next 30days is to expand my circle of influence in my posting. I dont just want to post for the auto-votes, i want people to actual read my maniacal rantings.

Oh yeah! I'll read you cause you sound like tonnes if fun to read from

thanks mate!!! see day 1 and I've expanded my circle :)

Yes! Perfection :)

Okay So I see your daughter's condition. I am worried for her. You make blacksmitheon stuff. PM me on discord @Ghost Push#2095

Copy. Good one.

Need to be sure you are expanding and reaching out toward the corner of the park- you know, over by the benches where the maniacal kids ditch school to go rant and rave...


I want to make my daily taxi fare and bus fare plus lunch be paid for by steemit.

Yes if you must know I have a plan in execution and won't fail without not remaining unsuccessful like most ppl

The plan is a must, as is following thru with the plan :)


Challenge accepted! My 30 day goal is to getting closer of figuring out what I want out of life. One could say my goal is to have a goal, haha.

Your goal is to have a life goal.

That is a very good goal- and that will be super cool to read about every day! !! Please remember to post the link to each days post you make about it in that days Manifest Challenge post! Of, if you can't do that , at least please post your results in the comments!

I can't wait!

I've been a couch potato this summer, and would like to be trimmer in 30 days time. I think it's time for a shot at this, I can feel my love handles. Go!

Sweet! Great goal! Welcome to the 30 Day #manifest challenge @abh12345 :D

I can blog u a few tips. I made three posts this week about "Back Exercises to Remove Excess Fat"!

Much like how law of attraction works, but I am not too optimistic about that, haha.

Can't wait to read about what you will be doing in the coming 30 days though, hustle hustle hustle !

Yes, exactly that! The Law of Attraction!

Are you joining in? C'mon!

If I manage to read your exercise post and follow suit, then sure. Why not right ? Always be positive for change !

Always be positive for change ! ~ That's what I like to hear!

Yay! I'm excited :)

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