Create the Life You Want! Join Steemits #ManifestChallenge! Day 3

in #manifestchallenge7 years ago (edited)

Update on my results for the Steemit Community #ManifestChallenge and today’s gift! If you are just joining, welcome! We are excited to have you!

I say gift instead of task because when you are doing something for yourself to get something you want it is truly a gift, no?

My goal is to consistently earn $3162.00 per month from my writing.

Day 1- I won $100 and crowned the Steemit Queen from @Papa-Peppers How To challenge. I had visualized winning it, and man, when I found out, I was on such a high I couldn’t sleep for hours! THAT is the feeling you need to conjure when visualizing your goal!

Day 2- I recently accepted a position to write for a couple magazines. One of them valued my writing so much they gave me a raise! And I was paid for the other this day :)

Quick recap of the exercises:

Day 1 Each day we will take five minutes and clearly visualize our goal as if we already have it now. Really feel the satisfaction, smell it, taste it :)

Day 2 While imagining you are living with it already in the present, hand write your goal about twenty times down a sheet of paper-

I earn $3162 per month, easily and effortlessly!

I earn $3162 per month, easily and effortlessly!

I earn $3162 per month, easily…

To catch up and read the exercises in depth, here's quick links to the Intro to #manifestchallenge, Day 1 and Day 2

Day 3

I was just offered a part time editorial position by a group that works with Steemit! I didn’t apply, I was sought after! How cool is that! The pay is very decent, and will bring me closer to my 30 day goal!

When you begin a challenge such as this, you are setting yourself up for receiving it, and also mindful for opportunities that arise that will bring you closer to your goal. As Albert Einstein said- A ball in motion stays in motion… Well friends, by starting this 30 day challenge we rolled the ball in the direction we want and with our daily gifts to ourselves in the form of tasks we keep the balls trajectory heading in the desired way :)

We are going to take our twice daily visualizations in a new direction. When we are doing a creative visualization exercises, we’re imagining doing or having what we want to manifest as if it’s happening right now.

Continue to do this, but afterwards try doing your visualizations from a third person perspective, and seeing yourself from the outside.

Studies have shown that sports stars often improve their skills most effectively by seeing themselves in their visualizations.

Try alternating to this perspective and see which one gets the best results. Many people find the third person perspective works best.

You can also do both! First person in the morning and third in the evening, or one right after the other!

Remember, thoughts create energy.

And energy is the form of all life.

Keep your thoughts focused positively on your desired outcome and you cannot help but receive the positive and desired outcome :)

Let me know your results in the comments!

Go forth and Manifest the Weekend of your dreams my loves!

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Images via Giphy and Creative Commons

I appreciate your support :)

With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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In case you missed these stellar posts by @ArbitraryKitten :)


animated-arrow-image-0314 Open a New Tab, Make Extra Money While Steeming!
Friday the 13th Intruder- a True Story
7 Health Benefits of Honey
Use Raw Honey to Cure Your Allergies
Winner of the Name My Radio Show Contest!
90% of Our Problems are Caused by This
My Cat Biting Her Nails!
No More Excuses! Face Your Monster
How to Tell if a Snake is Poisonous
I am so mad

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Sounds like my wish for your fortunes to change for the better are coming to fruition already.
Great job babe 😉

Thank you for your positive energy and wishes! They are working! Let's keep them going <3

Thank you kindly, however... I am a madame or a miss... ;) But I appreciate it!

Mmmmm. I needed this. Guess that's why the universe sent it to me.

Just feeling the hit a bit today. I've been into loa for, shit, maybe 14 years? I've manifested a lot, and I'm just hitting a stretch of contrast that's coinciding with depression, been dragging on too long. I really need to refocus. So. I'm committing to $1500 just from me by the end of the 30 days. I think financial independence will be grand.

Yes, let's get you out of that stretch :)

Wonderful to have you <3

Thank you. I can feel the support through the blockchain!

Yes! Motion is super fabulous!

I'm telling you, that visualization and saying something out loud to yourself is some powerful stuff. Connor McGregor is also a strong believer of that type of thing I had recently heard and it's something I've believed in for a long time. That is quote the nice number and I wish you nothing but success with your goal. I don't know what type of growth that requires from where you're currently at, but I know I have faith and you do too. Good luck, as I said in an earlier post, you are on my followed list or as I like to think of it, a list of people that I enjoy communicating with and wish to watch grow.

The number is what I need to pay rent and bills and the mad cost of feeding three athletic teen boys, lol, and although it's over double what I make now, I know I can do it!

Thank you , I enjoy your virtual company as well <3 You are one of those I know will succeed on Steemit- and I am enjoying the journey with you :)

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Lovely input @arbitrarykitten. I am a big believer of seeing it in my mind before achieving it physically. Thoughts become things indeed.

Hey! How are you?

Did you read my last two days #ManifestChallenge? I spoke of two profound instances of it happening in my life, and Day 1 a very big instance of it that even naysayers can't deny!

Are you joining the challenge?! Pick a goal you would like in 30 days :)

I will most definitely join the contest. Challenges are necessary for growth to happen and i think this contest can do something incredible in the next 30 days.

Yay! I am excited! I believe something incredible WILL happen.

Yes, this will help keep you accountable too ;)

Yes, this will help keep you accountable too ;)

That is so true.

I'm just playing catch up on this. Sounds like you're doing awesome. I love it!

Choo!!! Yes! Please join in! And you can really start anywhere, we're happy to have you <3

Hey @arbitarykitten,
congrats on your new position. About what will you write there?
My third day went good. I achieved my goal to even practise on a weekend day. I started the day with a guided "happiness meditation" and the day turned out to be much better than expected!

Hey Coach!

I write some pretty heavy interpersonal relationship introspection's and advice for one, and I write survival stuff for another...

AND... I just accepted an editorial position with a group here on Steemit! I will be helping edit posts for people who have great things to say, just need a little help in the editing aspect :)

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