You only care about money!

in #life7 years ago


Chinese new year is around the corner ( ok maybe not, still got one month ), a lot of things are starting to get restless.

One day, one of my colleagues wrote in the group: "Relatives and friends thought I was earning hundreds of thousand a month, but they never know that I need donation from friends to have a better meal."

The message awakened the person in the chat group; the group instantly became lively.

I believe a lot of people have this feeling, we work hard every day, desperately making money, leave the house early, squeeze into the crowded bus and subway, and fast food and instant noodles for life.

In the eyes of outsiders, they only see the good, and the bad and pressure, can only suffer by ourselves.
However, this is the most basic of our lives now.

What they care about, is always how much money you earn every month, what they ignore, is how you live your life.

What they care about is just only the number!


I don’t know when does it start, the amount of money you earned has become the only way to measure the success of people in this materialistic society.

The amount and thickness of money determine the height and breadth of our success in their eyes. And this single criterion is slowly and imperceptibly into people’s concept.

No one seems to care whether you are eating grass or not; they only care about the milk that squeezes out from you.
The funny thing is, they don't even know if you're a cow!

Some days ago, I went to my brother’s house for dinner; it so happened that my aunt was also there.
After the dinner, I did not think that my aunt did not talk about the gossip, but she asked about my salary.

"Have you got your salary for last month? How much did you get?" my aunt asked.
"Well, yes, not that much. " I answered.

The atmosphere suddenly becomes blunt and awkward; my aunt stopped asking and I also no longer answering.

She continued to hold her cup, and I had to keep looking at my phone.

I can understand her feeling at the moment, and also understand why she was asking, but this question is just like the tea that has been washed many times, the taste is becoming lighter, and the fragrance has already long gone.

Once, I was the pride of the whole family, because compared with my brother, I am the smart one (lol shameless statement). Intellectuals, scholars, highly educated people, such labels are the only words they can see on me in their eyes.


In their eyes, I should be the most promising person. Hence, I must also be the most successful one.

And the only standard of this judgment is how much money you earn; whether you have reached their expectations, if you achieved it, then it’s mean you are successful.

They will think, study or not is really no difference and unimportant anyway. If you are not earning more than them, what’s the point of wasting time, energy and money on the study?

When writing this, I suddenly think of my classmate and his mother.

He was my classmate from high school. When I think about it, we have known each other for ten years.
Unfortunately, he did not graduate from high school and started walking into the society.

After years of sharpening and hardship, relying on his diligence and mind, he finally has his own career, changes cars every year, earned around a million annually.

At first glance, the gap between him and me is huge.

Every time, when I go to his house, his mother will always ask me how much I earned every month.

At first, I will still answer politely, but after a few more times, I pretend not to hear her and act like a fool.

I don't think she's spiteful, but I refuse to answer the repeated question.

Because I don't want you to judge me by the amount of money I earned, and I'm not willing to compare with your son.

Because I know, how hard it is for him to have the achievement today, he today is all because of his efforts.


Our choice and life trajectory are different, so there will be different results, I never envy or hate him, just admire and blessing, because this is what he deserved.

I know he's living a good life, but I'm fine too.

He often tells me that the one thing he regrets is that he did not go to college.

He was fortunate to meet some of us who able to go to college.

He said, “Don't look at me now earning million annually, go back hometown driving a luxury car, looking dignified and honored..”

In fact, he knows how hard it is to make money and how difficult his life was.

He said when he was driving on the road now, seeing people riding a tricycle, riding in a windy and rainy day, he has some special feeling as if looking back to his life.

I believe what he said is true because the eyes and the tone of speech can not deceive people.

A famous writer once said: "A successful flower, people only surprised her current bright! However, her bud was soaked in the struggle of tears, sprinkled with the sacrifice of blood rain. ”

He is the successful flower, no doubt also experienced all these, and finally has the perfect bloom.


Paul Sheffield said:
"The mainstream is a very powerful trend that people cannot think of."

This sentence is appropriate, but also made a reasonable explanation for the defect of human nature.

The time is changing, many people suddenly lost their own thought, and will blindly follow the trend, what they believe is only on the surface they see.

And this, using money as standard is gradually becoming the mainstream, people become more and more concerned about how much you earn, and forget whether you are happy or not, not even care whether you are living the life you want.

This kind of bystander is because they immersed in their thought and cannot escape from other people's mouth, blindly believed their judgment is right.

It cannot be denied that money is very important and, to some extent, it shows the size of the human capacity.

However, everyone is not the same; there are things that are more important than money, isn’t it?

One day, when you no longer ask me how much money I earned, but asked me how is my life, am I happy or not, at that time, I really want to thank you.

After all, life belongs to ourselves and others have nothing to do with our life, self-knowledge is the wise.

I hope that in the future, when we talk about life, we don’t need to ask about, what is your dream, how much is your salary, and we can really understand life, living a good life.


Don't choose to run away because of fear
I hope you can face it bravely...
Please be kind to every of your New Year's resolutions
You are just escaping from life...
You achieved your goal, why are you still anxious and confused?
A belated letter


1. Travel Diary #1: An exciting trip to Bangkok
2. Om nom nom #1: Surprise food from 7-Eleven
3. Travel Diary #2: A tour to Wat Pho, Temple of Reclining Buddha
4. Om nom nom #2: Mango Addiction at Make Me Mango
5. Om nom nom #3: Yum Saap the Thai Restaurant
6. Travel Diary #3: Foo Lin Kong temple(福临宫) in Pangkor island
7.Travel Diary #4: Biggest Tua Pek Kong temple in Sitiawan(品仙祠大伯公和观音堂)


Why does the standard have to be money? It shouldn't be. But maybe it is because we are intrinsically materialistic and want more resources for ourselves and our family, so perhaps money is a symbol for security? It's hard to completely rewire this way of thinking. It's so psychologically ingrained.

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