Please be kind to every of your New Year's resolutions

in #life7 years ago


During the new year Eve, my Facebook page was full of such things: "Goodbye 2017, 2018 here I come; 2018, don’t give up; 2018, it's time to success.

And I'm no exception, I got up early in the morning, started to implement the plans to achieve goals that were set on New year Eve. At this moment, a new day is like a new gift in hand, cautious, afraid it will break, so that not to leave a regret on the first day of a new year. However, no one knows that many people are always a brief period of enthusiasm.

Amy is around 30 years old, unmarried, a little chubby; is a "dreamer", every new year will set new goals. A few years ago, she started to write the diary. At the end of the year, she will buy a lot of books and starts "design" her new year plan. Each plan has a complete classification; there is a financial plan, plan about how much money should save in that year; there is also a learning plan, plan about how many books to read in the year; there is also travel plans, how many places to visit in the new year, etc...

And in order to overcome the inertia, she put her plan in our chat group, ask us to supervise her, and from the chat, she has faith to achieve all of them.

When I take a look, the project she has planned has been pasted up several pages, roughly: "Salary, part-time job, and other income, are expected to deposit at least 100,000 at the end the year; Read a book a week, 52 books a year; Go to the gym 3 times a week, lose 8kg within three months…”


However, we know that she has always been a quitter, most of the plans were given up after six months.
Indeed, every time at the beginning of the new year, I always see her being extremely excited, spirited to accomplish her list of goals every new year. However, in less than two months, I went to her house again, unexpectedly found that the books she bought in the last year, only a few of them were touched, the others were still covered with plastic film, quietly lying on the shelves. Looking at her, lying on the sofa, play mobile phone leisurely.

And for weight loss, she said that she would go to gym three times a week, but she never been there once.
I jokingly said: "You look so leisure after work every day, can your new year's resolution be achieved?”

She said: "After work, I'm too exhausted, I will do it on the weekend, still got plenty of time.”

By the end of the week, she will put out a variety of reasons to delay her resolution. By the end of the year, her plan was, of course, as we expected, not even finish one-third. Inertia and a brief period of enthusiasm make her only read less than ten books, step like lead heavy, her weight increase again.

I think, in life, I do not know how many people are like my friend, is a "dreamer," for the New Year's resolution, lazy make her has a brief period of enthusiasm, today's things delayed to tomorrow, tomorrow's things delayed to the day after tomorrow.

Compared to Amy, Betty is a very impressive person. At the end of 2017, she shared her year-end summary, we saw that she lives in an enriching year, basically achieve all the resolution she set at the beginning of the year: read 100 books, write two novels, change from small house to a bigger ...

We asked her the reason for success, she just lightly said: Persistent.

It is true that persistent to the plan is very important.


A famous Chinese mathematician, Hua Luogeng, who was poor, without a diploma, without a mentor, was in a backwater, but he succeeded.

What was he leaning on? It is the spirit of perseverance! In fact, his formal education only consisted of six years of primary school and three years of middle school. For that reason, Xiong Qinglai, after reading one of Hua's early papers, was amazed by Hua's mathematical talent, and Xiong invited him to study mathematics at Tsinghua University.

Edison had spent a whole decade to develop the light bulb, he was constantly suffering from the failure and not give up. After 50,000 or so tests, he finally achieved the invention of the light bulb.

There are so many such examples. You may say: "They are great men, how can we ordinary people compare with them?"

In fact, a great man also starts from an ordinary man. The greatness of great men is because they don’t have a brief period of enthusiasm and inert to pursue their dreams and plans, they are better than us because they persist.

I like the words that Jack Ma said: "Today is cruel, tomorrow is also cruel, the day after tomorrow is beautiful, but many people died in the tomorrow night."

Admittedly, our life is very short, less than 30,000 days, life doesn’t have many poems, and far away, there are more sadness and pressure of the weight to move forward. More persistence, less inertia.

In the world, the most difficult between people is empathy, others cannot really help you complete your dream, and will not empathy you after your failure because of inertia.

So, every day for the rest of your life, eliminate inertia, abandon brief period of enthusiasm, by the beginning of the new year, be good to your every "New Year's resolution," so that they can be achieved before the year-end.


You are just escaping from life...
You achieved your goal, why are you still anxious and confused?
A belated letter
Every step counts
Everybody is trying to live in their own way
Hardworking people’s luck will not be too bad


1. Travel Diary #1: An exciting trip to Bangkok
2. Om nom nom #1: Surprise food from 7-Eleven
3. Travel Diary #2: A tour to Wat Pho, Temple of Reclining Buddha
4. Om nom nom #2: Mango Addiction at Make Me Mango
5. Om nom nom #3: Yum Saap the Thai Restaurant
6. Travel Diary #3: Foo Lin Kong temple(福临宫) in Pangkor island
7.Travel Diary #4: Biggest Tua Pek Kong temple in Sitiawan(品仙祠大伯公和观音堂)


One of my favourite quote is : Persistent is the key to success! Its easier said than done. In fact, I feel like giving up on steem at times, haha, but eventually i changed my mindset, even though just a lil bit of progress each day, it do make an impact in long term! Its motivating!

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